Test Case
test optimize
set opt_level=speed
target x86_64
function %f(i32, i32, i32) -> i32 {
block0(v0: i32, v1: i32, v2: i32):
v3 = imul.i32 v0, v1
brif v2, block1, block2
return v3
v4 = iconst.i32 1
v5 = iadd.i32 v3, v4
return v5
;; check that the two occurrences of v3 are still the same value after optimization
; check: return v3
; check: iadd.i32 v3, v4
Steps to Reproduce
clif-util test meow.clif
Expected Results
The imul
stays in block0
Actual Results
The imul
is needlessly duplicated between block1
and block2
Versions and Environment
Cranelift version or commit: de29ce3 (main at the time of writing)
Operating system: Linux
Architecture: x86_64