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how to make CARLA Standalone  #4864




I'm trying to build Carla from the source and get a standalone version of my changes. I've deleted all cars in a parking of Town05 in order to fill the slots randomly.
If I understood it correctly, after my change I can either get the executable directly from unreal engine or do make package command.
But in both cases I face the same problem, and there are missed lots of components. For example:
LogInit: Display: LogCook: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Carla/carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/Carla/Static/GenericMaterials/Licenseplates/Textures/2TKS587
I want to to how can I build properly a standalone version of my work.
for example I get this error while trying make package:

  LogInit: Display: NOTE: Only first 50 warnings displayed.
  LogInit: Display:
  LogInit: Display:
  1001LogInit: Display: Failure - 19119 error(s), 19252 warning(s)
  LogInit: Display: Failure - 19119 error(s), 19252 warning(s)
  LogInit: Display:
  Execution of commandlet took:  32.17 seconds
  LogInit: Display:
  Execution of commandlet took:  32.17 seconds
  LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders left to compile 0
  LogHttp: Display: cleaning up 0 outstanding Http requests.
  LogContentStreaming: Display: There are 1 unreleased StreamingManagers
  Exiting abnormally (error code: 1)
Took 98.771525s to run UE4Editor, ExitCode=1
ERROR: Cook failed.
       (see /home/mehdi/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/Log.txt for full exception trace)
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=25 (Error_UnknownCookFailure)
RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
Util/BuildTools/ recipe for target 'package' failed
make: *** [package] Error 25

just to mention I could do make launch and even play inside of UE4, and here you can find my configuration:
CARLA version: 0.9.12
Platform/OS: Ubuntu 18.04
SWAP: 8GB (partition)
GPU: RTX2080 qmax
Steps to reproduce: make PythonAPI && make launch && make plugins && make package
Python: conda 3.7

here you can find the log file for make package:




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