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diff internals: Introducing a DiffResource(s) struct #635



There are some methods in changeset_with_versioned_rs.go that could qualify for a dedicated type/struct:

I think I would prefer it if this function [newGroupedVersionedResources] and the next one [existingResourcesMap] are either scoped to a struct, maybe we can move stuff that are used by other parts of the code to a single place at a later point. Not a blocker but a nice to have

Originally posted by @100mik in #571 (comment)

The changes introduced in #571 actually introduced a conflict with "far-reaching" consequences to my #517 PR.
(71 and 17, what a coincidence!)

I thought about the following there, what do you think about it?
I would try to implement that in a dedicated PR.

Note that My PR also introduces an abstraction for VersionedResource, but i never was quite happy with that name, maybe that could be lifted up into a DiffResource, extracting it from my PR into the new/dedicated PR?

#571 introduced a conflict on func (d ChangeSetWithVersionedRs) groupResources([]ctlres.Resource): it moved it to func newGroupedVersionedResources(...) and uses it via diff.existingResourcesMap. But I changed the method to use (and return) []VersionedResource, instead of instantiating VersionedResource ad-hoc.

To resolve that conflict I think I need to implement the suggestion from #571 (comment), extracting existingVersionedResources and newVersionedResources to a new struct.


// cmd/app/deploy.go
// func (o *DeployOptions) calculateAndPresentChanges(...)
diffResources := ctldiff.NewDiffResourceFactory(existingResource, newResources,
    conf.TemplateRules(), conf.StripNameHashSuffixConfigs()).NewDiffResources()

err := ctldiff.NewRenewableResource(diffResources).Prepare()
// ...

changes, err := ctldiff.NewChangeSetWithVersionedRs(diffResources,
    opts ChangeSetOps, changeFactory ChangeFactory).Calculate()
// ...


package diff

type DiffResources struct { // or any other name, only was the first one that came to my mind ^^
    ExisitingResources, NewResources versionedResources
    ExistingResourcesGrouped map[string][]VersionedResource
    // NB: While RenewableResources wants a map[string]ctlres.Resource
    // it should also be able to use [-1]VersionedResource.Res().

type DiffResourcesFactory struct { // or VersionedResourcesFactory?
    // attributes extracted from ChangeSetWithVersionedRs, only used by the extracted methods (only).
    existingRs, newRs []ctlres.Resource
    rules []ctlconf.TemplateRules
    stripNameHashSuffixConfig stripNameHashSuffixConfig
    // extracted attributes end

func NewDiffResourcesFactory(exisitingRs, newRs []ctlres.Resource,
    rules []ctlconf.TemplateRule,
    stripNameHashSuffixConfigs []ctlconf.StripNameHashSuffixConfig) DiffResourcesFactory {

    return DiffResourcesFactory{existingRs, newRs,
        rules, stripNameHashSuffixConfigFromConf(stripNameHashSuffixConfigs)}

func (d DiffResourcesFactory) NewDiffResources() DiffResources {
    result := DiffResources{}
    result.ExistingResources = d.existingVersionedRs()
    result.ExistingResourcesGrouped = d.existingVersionedRsGrouped()
    result.NewResources = d.newVersionedRs()
    return result

// methods extracted from ChangeSetWithVersionedRs

func (d DiffResourcesFactory) existingVersionedRs() versionedResources {
    // existingVersionedResources

func (d DiffResourcesFactory) existingVersionedRsGrouped() map[string][]VersionedResource {
    // groupResources / newGroupedVersionedResources

func (d DiffResourcesFactory) newVersionedRs() versionedResources {
    // newVersionedResources




carvel acceptedThis issue should be considered for future work and that the triage process has been completedenhancementThis issue is a feature request


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