I am trying to add the plugin @cap-js/change-tracking to store change logs for an Entity in my CAP Nodejs multi tenant Project.
I have followed the guide to implement this Change Tracking Plugin for SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP).
I have added the @changelog annotations to an entity for which I am trying to track changes. This brings the facet in the fiori elements object page. And when I trying to edit a record and save it from the app I am getting below error:
no such table: sap_changelog_ChangeLog in: INSERT INTO sap_changelog_ChangeLog
Below is how I have added the annotation to my service entity in file app/managebooks/annotations.cds :
annotate service.Books with {
title @changelog;
It needs the table sap_changelog_ChangeLog to persist the change log entries but just by adding the module in package.json and adding annotation to properties is not generating the table while doing local testing with sqlite. Please let me know if there are some steps missed here.
Thanks & Regards,
Vishal Sharma