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DevelopmentML possible inconsistencies between implementation and documentation #533




Thanks for this excellent implementation of using machine learning methods on reserving data. During review I think I've noticed a couple of things in the code that may be out of step with the documentation, but I may be missing something with many of these.

  • Just a note that the docstring for the fit method references the Munich adjustment (I think held over from the DevelopmentBase class).

  • The documentation states that the fit_incrementals argument controls "whether the response variable should be converted to an incremental basis for fitting", but I don't believe y_ml is ever converted to incremental values before fitting the ML model of choice in line 182, which I feel is out of line with what the documentation states

  • I notice that the fit_incrementals argument also controls whether or not autoregressive values are converted to incremental before fitting. While I agree it could sometimes make since to convert these, I don't think many users would infer this is happening from the documentation. Perhaps it'd be better to pass this alongside the autoregressive parameter?

  • On a side note I believe this merge is odd, it seems like it converts the last column to incremental regardless of if its the response or if fit_incrementals is used




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