Hi :) How are you ? This is our little test, here you need to develop a client side application to get the most popular repositories from a GitHub user.
This application must run on the modern browsers and follow the mobile first concepts and have a responsiveness behaviour
API: https://developer.github.com/v3/
Like a regular user we want to, without errors and/or bad treated interceptions:
- Search for a GitHub user;
- See the searched GitHub user details and repos;
- Sort the results by order (DESC; ASC) and popularity;
- See a repository details;
You should have at least one screen with a searchbox to type for a user;
The search must return a detail page (Navigation and UX is by your own ;))
I can navigate between repositories and change/research users;
The layout is responsive and fits well even in mobile;
Frameworks and libs aren't pre requisites but we use React, React.js; DETAIL: Feel free to develop in other options like Angular or Vue.js or nothing, your choice, give us your best :);
A routing system is extremaly required;
- Project organization (Folder, Architecture and project structure, documentation and versioning);
- Innovative ideas. We inspire creativity, the use of recent technologies and new patterns, get solid arguments and lets talk!
- Good practices (Security, organization and consistence for large scale applications);
- Well wrote and stable code;
PLUS: Automated and/or integration tests
The perfomance, resources utilization and network handling will be avaliated during the entire process.
API Reference:
- User details: https://api.github.com/users/{username}
- User repositories: https://api.github.com/users/{username}/repos
- Repository details: https://api.github.com/repos/{full_name}
The challenge must be delivered by GitHub private or public your choice, just invite us or send us your repository link :)!.
The application should be hosted (We want to see online! :) Check some free providers: (Heroku, Firebase, Plunker).
We are here for any doubts!
Good work and success!