I started building docker image on my debian version 11.9 and it failed times.
- It returned an error failing to download go
- it returned an error regarding missing browsh.xpi
- it returned an error failing to change /etc/hosts
The fixes are :
I changed url="$version".linux-"$GOARCH".tar.gz to
url="$version".8.linux-"$GOARCH".tar.gz -
I added the following commands to docker so it downloads and remove the browsh.xpi to the right directory (the lines between **):
RUN /build/ install_golang $BASE
RUN wget -P "$BASE" ""
RUN mv "$BASE/browsh-1.8.3.xpi" "$BASE/src/browsh/browsh.xpi"
RUN /build/ build_browsh_binary $BASE -
Finally, instead of chaning /etc/hosts in the image, I changed it on the run:
RUN echo 'curl -o /etc/hosts' >> /
RUN chmod +x /
I will fix the error and make a pull request, but people can use this until then. The above instruction also fixed some other issues reported failing to build.