^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DONE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
improve efficiency more, don't look through the entire cache constantly!
- the within draw_cache the dirty cells should just add themselves to a list
- the time-effected should add themselves to a seperate list
- keep a "all-dirty" bool which can be turned on when the screen is cleared
- this will enfore an entire 2d-cache loopthrough
- rather than looping through the entire 2d-cache we could just look at
- FIRST the time-effected list (do this first as it will fix anything on the duplicate dirty list)
- SECOND the dirty list
wezterm-term demo
BUG for inline TUI moving the mouse outside of the tui disables its from being able to click anymore - this has been the case FOR A WHILE, I suspect that it is getting caught in some kind of infinite loop
Theme Manager - it would be awesome to be able to just get the colors for each element from a provided theme manager
- could replicate a new trait similar to Into<Color/Style> but where the element KIND is actually fed in. regular colors could be provided but a single theme could just be passed around manually.
- Alternatively maybe the theme could just be added into the Context (in
Rc<RefCell<>> like the hat). Furthermore the color could simply be taken
from the theme in the default 'new' functions, then special colors could
be applied using with decorators.
- note even though the theme is in a context, an element could replace the theme in a new context if there was going to be a different sub-theme in a particular grouping of sub-elements
- Theme should use a map of of strings for the names of theme, so that its fully extensible and future proof.
- Note we could also make a new Color kind which is "Color from theme for "button"" for example. This way the Color could be modifed at the theme level (day/night switch for example) and the colors would automatically refresh everywhere
EFFICIENCY flamegraph -o flame.svg --image-width=4000 --root -- ./target/debug/examples/colors teeff try using flamelens! : cargo flamegraph --post-process 'flamelens --echo' [other cargo flamegraph arguments]
Improving speed for Terminal Element, uses way to much CPU right now
- The terminal can't really be optimized in quite the same way as the element; although it would be possible to take a diff on the terminal and then only feed back the changed terminal-chs, we would need the ability to quickly replace a limited subset of chs - two options: DO THIS -> (1) setup a higher level grid over the Terminal Element and update piecemeal on this grid using the standard Update DrawAction (2) create a new kind of update like Extend but which actually replaces individual positions if they exist... this would require storing the DrawChPos in either a hashmap, or iterating through it all the time, either option seems not super ideal.
menu bar is constantly drawing a lot of CPU - probably because it's updating constantly whether or not it needs too!
panes within stack are consuming pretty amount CPU even when inactive similar to window
An open window which is doing nothing consistently consumes a pretty amounts of CPU (see the window example, just open a basic debug window and watch the cpu).. not that bad but maybe could be better
refactor organizer clear_elements and remove_element to take in a context and send an exit event down. From the showcase: // we need to send an exit command down to close the terminals... // TODO this should be handled automatically within clear_elements // just requires refactoring the context in. let _ = main_pane.receive_event_inner(ctx, Event::Exit); bsod.add_element(Box::new(text.clone())); main_pane.clear_elements();
MousePossibility events:
- adjust mouse event logic to mirror that of the keyboard, each element can define what kind of mouse logic it is able to receive.
- MAYBE NOT - Check if this already works. this way priority can be defined between different types of mouse events, noteably within a scrollable pane, the scroll event could be routed to the scrollpane if it is not over a textbox element but routed to the textbox element if the the event takes place over the element AND the priority of the element is greater than the priority of the scrollpane
- This will be useful for pixel-mode mouse logic. Most elements likely do not want pixel mode events
REMOVE/OR FIX USE OF extra locations (only used in menu currently) menu items-extra-locations are not routed properly for higher level external panes
- this is because the parentpane element does not register extra-locations
so when the menu uses extra locations beyond the scope of its parent
pane, the menus parent pane is never routed to.
- complex to allow for routing, because really all of these extra locations should also have an element-id associated with them, so that if there are multiple duplicate extra-locations from sub-elements for a parent pane, if one of the children wants to deregister, then it should not effect the other child also using that extra-location.
- once fixed could change in the showcase example where the extra locations are
registered in the highest level element and not the header element
- // NOTE we are adding this to el instead of in the header_pane as there the extra-locations // are not currently propogated upward. (so this becomes a problem is the menu bar extends // beyond the header_pane). In the future this should be fixed. //el.pane.add_element(Box::new(mb));
- Simple solution: Make the menu-item a first class element which gets registered with the parent pane, then have that menu item, check with its host menu-bar before drawing
- this is because the parentpane element does not register extra-locations
so when the menu uses extra locations beyond the scope of its parent
pane, the menus parent pane is never routed to.
When the keyboard is matching an event combo provided to it, it should be recording a partial match (and a suggested maximum wait time to recheck for priority to this combo whether to wait the time before checking for other matches or to ignore the wait and to proceed attempting to match the character in other ways.
Color gradient/pattern trait / generalization
Time Base Events. add a "future event" to a part of the EventResponse. In the future event there is a timestamp which says when this event should be activated. This can be triggered in the render loop and the event will then routed through the standard event loop as normal. This can be used to replicate a heartbeat for a element, or to simulate a visual effect such as a button click (useful for button when Enter key is hit).
integrate in is_dirty logic into the Pane to the drawing. if is_dirty is true the pane will call 'update_dirty_content', otherwise it will just return whatever is in the pane's content during drawing.
- note this will be backwards compatible, as this doesn't actually need to change the element interface, as all this logic can happen at the pane level, the default pane drawing functionality will just use an is_dirty check.
- Users of the pane would then register a fn variable on the pane for performing the content updates for when the pane is_dirty
support taffy as a layout structure.
- Taffy low-level API (0.6.0 fixes ownership issues I was facing)
- I THINK it only makes sense to only use taffy optionally within an
element and keep using the Dynamic-Location. There is a lot of weird
stuff that enforcing taffy globally makes us do.
- [DONE] If we are to integrate in to a new Location type which can be either DynLocationSet or TafLocation then we would need to somehow either remove the Cache on Clone or have the Cache be in a Rc<RefCel<>> (wierd)
- [DONE] first would need to refactor ZIndex to work in opposite order of current workings
- Integrate TafLocation as an Option on Pane? ParentPane?
- Have the TafLocation Simply change the DynLocation (fixed) every time it changes or there is a resize.
- will need to deal with the Taffy NodeId type now... could probably
just tack on an u64 absolute type to the ElementId type
- either that or have to store a vec of all the elementIds
- OR could just sort all the ElementIds per Organizer and call that the vec... not the most efficient but easy enough to tack ontop without adding more crap to the organizer
- model after the partial owned model https://github.com/DioxusLabs/taffy/blob/main/examples/custom_tree_owned_partial.rs
- WONT DO use the taffy high level API
- taffy recompute logic to take place in the drawing function
- track the last size, only recompute the taffy tree on size changes
OR taffy style change event (create a new EventResponse Type)
- this response type would effect a "dirty" flag which would exist at the tui level.
- each element would have a taffy type which is taffy::Style and taffy::Layout. The layout would get recomputed and set after each taffy tree computation.
- each element organizer would need to have a helper function for helping to compute the taffy tree such that it could be called into to add leaf nodes ect.
- WONT DO would need to mimic some form of the "plus" function for the Taffy Style.
- IMPOSSIBLE needs things to just be wrapped in further containers
- this becomes annoying for things like grouped widgets (textbox with
scrollbar... OR anything with labels). which will then need a wrapped
into a parent pane and have the events propogated downward.
- the grouping of widgets would then need to fulfill the Widget interface and act like one.
- WONT DO How would this even work for something like a menu?
- menu bar has a position (arbitrary).
- next menu expansion would need to have a position of that original
arbitrary position + some offset
- could make the whole menu a parent pane, BUT then it would introduce a bunch of empty transparent space which would be awkward to then propogate the events downward from.
- Maybe could work if there was a "flatten" the tree for locations
- each sub-item would be a leaf of the menu-bar however a final location would be flattened down such that it was not a sub-item of the menu-bar but of the same parent the menu-bar has
- WONT DO use the taffy high level API
allow for the time gradient to execute once instead of on repeat.
character content "gradients" - aka the actual characters changes with time
Conditional ChPlus's
- use cases: wire connectors, border combiners
- draw based on what's underneith
- could alternatively have a draw based on whats beside this character too... may be slighly computationally burdensome...
- the alternative for the border combiner.
- allow the border combiner to
- would be nice to use for both wire connectors, as well as borders within borders (such as the shiftors within a stack
Hyperlink element which can open in a browser when clicked
hover comments
- hover comment event which is triggered after a certain amount of time
- TUI option to disable hover comments
- should just be a special floaty window (with "high z" use BrintToFront)
- destroyed on the first external event that it receives
- All this logic should exist at the Pane level
- will have to refactor code such that everything now DOES call the pane receive event function.
webbrowser backend with WASM
- https://github.com/segeljakt/xterm-js-rs
- https://github.com/aschey/ratatui-xterm-js?tab=readme-ov-file
- https://github.com/aschey/rooibos/blob/main/crates/rooibos-xterm-js/src/backend.rs Alternatives:
- https://github.com/rrbutani/xterm-js-sys
- BAD https://github.com/fubarnetes/webterm
- other: https://git.meli-email.org/meli/wasm-demo
OR use egui??? https://github.com/gold-silver-copper/egui_ratatui
put the showcase on a github page!
add functionality for terminal-title renaming through the esc sequence:
- echo -ne "\e]0;Your New Tab Title\a"
Android/Iphone backend with https://capacitorjs.com/solution/react
- once xterm.js backend is a thing
showcase bug left and right keys dont work good on the distance slider of the colors example if the size of the screen is large, this is because the changes made by incrementing the slider by "1 tick" doesn't account for enough of an integer change in the numbers text box, thus the slider gets pushed back to its original output.
- solution: have a "minimum increment" option for the slider (in this example it would be min 1/20th) if the position movement is less than this minimum then bump it to the minimum.
in kitty, when expanding a stack with an image in it past the righthand side the image "loops" to the next line and leaves "skip" artifacts on the next row
neovim editor, doesn't save if you do :wq (does if you do :w)
scrollbar bugfix. when in the textbox and deleting the final character the v-scrollbar will often jump around back and forth between the middle and the end
resizing a scrollable pane should modify the offset of that pane to account for the extra space (instead of automatically extending out of range)
Change the scrollable pane element (yeehaw/src/elements/panes/pane_scrollable.rs) so that it modifies its offset when ever it's resized. Resizing a scrollable pane should modify the starting offsets of that pane to account for the extra space instead of automatically extending the pane out of range.
- improper handling of "delete" (control-delete) in textbox interpreted as control-h
within the textbox element (file is "yeehaw/src/elements/widgets/textbox.rs") there is improper handling of the "delete" key (control-delete on mac) the textbox interprets it as control-h. Fix this so it will actually perform a delete and not type 'h'. All changes should only be made within the "textbox.rs"
dropdownlist hook for "before open"
- this could refresh items in the list the moment before it was opened
clicking on a button shadow should not click the button
menu item accessibility keys: The ability to jump to an item based on the items first letter? I wouldn't mind having that capability, also maybe the ability to manually set a hotkey for an item (in case of duplicate first letters for instance).
- bold the letter which is the hotkey
- if the letter isn't available panic on the menu
menu item shortcut key labelling On this subject, I'll probably also put in the ability to have shortcut keys labelled in a greyed out fashion on the righthand side of a menu item
menu item with a search bar (like mac help).
dropdownlist option to deselect on enter (useful for usage in non-selection parent pane)
border pane text locations (either right, centre, left eg) should all be possible at the same time not ONLY one of those three options
File navigator updates
- ability to hide dotfiles ("ex. .git") navigator (toggle this functionality with Shift-i)
- scroll when the expansion exceeds element size (this logic is already in standard pane just needs to be hooked up)
- save sub-folder expansion when a parent folder closes and then reopens.
this match) whereby the caller can then make a choice given the associated
- the folder keeps records of its navItems once they've been populated.
- would need to "refresh" this list with each open could cause problems.
- the folder keeps records of its navItems once they've been populated.
- fix the up-dir (..) button
- mouse functionality
showcase window generator bugs
- weirdness with underline color and alpha, sometimes makes it faded, sometimes not.
label underline colors dont seem to work at all
STACKING of minimized windows in parent pane MAYBE do only after taffy is integrated... could help for these guys
- minimized guys should stack in the parent pane (ex. to the right)
- this should be easy for adding new panes on top
- the difficulty comes if you maximize any early minimized window. The
righthand minimized windows would need to be shifted to the right.
orientation: Enum (left or right)
els: Vec<(ElementID, pos)>
- with all this information, each time a window maximized or minimized itself it should be able to reorient the locations of the other panes if need be. reorient minimized window in the parent when there is a resize.
- for instance if the minimized windows used the entire bottom of the parent pane, then those elements should be shuffled to the higher row if the parent pane is resized smaller.
- this will be technically a bit complex maybe, I imagine we
need a special hook for moving around minimized panes. Alternatively
we could just hard code in special logic if the MINIMIZED_ELEMENTS key
exists in the store.
- maybe we could allow other elements to register hooks on event kinds.
- shouldn't be that complex. Each window could just ensure that the parent pane has this hook registered for resized on each minimization.
- maybe we could allow other elements to register hooks on event kinds.
- minimized guys should stack in the parent pane (ex. to the right)
Within the menu bar element (menu.rs), currently the only way choose a menu item is with the mouse. Please extend the functionality such that once the menu bar is open the arrow keys can be used to change the menu item selection. For sub menu items, the user should need to use the right arrow to move to the sub menu. Once the user has choosed a menu item using the enter key should act similarly to having clicked that menu item.
when drag resizing stack panes, sometimes panes which are further in the stack from drag location change by 1... should attempt to correct for this.
ArbSelector users should be able to feed in which keys are used for moving forward or backwards instead of enforcing left and right
gradient moving along the irregular line
- could be used to simulate a gradient border (imagine the gradient follows this line: ┌──────────┐ │ │ imagine it just does a │ │ shimmer once... │ │ └──────────┘
The textbox linenumbers tb should not be a tb and just a unique simple new element which just extends the pane... causes weird bugs during refactors sometimes
scrollbar style on pane option... use a half(widthwise) block character instead of the thick border line... looks nice
- maybe dont use half characters for this one only full characters
- also maybe don't use arrows for this style
- could provide the "inner" or "outer" option
┌─────────────────────┐ │ │ │ ▌ │ ▌ │ │ └────▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀─────┘
- Window animation for minimizing and unminimizing (and maximizing)
accordion stack
- Actually this is just a minor extension of a vertical stack.
- need to make the Collapser Property for a whole border side and have it work with the corner collapser.
- could have a static exterior dimension in which case one stack element would always have to be open
- Optionally could allow for growing and shrinking its total size in which case it
could store its size if all the elements where minimized
- multiple stacks could be open in this situation
- Each header should remain when the element is open
- optional vertical accordian stack
Collapse Element Wrapper... -> same as accordion stack?
- This is just border with a special corner functionality.
- should be able to collapse to a single line (vert or horiz) with custom text.
- when the element it open the collapse triangle button could just be a single button or an entire line
- when an entire line is used it should be able to be draggable to effect the size of the element
vertical tabs (like brave)
container element: grid selector
- like a stack except with x and y, utilizing the stacks as sub elements
- if the middle line was to shift on a 2x2 grid it should shift for both the left and right sides aka they are locked.
- like a stack except with x and y, utilizing the stacks as sub elements
numbers textbox + dial slider is a nice pattern which should be grouped together.
Scrollable log screen like kwaak uses.
right hand tabs like kwaak
- for visualizing routing of information between elements
- could be directional or non-directional (aka use an arrow or not)
- it would be cool if it could be used with a border pane WITHOUT
actually needing to do anything special in the border pane
- this may need new drawing logic to allow it perform conditional logic
of the DrawCh based on the cell underneath of it
- kind of like how transparency takes the cell underneath maybe the ChPlus could also have custom applications based on whats under
- this may need new drawing logic to allow it perform conditional logic
of the DrawCh based on the cell underneath of it
progress bar ██████████████ end ██████████████████ end ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ oooo nice
- optionally with an embedded word
- use a gradient color!
- imagine that the progressbar was just a gradient changing around a box border
- https://www.emojiblast.dev/demos/basic
- https://github.com/JoshuaKGoldberg/emoji-blast
- needs time based events
- could be triggered by a button for instance
- single cell point of origin
- explode out at first then fall down
- reuse many of the options from the html version
Click Locker
- used for locking border and locking button.
- for important actions which you don't want to accidentally perform.
┏┓ ┏┓ ┏┓ ┏┓
▀▀ ▀▀ ██ ██ 🔓 🔐 - could use the text "LK" and "UL" inside the two text characters
- green for locked, red of unlocked
- have to click a lock icon a certain number of times within a certain amount of time (10 clicks within 3 seconds to unlock)
A locking button
- the lock just is on the righthand side of the button... clicking the lock will never click the button (I like that!) and you just have to click it a certain number of times to unlock ▒▒▒▒▒▖┏┓ ▝▀▀▀▀▘▓▓
- could use an ".as_locked_button" decorator
A locking border - everything inside the border container is locked until an unlocking ceremony is performed. The color/character of the border could be used to indicate if locked.
- lock icon could be in one of the corners
┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─────┏┓┐ ┌──────┏┓ ┌┏┓─────┐ ┏┓──────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ██ │ ██ ██ │ ██ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │┏┓ │ ┏┓ │ │ ┏┓ │ ┏┓│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ██──────┘ ██──────┘ └──────██ └──────██ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘
- lock icon could be in one of the corners
Loading spinners
- maybe the easiest thing would be to allow for a character changes based on
time (like a time gradient except for the character actually displayed).
- could have position character changes too although maybe not as useful?
- SO many of the extended geometric shapes: https://symbl.cc/en/unicode/blocks/geometric-shapes-extended/
- 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
- braile movers
- block movers of a few varieties
- these guy movers▁▂▃▄▅▆▇
- https://symbl.cc/en/unicode/blocks/block-elements/
- something with the sand timers
- ◐◓◑◒ △▷▽◁ ◢◥◤◣ ◥◢◣◤
- could do larger multi-ch spinners too like a fancy sand timer with braille sand... maybe this is something else
- maybe the easiest thing would be to allow for a character changes based on
time (like a time gradient except for the character actually displayed).
labelled element slider bars / track bars
- Very similar to the radio bar.. except it expands
- label locations (before or after bar)
- label chs on slider: start, middle, end
- inbetween label ch
- label positions
- selector
- position (opposite-label-locations or ON)
- selector CH ┳ ┳ 1 ┃ ┃ ╋ ╋ 2 ┃ ┃ ▶╋ ╋ 3 ┃ ▶┃ ╋ ╋ 4 ┃ ┃ ╋ ╋ 5 ▼ ┃ ┃ ┣━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━╋━━┫ ╋ ╋ 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 ┃ ┃ 0 1 2 ┻ ┻ 7
bat preview window integration.
double sided slider bar
- start ch
- end ch
- inbetween ch
- exterior ch
- basically an old school prompt window which says some biz then gives you a couple options
- Optionally it could also sieze control of the whole screen, not allowing
you to interact with the other elements until you answer the prompt
- could use a big transparent pane that captures all events for this
- could "flash" the topzone of the window when the users clicks elsewhere than the window
listbox over entire elements
- abstract the listbox selector except to allow for an arbitrary interface.
- THEN build a new viewer which could house an entire element within
a "selectable item"
- selecting that item could overlay a colored border for instance.
- allow for elements to be listed in any fashion, possibly completely independantly of the listbox logic altogether, all it would need to have is a list of all the elements (which defines the order of those elements).
- These elements would need to be able handling special events: "cursor highlight", "select", "cursor unhighlight"
- would need ScrollablePane Ensure Element Visible
ScrollablePane: Ensure Element visible. Feed in an element-id then the scrollable pane should move the view to ensure that the provided element is visible.
- useful for listbox over entire element
element: date selector
element: color selector
graphs and charts obviously
- braille dots graph or 4 quadrant blocks
- bar/column chart
- area chart (use block 4 quadrant characters)
- block pyramid chart
- also build in use of 6 quadrant chs
2D selector space
- title and ticks as optional
- use for color selector
- could eventually provide inter-pixel values too
- optional coloring function for bg
- cursor obviously an option
- possible: use tight box with an inner background ┌────────────┐ 1┤ │ B ┤ x │ U ┤ │ S ┤ │ T 0┤ │ └────────────┘ BOOM
TOML file auto-form
- it would be sweet as heck to automatically generate a form which could
edit/produce a toml file. it should have
- textboxes/drowdownlists/checkboxes
- optional sections/subsections (could collapse these into a accordian stack?)
- the generation of this overall toml form should be created from a
template toml
- the template toml should require the use of special comments for instance:
- it would be sweet as heck to automatically generate a form which could
edit/produce a toml file. it should have
Snapshot TUI Tester (just call this tui-tester, binary: tuit (lol))
- consider building as an extension of insta:
- always multi-stage
- record each action then take a snapshot, however don't save the snapshot if it's the same as the previous snapshot.
- Option to record with all time indices (slower to test)
- Option to just take a snapshot every X ms.
- or Option to just record a screen change when it happens on its own?
- Binary Mode or Yeehaw Mode (start with Yeehaw Mode)
- attempt to make everything binary mode!
- Use ANSI-extended format to be know the element names at each position
- this way we can test on any binary all the same but then have additional special functionality if its a yeehaw TUI
- would require special build flag for the tui to be in testing mode
- For time shifts see https://github.com/wolfcw/libfaketime
- alternative simple system:
- flag on yeehaw allows the time to be taken from an env. var.
- the snapshot tester just changes an env. var. when it's appropriate to do so.
- alternative simple system:
- Use ANSI-extended format to be know the element names at each position
- attempt to make everything binary mode!
- Integrate into regular testing
- TUI ideally we should keep everything in one window.
- diff view (only show the differences)
- use a toggle to switch between result/expected/diff
- toggle to switch on and off the mouse
- top: Button Run
- playback: stack left right scrollable pane with the actual events playback
- Other similar:
- "script" standard binary
OLD: Add another cargo project like AssertCmd for tui
name: TuiTester?
- https://github.com/aschey/tui-tester
- what about https://github.com/microsoft/tui-test is this necessary?
- open and record mouse and keystroke events
- save only the final tui output
- test for the final tui output being the same from the provided binary.
- view what the output should look like
- if a test is failing, but the output is correct but just changed there should be an option to quickly rerecord what the test should look like now.
- use the .ans format (such as https://terminalroot.com/use-ms-paint-directly-in-terminal/) uses. this format can be viewed in the terminal with "cat my_ansi_image.ans"
- "script" standard binary
OLD: Add another cargo project like AssertCmd for tui
name: TuiTester?
Drag and Drop TUI Application Builder (as a TUI of course)
- basically drag and drop style element builder - with a "Code Copy" button
- resizing of the view-pane to test TUI pages at different sizes
- preview mode where you could actually interact with all the elements
- eventually the ability to load in code for an existing element then play around with the sub-elements
Interactive debugging TUI application
use https://github.com/eclipse-iceoryx/iceoryx2 for communication?
- or can just write to a json file
[reload] aspect(ddlist) - location - self-rec evs ┌───────┐┌────────┐┌──────────────┐┌─────────────────┐ │events ││elements││ element-parts││ OUTPUT │ │ ││ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││ ││ │ └───────┘└────────┘└──────────────┘└─────────────────┘ [add another group]
provide a sync version of TUI for the async adverse
gradients on angles: get the actual aspect ratio from the terminal and integrate it in.
:Command pane and functionality
- use custom event routing system
tabs with border ╭────╮╭────╮╭────╮╭────╮ ╭────╮╭────╮╭────╮╭────╮ ╭────╮╭────╮╭────╮╭────╮ │tab1││tab2││tab3││tab4│ │tab1││tab2││tab3││tab4│ │tab1││tab2││tab3││tab4│ │ └─────────────────╮ ╭─────┘ └───────────╮ ╭─────────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘
dragable file-like/binary-like icon object: ┌────┐ │prev│ └────┘ my-file.txt
- double click hook action
- make a few different fun icons, (a scroll for text files?)
custom mouse types using images (requires image support, and mouse pixel tracking)
visual cryptographic signature.
- a 16 x 16 grid gives 256 bits of entropy (same as 24 word bitcoin key)
- a grid space could be used to query the user for inputs to then decrypt some information.
- granted wouldn't be THAT good as patterns could be easily tested in this system and human users would typically choose patterns, but still good as a minor form of security.
volume bar (color in)
▁▂▃▄▅▆▇- drag up/right to increase down/left to decrease
- model this after the slider widget... pretty similar
tui get the color under the cursor pixel - useful for color pickers or from actual image pallets
LOW PRIORITY CAN JUST USE $EDITOR. element: vim-style textbox
- with two scrollbars the mode can be placed in the decorations corner!
WIMP reqd features
- color-pallet element
- tui get the final color under the cursor (more than just what's in the element, get the full final output with alpha's applied)
- tui export visual area to either DynamicImage, .png, (optionally or .ans)
- useful for WIMP
ZELT reqd features
10. terminal_editor - autoexpanding based on text size in buffer (like zell
- need to provide configuration arguments by editor type
- I think maybe it would work if we use the no-buffer option in neovim.
- need for zelt editing the buffer directly set autoread
- set swp file location manually so can access the swp files to read them
- nvim -c 'set directory=~/my_swap_files//' your_file.txt
- keep expanding the ctx until the upper left box (prev context)
doesn't change. (ignoreing bottom 2 or 3 lines)
10. window $EDITOR - (for notes)