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[panic] panic! called when "reference types found but safepoints not enabled" #1156




What are the steps to reproduce the issue? Can you include a CLIF test case, ideally reduced with the bugpoint clif-util command?


$ unzip
$ ./target/release/clif-util wasm panic_ref_type_not_enabled.wasm --target x86_64
thread 'main' panicked at 'reference types were found but safepoints were not enabled.', cranelift-codegen/src/regalloc/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.

What do you expect to happen? What does actually happen? Does it panic, and if so, with which assertion?

I would expect an error to be through instead of panicking. There is a call to the panic! macro here:

Which Cranelift version / commit hash / branch are you using?

Cranelift version :

$ ./target/release/clif-util --version
Cranelift code generator utility 0.42.0

commit hash: c54fc84
branch: master

If relevant, can you include some extra information about your environment? (Rust version, operating system, architecture...)

$ echo "`rustc -V` | `uname -ovm`"
rustc 1.38.0-nightly (2d1a551e1 2019-08-08) | bytecodealliance/wasmtime#1026-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 1 05:24:09 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux

More details:

Execution with verbosity and print:

./target/release/clif-util wasm panic_ref_type_not_enabled.wasm --target x86_64 -v -p
Handling: "panic_ref_type_not_enabled.wasm"
Translating... ok
function u0:2(i32 [%rdi], i64 vmctx [%rsi], i64 fp [%rbp], i64 csr [%r15]) -> i32 [%rax], i64 fp [%rbp], i64 csr [%r15] system_v {
    ss0 = spill_slot 4, offset -28
    ss1 = incoming_arg 24, offset -24
    gv0 = vmctx
    gv1 = vmctx
    sig0 = (i32 [%rdi], i64 vmctx [%rsi]) system_v
    fn0 = u0:0 sig0

                                ebb0(v0: i32 [%rdi], v1: i64 [%rsi], v28: i64 [%rbp], v29: i64 [%r15]):
                                    v4 -> v1
                                    v6 -> v1
                                    v9 -> v1
                                    v10 -> v1
                                    v16 -> v1
                                    v17 -> v1
                                    v19 -> v1
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v28
[RexOp1copysp#8089]                 copy_special %rsp -> %rbp
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v29
[RexOp1adjustsp_ib#d083]            adjust_sp_down_imm 8
@01ab [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v26 = load.i32 notrap aligned v1+88
@01ab [RexOp1spillSib32#89,ss0]     v5 = spill v26
                                    v23 -> v5
@01af [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v7 = load.i32 notrap aligned v1+88
@01b3 [RexOp1rr#01,%rax]            v8 = iadd v7, v0
@01b4 [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v8, v1+88
@01b6 [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v11 = load.i32 notrap aligned v1+88
@01ba [RexOp1r_ib#83,%rax]          v13 = iadd_imm v11, 15
@01bd [RexOp1r_ib#4083,%rax]        v15 = band_imm v13, -16
@01be [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v15, v1+88
@01c0 [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v18 = load.i32 notrap aligned v1+88
@01c2 [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rcx]       v20 = load.i32 notrap aligned v1+96
@01c4 [RexOp1rcmp#39,%rflags]       v25 = ifcmp v18, v20
@01c5 [RexOp1brib#70]               brif slt v25, ebb2
@01c9 [RexOp1fnaddr8#80b8,%rax]     v24 = func_addr.i64 fn0
@01c9 [RexOp1call_r#20ff]           call_indirect sig0, v24(v0, v1)
@01cb [-]                           fallthrough ebb2

@01ce [RexOp1fillSib32#8b,%r15]     v27 = fill.i32 v5
@01ce [RexOp1rmov#89]               regmove v27, %r15 -> %rax
[RexOp1adjustsp_ib#8083]            adjust_sp_up_imm 8
[RexOp1popq#58,%r15]                v31 = x86_pop.i64 
[RexOp1popq#58,%rbp]                v30 = x86_pop.i64 
@01ce [Op1ret#c3]                   return v27, v30, v31

function u0:3(i64 vmctx [%rdi], i64 fp [%rbp]) -> i32 [%rax], i64 fp [%rbp] system_v {
    ss0 = incoming_arg 16, offset -16
    gv0 = vmctx

                                ebb0(v0: i64 [%rdi], v4: i64 [%rbp]):
                                    v2 -> v0
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v4
[RexOp1copysp#8089]                 copy_special %rsp -> %rbp
@01d2 [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v3 = load.i32 notrap aligned v0+88
[RexOp1popq#58,%rbp]                v5 = x86_pop.i64 
@01d4 [Op1ret#c3]                   return v3, v5

function u0:4(i32 [%rdi], i64 vmctx [%rsi], i64 fp [%rbp]) -> i64 fp [%rbp] system_v {
    ss0 = incoming_arg 16, offset -16
    gv0 = vmctx

                                ebb0(v0: i32 [%rdi], v1: i64 [%rsi], v3: i64 [%rbp]):
                                    v2 -> v1
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v3
[RexOp1copysp#8089]                 copy_special %rsp -> %rbp
@01da [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v0, v1+88
@01dc [-]                           fallthrough ebb1

[RexOp1popq#58,%rbp]                v4 = x86_pop.i64 
@01dc [Op1ret#c3]                   return v4

function u0:5(i32 [%rdi], i32 [%rsi], i64 vmctx [%rdx], i64 fp [%rbp]) -> i64 fp [%rbp] system_v {
    ss0 = incoming_arg 16, offset -16
    gv0 = vmctx
    gv1 = vmctx

                                ebb0(v0: i32 [%rdi], v1: i32 [%rsi], v2: i64 [%rdx], v5: i64 [%rbp]):
                                    v3 -> v2
                                    v4 -> v2
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v5
[RexOp1copysp#8089]                 copy_special %rsp -> %rbp
@01e1 [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v0, v2+88
@01e5 [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v1, v2+96
@01e7 [-]                           fallthrough ebb1

[RexOp1popq#58,%rbp]                v6 = x86_pop.i64 
@01e7 [Op1ret#c3]                   return v6

function u0:6(i32 [%rdi], i32 [%rsi], i64 vmctx [%rdx], i64 fp [%rbp]) -> i64 fp [%rbp] system_v {
    ss0 = incoming_arg 16, offset -16
    gv0 = vmctx
    gv1 = vmctx

                                ebb0(v0: i32 [%rdi], v1: i32 [%rsi], v2: i64 [%rdx], v10: i64 [%rbp]):
                                    v3 -> v2
                                    v8 -> v2
                                    v9 -> v2
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v10
[RexOp1copysp#8089]                 copy_special %rsp -> %rbp
@01ea [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v4 = load.i32 notrap aligned v2+104
@01ef [RexOp1tjccb#75]              brnz v4, ebb2
@01f3 [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v0, v2+104
@01f7 [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v1, v2+112
@01f9 [-]                           fallthrough ebb2

@01fa [-]                           fallthrough ebb1

[RexOp1popq#58,%rbp]                v11 = x86_pop.i64 
@01fa [Op1ret#c3]                   return v11

; Exported as "_main"
function u0:7(i32 [%rdi], i32 [%rsi], i64 vmctx [%rdx], i64 fp [%rbp], i64 csr [%r15]) -> i32 [%rax], i64 fp [%rbp], i64 csr [%r15] system_v {
    ss0 = spill_slot 8, offset -32
    ss1 = incoming_arg 24, offset -24
    gv0 = vmctx
    gv1 = vmctx
    gv2 = vmctx
    gv3 = load.i64 notrap aligned readonly gv2
    heap0 = static gv3, min 0, bound 0x0001_0000_0000, offset_guard 0x8000_0000, index_type i32
    sig0 = (i32 [%rdi], i64 vmctx [%rsi]) system_v
    fn0 = u0:0 sig0

                                ebb0(v0: i32 [%rdi], v1: i32 [%rsi], v33: i64 [%rdx], v40: i64 [%rbp], v41: i64 [%r15]):
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v40
[RexOp1copysp#8089]                 copy_special %rsp -> %rbp
[RexOp1pushq#50]                    x86_push v41
[RexOp1adjustsp_ib#d083]            adjust_sp_down_imm 8
[RexOp1spillSib32#8089,ss0]         v2 = spill v33
                                    v5 -> v2
                                    v7 -> v2
                                    v11 -> v2
                                    v12 -> v2
                                    v14 -> v2
@0204 [RexOp1fillSib32#808b,%r15]   v34 = fill v2
@0204 [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v8 = load.i32 notrap aligned v34+88
@0208 [RexOp1r_ib#83,%rax]          v10 = iadd_imm v8, 48
@0209 [RexOp1fillSib32#808b,%r15]   v35 = fill v2
@0209 [RexOp1stDisp8#89]            store notrap aligned v10, v35+88
@020b [RexOp1fillSib32#808b,%r15]   v36 = fill v2
@020b [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rax]       v13 = load.i32 notrap aligned v36+88
@020d [RexOp1fillSib32#808b,%r15]   v37 = fill v2
@020d [RexOp1ldDisp8#8b,%rcx]       v15 = load.i32 notrap aligned v37+96
@020f [RexOp1rcmp#39,%rflags]       v32 = ifcmp v13, v15
@0210 [RexOp1brib#70]               brif slt v32, ebb2
@0212 [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rax]         v18 = iconst.i32 48
@0214 [RexOp1fnaddr8#80b8,%rcx]     v29 = func_addr.i64 fn0
@0214 [RexOp1fillSib32#808b,%r15]   v38 = fill v2
@0214 [RexOp1rmov#89]               regmove v18, %rax -> %rdi
@0214 [RexOp1rmov#8089]             regmove v38, %r15 -> %rsi
@0214 [RexOp1call_r#20ff]           call_indirect sig0, v29(v18, v38)
@0216 [-]                           fallthrough ebb2

@0230 [RexOp1pu_id#b8,%rax]         v26 = iconst.i32 0
@0232 [RexOp1umr#89,%rax]           v30 = uextend.i64 v26
@0232 [RexOp1fillSib32#808b,%r15]   v39 = fill.i64 v2
@0232 [RexOp1ld#808b,%rcx]          v31 = load.i64 notrap aligned readonly v39
@0232 [RexOp1ldWithIndexDisp8#808b,%rax] v28 = load_complex.i64 v31+v30+32
@0235 [Op2trap#40b]                 trap unreachable

thread 'main' panicked at 'reference types were found but safepoints were not enabled.', cranelift-codegen/src/regalloc/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.




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