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Issues with renv 0.17.0 and 0.17.1 #406





We are leaving this issue open so that anyone who experiences issues know to upgrade {renv}


It is recommended for users to use {renv} version >= 0.17.2 (currently on CRAN) OR {renv} version <= 0.16.0.

Please run install.packages("renv") from your R console to upgrade.


What follows below are protocols for when {renv} version 0.17.2 was not yet on CRAN.'
If you have {renv} version >= 0.17.2, then you do not need to do anything.

Test if you need to update your version of {renv}

To test if you need to update your version of {renv}, run this R code in your R console:

packageVersion("renv") > package_version("0.17.1")
#> [1] TRUE

If the result is TRUE, then you do not need to do anything.

If the result is FALSE, then follow one of the steps below.

Upgrading to the patched version: 0.17.0-38

To upgrade to the patched version of {renv}, use the following code to install renv version 0.17.0-38 from The Carpentries R-universe. Note: this is the version that {sandpaper} will use to build your R Markdown lessons on GitHub.

install.packages('renv', repos = c('', ''))

renv 0.17.1 has a bug with its package cache (see rstudio/renv#1168) where the hashing changed.
This has been fixed in 0.17.2.

Downgrading to 0.16.0

If you wish to downgrade {renv} instead, you can install {renv} from an archive:



The new version of {renv} 0.17.0 introduced a few unexpected bugs:

  1. The renv/ folder now contains a locked sandbox folder, which causes teardown errors:
    rm: cannot remove '/tmp/Rtmp7JrJC1/Rbuild184d2b8b02c/sandpaper/renv/sandbox/R-4.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/99f2a2ef/spatial': Permission denied
    ... snip ...
    rm: cannot remove '/tmp/Rtmp7JrJC1/Rbuild184d2b8b02c/sandpaper/renv/sandbox/R-4.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/99f2a2ef/foreign': Permission denied
  2. The welcome message has changed so our regex no longer works and causes R CMD check to fail:
    --- re-building ‘building-with-renv.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
    Quitting from lines 44-48 (building-with-renv.Rmd) 
    Error: Error: processing vignette 'building-with-renv.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
    NA/NaN argument
  3. BioConductor packages can no longer be provisioned or restored (see renv 0.17.0 issues with provisioning non-CRAN packages rstudio/renv#1156)
  4. Continuous Integration is failing in ways that I cannot debug at the moment (see {renv} 0.17.0 cannot find rmarkdown on hydrate with bare project on CI rstudio/renv#1161 and [temporary fix] use devel renv #405)

Lessons Affected

  • BioConductor Lessons can no longer restore their package cache
  • New R Markdown lessons can no longer add new packages to the cache

All other existing lessons should work as expected.




No one assigned


    bugSomething isn't workingfrequency: highindicator that a use-case has a high-frequency in lessonspackage cacheRelated to the {renv} package cachesolution 💡A temporary solution is in the comments


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