Hi @germanros1987
Hello All!
I kindly need your inputs and suggestions regarding this issue. This post is lengthy and please read it.
I have set the sensor (Camera) attached to vehicle with carla.Location(x=-3, z=50), carla.Rotation(pitch = -20) as the orientation of camera. The parameters of the sensor i.e., Altitude (Z-axis) should be not less than 50m and FOV = 69°. Later, the FOV might be changed, but the altitude parameter value is fixed.
However as you can see, due to FOV and Altitude the objects in the images are small and unclear. If there are bikes far away in the map those seem like a dot in the image and getting bounding box to it will be difficult.
For getting a detailed view trying to import vehicle models using Blender or Maya? Will this be helpful? My opinion is if I import also the objects will be small. What would be your thoughts on this?
I have used Depth Camera information and test semantic LiDAR(not combined but two different scripts) for occluding and filtering the distant objects.
- In test semantic LiDAR, I set the attribute "RANGE = 1500m" which shouldn't be the case. This is a blunder mistake as the LiDAR max range will be ~150m.
- While using Depth Camera I set the "max_dist = 3500m" where the objects are not occluded and not filtered as well. There was also distorted images as shown below.
My questions are as follows:
Since, I am in the drone view the objects will appear small. How can I zoom in or get detailed view of the objects in the map?
How can I eliminate the false negatives (i.e., there is an object but no bounding box to it)?
Could someone help me with this? or Please provide me some documentation or references?
Thanks in advance
Ravi Teja