I've been advocating general configmap and secret support for a while.
However, the way CoreOS does things today with Ignition is basically allowing the admin to inject "day 1 unmanaged state" that is decoupled from the image/host. And actually, that's how Anaconda kickstart works too.
There's a lot of advantages to configmap-in-registry around supporting "day 2" changes too. However, it will require workflow and tooling changes to adapt.
One key thing I'm narrowing in on is the basic use case of "inject a ssh key into an existing golden image" - a thing I think we really want to support. And we do today via e.g. Anaconda or other installers.
But I think we should support this more natively via bootc install
So here's my strawman: the --with-overlay
argument takes a container image reference and operates only at install time. A very key difference from the configmap approach is that the image must drop files into /etc
and /var
. This gives us immediate, direct support for SSH keys by injecting e.g. /var/roothome/.ssh/authorized_keys
Migrating from Ignition
But actually the neat thing with this is it provides a very seamless adaptation of existing Ignition configuration! We've already prototyped out support for extracting an Ignition configuration to its set of files via ignition-apply
, so it'd literally look like:
FROM as builder
COPY foo.ign foo.ign
RUN ignition-apply --root /config foo.ign # render ignition to filesystem tree, error on partitioning
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /config /
Then push that to a registry as
, and one can do bootc install --with-overlay
and then one can switch to installing via bootc without needing to change all the bits in the Ignition config to move to /usr
content etc.
So any tools (e.g. OpenShift MCO) that act on "day 2" management for this "unmanaged state" can seamlessly continue to work - but we avoid the need to e.g. host Ignition servers.