I know that your changelog says that you expect folks to upgrade binutils for this update, but I wanted to share that it fails to build on amazonlinux:2 now when the prior version (0.17.8) compiled fine. I found this because dependabot opened a PR just for this bump and it failed.
The errors look like this:
cargo:warning=/root/.cargo/registry/src/ Error: operand type mismatch for `vpclmulqdq'
(link to full output at
amazonlinux:2 is a bit of a crusty environment and I'm not eager to try to install more modern binutils there!
If there is no path forward without a newer toolchain, then the pragmatist in me thinks that you might want to consider yanking 0.17.x that has these build changes and publishing as 0.18.0 instead because upgrading from 0.17.8
to 0.17.13
is presently a build-breaking change that feels like it is against the spirit of a semver-compatible upgrade.