Hello every one!
I have built carla 0.9.12 from source on Ubuntu 18.04 with the edition of Unreal Engine is 4.26.
I made maps in Roadrunner and exported to Unreal, got the 00.fbx and 00.xodr files, then import them to carla, when the map imported, it worked in UE4 like figure 1.
but when I run the script in the terminal, something went wrong, the error is :
ERROR: unable to parse the OpenDRIVE XML string
RuntimeError: failed to generate map
The server could not send the OpenDRIVE (.xodr) file:
Make sure it exists, has the same name of your town, and is correct.
However, I do place the file 00.xodr in the folder with the path is carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/Carla/Maps/OpenDrive/
Besides, I have tried to find solutions in
but it did not work for me, I got puzzled.
who can give me some suggestions? any help is appreciated !
More importantly. I have another computer, Ubuntu18.04, carla version is 0.9.10, Unreal Engine 4.24, surprisingly, it worked.
I really don't know how could it can't work with carla 0.9.12 and UE 4.26.
Any suggestions is appreciated! thank you very much!
@krmartin @sunpochin @Jazzinghen @cesarsouza @ItsTimmy @glopezdiest @corkyw10 @XGodina