One of the things I want to be aware of is the fact that we may want to switch out the engines on the back end since we are at the moment shoe-horning {pkgdown} to do our dirty work for us, but different engines expect different file layouts (not to mention template languages).
Allison Hill and Desirée De Leon did a really good job of describing this problem in their talk on Sharing on Short Notice.
It would be nice to be able to say "I want to take all the sources (and outputs) from my Jekyll site and migrate them to my Hugo site" or "Hugo -> Hugo" or "Hugo -> Distill" and run a single function that does it magically.
Basically, I want to take one complex nested structure and transform it to another complex nested structure.
The closest thing I can get to this concept is:
It may be worthwhile exploring this concept because I can definitely see it being applicable to not just file paths, but also metadata structures (which will eventually be in our scope!)