Image I'm using:
Issue or Feature Request:
Hi Team,
I tried installing bottle rocket-update-operator on my cluster and I could see all the pods ( agent, api-server and the controller) up and running.
I used the v1.28 image(bottlerocket-aws-k8s-1.30-x86_64-v1.28.0-0ab4fab4) when I created the cluster hoping that the brupop would update the node ( I labeled ) with v1.29 as this is the latest as of now.
But for some reason the agent is considering the target version same as the current version i.e. 1.28 and it says "No action detected" and waiting for the next scheduled time . The target version should be the latest i.e. 1.29 as per my understanding .
( I also tried with BR image with sub-version v.127 and the issue is same even in this case . agent logs says the below
"{ current_version: "1.27.0", target_version: "1.27.0", current_state: Idle, crash_count: 0, state_transition_failure_timestamp: None }) }")
{ api_version: "v1", block_owner_deletion: None, controller: None, kind: "Node", name: "", uid: "6c865f3c-310a-4fcc-bd63-491d5b89e957" }]), resource_version: Some("18763727"), self_link: None, uid: Some("66f464ca-8f05-4bbe-9fce-5d71873838e0") }, spec: BottlerocketShadowSpec { state: Idle, state_transition_timestamp: None, version: None }, status: Some(BottlerocketShadowStatus { current_version: "1.28.0", target_version: "1.28.0", current_state: Idle, crash_count: 0, state_transition_failure_timestamp: None }) }, state: Idle, shadow_error_info: ShadowErrorInfo { crash_count: 0, state_transition_failure_timestamp: None }
Could you please let me know if my understanding on this is correct or am I missing something?