diff --git a/src/translations/ar-SA.json b/src/translations/ar-SA.json
index a278483c1..338b46c91 100644
--- a/src/translations/ar-SA.json
+++ b/src/translations/ar-SA.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "إعدادات",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "اللون",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "اختيار واضح",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "نظام الألوان",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "تكبير الشاشة",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "الخروج من الشاشة الكاملة",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "مكتبة رمز البحث",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "عدد البلاط",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "معرف اللوحة",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "آخر تحرير",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "وصف",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "نشر المجلس بنجاح! يمكن للجميع رؤية منتداك الآن.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "كان المجلس غير منشور! لا أحد يستطيع أن يرى منتداك الآن.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "تم حذف اللوحة نهائيًا.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "سيؤدي هذا الإجراء إلى إنشاء نسخة من اللوحة العامة وإضافتها إلى جهة الاتصال الخاصة بك. هل تريد المتابعة؟",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "حذف المجلس",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "سيؤدي هذا الإجراء إلى حذف اللوحة ولا يمكن استردادها. هل تريد المتابعة؟",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "وصف المجلس",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "يرجى تقديم وصف موجز لمحتوى اللوحة وما هو الغرض منه.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "قبول",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "تحرير صورة اللوحة",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "يمكنك إما تحميل أو البحث عن رموز من المكتبات.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "البحث عن الرموز",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "تحرير اسم اللوحة ووصفها",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "قم بتمكين نطق المجلد",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "يقرأ اسم المجلدات بصوت عال عند النقر",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "تصدير",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "تصدير لوحة واحدة",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "سيقوم هذا الخيار بتصدير لوحة واحدة لديك من قائمة اللوحات. يمكنك اختيار تنسيقات {cboardLink}أو {link} أو PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "تصدير جميع اللوحات",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "سيقوم هذا الخيار بتصدير جميع اللوحات التي لديك إذا اخترت تنسيق {cboardLink} أو تنسيق {link} . سيتم تصدير اللوحة الحالية فقط إذا اخترت تنسيق PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/be-BY.json b/src/translations/be-BY.json
index 355065400..6ab078509 100644
--- a/src/translations/be-BY.json
+++ b/src/translations/be-BY.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "налады",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "колер",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "ачысціць выбар",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Каляровая схема",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Поуны экран",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Выхад з поўнаэкраннага рэжыму",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Пошук бібліятэкі сімвалаў",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "колькасць плітак",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Савет ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Апошні раз рэдагавалася",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Апісанне",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Дошка паспяхова апублікавана! Цяпер усе бачаць вашу дошку.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Дошка была неапублікаваная! Цяпер ніхто не можа бачыць вашу дошку.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Дошка была канчаткова выдалена.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Гэта дзеянне створыць копію агульнадаступнай дошкі і дадасць яе ў ваш камунікатар. Вы хочаце працягнуць?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Выдаліць дошку",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Гэта дзеянне выдаліць плату, і яе немагчыма аднавіць. Вы хочаце працягнуць?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Апісанне дошкі",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Дайце кароткае апісанне зместу дошкі і таго, для чаго прызначана дошка.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Прымі",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Рэдагаваць выяву дошкі",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Вы можаце альбо загрузіць альбо шукаць сімвалы з бібліятэк.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Пошук сімвалаў",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Адрэдагаваць назву дошкі і апісанне",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Уключыць вокалізацыю тэчкі",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Пры націску кнопкі чытаюць імя папак гучна",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "экспарт",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Экспарт адной дошкі",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Гэтая опцыя будзе экспартаваць адзіную дошку ў спісе саветаў. Вы можаце выбраць фарматы {cboardLink}, {link} або PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Экспарт усіх саветаў",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Гэтая опцыя будзе экспартаваць УСЕ дошкі ў вас, калі вы выберыце фармат {cboardLink} альбо {link} . Калі вы вылучыце фармат PDF, ён будзе экспартаваць ПАСЛЕ бягучую дошку.",
diff --git a/src/translations/bn-BD.json b/src/translations/bn-BD.json
index 540220df8..a2a23a3b1 100644
--- a/src/translations/bn-BD.json
+++ b/src/translations/bn-BD.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "সেটিংস",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "রঙ",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "নির্বাচন সাফ করুন",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "বর্ণবিন্যাস",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "পূর্ণ পর্দা",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "পূর্ণ পর্দা সরান",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "প্রতীক লাইব্রেরি অনুসন্ধান করুন",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "টাইল সংখ্যা",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "বোর্ড আইডি",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "সর্বশেষ সম্পাদিত",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "বিবরণ",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "বোর্ড সফলভাবে প্রকাশিত! প্রত্যেকে এখনই আপনার বোর্ড দেখতে পাবে।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "বোর্ডের অপ্রকাশিত ছিল! আপনার বোর্ড এখন কেউ দেখতে পাবে না।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "বোর্ড স্থায়ীভাবে মোছা হয়েছিল।",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "এই ক্রিয়াটি পাবলিক বোর্ডের একটি অনুলিপি তৈরি করবে এবং এটি আপনার যোগাযোগকারীতে যুক্ত করবে। আপনি কি এগিয়ে যেতে চান?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "বোর্ড মুছুন",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "এই ক্রিয়াটি বোর্ডটিকে মুছে ফেলবে এবং এটি পুনরুদ্ধার করা যাবে না। আপনি কি এগিয়ে যেতে চান?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "বোর্ড বিবরণ",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "বোর্ডের বিষয়বস্তু এবং বোর্ড কীসের উদ্দেশ্যে রয়েছে সে সম্পর্কে দয়া করে একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ সরবরাহ করুন।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "গ্রহণ করা",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "বোর্ডের চিত্র সম্পাদনা করুন",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "আপনি হয় আপলোড বা লাইব্রেরি থেকে প্রতীক সন্ধান করতে পারেন।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "প্রতীক অনুসন্ধান করুন",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "বোর্ডের নাম এবং বর্ণনা সম্পাদনা করুন",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "ফোল্ডার ভোকালাইজেশন সক্ষম করুন",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "ক্লিক করা হলে ফোল্ডারগুলির নাম জোরে জোরে পড়ে",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "রপ্তানি",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "একটি একক বোর্ড রফতানি করুন",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "এই বিকল্পটি বোর্ডের একটি তালিকা থেকে আপনার একক বোর্ড রফতানি করবে। আপনি {cboardLink}, {link} বা পিডিএফ ফর্ম্যাট চয়ন করতে পারেন।",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "সমস্ত বোর্ড রফতানি করুন",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "আপনি যদি {cboardLink} ফর্ম্যাট বা {link} ফর্ম্যাট চয়ন করেন তবে এই বিকল্পটি আপনার সকল বোর্ডকে রফতানি করবে। আপনি পিডিএফ ফর্ম্যাটটি চয়ন করলে এটি কেবলমাত্র বর্তমান বোর্ডকে রফতানি করবে।",
diff --git a/src/translations/cs-CZ.json b/src/translations/cs-CZ.json
index 852723d64..a81ef711b 100644
--- a/src/translations/cs-CZ.json
+++ b/src/translations/cs-CZ.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Nastavení",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Barva",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Jasný výběr",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Barevné schéma",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Celá obrazovka",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Ukončete celou obrazovku",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Vyhledat knihovnu symbolů",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Počet dlaždic",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID desky",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Naposledy upraveno",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Popis",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Rada úspěšně publikována! Všichni teď mohou vidět vaši desku.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Deska byla nezveřejněna! Nikdo teď nemůže vidět vaši desku.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Deska byla trvale smazána.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Tato akce vytvoří kopii veřejné tabule a přidá ji do komunikátoru. Chcete pokračovat?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Smazat desku",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Tato akce odstraní kartu a nelze ji obnovit. Chcete pokračovat?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Popis desky",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Uveďte prosím krátký popis obsahu tabule a toho, k čemu je deska určena.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Přijmout",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Upravit obrázek desky",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Můžete buď nahrát, nebo hledat symboly z knihoven.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Hledejte symboly",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Upravit název a popis desky",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Povolit vokalizaci složky",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Po kliknutí nahlas přečte názvy složek",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Vývozní",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export jedné desky",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Tato možnost exportuje jednu desku ze seznamu desek. Můžete si vybrat formát {cboardLink}, {link} nebo PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportovat všechny desky",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Tato volba exportuje VŠECHNY desky, které máte, pokud zvolíte formát {cboardLink} nebo {link} . Pokud zvolíte formát PDF, bude exportován JUST aktuální deska.",
diff --git a/src/translations/da-DK.json b/src/translations/da-DK.json
index 5cf71f3e0..7079facab 100644
--- a/src/translations/da-DK.json
+++ b/src/translations/da-DK.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Indstillinger",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Farve",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Ryd markering",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Farveskema",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Fuld skærm",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Afslut fuld skærm",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Søg symbolbibliotek",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Antal fliser",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Sidst redigeret",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Beskrivelse",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board med succes offentliggjort! Alle kan se dit bord nu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Bestyrelsen blev ikke offentliggjort! Ingen kan se dit bord nu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board blev permanent slettet.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Denne handling opretter en kopi af det offentlige bord og tilføjer det til din kommunikator. Vil du fortsætte?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Slet bestyrelse",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Denne handling sletter brættet, og det kan ikke gendannes. Vil du fortsætte?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Bestyrelsesbeskrivelse",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Angiv en kort beskrivelse af indholdet på tavlen og hvad det tavle er beregnet til.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Acceptere",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Rediger bordbillede",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Du kan enten uploade eller kigge efter symboler fra biblioteker.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Søg efter symboler",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Rediger kortets navn og beskrivelse",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Aktivér mappeevalisering",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Læser mapper navn højt, når det klikkes",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Eksport",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Eksporter et enkelt kort",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Denne mulighed eksporterer et enkelt kort, du har fra en liste over tavler. Du kan vælge {cboardLink}, {link} eller PDF formater.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Eksporter alle tavler",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Denne mulighed eksporterer ALLE de tavler, du har, hvis du vælger {cboardLink} format eller {link} format. Det eksporteres BARE det aktuelle bord, hvis du vælger PDF-format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/de-DE.json b/src/translations/de-DE.json
index 1f247a9a4..b1da6b73c 100644
--- a/src/translations/de-DE.json
+++ b/src/translations/de-DE.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "die Einstellungen",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Farbe",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Auswahl löschen",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Farbschema",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Vollbild",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Beenden Sie den Vollbildmodus",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Suche Symbol Bibliothek",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Anzahl der Fliesen",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Zuletzt bearbeitet",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Beschreibung",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Vorstand erfolgreich veröffentlicht! Jetzt kann jeder dein Board sehen.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board wurde nicht veröffentlicht! Niemand kann dein Board jetzt sehen.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Forum wurde endgültig gelöscht.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Diese Aktion erstellt eine Kopie der öffentlichen Tafel und fügt sie Ihrem Communicator hinzu. Willst du fortfahren?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Board löschen",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Diese Aktion löscht das Board und kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Willst du fortfahren?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Beschreibung",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Bitte geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung des Inhalts des Boards und des Verwendungszwecks des Boards.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Akzeptieren",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Board Image bearbeiten",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Sie können Symbole aus Bibliotheken entweder hochladen oder suchen.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Suche nach Symbolen",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Bearbeiten Sie den Namen und die Beschreibung der Karte",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Aktivieren Sie die Ordner-Vokalisierung",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Liest den Ordnernamen beim Klicken laut vor",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exportieren Sie eine einzelne Karte",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Diese Option exportiert eine einzelne Karte, die Sie haben, aus einer Liste von Karten. Sie können zwischen den Formaten {cboardLink}, {link} oder PDF wählen.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Alle Boards exportieren",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Diese Option exportiert ALLE Karten, die Sie haben, wenn Sie das Format {cboardLink} oder {link} auswählen. Es wird NUR die aktuelle Karte exportiert, wenn Sie das PDF-Format wählen.",
diff --git a/src/translations/el-GR.json b/src/translations/el-GR.json
index 19f55f1b7..8fd6d44a8 100644
--- a/src/translations/el-GR.json
+++ b/src/translations/el-GR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Ρυθμίσεις",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Χρώμα",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Καθαρή επιλογή",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Σχέδιο χρωμάτων",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "ΠΛΗΡΗΣ ΟΘΟΝΗ",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Έξοδος από την πλήρη οθόνη",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Βιβλιοθήκη συμβόλων αναζήτησης",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Αριθμός πλακιδίων",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Αναγνωριστικό συμβουλίου",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Τελευταία επεξεργασία",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Περιγραφή",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο δημοσιεύτηκε με επιτυχία! Όλοι μπορούν να δουν το συμβούλιο σας τώρα.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Το συμβούλιο δεν έχει δημοσιευθεί! Κανείς δεν μπορεί να δει το συμβούλιο σας τώρα.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Το συμβούλιο διαγράφηκε οριστικά.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Αυτή η ενέργεια θα δημιουργήσει ένα αντίγραφο του δημόσιου συμβουλίου και θα το προσθέσει στον επικοινωνία σας. Θέλετε να συνεχίσετε?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Διαγραφή πίνακα",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Αυτή η ενέργεια θα διαγράψει τον πίνακα και δεν μπορεί να ανακτηθεί. Θέλετε να συνεχίσετε?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Περιγραφή πίνακα",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Καταχωρίστε μια σύντομη περιγραφή σχετικά με το περιεχόμενο του πίνακα και για ποιο σκοπό προορίζεται ο πίνακας.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Αποδέχομαι",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Επεξεργασία εικόνας πίνακα",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Μπορείτε είτε να φορτώσετε είτε να αναζητήσετε σύμβολα από βιβλιοθήκες.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Αναζήτηση συμβόλων",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Επεξεργασία ονόματος και περιγραφής πίνακα",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Ενεργοποίηση φωνητικών φακέλων",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Διαβάζει το όνομα των φακέλων δυνατά όταν πατηθεί",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Εξαγωγή",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Εξαγωγή ενός πίνακα",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Αυτή η επιλογή θα εξάγει μια ενιαία σανίδα που έχετε από μια λίστα με τα διοικητικά συμβούλια. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μορφές {cboardLink}, {link} ή PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Εξαγωγή όλων των καρτών",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Αυτή η επιλογή θα εξάγει όλες τις κάρτες που έχετε αν επιλέξετε μορφότυπο {cboardLink} ή {link} . Θα εξάγει απλά την τρέχουσα σανίδα αν επιλέξετε μορφή PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/en-GB.json b/src/translations/en-GB.json
index abe8c24f3..bda627b91 100644
--- a/src/translations/en-GB.json
+++ b/src/translations/en-GB.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Settings",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Colour",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Clear selection",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Full screen",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Search symbol library",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Number of tiles",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Last edited",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accept",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "You can either upload or look for symbols from libraries.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Search for symbols",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edit board name and description",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Enable folder vocalization",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Reads folders name out loud when clicked",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "This option will export a single board you have from a list of boards. You can choose {cboardLink}, {link} or PDF formats.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Export All Boards",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "This option will export ALL the boards you have if you choose {cboardLink} format or {link} format. It will export JUST the current board if you choose PDF format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/en-US.json b/src/translations/en-US.json
index c2ea92ba6..0e79baa8d 100644
--- a/src/translations/en-US.json
+++ b/src/translations/en-US.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Settings",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Color",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Clear selection",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Full screen",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Search symbol library",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Number of tiles",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Last edited",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accept",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "You can either upload or look for symbols from libraries.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Search for symbols",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edit board name and description",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Enable folder vocalization",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Reads folders name out loud when clicked",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "This option will export a single board you have from a list of boards. You can choose {cboardLink}, {link} or PDF formats.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Export All Boards",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "This option will export ALL the boards you have if you choose {cboardLink} format or {link} format. It will export JUST the current board if you choose PDF format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/es-ES.json b/src/translations/es-ES.json
index 6a3620fcf..8be5fa450 100644
--- a/src/translations/es-ES.json
+++ b/src/translations/es-ES.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Configuración",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Color",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Borrar selección",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Esquema de colores",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Pantalla completa",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Salir de pantalla completa",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Buscar en la Biblioteca de símbolos",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Número de mosaicos",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID del tablero",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Última edición",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Descripción",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Tablero publicado con éxito! Todos pueden ver tu tablero ahora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "¡El tablero fue modificado! Nadie puede ver tu tablero ahora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "El tablero fue eliminado permanentemente.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Esta acción creará una copia del tablero público y la agregará a su comunicador. Quieres proceder?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Eliminar tablero",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Esta acción eliminará el tablero y no se puede recuperar. Quieres proceder?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Descripción de la placa",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Proporcione una breve descripción sobre el contenido del tablero y para qué está destinado.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Aceptar",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Editar imagen de tablero",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Puedes subir una imagen o buscar símbolos de las bibliotecas.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Busca símbolos",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Editar nombre y descripción del tablero",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Habilitar vocalización de carpetas",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Lee el nombre de las carpetas en voz alta al hacer clic",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Exportar",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exportar una sola placa",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Esta opción exportará un único tablero que elijas de una lista de tableros. Puedes elegir los formatos {cboardLink}, {link} o PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportar todos los tableros",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Esta opción exportará TODOS los tableros que tengas si eliges el formato {cboardLink} o el formato {link} . Exportará SOLO el tablero si eliges el formato PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/fi-FI.json b/src/translations/fi-FI.json
index 2218df80f..38450bd93 100644
--- a/src/translations/fi-FI.json
+++ b/src/translations/fi-FI.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "asetukset",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Väri",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Tyhjennä valinta",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Väriskeema",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Koko näyttö",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Poistu koko näytöltä",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Hae symbolikirjasto",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Laattojen lukumäärä",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Hallituksen tunnus",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Viimeksi muokattu",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Kuvaus",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Hallitus julkaistu onnistuneesti! Kaikki voivat nähdä taulusi nyt.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Hallitusta ei julkaistu! Kukaan ei näe hallintoneuvostasi nyt.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Taulu poistettiin pysyvästi.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Tämä toiminto luo kopion julkisesta taulusta ja lisää sen kommunikaattoriin. Haluatko edetä?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Poista hallitus",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Tämä toimenpide poistaa kortin, eikä sitä voida palauttaa. Haluatko edetä?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Taulun kuvaus",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Kuvaile lyhyt kuvaus taulun sisällöstä ja mihin taulu on tarkoitettu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Hyväksyä",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Muokkaa hallituksen kuvaa",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Voit joko ladata tai etsiä symboleja kirjastoista.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Etsi symboleja",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Muokkaa taulun nimeä ja kuvausta",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Ota kansion äänitys käyttöön",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Lukee kansioiden nimet ääneen napsautettaessa",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Viedä",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Vie yksi kortti",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Tämä vaihtoehto vie yhden hallitusti taulun levyluettelosta. Voit valita {cboardLink}, {link} tai PDF-muodot.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Vie kaikki levyt",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Tämä vaihtoehto vie kaikki KAIKKI hallintotaulut, jos valitset muodon {cboardLink} tai {link} . Se vie vain nykyisen alustan, jos valitset PDF-muodon.",
diff --git a/src/translations/fr-FR.json b/src/translations/fr-FR.json
index b401a43bd..6e37f325e 100644
--- a/src/translations/fr-FR.json
+++ b/src/translations/fr-FR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Paramètres",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Couleur",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Effacer la sélection",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Schéma de couleur",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Plein écran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Quitter le mode plein écran",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Rechercher une bibliothèque de symboles",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Nombre de carreaux",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID du conseil",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Dernière modification",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "La description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Publication réussie du forum! Tout le monde peut voir votre tableau maintenant.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Le forum était inédit! Personne ne peut voir votre tableau maintenant.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Le forum a été définitivement supprimé.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Cette action créera une copie du tableau public et l'ajoutera à votre communicateur. Voulez-vous poursuivre?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Supprimer le forum",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Cette action supprimera la carte et ne pourra pas être récupérée. Voulez-vous poursuivre?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Description de la carte",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Veuillez fournir une brève description du contenu du tableau et à quoi il est destiné.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "J'accepte",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Modifier l'image du tableau",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Vous pouvez télécharger ou rechercher des symboles dans les bibliothèques.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Recherche de symboles",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Modifier le nom et la description du forum",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Activer la vocalisation des dossiers",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Lit le nom des dossiers à voix haute lorsque vous cliquez dessus",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Exportation",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exporter une seule carte",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Cette option exportera une seule carte que vous avez à partir d'une liste de cartes. Vous pouvez choisir les formats {cboardLink}, {link} ou PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exporter toutes les cartes",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Cette option exportera TOUTES les cartes que vous avez si vous choisissez le format {cboardLink} ou {link} format. Il exportera JUSTE la carte actuelle si vous choisissez le format PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/he-IL.json b/src/translations/he-IL.json
index a97559333..a2525513b 100644
--- a/src/translations/he-IL.json
+++ b/src/translations/he-IL.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "הגדרות",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "צבע",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "נקה בחירה",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "סכמת צבעים",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "היכנס למצב מסך מלא",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "צא ממצב מסך מלא",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "חפש בספריית הסמלים",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "מספר האריחים",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "מזהה לוח",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "נערך לאחרונה",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "תיאור",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "לוח פורסם בהצלחה! כולם יכולים לראות את הלוח שלך עכשיו.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "הלוח לא פורסם! אף אחד לא יכול לראות את הלוח שלך עכשיו.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "הלוח נמחק לצמיתות.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "פעולה זו תיצור עותק של הלוח הציבורי ותוסיף אותה לתקשורת שלך. האם אתה רוצה להמשיך?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "מחק לוח",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "פעולה זו תמחק את הלוח ולא ניתן לשחזר אותה. האם אתה רוצה להמשיך?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "תיאור הלוח",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "אנא ספק תיאור קצר אודות תוכן הלוח ולמה מיועד הלוח.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "קבל",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "ערוך את תמונת הלוח",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "אתה יכול להעלות או לחפש סמלים מהספריות.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "חפש סמלים",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "ערוך את שם הלוח ותיאורו",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "אפשר קוליזציה של תיקיות",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "מקריא את שם התיקיה בקול רם כאשר לוחצים עליה",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "יצוא",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "ייצא לוח יחיד",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "אפשרות זו תייצא לוח יחיד שברשותך מרשימת לוחות. אתה יכול לבחור פורמטים של {cboardLink}, {link} או PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "ייצא את כל הלוחות",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "אפשרות זו תייצא את כל הלוחות שברשותך אם תבחר בפורמט {cboardLink} או פורמט {link} . הוא ייצא רק את הלוח הנוכחי אם תבחר בפורמט PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/help/bn-BD.md b/src/translations/help/bn-BD.md
index c22028fe0..c9fc57b73 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/bn-BD.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/bn-BD.md
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* [আমি কীভাবে একটি বোর্ড ভাগ করব?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [টকিং](#Talking)
* [আমি কীবোর্ডে প্রতীকগুলিতে ব্যক্তিগতভাবে রেকর্ড করা ভয়েস যুক্ত করব?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [আমি কীভাবে অন্য কন্ঠে স্যুইচ করব?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [একটি ভয়েস কেমন লাগে আমি কীভাবে পরিবর্তন করব?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [বোর্ড সম্পাদনা](#BoardEditing)
* [আমি কীভাবে একটি খালি বোর্ড তৈরি করব?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [আমি কীবোর্ডে বিদ্যমান বোর্ডকে ব্যক্তিগতকৃত করব?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [আমি কিবোর্ডের বোতামগুলির আকার পরিবর্তন করতে পারি?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [স্ক্যান করা হচ্ছে](#Scanning)
* [প্রতীক অ্যাক্সেস করতে আমি স্ক্যানিং কৌশলগুলি ব্যবহার করতে পারি?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [যোগাযোগকারী নির্মাতা](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [যোগাযোগকারী নির্মাতা কী?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [যোগাযোগকারী বোর্ড](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [পাবলিক বোর্ড](#PublicBoards)
+ * [আমার সমস্ত বোর্ড](#Allmyboards)
## বোর্ডবোর্ড কী?
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### আমি কী বোর্ডের জন্য নিবন্ধন করব?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+বোর্ডের জন্য নিবন্ধন করতে, স্বাগতম পৃষ্ঠাতে পদক্ষেপগুলি অনুসরণ করে শুরু করুন যেখানে আপনি লগইনগুলির একটি পছন্দ পাবেন।
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-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+আপনি যদি নতুন ব্যবহারকারী হন তবে সাইন আপ টিপুন এবং একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করার জন্য একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত ফর্ম বেসিক তথ্য জিজ্ঞাসা করবে।
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+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+আপনি এই তথ্যটি পূরণ করার পরে, আপনি খুব শীঘ্রই আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টটি নিশ্চিত করার জন্য অনুসরণ করার জন্য একটি লিঙ্ক সহ একটি ইমেল পাবেন।
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-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+এই তথ্যটি কেবল সংস্থাটির দ্বারা কেবলবোর্ডের ব্যবহার সমর্থন করার জন্য এবং প্রয়োজনে সহায়তা দেওয়ার জন্য ধারণ করে। এটি অন্যান্য সংস্থার সাথে ভাগ করা হয়নি, ( [গোপনীয়তার বিবরণ দেখুন](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/))।
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+একবার আপনি নিজের অ্যাকাউন্টটি যাচাই করে নিলে আপনি সিবোর্ডে অ্যাক্সেস পাবেন এবং আপনি নিজের অ্যাকাউন্টটি সফলভাবে যাচাই করেছেন তা নিশ্চিত করে অন্য একটি ইমেল পাবেন।
### আমি কি আমার সামাজিক মিডিয়া অ্যাকাউন্টগুলি ব্যবহার করে নিজেকে নিবন্ধন করতে পারি?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+হ্যাঁ! লগইন পৃষ্ঠায়, আপনি যদি এটি করতে চান তবে আপনাকে নিজের গুগল বা ফেসবুক অ্যাকাউন্টে সাইন আপ করার অপশন দেওয়া হবে। আপনি একটি ই-মেইল ঠিকানা দিয়ে নিবন্ধন করতে পারেন।
### আমি একবার নিবন্ধিত ব্যবহারকারী হয়ে কীভাবে সিবোর্ডে লগ ইন করব?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+সিবোর্ডে লগ ইন করতে, আপনি সাইন আপ করতে ব্যবহৃত প্রথম পদক্ষেপটি অনুসরণ করেন, তবে ওয়েলকাম স্ক্রিনে সাইন আপ নির্বাচন করার পরিবর্তে লগইন নির্বাচন করুন। তারপরে আপনাকে প্রাথমিকভাবে সাইন আপ করা ইমেল এবং আপনি যে পাসওয়ার্ডটি সেট আপ করেছেন তা সরবরাহ করতে বলা হবে।
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-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### কিবোর্ড কনফিগার করার বিভিন্ন বিকল্প কী কী?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+আপনি একবার বোর্ডগুলিতে লগইন করার পরে, যখন বোর্ডটি আনলকড মোডে থাকে তখন আপনি সরবরাহকৃত যোগাযোগ বোর্ডটি কনফিগার করতে এবং বিকাশের জন্য বিভিন্ন বিকল্প অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারেন। নীচে সমস্ত কী বিকল্পগুলির তালিকা দেখুন:
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+
-### How do I logout?
+### আমি কীভাবে লগআউট করব?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+আপনি সেটিংস আইকনটি নির্বাচন করে লগ আউট করতে পারেন এবং বিকল্পটি লাল রঙে উপস্থিত হবে। আপনি ডান কোণে লক চিহ্নটিও নির্বাচন করতে পারেন, তিনবার ক্লিক করুন এবং একবার আপনি স্ক্রিনটি আনলক করে ফেললে এবং লাল বারটি উপস্থিত হয়ে গেলে, লকের বামদিকে আইকনটি নির্বাচন করুন (আপনার ছবি যদি বোঝা থাকে তবে) এবং লগ করার বিকল্পটি আউট লাল প্রদর্শিত হবে।
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-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### নিবন্ধিত এবং নিবন্ধভুক্ত ব্যবহারকারীর মধ্যে পার্থক্য কী?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+একজন নিবন্ধিত ব্যবহারকারী তাদের বোর্ডগুলি ব্যক্তিগতকৃত করতে সক্ষম হয়েছে এবং এতে করা পরিবর্তনগুলি তাদের অ্যাকাউন্টে সংরক্ষণ করা হবে যাতে তারা যখন লগ ইন করে তখন তারা তাদের কাস্টমাইজড বোর্ডগুলি ব্যবহার করতে পারে। একটি নিবন্ধভুক্ত ব্যবহারকারী নিরাপদে পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করতে সক্ষম হবেন না। আমরা কেবল ক্ষেত্রে নিবন্ধকরণের পরামর্শ দিচ্ছি, যাতে আপনার পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণের গ্যারান্টিযুক্ত।
-### How do I update my user information?
+### আমি কীভাবে আমার ব্যবহারকারীর তথ্য আপডেট করব?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+আপনার ব্যবহারকারীর তথ্য আপডেট করতে, আপনি লগ আউট করার চেষ্টা করলে একই পদক্ষেপগুলি অনুসরণ করুন। বোর্ডের উপরের ডানদিকে কোণার লক চিহ্নটি নির্বাচন করুন - তিনটি ক্লিক বা ট্যাপস এবং একবার আপনি স্ক্রিনটি আনলক করার পরে লকের বামদিকে আইকনটি নির্বাচন করুন (ব্যবহারকারীর নাম আদ্যক্ষর, ফটো) এবং তারপরে আপনি আপনার ব্যবহারকারীর তথ্য সম্পাদনা করতে পারবেন ।
-### How do I reset my password?
+### আমি কীভাবে আমার পাসওয়ার্ডটি পুনরায় সেট করব?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+আপনার পাসওয়ার্ডটি পুনরায় সেট করতে, দয়া করে ইমেল করুন support@cboard.io এবং আমরা আপনার কাছে ফিরে আসব।
## মূল্য
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### কিবোর্ডের দাম কত?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+সিবোর্ড যে কোনও চার্জ থেকে সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে free
## বৈশিষ্ট্য
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### কোন ডিভাইস এবং ওএস সমর্থিত?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+ডেস্কটপগুলি, ট্যাবলেটগুলি এবং ম্যাক, উইন্ডোজ এবং অ্যান্ড্রয়েড অপারেটিং সিস্টেমগুলি ব্যবহার করে মোবাইল ফোন সহ বিভিন্ন ধরণের ডিভাইসগুলি ব্যবহার করে সিবোর্ড অনলাইনে উপলব্ধ। এটি ক্রোম, ফায়ারফক্স, এজ এবং সাফারি এর মতো ব্রাউজারগুলিতে সেরা দেখা যায় এবং গুগল প্লে থেকে একটি অ্যান্ড্রয়েড অ্যাপ পাওয়া যায় is
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+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+যেহেতু Cboard একটি ওয়েব ভিত্তিক অ্যাপ্লিকেশন এটি পৃথক ব্রাউজারগুলির সরবরাহিত সেটিংসে প্রতিক্রিয়া জানায়। এর অর্থ হতে পারে আপনার বোর্ডের সরবরাহিত সেটিংসে আলাদা আলাদা ফলাফল রয়েছে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, আপনি প্রস্তাবিত বিভিন্ন স্পিচ অপশন পেতে পারেন।
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+কম্পিউটার, ট্যাবলেট বা ফোনের স্ক্রিনের আকারের উপর নির্ভর করে আপনি ব্রাউজার ম্যাগনিফিকেশন বা নির্দিষ্ট ডিগ্রীতে জুমও ব্যবহার করতে পারেন তা ভুলে যাবেন না।
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+এই ধরণের ওয়েব অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ব্যবহার করার সময় দয়া করে ব্রাউজার ভিত্তিক বিকল্পগুলি ভিজ্যুয়াল বৈকল্যযুক্তদের জন্য উচ্চ বিপরীতে মোড ব্যবহার করার বিষয়ে দয়া করে বোর্ডকে জিজ্ঞাসা করুন।
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### কোন ভাষাটি বোর্ড দ্বারা সমর্থিত?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+33 টি ভাষার জন্য সাফল্যের সাহায্যে বোর্ড আসবে। একটি ভিন্ন ভাষা নির্বাচন করতে সেটিংগুলিতে যান - ভাষা নির্বাচন করুন এবং যেগুলি উপলভ্য তা উপস্থিত হবে। একটি পছন্দ করুন এবং ভাষার পাশে একটি 'টিক' উপস্থিত হবে।
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### কিবোর্ড জোরে আমার বার্তা পড়তে পারে?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+হ্যাঁ, বার্তা বার্তা আউটপুট বাক্সে যুক্ত হওয়ার সাথে সাথে প্রতিটি চিহ্নের নীচে পাওয়া পৃথক লেবেলগুলি পড়তে আপনার ডিভাইসে উপলব্ধ সিন্থেটিক স্পিচ আউটপুটটি বোর্ড ব্যবহার করে। আপনি একটি সম্পূর্ণ বার্তা নির্বাচন করতে পারেন এবং এটি উচ্চস্বরে পড়া হবে। যদি কোনও শব্দ, শব্দ বা বাক্যাংশের ব্যক্তিগতকৃত রেকর্ডিং কোনও প্রতীকটিতে যুক্ত করা হয় (কথা বলার অধীনে নির্দেশ - ভয়েস রেকর্ডিংস) আপনি সংশ্লেষিত ভয়েসের পরিবর্তে সেই রেকর্ডিং শুনতে পাবেন। এটি খুব সহায়ক হতে পারে যেখানে কোনও ভাষায় অনুবাদ পাওয়া যায় না, সন্তানের ভয়েস প্রয়োজন হয় বা একটি অ্যাকসেন্ট গ্রহণযোগ্য নয়। আপনার মাইক্রোফোনে ওয়েব অ্যাক্সেস দেওয়া হয়েছে তা নিশ্চিত করুন।
-### Speech capabilities
+### স্পিচ ক্ষমতা
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+বক্তৃতা ক্ষমতা সামঞ্জস্য করার জন্য, SETTINGS এ যান এবং ভাষা বিভাগের অধীনে স্পিচ বিভাগ হয়। আপনি স্পীচটি নির্বাচন করার সময়, আপনি বোর্ড এবং স্পিচ স্পিডের সম্পাদনা করতে সক্ষম হবেন।
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-### Export and import
+### রফতানি ও আমদানি করুন
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+রফতানির জন্য উভয় বিকল্পগুলি ভাষা ও স্পিচের নীচে সিস্টেমে বিভাগে SETTINGS এর মধ্যে রয়েছে। এক্সপোর্ট বিভাগটি আপনাকে একটি ওপেন বোর্ড বা পিডিএফ আপলোড করার বিকল্প দেয়। আপনি পুনঃস্থাপন নির্বাচন করার পরে আমদানি বিভাগটি আপনার সংরক্ষিত ফাইলগুলি খুলবে।
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-### Display capabilities
+### প্রদর্শন ক্ষমতা
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+ডিসপ্লে সেটিংসটি SYSTEM বিভাগের মধ্যে SETTINGS এ সম্পাদনা করা যেতে পারে। প্রদর্শন বিকল্পটি রফতানি এবং আমদানির ঠিক নীচে। আপনি যা নির্বাচিত করেন তা চয়ন করুন, আপনি পছন্দসই আকারটি নির্বাচন করে ইউআই আকারের পাশাপাশি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ফন্টের আকারও পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেন। লাল বিন্দুটি আপনি চয়ন করতে চান সেই আকারের নীচে হওয়া উচিত।
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### আমি কি কোনও নেভিগেশন সেটিংস পরিবর্তন করতে পারি?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+বার্তাটি বাক্সে যেভাবে আপনি বোর্ডবোর্ডে চিহ্ন এবং চিহ্নগুলি মুছে ফেলার জন্য আপনি যেভাবে ব্যবহার করেন তা সম্পাদনা করতে এবং সুবিধার্থে নেভিগেশন বিভাগটি ব্যবহার করুন। সেটিংগুলিতে সিস্টেমে বিভাগের শেষে নেভিগেশন আপনাকে আরও বড় একটি 'পিছনে' বোতাম রাখতে দেয় যা নির্বাচন করা সহজ। বার্তা বাক্সের মধ্যে উপস্থাপন করার সাথে সাথে প্রতিটি চিহ্নের উপরে একটি মুছার ('x') বোতামটি উপস্থিত হওয়ার অনুমতি দেওয়াও সম্ভব। এটি বাক্যটির মধ্যে চিহ্নগুলি মুছে ফেলা সহজ করে তুলতে পারে। তবে ব্যবহারকারীর প্রয়োজন সম্পর্কে সচেতন হন কারণ এটি কিছু ব্যক্তিকে বিভ্রান্ত করতে পারে।
-### Navigation through the interface
+### ইন্টারফেসের মাধ্যমে নেভিগেশন
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+বোর্ডের মাধ্যমে নেভিগেট সম্পাদনা এবং নেভিগেশনের সুবিধার্থে, নেভিগেশন নির্বাচন করুন, সিস্টেমে সর্বশেষ মেনু আইটেম (সমস্ত সেটিংসে) আপনাকে বোর্ডটি আরও সহজ করে তুলতে নির্দিষ্ট বিশদ যুক্ত করতে দেয়। নেভিগেশনের মধ্যে প্রথম বিকল্পটি বৃহত্তর 'পিছনে' বোতামটি মঞ্জুর করে যা আকারের কারণে নির্বাচন করা সহজ। দ্বিতীয়টি চিহ্নগুলি মুছতে আরও সহজ করার জন্য একটি 'x' বোতাম যুক্ত করে এবং তৃতীয়টি সেটিংস আনলক করতে কেবল একটি ক্লিকের প্রয়োজনে আনলক করা সহজ করে তোলে।
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## সেটিংস
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### আমি কীবোর্ডে সেটিংস অ্যাক্সেস করব?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+আপনি একবার বোর্ডে লগ ইন করলে হোম পৃষ্ঠাটি খুলবে।
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+সেটিংগুলিতে অ্যাক্সেস পেতে, ডান হাতের তীরের নীচে তিনবার ছোট লকটি নির্বাচন করুন। এটি করা হয়ে গেলে, কালো রঙের বারের নীচে একটি ধূসর বার উপস্থিত হবে এবং 'সেটিংস' বোতামটি সরাসরি হোম বারে লকের বামদিকে প্রদর্শিত হবে, ডানদিক থেকে দ্বিতীয়।
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### আমি কীভাবে আমার বোর্ড সেটবোর্ডে মুদ্রণ করব?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+আপনার বোর্ডটি মুদ্রণ করতে, কালো পৃষ্ঠা বারের বাম দিকে প্রিন্টার লোগোটি চাপুন, হোম পৃষ্ঠাটি আনলক করার পরে। আপনার প্রযুক্তিতে একটি অ্যাডোব পোর্টেবল ডকুমেন্ট (.pdf) ডাউনলোড করা হবে।
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### ফুলস্ক্রিনে আমি কীবোর্ড দেখতে পাচ্ছি?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+পূর্ণ স্ক্রিনে কীবোর্ডটি দেখতে, ডানদিকে লক চিহ্নটি টিপে স্ক্রিনটি আনলক করুন এবং তারপরে সর্বোচ্চ সারিতে (কালো বার), একটি আয়তক্ষেত্রের মতো দেখতে বাম দিক থেকে দ্বিতীয় প্রতীকটি পর্দা প্রসারিত করে।
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-### How do I share a board?
+### আমি কীভাবে একটি বোর্ড ভাগ করব?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+বোর্ড ভাগ করতে, ডানদিকে লক চিহ্নটি টিপে স্ক্রিনটি আনলক করুন, তারপরে সর্বোচ্চ সারিতে (কালো বার) ডানদিকের তৃতীয় চিহ্ন আপনাকে ইমেল, ফেসবুক, উভয়কেই আপনার বোর্ড ভাগ করে নেওয়ার বিকল্প দেয় টুইটার, বা কাউকে পাঠাতে লিঙ্কটি অনুলিপি করুন।
## টকিং
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### আমি কীবোর্ডে প্রতীকগুলিতে ব্যক্তিগতভাবে রেকর্ড করা ভয়েস যুক্ত করব?
1. আপনি যে বোর্ডটি ব্যবহার করতে চান তাতে যান।
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### আমি কীভাবে আলাদা ভয়েসে স্যুইচ করব?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+স্পিচ ক্ষমতা / ভয়েস সামঞ্জস্য করার জন্য, সেটিংসে যান এবং ভাষা বিভাগের অধীনে স্পীচ বিভাগ হয়। আপনি স্পীচটি নির্বাচন করার সময় আপনি বোর্ড এবং পিচের বক্তৃতাটির গতি সম্পাদনা করতে সক্ষম হবেন। "আমি কীবোর্ডে প্রতীকগুলিতে ব্যক্তিগতভাবে রেকর্ড করা ভয়েসকে কীভাবে যুক্ত করব?" এর উত্তরের পদক্ষেপগুলি অনুসরণ করে প্রতীকগুলির জন্য আপনার নিজের ভয়েস রেকর্ড করতে পারেন?
### একটি ভয়েস কেমন লাগে আমি কীভাবে পরিবর্তন করব?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+স্পিচ ক্ষমতা / ভয়েস / শব্দ সমন্বয় করতে, SETTINGS এ যান এবং ভাষা বিভাগের অধীনে স্পীচ বিভাগটি নির্বাচন করুন category এরপরে আপনি কিবোর্ডে বক্তৃতাটির গর্ত এবং গতি সম্পাদনা করতে সক্ষম হবেন।
## বোর্ড সম্পাদনা
### আমি কীভাবে একটি খালি বোর্ড তৈরি করব?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+কিবোর্ডে একটি খালি বোর্ড একটি ফোল্ডারের সমতুল্য।
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+আপনি যদি একটি নতুন বা খালি বোর্ড তৈরি করতে চান তবে আপনাকে একটি নতুন ফোল্ডার তৈরি করতে হবে, এবং এটি বোর্ড বোর্ড স্টোরেজ অঞ্চলে একটি নতুন বোর্ড তৈরি করবে (যা আপনি সম্পাদনা মোডে মাঝের বারে বোর্ডগুলিতে যাওয়ার সময় দেখতে পাবেন)।
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+নতুন খালি বোর্ডটি সম্পাদনা করার জন্য তাত্ক্ষণিকভাবে উপলব্ধ হবে এবং রুট বোর্ড (বিল্ড বোতামটি ব্যবহার করে) হিসাবে সেট করা যেতে পারে, যার অর্থ পরবর্তীবার আপনি যখন বোর্ডটি খুলবেন তখন এটিই প্রথম বোর্ড হবে।
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+একটি নতুন ফোল্ডার তৈরি করতে ডান হাতের লক বোতামটি নির্বাচন করে স্ক্রীনটি আনলক করে শুরু করুন। আপনি একবার স্ক্রিনটি আনলক করার পরে, ডলার দিকে প্লাস (+) চিহ্নটি নির্বাচন করুন, টাইপ যুক্ত করতে। তারপরে আপনাকে একটি টাইল / বাটন যুক্ত করার বিকল্প দেওয়া হবে যা প্রথম এবং স্বয়ংক্রিয় বিকল্প বা ফোল্ডারটি নির্বাচন করুন এই ক্রিয়াটি একটি নতুন বোর্ড তৈরি করে যেখানে আপনি আরও টাইলস এবং ফোল্ডার যুক্ত করতে পারেন।
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+একবার আপনি ফোল্ডারের নাম রাখলে আপনি রঙিন সেটিং এবং লেবেল সহ টাইল তৈরি করতে অনুরূপ কোনও চিত্র আপলোড করতে পারেন। এই নতুন ফোল্ডারটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে এর উপরে একটি বোর্ডের সাথে লিঙ্ক করবে (যদি টাইলসের সারি অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকে)। এটি আপনার বোর্ডের তালিকায় খালি বোর্ড হিসাবে উপস্থিত হবে যতক্ষণ না এটি চিহ্ন এবং লেবেলগুলির দ্বারা জনবহুল হয়।
### আমি কীবোর্ডে বিদ্যমান বোর্ডকে ব্যক্তিগতকৃত করব?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+একটি বিদ্যমান বোর্ড ব্যক্তিগতকৃত করার জন্য, বোর্ডের উপরে বারের উপরের ডানদিকে কোণে LOCK নির্বাচন করুন (ক্রসযুক্ত তীরের নীচে)। এটি করা হয়ে গেলে, কালো হোম বারের নীচে আরেকটি বার উপস্থিত হবে এবং একটি টাইল বা ঘর যুক্ত করতে বাম দিকে আপনি একটি ছোট ব্লক (EDIT) আইকন পাবেন। ব্লকটি নির্বাচিত হয়ে গেলে, ধূসর বারটি নীল হতে হবে এবং ডানদিকে আপনি একটি ছোট ট্র্যাশ ক্যান এবং একটি পেন্সিল দেখতে পাবেন।
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+বোর্ডটি ব্যক্তিগতকৃত করার জন্য, পেন্সিলটি নির্বাচন করুন এবং আপনি লেবেলটি পরিবর্তন করতে, একটি চিত্র আপলোড করতে এবং ভোকালাইজেশন যুক্ত করতে সক্ষম হবেন।
### বোর্ড সম্পাদনার সময় আমি কি আমার নিজস্ব ছবি ব্যবহার করতে পারি?
-হ্যাঁ, বোর্ড সম্পাদনার সময় আপনি নিজের ছবি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). আপনি নিজের ছবি দিয়ে একটি বিদ্যমান টাইল সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন।
+হ্যাঁ, বোর্ড সম্পাদনার সময় আপনি নিজের ছবি ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। আপনার নিজের ছবি ব্যবহার করার জন্য, আপনি যখন কোনও নতুন টাইল তৈরি করবেন তখন (পৃষ্ঠাটি আনলক করার পরে ধূসর বারে প্লাস সাইন (+) নির্বাচন করে) ছবিটি আপলোড করতে পারেন। আপনি নিজের ছবি দিয়ে একটি বিদ্যমান টাইল সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন।
### আমি কি বোর্ডে উপাদানগুলির ক্রম পরিবর্তন করতে পারি?
-হ্যাঁ! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+হ্যাঁ! আপনি যখন কোনও বোর্ড সম্পাদনা করছেন, তখন লক প্রতীক ব্যবহার করে পর্দাটি আনলক করুন। তারপরে বাম পাশের EDIT ব্লক আইকনটি নির্বাচন করুন (বিল্ড আইকনের নীচে)। তারপরে আপনি চিত্র বোর্ড / চিহ্ন বা ফোল্ডারটিকে যেখানেই একই বোর্ডের মধ্যে রাখতে চান সেখানে টেনে আনতে পারেন।
### আমি সম্পাদনা করতে একাধিক উপাদান কীভাবে নির্বাচন করব?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+একইভাবে আপনি কোনও বোর্ডে উপাদানগুলির ক্রম পরিবর্তন করেন তবে নির্বাচন এবং টেনে আনার পরিবর্তে আপনি চিত্রগ্রন্থ / প্রতীক বর্গক্ষেত্রের বৃত্তটি বেছে নেন। অনেকগুলি চিহ্ন সম্পাদনা করতে আপনি একাধিক চয়ন করতে পারেন। এটি করার পরে, ডানদিকে পেনসিল আইকনটি নির্বাচন করুন এবং এটি আপনাকে নির্বাচিত উপাদানগুলি সম্পাদনা করার অনুমতি দেবে।
### আমি যখন টাইল সম্পাদনা করছি তখন কীভাবে আমি নতুন প্রতীক খুঁজে পাব?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+বোর্ড বারের বাম দিকে EDIT ব্লক আইকনটি নির্বাচন করুন এবং আপনি যে চিত্রটি / চিহ্নটি পরিবর্তন করতে চান তা চয়ন করুন। এটি নির্বাচন করুন এবং একবার নীল রিংটিতে টিক লাগলে ডানদিকে পেনসিল আইকনে যান। পেন্সিলটি নির্বাচন করে আপনি লক্ষ্য করবেন যে প্রতীক অনুসন্ধানের জন্য একটি ম্যাগনিফাইং গ্লাস আইকন রয়েছে। অনুসন্ধানের বৈশিষ্ট্যটি সক্রিয় হয়ে গেলে আপনি একটি সম্পাদনা বারে লিংক সিম্বল লাইব্রেরি দেখতে পাবেন। আপনি যে ধারণাটি / লেবেল / শব্দটি সন্ধান করছেন তাতে টাইপ করুন এবং প্রতীকগুলি উপস্থিত হবে। একবার আপনি একটি প্রতীক নির্বাচন করেছেন এটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে আপনাকে সম্পাদনা টাইল পৃষ্ঠায় ফিরিয়ে দেবে।
## আমদানি ও রপ্তানি
### আমি কীভাবে আমার বোর্ডবোর্ডে রফতানি করব?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+আপনার বোর্ডটি বোর্ডে রফতানি করতে, SETTINGS এ যান এবং আপনি সেটিংস খোলার সাথে সাথে ভাষা এবং স্পিচের নীচে নিম্নমুখী তীর হিসাবে রফতানির বিকল্পটি উপস্থিত হবে।
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+এক্সপোর্ট নির্বাচন করুন, এবং ওপেনবোর্ড বা রফতানি বাছাই করে আপনার বোর্ডটি ডাউনলোড করুন।
### আমি কীবোর্ডে একটি বোর্ড কীভাবে আমদানি করব?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+বোর্ড আমদানি করতে, রফতানিতে ব্যবহৃত পদক্ষেপগুলি অনুসরণ করুন। ইমপোর্টটি রফতানির নীচে রয়েছে, এর নীচে অনুভূমিক বার সহ একটি anর্ধ্বমুখী তীর।
### আমদানি / রফতানি করতে কিবোর্ড কোন ফাইল ফর্ম্যাট ব্যবহার করে?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+বোর্ড আমদানি ও রফতানি করার জন্য আপনার কাছে দুটি বিকল্প রয়েছে:
* কিবোর্ড নেটিভ ফাইল বোর্ডগুলি ব্যবহার করুন।
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* ওপেনবোর্ড ফর্ম্যাট করা ফাইলগুলি ব্যবহার করুন। [ওপেন বোর্ড ফর্ম্যাট](https://www.openboardformat.org/)সম্পর্কে আরও জানুন
## প্রদর্শন ক্ষমতা
### আমি ডিসপ্লেতে কী পরিবর্তন করতে পারি?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+ডিসপ্লে সেটিংসটি SYSTEM বিভাগের মধ্যে SETTINGS এ সম্পাদনা করা যেতে পারে। প্রদর্শন বিকল্পটি রফতানি এবং আমদানির নীচে। আপনি একবার DISPLAY নির্বাচন করলে, আপনি নিজের পছন্দমতো আকারটি নির্বাচন করে ইউজার ইন্টারফেস (UI) আকারের পাশাপাশি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ফন্টের আকারও পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন। লাল বিন্দুটি আপনি চয়ন করতে চান সেই আকারের নীচে হওয়া উচিত।
### আমি কিবোর্ডের বোতামগুলির আকার পরিবর্তন করতে পারি?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+হ্যাঁ! আপনি সেটিংগুলিতে টাইলস বা বোতামগুলির আকার পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন। সিস্টেম ক্যাটাগরিতে বিভাগ নির্বাচন করুন এবং আপনাকে আকারের জন্য তিনটি বিকল্প দেওয়া হবে: স্ট্যান্ডার্ড, বৃহত্তর, অতিরিক্ত বৃহত্তর। নীচের চিত্র দেখুন:
-
+
## স্ক্যান করা হচ্ছে
### প্রতীক অ্যাক্সেস করতে আমি স্ক্যানিং কৌশলগুলি ব্যবহার করতে পারি?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+স্ক্যানিং হ'ল যেখানে নির্বাচনের সেটে আইটেমগুলি সময়ের সাথে ক্রমান্বয়ে উপস্থাপিত হয় এবং ব্যবহারকারী সাধারণত অপ্রত্যক্ষভাবে একটি নির্বাচন করেন, সাধারণত স্যুইচ অ্যাক্সেসের মাধ্যমে। বোর্ডে স্ক্যান করা SETTINGS এবং SYSTEM বিভাগের মধ্যে কাজ করে। স্ক্যান করার জন্য বিভিন্ন সেটিংস রয়েছে। আপনার প্রথমে সক্ষম নির্বাচন করে স্ক্যানিং সেটিংস সক্ষম করা উচিত। তারপরে আপনি সময় বিলম্ব, পাশাপাশি পদ্ধতি (স্বয়ংক্রিয় বা ম্যানুয়াল) চয়ন করতে পারেন। দয়া করে সচেতন হন যে কোনও ট্যাবলেট বা স্মার্টফোন ব্যবহার করার সময় এর নিজস্ব বিল্ট-ইন স্ক্যানিং বিকল্প থাকতে পারে।
-## Communicator builder
+## যোগাযোগকারী নির্মাতা
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### যোগাযোগকারী নির্মাতা কী?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+যোগাযোগকারী নির্মাতা একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য যা আপনাকে বোর্ডগুলি অনুলিপি করতে, মুছতে, প্রকাশ করতে, যুক্ত করতে এবং মুছে ফেলার জন্য পরিচালনা করতে দেয়। কার্যকারিতা অ্যাক্সেস করার জন্য আপনাকে সেটিংস আনলক করতে হবে এবং 'বিল্ড' বোতামটি ক্লিক করতে হবে। আপনি তিনটি ভিন্ন ট্যাবে কাঠামোগত একটি নতুন পৃষ্ঠা দেখতে পাবেন: বোর্ড, পাবলিক বোর্ড, আমার সমস্ত বোর্ড। নীচের চিত্র দেখুন:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### যোগাযোগকারী বোর্ড
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+যোগাযোগের নির্মাতা আপনি যে ডিফল্ট ট্যাবটি দেখতে পাবেন তা হ'ল যোগাযোগকারী বোর্ডগুলি ট্যাব, এটি আপনার যোগাযোগকারীতে অন্তর্ভুক্ত সমস্ত বোর্ড প্রদর্শন করবে। নিম্নলিখিত ক্রিয়া বোতাম থেকে আপনি আপনার যোগাযোগকারীতে পরিবর্তন করতে পারেন:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* যোগাযোগকারী থেকে বোর্ড সরান: এই বোতামটি যোগাযোগকারী থেকে বোর্ডটি ছাড়বে তবে এটি ডাটাবেস থেকে বোর্ডটি মুছবে না এবং এটি এখনও 'আমার সমস্ত বোর্ড' ট্যাবের অধীনে উপলব্ধ।
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* বোর্ডটিকে রুট হিসাবে সেট করুন: প্রতিটি বার আপনি বোর্ডে লগইন করার সময় এই বোতামটি বোর্ডটিকে প্রথম বোর্ড হিসাবে সংজ্ঞায়িত করবে।
-
+
-### Public boards
+### পাবলিক বোর্ড
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* কপির বোর্ড: এই বাটনটি বোর্ডের একটি অনুলিপি তৈরি করবে এবং এটি এটি আপনার যোগাযোগকারীর সাথে যুক্ত করবে। যেহেতু এটি সর্বজনীন বোর্ডের অনুলিপি, আপনি এই বোর্ডটি মূল পাবলিক বোর্ডকে প্রভাবিত না করে আপনি যেমন চান তেমন সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন।
-
+
-### All my boards
+### আমার সমস্ত বোর্ড
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+দয়া করে নোট করুন যে JUST নিবন্ধিত ব্যবহারকারীরা এই ট্যাব কার্যকারিতাটিতে অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারবেন।
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* যোগাযোগকারী থেকে বোর্ড সরান: এই বোতামটি যোগাযোগকারী থেকে বোর্ডটি ছাড়বে কিন্তু ডাটাবেস থেকে বোর্ডটি মুছবে না এবং এটি এখনও উপলব্ধ।
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* যোগাযোগকারীতে বোর্ড যুক্ত করুন: এই বোতামটি যোগাযোগকারীকে বোর্ড অন্তর্ভুক্ত করবে।
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* প্রকাশনা বোর্ড: এই ক্রিয়াটি বোর্ডটিকে সর্বজনীন করে দেবে এবং এটি পাবলিক বোর্ডের ট্যাবটির আওতায় প্রদর্শিত হবে। প্রত্যেকে আপনার বোর্ড দেখতে পাবে।
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * অপ্রকাশিত বোর্ড: এই ক্রিয়াটি বোর্ডকে ব্যক্তিগত করে তুলবে এবং এটি পাবলিক বোর্ডগুলির ট্যাব অনুযায়ী প্রদর্শিত হবে না। আপনার বোর্ড কেউ দেখতে পাবে না।
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * বোর্ড মুছুন: এই ক্রিয়াটি বোর্ড মুছে ফেলবে এবং এটি পুনরুদ্ধার করা যাবে না। বোর্ডটি ডাটাবেস থেকে সরানো হবে।
-
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+
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diff --git a/src/translations/help/es-ES.md b/src/translations/help/es-ES.md
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+++ b/src/translations/help/es-ES.md
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* [¿Cómo actualizo mi información de usuario?](#HowdoIupdatemyuserinformation)
* [¿Cómo puedo restablecer mi contraseña?](#HowdoIresetmypassword)
* [Precio](#Price)
- * [¿Cuánto cuesta esto?](#HowmuchdoesCboardcost)
-* [Caracteristicas](#Features)
+ * [¿Cuánto cuesta la app?](#HowmuchdoesCboardcost)
+* [Características](#Features)
* [¿Qué dispositivos y OS son compatibles?](#WhatdevicesandOSaresupported)
* [¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con Cboard?](#WhichlanguagesaresupportedbyCboard)
* [¿Puede Cboard leer mi mensaje en voz alta?](#CanCboardreadmymessageoutaloud)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Pregúntele a Cboard sobre el uso del modo de alto contraste para las personas c
### ¿Qué idiomas son compatibles con Cboard?
-Cboard viene con soporte para 33 idiomas. Para seleccionar un idioma diferente, vaya a CONFIGURACIÓN - seleccione IDIOMA y aparecerán los disponibles. Haga una elección y aparecerá una 'marca' al lado del idioma.
+Cboard viene con soporte para 33 idiomas (más si usan la app en un Android, accediendo através de Google Play Store). Para seleccionar un idioma diferente, vaya a CONFIGURACIÓN - seleccione IDIOMA y aparecerán los disponibles. Haga una elección y aparecerá una 'marca' al lado del idioma.
### ¿Puede Cboard leer mi mensaje en voz alta?
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ La pestaña predeterminada que verá en el generador de comunicadores es la pest

-### Juntas públicas
+### Tableros públicos
* Copiar pizarra: este botón creará una copia de la pizarra y la agregará a su comunicador. Como se trata de una copia del tablero público, puede editar este tablero como desee sin afectar el tablero público original.
diff --git a/src/translations/help/he-IL.md b/src/translations/help/he-IL.md
index e4878193c..86489b2d5 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/he-IL.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/he-IL.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
* [יצוא ויבוא](#Exportandimport)
* [יכולות תצוגה](#Displaycapabilities)
* [האם אוכל לשנות הגדרות ניווט כלשהן?](#CanIchangeanynavigationsettings)
- * [ניווט באמצעות הממשק](#Navigationthroughtheinterface)
+ * [ניווט ברחבי המנשק](#Navigationthroughtheinterface)
* [הגדרות](#Settings)
* [כיצד אוכל לגשת להגדרות בלוח?](#HowdoIaccesssettingsinCboard)
* [כיצד אוכל להדפיס את לוח הלוחות שלי בלוח?](#HowdoIprintmyboardsetinCboard)
diff --git a/src/translations/help/hi-IN.md b/src/translations/help/hi-IN.md
index 497f19133..0f00bcddb 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/hi-IN.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/hi-IN.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [मैं एक बोर्ड कैसे साझा करूं?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [बात कर रहे](#Talking)
* [मैं Cboard पर प्रतीकों के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से रिकॉर्ड की गई आवाज़ कैसे जोड़ूं?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [मैं एक अलग आवाज में कैसे स्विच करूं?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [मैं कैसे बदलूं कि एक आवाज कैसे लगती है?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [बोर्ड का संपादन](#BoardEditing)
* [मैं एक खाली बोर्ड कैसे बनाऊं?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [मैं बोर्ड में किसी मौजूदा बोर्ड को कैसे निजीकृत कर सकता हूं?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [क्या मैं Cboard पर बटन का आकार बदल सकता हूं?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [स्कैनिंग](#Scanning)
* [क्या मैं प्रतीकों तक पहुंचने के लिए स्कैनिंग तकनीकों का उपयोग कर सकता हूं?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [संचारक बिल्डर क्या है?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [कम्युनिकेटर बोर्ड](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [सार्वजनिक बोर्ड](#PublicBoards)
+ * [मेरे सभी बोर्ड](#Allmyboards)
## Cboard क्या है?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard बच्चों और वयस्कों के लिए एक
### मैं Cboard के लिए पंजीकरण कैसे करूं?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Cboard के लिए पंजीकरण करने के लिए, स्वागत पृष्ठ पर चरणों का पालन करके शुरू करें, जहाँ आपको लॉगिन का विकल्प मिलेगा।
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+यदि आप एक नए उपयोगकर्ता हैं, तो SIGN UP दबाएं, और एक संक्षिप्त रूप आपके खाते को बनाने के लिए बुनियादी जानकारी मांगेगा।
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+एक बार जब आप इस जानकारी को भर लेते हैं, तो आपको अपने खाते की पुष्टि करने के लिए एक लिंक के साथ शीघ्र ही एक ई-मेल प्राप्त होगा।
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+यह जानकारी केवल कंपनी द्वारा Cboard के उपयोग का समर्थन करने और आवश्यक होने पर सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए रखी गई है। इसे अन्य संगठनों के साथ साझा नहीं किया जाता है, (देखें [गोपनीयता विवरण](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/))।
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+एक बार जब आप अपने खाते को सत्यापित कर लेते हैं, तो आपके पास Cboard तक पहुंच होगी, और आपको एक और ई-मेल प्राप्त होगी जो यह पुष्टि करेगी कि आप अपने खाते को सफलतापूर्वक सत्यापित कर चुके हैं।
### क्या मैं अपने सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट्स का उपयोग कर अपना पंजीकरण करा सकता हूं?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+हाँ! लॉगिन पेज पर, यदि आप ऐसा करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको अपने Google या फेसबुक अकाउंट से साइन अप करने का विकल्प दिया जाएगा। आप ई-मेल पते के साथ भी पंजीकरण कर सकते हैं।
### एक पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता होने के बाद मैं Cboard में कैसे प्रवेश कर सकता हूं?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Cboard में लॉग इन करने के लिए, आप साइन अप करने के लिए उपयोग किए गए पहले चरण का अनुसरण करते हैं, लेकिन स्वागत स्क्रीन पर साइन अप का चयन करने के बजाय, LOGIN का चयन करें। फिर आपको उस ई-मेल को प्रदान करने के लिए कहा जाएगा जिसे आपने शुरू में साइन अप किया था, और आपके द्वारा सेट किया गया पासवर्ड।
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Cboard को कॉन्फ़िगर करने के लिए विभिन्न विकल्प क्या हैं?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+एक बार जब आप Cboard में प्रवेश करते हैं, तो आप संचार बोर्ड को कॉन्फ़िगर करने और विकसित करने के लिए विभिन्न विकल्पों तक पहुंच सकते हैं जब Cboard अनलॉक मोड में होता है। नीचे सभी प्रमुख विकल्पों की सूची देखें:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### मैं लॉगआउट कैसे करूं?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+आप सेटिंग्स आइकन का चयन करके लॉग आउट कर सकते हैं, और विकल्प लाल रंग में दिखाई देगा। आप दाहिने कोने पर लॉक प्रतीक का चयन भी कर सकते हैं, तीन बार क्लिक करें और एक बार जब आपने स्क्रीन को अनलॉक कर दिया और लाल पट्टी दिखाई दे, तो लॉक के बाईं ओर आइकन का चयन करें (यदि आपकी तस्वीर भरी हुई है तो) और लॉग करने का विकल्प लाल रंग में दिखाई देगा।
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-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### एक पंजीकृत और एक गैर पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता के बीच अंतर क्या है?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+एक पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता अपने बोर्डों को निजीकृत करने में सक्षम है, और किए गए परिवर्तनों को उनके खाते में सहेजा जाएगा ताकि जब वे वापस लॉग इन करें, तो वे अपने अनुकूलित बोर्डों का उपयोग कर सकें। एक गैर-पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता सुरक्षित रूप से परिवर्तनों को सहेजने में सक्षम नहीं होगा। हम केवल मामले में पंजीकरण करने की सलाह देते हैं, इसलिए आपके परिवर्तन सहेजे जाने की गारंटी है।
-### How do I update my user information?
+### मैं अपनी उपयोगकर्ता जानकारी को कैसे अपडेट करूं?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+अपनी उपयोगकर्ता जानकारी को अपडेट करने के लिए, यदि आप लॉग आउट करने का प्रयास कर रहे थे तो उन्हीं चरणों का पालन करें। बोर्ड के ऊपरी दाएं कोने पर लॉक प्रतीक का चयन करें - तीन क्लिक या टैप, और एक बार जब आप स्क्रीन को अनलॉक करते हैं, तो लॉक के बाईं ओर आइकन का चयन करें (उपयोगकर्ता नाम इनिशल्स, फोटो), और फिर आप अपनी उपयोगकर्ता जानकारी संपादित कर सकते हैं ।
-### How do I reset my password?
+### मैं अपना पासवर्ड कैसे रीसेट करूं?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+अपना पासवर्ड रीसेट करने के लिए, कृपया support@cboard.io पर ई-मेल करें और हम आपके पास वापस आ जाएंगे।
## कीमत
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard की लागत कितनी है?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard किसी भी शुल्क से पूरी तरह मुक्त है।
## विशेषताएं
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### कौन से उपकरण और OS समर्थित हैं?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+मैक, विंडोज और एंड्रॉइड ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का उपयोग करते हुए डेस्कटॉप, टैबलेट और मोबाइल फोन सहित विभिन्न प्रकार के उपकरणों का उपयोग करके कीबोर्ड ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध है। यह क्रोम, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स, एज और सफारी जैसे ब्राउज़रों में सबसे अच्छा देखा जाता है और Google Play से एक एंड्रॉइड ऐप उपलब्ध है।
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+क्योंकि Cboard एक वेब आधारित ऐप है, जो व्यक्तिगत ब्राउज़र द्वारा प्रदान की गई सेटिंग्स पर प्रतिक्रिया देगा। इसका मतलब यह हो सकता है कि आपके पास Cboard द्वारा प्रदान की गई सेटिंग के अलग-अलग परिणाम हों। उदाहरण के लिए, आपको दिए जा रहे विभिन्न भाषण विकल्प मिल सकते हैं।
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+मत भूलो कि आप कंप्यूटर, टैबलेट या फोन स्क्रीन के आकार के आधार पर ब्राउज़र की वृद्धि या ज़ूम को कुछ हद तक उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+कृपया इस तरह के वेब ऐप का उपयोग करते समय ब्राउज़र आधारित विकल्प के रूप में दृश्य हानि वाले लोगों के लिए उच्च कंट्रास्ट मोड का उपयोग करने के बारे में सीबोर्ड से पूछें।
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Cboard द्वारा किन भाषाओं का समर्थन किया जाता है?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+कीबोर्ड 33 भाषाओं के लिए समर्थन के साथ आता है। किसी अन्य भाषा का चयन करने के लिए SETTINGS पर जाएं - भाषा चुनें और जो उपलब्ध हैं वे दिखाई देंगे। एक विकल्प बनाएं और भाषा के पास एक 'टिक' दिखाई देगा।
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### क्या कीबोर्ड मेरे संदेश को जोर से पढ़ सकता है?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+हां, प्रत्येक संदेश के नीचे पाए गए व्यक्तिगत लेबल को पढ़ने के लिए आपके डिवाइस पर उपलब्ध सिंथेटिक भाषण आउटपुट का उपयोग करता है क्योंकि वे संदेश आउटपुट बॉक्स में जोड़े जाते हैं। आप एक पूर्ण संदेश का चयन कर सकते हैं और यह भी जोर से पढ़ा जाएगा। यदि किसी ध्वनि, शब्द या वाक्यांश की एक व्यक्तिगत रिकॉर्डिंग एक प्रतीक में जोड़ दी गई है (टॉकिंग - वॉयस रिकॉर्डिंग के तहत निर्देश) तो आप संश्लेषित आवाज़ के बजाय उस रिकॉर्डिंग को सुनेंगे। यह बहुत मददगार हो सकता है जहां एक भाषा में अनुवाद उपलब्ध नहीं है, एक बच्चे की आवाज की जरूरत है या एक उच्चारण अस्वीकार्य है। कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि वेब एक्सेस आपके माइक्रोफ़ोन को दिया गया है।
-### Speech capabilities
+### वाक् क्षमता
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+भाषण क्षमताओं को समायोजित करने के लिए, SETTINGS में जाएं, और भाषा श्रेणी के तहत SPEECH श्रेणी है। जब आप SPEECH का चयन करते हैं, तो आप Cboard पर भाषण की पिच और गति को संपादित करने में सक्षम होंगे।
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-### Export and import
+### निर्यात और आयात
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+निर्यात के लिए दोनों विकल्प भाषा और भाषण के नीचे सिस्टम श्रेणी में सेटिंग्स के भीतर हैं। EXPORT श्रेणी आपको OpenBoard या PDF अपलोड करने का विकल्प देगी। जैसे ही आप रिस्टोर का चयन करते हैं, इंपोर्ट कैटेगरी आपकी बचाई गई फाइलों को खोल देगी।
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-### Display capabilities
+### प्रदर्शन क्षमताएँ
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+प्रदर्शन सेटिंग्स को सिस्टम श्रेणी के भीतर SETTINGS में संपादित किया जा सकता है। प्रदर्शन विकल्प निर्यात और आयात के ठीक नीचे है। एक आप DISPLAY का चयन करते हैं, आप UI आकार और एप्लिकेशन फ़ॉन्ट आकार को अपने इच्छित आकार का चयन करके बदल सकते हैं। लाल बिंदी उस आकार के नीचे होनी चाहिए जिसे आप चुनना चाहते हैं।
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### क्या मैं किसी भी नेविगेशन सेटिंग्स को बदल सकता हूं?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+संदेश बॉक्स में चारों ओर ले जाने और प्रतीकों को हटाने के लिए आपके द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने के तरीके को संपादित करने और सुविधाजनक बनाने के लिए नेविगेशन अनुभाग का उपयोग करें। SETTINGS में सिस्टम श्रेणी के अंत में नेविगेशन आपको एक बड़ा 'बैक' बटन रखने की अनुमति देता है जिसे चुनना आसान है। संदेश बॉक्स के भीतर प्रस्तुत किए गए प्रत्येक चिह्न के ऊपर एक डिलीट ('x') बटन को दिखाने की अनुमति देना भी संभव है। इससे एक वाक्य के भीतर प्रतीकों को हटाना आसान हो सकता है। लेकिन उपयोगकर्ता की जरूरतों से अवगत रहें क्योंकि यह कुछ व्यक्तियों को भ्रमित भी कर सकता है।
-### Navigation through the interface
+### इंटरफ़ेस के माध्यम से नेविगेशन
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Cboard के माध्यम से नेविगेट करने की सुविधा प्रदान करने और नेविगेट करने के लिए, NAVIGATION चुनें, सिस्टम के भीतर अंतिम मेनू आइटम (सभी सेटिंग्स में) आपको बोर्ड का उपयोग करके आसान बनाने के लिए कुछ विवरण जोड़ने की अनुमति देता है। नेविगेशन के भीतर पहला विकल्प एक बड़े 'बैक' बटन की अनुमति देता है जो आकार के कारण चयन करना आसान है। दूसरा एक 'x' बटन जोड़ता है जिससे प्रतीकों को हटाना आसान हो जाता है, और तीसरा इसे अनलॉक करने के लिए सेटिंग्स को अनलॉक करने के लिए केवल एक क्लिक की आवश्यकता होती है।
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## सेटिंग्स
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### मैं Cboard में सेटिंग कैसे एक्सेस करूं?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+एक बार जब आप Cboard में लॉग इन करते हैं, तो होम पेज खुल जाएगा।
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+SETTINGS तक पहुंचने के लिए, तीर के नीचे, तीन बार दाईं ओर के छोटे लॉक का चयन करें। एक बार जब आप यह कर लेते हैं, तो ब्लैक होम बार के नीचे एक ग्रे बार दिखाई देगा, और 'सेटिंग्स' बटन सीधे होम बार पर लॉक के बाईं ओर दिखाई देगा, दूसरा दाईं ओर से।
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### मैं अपने बोर्ड को Cboard में कैसे प्रिंट कर सकता हूं?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+अपने बोर्ड को प्रिंट करने के लिए, होम पेज को अनलॉक करने के बाद, ब्लैक होम बार के बाईं ओर प्रिंटर लोगो को दबाएं। एक एडोब पोर्टेबल डॉक्यूमेंट (.pdf) आपकी तकनीक पर डाउनलोड किया जाएगा।
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### मैं फुलस्क्रीन में Cboard कैसे देख सकता हूं?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Cboard को फुलस्क्रीन में देखने के लिए, दाहिने हाथ की तरफ लॉक प्रतीक दबाकर स्क्रीन को अनलॉक करें, और फिर उच्चतम पंक्ति (काली पट्टी) पर, बाईं ओर से दूसरा प्रतीक जो आयत की तरह दिखता है, स्क्रीन का विस्तार करता है।
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-### How do I share a board?
+### मैं एक बोर्ड कैसे साझा करूं?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+एक बोर्ड साझा करने के लिए, दाहिने हाथ की तरफ लॉक प्रतीक दबाकर स्क्रीन को अनलॉक करें, फिर उच्चतम पंक्ति (काली पट्टी) पर, दाईं ओर से तीसरा प्रतीक आपको अपने बोर्ड को ईमेल, फेसबुक पर साझा करने का विकल्प देता है। ट्विटर, या किसी को भेजने के लिए लिंक की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ।
## बात कर रहे
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### मैं Cboard पर प्रतीकों के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से रिकॉर्ड की गई आवाज़ कैसे जोड़ूं?
1. उस बोर्ड पर जाएं जिसका आप उपयोग करना चाहते हैं।
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### मैं एक अलग आवाज में कैसे स्विच करूं?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+वाक् क्षमताओं / आवाज को समायोजित करने के लिए, सेटिंग्स में जाएं, और भाषा श्रेणी के तहत SPEECH श्रेणी है। जब आप SPEECH का चयन करते हैं तो आप Cboard पर पिच और भाषण की गति को संपादित करने में सक्षम होंगे। आप "कीबोर्ड पर प्रतीकों के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से रिकॉर्ड की गई आवाज़ कैसे जोड़ूँ?"
### मैं कैसे बदल सकता हूं कि एक आवाज कैसे लगती है?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+वाक् क्षमताओं / आवाज / ध्वनि को समायोजित करने के लिए, SETTINGS में जाएं, और भाषा श्रेणी के तहत SPEECH श्रेणी चुनें। फिर आप Cboard पर भाषण की पिच और गति को संपादित करने में सक्षम होंगे।
## बोर्ड का संपादन
### मैं एक खाली बोर्ड कैसे बनाऊं?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Cboard में एक खाली बोर्ड एक फ़ोल्डर के बराबर है।
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+यदि आप एक नया या खाली बोर्ड बनाना चाहते हैं, तो आपको एक नया फ़ोल्डर बनाना होगा, और जो कि Cboard स्टोरेज एरिया में एक नया बोर्ड बनाएगा (जिसे आप एडिट मोड में मध्य पट्टी पर BOARDS में जाने पर देख सकते हैं)।
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+नया खाली बोर्ड संपादन के लिए तुरंत उपलब्ध होगा और इसे रूट बोर्ड (बिल्ड बटन का उपयोग करके) के रूप में सेट किया जा सकता है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह पहला बोर्ड होगा जिसे आप अगली बार जब भी आप Cboard खोलते हैं।
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+एक नया फ़ोल्डर बनाने के लिए, स्क्रीन को दाईं ओर लॉक बटन का चयन करके अनलॉक करना शुरू करें। एक बार जब आप स्क्रीन को अनलॉक करते हैं, तो ADD TILE के लिए दाएं हाथ की तरफ प्लस (+) चिन्ह का चयन करें। फिर आपको एक टाइल / बटन जोड़ने का विकल्प दिया जाएगा जो पहला और स्वचालित विकल्प है या फोल्डर का चयन करें। यह क्रिया एक नया बोर्ड बनाती है जिसमें आप अधिक टाइल और फ़ोल्डर्स जोड़ सकते हैं।
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+एक बार जब आप फ़ोल्डर का नाम ले लेते हैं, तो आप एक रंग सेटिंग और लेबल के साथ एक टाइल बनाने के लिए इसी तरह से एक छवि अपलोड कर सकते हैं। यह नया फ़ोल्डर स्वचालित रूप से इसके ऊपर एक बोर्ड से लिंक होगा (यदि टाइल्स की एक पंक्ति शामिल है)। यह आपकी बोर्ड की सूची में एक खाली बोर्ड के रूप में दिखाई देगा जब तक कि यह प्रतीकों और लेबल के साथ आबादी नहीं है।
### मैं बोर्ड में किसी मौजूदा बोर्ड को कैसे निजीकृत कर सकता हूं?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+किसी मौजूदा बोर्ड को निजीकृत करने के लिए, बोर्ड के ऊपर बार के ऊपरी दाएँ हाथ के कोने पर LOCK का चयन करें, (एक क्रॉस के साथ तीर के नीचे)। एक बार जब आप ऐसा कर लेते हैं, तो ब्लैक होम बार के नीचे एक और पट्टी दिखाई देगी, और आपको टाइल या सेल जोड़ने के लिए बाईं ओर एक छोटा ब्लॉक (EDIT) आइकन मिलेगा। एक बार ब्लॉक चुने जाने के बाद, ग्रे बार को नीला होना चाहिए, और दाहिने हाथ की तरफ आपको एक छोटा कचरा कैन और एक पेंसिल दिखाई देगा।
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+बोर्ड को निजीकृत करने के लिए, पेंसिल का चयन करें और आप लेबल को बदलने, एक छवि अपलोड करने और Vocalization जोड़ने में सक्षम होंगे।
### क्या मैं बोर्ड का संपादन करते समय अपनी तस्वीरों का उपयोग कर सकता हूं?
-हां, बोर्ड का संपादन करते समय आप अपनी खुद की तस्वीर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). आप अपने स्वयं के चित्र के साथ मौजूदा टाइल को भी संपादित कर सकते हैं।
+हां, बोर्ड का संपादन करते समय आप अपनी खुद की तस्वीर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। अपनी खुद की तस्वीर का उपयोग करने के लिए, आप एक नया टाइल बनाते समय (पेज को अनलॉक करने के बाद ग्रे बार पर PLUS साइन (+) का चयन करके) छवि अपलोड कर सकते हैं। आप अपने स्वयं के चित्र के साथ मौजूदा टाइल को भी संपादित कर सकते हैं।
### क्या मैं एक बोर्ड में तत्वों के क्रम को बदल सकता हूं?
-हाँ! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+हाँ! जब आप एक बोर्ड का संपादन कर रहे हों, तो LOCK प्रतीक का उपयोग करके स्क्रीन को अनलॉक करें। फिर बाएं हाथ की तरफ (BUILD आइकन के नीचे) EDIT ब्लॉक आइकन चुनें। फिर आप उसी बोर्ड में जहां भी आप इसे रखना चाहते हैं, चित्रचित्र / प्रतीक या फ़ोल्डर को खींच सकते हैं।
### मैं संपादन करने के लिए कई तत्वों का चयन कैसे करूं?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+उसी तरह जब आप किसी बोर्ड में तत्वों के क्रम को बदलते हैं, लेकिन चयन और खींचने के बजाय, आप पोर्टोग्राम / प्रतीक वर्ग के अंदर सर्कल का चयन करते हैं। कई प्रतीकों को संपादित करने के लिए आप एक से अधिक चुन सकते हैं। ऐसा करने के बाद, दाहिने हाथ की ओर PENCIL आइकन का चयन करें और यह आपको चयनित तत्वों को संपादित करने की अनुमति देगा।
### जब मैं एक टाइल संपादित कर रहा हूं तो मुझे नए प्रतीक कैसे मिल सकते हैं?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+बोर्ड बार के बायीं ओर EDIT ब्लॉक आइकन चुनें और जिस पोर्टोग्राम / प्रतीक को आप बदलना चाहते हैं उसे चुनें। इसे चुनें और एक बार जब नीले रंग की अंगूठी टिक हो जाए, दाईं ओर PENCIL आइकन पर जाएं। पेंसिल का चयन करने के बाद, आप देखेंगे कि प्रतीक खोज के लिए एक पत्रिका चमक आइकन है। जब खोज सुविधा सक्रिय हो जाती है तो आपको एक संपादन बार में SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY दिखाई देगी। उस अवधारणा / लेबल / शब्द में टाइप करें जिसे आप खोज रहे हैं और प्रतीक दिखाई देंगे। एक बार जब आप एक प्रतीक का चयन कर लेते हैं तो यह स्वचालित रूप से आपको संपादित टाइल पृष्ठ पर वापस कर देगा।
## निर्यात और आयात
### मैं अपने बोर्ड को Cboard में कैसे निर्यात करूं?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+अपने बोर्ड को Cboard में एक्सपोर्ट करने के लिए, SETTINGS पर जाएं, और जैसे ही आप सेटिंग्स खोलें, एक्सपोज़र विकल्प भाषा और भाषण के नीचे एक नीचे की ओर तीर के रूप में दिखाई देगा।
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+निर्यात का चयन करें, और OPENBOARD या EXPORT का चयन करके अपने Cboard को डाउनलोड करें।
### मैं बोर्ड को Cboard में कैसे आयात करूं?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+एक बोर्ड को आयात करने के लिए, निर्यात करने के लिए उपयोग किए गए चरणों का पालन करें। आयात निर्यात से नीचे है, ऊपर की ओर एक क्षैतिज पट्टी के साथ एक ऊपर की ओर का तीर।
### आयात / निर्यात के लिए Cboard किस फ़ाइल प्रारूप का उपयोग करता है?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+आयात और निर्यात बोर्डों के लिए आपके पास दो विकल्प हैं:
* Cboard देशी फ़ाइल बोर्डों का उपयोग करें।
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* OpenBoard स्वरूपित फ़ाइलों का उपयोग करें। [ओपन बोर्ड प्रारूप](https://www.openboardformat.org/)बारे में अधिक जानें
## प्रदर्शन क्षमताएँ
### मैं डिस्प्ले पर क्या बदल सकता हूं?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+प्रदर्शन सेटिंग्स को सिस्टम श्रेणी के भीतर SETTINGS में संपादित किया जा सकता है। प्रदर्शन विकल्प निर्यात और आयात से नीचे है। एक बार जब आप DISPLAY का चयन कर लेते हैं, तो आप उपयोगकर्ता इंटरफ़ेस (UI) आकार के साथ-साथ अपने इच्छित आकार का चयन करके ऐप फ़ॉन्ट आकार भी बदल सकते हैं। लाल बिंदी उस आकार के नीचे होनी चाहिए जिसे आप चुनना चाहते हैं।
### क्या मैं Cboard पर बटन का आकार बदल सकता हूं?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+हाँ! आप SETTINGS में टाइल या बटन का आकार बदल सकते हैं। श्रेणी प्रणाली में, प्रदर्शन का चयन करें और आपको आकार के लिए 3 विकल्प दिए जाएंगे: मानक, बड़े, अतिरिक्त बड़े। नीचे आंकड़ा देखें:
-
+
## स्कैनिंग
### क्या मैं प्रतीकों तक पहुंचने के लिए स्कैनिंग तकनीकों का उपयोग कर सकता हूं?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+स्कैनिंग वह जगह है जहां चयन सेट में आइटम समय के साथ क्रमिक रूप से प्रस्तुत किए जाते हैं और उपयोगकर्ता अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से चयन करता है, आमतौर पर स्विच एक्सेस द्वारा। कीबोर्ड पर स्केनिंग SETTINGS और सिस्टम श्रेणी के भीतर काम करता है। स्कैनिंग के लिए अलग-अलग सेटिंग्स हैं। आपको पहले सक्षम का चयन करके स्कैनिंग सेटिंग को सक्षम करना चाहिए। फिर आप समय की देरी, साथ ही विधि (या तो स्वचालित या मैनुअल) चुन सकते हैं। कृपया ध्यान रखें कि टैबलेट या स्मार्टफोन का उपयोग करते समय, इसका अपना अंतर्निहित स्कैनिंग विकल्प भी हो सकता है।
-## Communicator builder
+## कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### संचारक बिल्डर क्या है?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर एक ऐसी सुविधा है जो आपको बोर्डों को कॉपी करने, हटाने, प्रकाशित करने, जोड़ने और हटाने के लिए संभालती है। कार्यक्षमता तक पहुंचने के लिए आपको सेटिंग्स अनलॉक करने और 'बिल्ड' बटन पर क्लिक करने की आवश्यकता है। आपको तीन अलग-अलग टैब पर संरचित एक नया पृष्ठ दिखाई देगा: बोर्ड, सार्वजनिक बोर्ड, मेरे सभी बोर्ड। नीचे आंकड़ा देखें:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### कम्युनिकेटर बोर्ड
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+संचारक बिल्डर में आपको जो डिफ़ॉल्ट टैब दिखाई देगा, वह कम्युनिकेटर बोर्ड टैब है, जो आपके कम्युनिकेटर में शामिल सभी बोर्डों को प्रदर्शित करेगा। आप अपने कम्युनिकेटर में निम्नलिखित कार्रवाई बटन से बदलाव कर सकते हैं:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* कम्युनिकेटर से बोर्ड निकालें: यह बटटन कम्युनिकेटर से बोर्ड छोड़ देगा, लेकिन बोर्ड को डेटाबेस से नहीं हटाएगा और यह अभी भी 'मेरे सभी बोर्ड' टैब के तहत उपलब्ध है।
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* बोर्ड को रूट के रूप में सेट करें: यह बटन बोर्ड को हर बार आपके द्वारा साइन इन करने पर प्रदर्शित होने वाले पहले बोर्ड के रूप में परिभाषित करेगा।
-
+
-### Public boards
+### सार्वजनिक बोर्ड
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* कॉपी बोर्ड: यह बटटन बोर्ड की एक प्रति बनाएगा और यह आपके संचारक में जोड़ देगा। चूंकि यह सार्वजनिक बोर्ड की एक प्रति है, आप इस बोर्ड को संपादित कर सकते हैं, जैसा कि आप मूल सार्वजनिक बोर्ड को प्रभावित किए बिना चाहते हैं।
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+
-### All my boards
+### मेरे सभी बोर्ड
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+कृपया ध्यान दें कि JUST पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता इस टैब कार्यक्षमता तक पहुँच सकते हैं।
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* कम्युनिकेटर से बोर्ड हटाएं: यह बटटन कम्युनिकेटर से बोर्ड छोड़ देगा लेकिन डेटाबेस से बोर्ड को नहीं हटाएगा और यह अभी भी उपलब्ध है।
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* कम्युनिकेटर में बोर्ड जोड़ें: इस बटटन में कम्युनिकेटर के लिए बोर्ड शामिल होगा।
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* पब्लिश बोर्ड: यह कार्रवाई बोर्ड को सार्वजनिक करेगी और इसे सार्वजनिक बोर्डों के टैब के नीचे प्रदर्शित किया जाएगा। हर कोई आपके बोर्ड को देख सकता है।
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * अप्रकाशित बोर्ड: यह क्रिया बोर्ड को निजी बनाएगी और इसे सार्वजनिक बोर्डों के टैब के नीचे प्रदर्शित नहीं किया जाएगा। कोई भी आपके बोर्ड को नहीं देख सकता है।
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * हटाएं बोर्ड: इस कार्रवाई से बोर्ड हट जाएगा और इसे पुनर्प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता है। बोर्ड को डेटाबेस से हटा दिया जाएगा।
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index 98cd74767..b0e8eabeb 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/hu-HU.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/hu-HU.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [Hogyan oszthatom meg a táblát?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [Beszél](#Talking)
* [Hogyan adhatok hozzá személyesen rögzített hangot a Cboard szimbólumaihoz?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Hogyan válthatom át más hangot?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Hogyan változtathatom meg egy hang hangzását?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Fórum szerkesztése](#BoardEditing)
* [Hogyan hozhatok létre egy üres táblát?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Hogyan testreszabhatom a Cboard meglévő tábláját?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Átméretezhetem a karton gombjait?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [letapogatás](#Scanning)
* [Használhatok szkennelési technikákat a szimbólumokhoz való hozzáféréshez?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Kommunikátor készítő](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [Mi a kommunikátor készítője?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Kommunikátor táblák](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Nyilvános testületek](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Az összes táblám](#Allmyboards)
## Mi a Cboard?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ A Cboard egy ingyenes webalkalmazás beszéd- és nyelvi problémákkal küzdő
### Hogyan regisztrálhatok a Cboard oldalra?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+A Cboard regisztrálásához kezdje meg az üdvözlő oldal lépéseit, ahol választhat a bejelentkezéshez.
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+
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+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Ha új felhasználó vagy, nyomja meg a SIGN UP gombot, és megjelenik egy rövid űrlap, amely alapvető információkat kér, a fiók létrehozásához.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Miután kitöltötte ezeket az információkat, nem sokkal e-mailt kap egy linkkel, amelyet követni kell a fiókja megerősítéséhez.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Ezt az információt csak a vállalat birtokolja, hogy támogassa a Cboard használatát és szükség esetén segítséget nyújtson. Nem osztják meg más szervezetekkel (lásd: [adatvédelmi adatlap](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Miután ellenőrizted a fiókod, hozzáférhetsz a Cboard programhoz, és újabb e-mailt kapsz, amely megerősíti, hogy sikeresen igazolta a fiókját.
### Regisztrálhatom magam a közösségi média fiókjaimmal?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Igen! A bejelentkezési oldalon lehetősége lesz arra, hogy regisztráljon Google vagy Facebook fiókjával, ha ezt kívánja. Regisztrálhat e-mail címmel is.
### Hogyan jelentkezhetek be a Cboardbe, ha regisztrált felhasználó vagyok?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+A Cboardba való bejelentkezéshez kövesse az első regisztrálási lépést, de ahelyett, hogy az üdvözlőképernyőn a SIGN UP menüpontot választotta volna, válassza a BEJELENTKEZÉS lehetőséget. Ezután a rendszer felkéri a megadott e-mailt és a beállított jelszót.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Melyek a különböző lehetőségek a Cboard konfigurálásához?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Miután bejelentkezett a Cboardba, különféle lehetőségeket érhet el a kommunikációs tábla konfigurálásához és fejlesztéséhez, amelyet a Cboard nyitott módban biztosít. Tekintse meg az alábbi kulcsfontosságú lehetőségek listáját:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### Hogyan tudok kijelentkezni?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Kijelentkezhet a beállítások ikonjának kiválasztásával, és az opció piros színben jelenik meg. Kiválaszthatja a zárolás szimbólumát a jobb sarokban, háromszor kattinthat, és miután kinyitotta a képernyőt, és megjelenik a piros sáv, válassza ki a zár bal oldalán található ikont (a képe, ha van ilyen), és jelentkezzen be Az out vörös színben jelenik meg.
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Mi a különbség a regisztrált és a nem regisztrált felhasználók között?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+A regisztrált felhasználók testreszabhatják táblájukat, és a végrehajtott változtatásokat a fiókjukba menti, így amikor vissza jelentkeznek, használhatják testreszabott táblájukat. A nem regisztrált felhasználó nem tudja biztonságosan menteni a változtatásokat. Javasoljuk, hogy minden esetre regisztráljon, így garantáljuk, hogy a változtatások megmaradnak.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Hogyan frissíthetem felhasználói adataimat?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+A felhasználói adatok frissítéséhez kövesse ugyanazokat a lépéseket, amelyeket a kijelentkezéskor tenné. Válassza ki a zár szimbólumát a tábla jobb felső sarkában - három kattintás vagy érintés, és miután kinyitotta a képernyőt, válassza ki a zár bal oldalán található ikont (felhasználói név kezdőbetűk, fénykép), majd szerkesztheti felhasználói adatait. .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Hogyan állíthatom be a jelszavam?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+Jelszó visszaállításához kérjük, írjon e-mailt a support@cboard.io címre, és mi kapcsolatba lépünk Önnel.
## Ár
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Mennyibe kerül a Cboard?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+A karton teljesen ingyenes.
## Jellemzők
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Milyen eszközöket és operációs rendszereket támogatnak?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+A Cboard online elérhető különféle eszközökkel, beleértve asztali számítógépeket, táblagépeket és mobiltelefonokat, Mac, Windows és Android operációs rendszereket használva. Leginkább olyan böngészőkben tekintheti meg, mint például a Chrome, Firefox, Edge és Safari, és egy Android alkalmazás elérhető a Google Playből.
-
+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Mivel a Cboard egy webalapú alkalmazás, válaszol az egyes böngészők által megadott beállításokra. Ez azt jelentheti, hogy eltérő eredményeket mutat, mint a Cboard által megadott beállítások. Például különféle beszéd lehetőségeket kínálhat.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Ne felejtsük el, hogy a böngésző nagyítását vagy nagyítását is használhatják a számítógép, a táblagép vagy a telefon képernyő méretétől függően.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Kérdezze meg a Cboard alkalmazást a nagy kontrasztú mód használatáról a látássérültek számára, mivel a böngésző alapú beállítások nem segítenek ilyen típusú webalkalmazás használatakor.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Milyen nyelveket támogat a Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+A Cboard 33 nyelven támogatott. Ha másik nyelvet szeretne választani, lépjen a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK menübe - válassza a NYELV menüt, és megjelennek a rendelkezésre álló nyelvek. Válasszon, és a nyelv mellett egy „kullancs” jelenik meg.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Le tudja olvasni a Cboard hangosan az üzenetemet?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Igen, a Cboard a készüléken elérhető szintetikus beszédkimenetet használja az egyes szimbólumok alatt található egyes címkék kiolvasására, amikor azok hozzáadódnak az üzenet kimeneti mezőjéhez. Kiválaszthatja a teljes üzenetet, és azt szintén hangosan elolvassa. Ha egy hang, szó vagy kifejezés személyre szabott felvételét adták hozzá egy szimbólumhoz (utasítások a Talking - Voice Recordings alatt), akkor ezt a felvételt a szintetizált hang helyett hallja. Ez nagyon hasznos lehet, ha a fordítás nem érhető el egy nyelvre, szükség van egy gyermek hangjára, vagy ha az akcentus elfogadhatatlan. Kérjük, ellenőrizze, hogy a mikrofonhoz hozzáférést kapott-e a web.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Beszédképesség
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+A beszédképesség beállításához menjen a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK menübe, és a NYELV kategória alatt a SPEECH kategória található. Amikor a SPEECH lehetőséget választja, szerkesztheti a Cboard beszéd hangmagasságát és ütemét.
-
+
-### Export and import
+### Export és import
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Mindkét exportálási lehetőség a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK között található a RENDSZER kategóriában, a Nyelv és beszéd alatt. Az EXPORT kategória lehetőséget ad az OpenBoard vagy PDF feltöltésére. Az IMPORT kategória megnyitja a mentett fájlokat, amint a RESTORE lehetőséget választja.
-
+
-### Display capabilities
+### Kijelző képességek
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+A kijelző beállításait a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK alatt, a RENDSZER kategóriában szerkesztheti. A Megjelenítés opció közvetlenül az Exportálás és Importálás alatt található. Ha a DISPLAY lehetőséget választja, megváltoztathatja a felhasználói felület méretét, valamint az alkalmazás betűméretét a kívánt méret kiválasztásával. A piros pontnak a választott méret alatt kell lennie.
-
+
-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Megváltoztathatom a navigációs beállításokat?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+A NAVIGÁCIÓ szakasz segítségével szerkesztheti és megkönnyítheti a Cboard körüli mozgatáshoz és a szimbólumok törléséhez használt üzenetet. A BEÁLLÍTÁSOK RENDSZERkategóriájának végén történő navigáció lehetővé teszi, hogy nagyobb „vissza” gomb legyen, amelyet könnyebben lehet kiválasztani. Lehetőség van arra is, hogy a törlés ('x') gomb megjelenjen az egyes szimbólumok felett, amint azok az üzenetmezőben vannak feltüntetve. Ez megkönnyítheti a mondaton belüli szimbólumok törlését. De tisztában kell lennie a felhasználói igényekkel, mivel ez néhány személyt is megzavarhat.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Navigálás a felületen
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+A Kártyán való navigálás szerkesztése és megkönnyítése érdekében válassza a NAVIGÁCIÓ elemet, ez a Rendszer utolsó menüpontja (a Beállítások mindegyikében) lehetővé teszi, hogy bizonyos részleteket felvegyen a tábla használatához. A Navigáció első opciója lehetővé teszi egy nagyobb „vissza” gombot, amelyet a méret miatt könnyebben lehet kiválasztani. A második hozzáteszi az 'x' gombot, hogy megkönnyítse a szimbólumok törlését, a harmadik pedig könnyebbé teszi a feloldást azáltal, hogy csak egy kattintást igényel a beállítások feloldásához.
-
+
## Beállítások
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Hogyan férhetek hozzá a beállításokhoz a Cboard alkalmazásban?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Miután bejelentkezett a Cboardba, megnyílik a HOME oldal.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+A BEÁLLÍTÁSOK eléréséhez válassza ki a jobb oldali kis zárat háromszor, a nyíl alatt. Miután ezt megtette, egy szürke sáv jelenik meg a fekete HOME sáv alatt, és a 'beállítások' gomb közvetlenül a HOME sáv zárjának bal oldalán, a második a jobb oldalon jelenik meg.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Hogyan lehet kinyomtatni a táblakészletét a kartonba?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+A tábla kinyomtatásához nyomja meg a nyomtató logóját a fekete HOME sáv bal oldalán, miután a HOME oldalt kinyitotta. Az Adobe hordozható dokumentumot (.pdf) letöltik a technológiájára.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Hogyan láthatom a Cboard teljes képernyőn?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+A Cboard teljes képernyős megjelenítéséhez oldja fel a képernyőt a jobb oldali lakat szimbólum megnyomásával, majd a legmagasabb sorban (fekete sáv), a bal oldali második téglalap alakú szimbólum kibővíti a képernyőt.
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### Hogyan oszthatom meg a táblát?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+Táblázat megosztásához oldja fel a képernyőt a jobb oldali lakat szimbólum megnyomásával, majd a legmagasabb sorban (fekete sáv), a jobb oldali harmadik szimbólum lehetőséget ad arra, hogy megoszthassa a deszkát mindkét e-mailben, a Facebookon, Twitter, vagy másolja a linket, hogy elküldje valakinek.
## Beszél
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Hogyan adhatok hozzá személyesen rögzített hangot a Cboard szimbólumaihoz?
1. Menj a táblára, amelyet használni szeretne.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Hogyan válthatom át más hangot?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+A beszédképesség / a hang beállításához lépjen a beállításokba, és a NYELV kategória alatt a SPEECH kategória található. Ha a SPEECH lehetőséget választja, a Cboard táblán módosíthatja a beszéd hangmagasságát és ütemét. A szimbólumokhoz tartozó saját hangját rögzítheti a következő lépésekkel, a következőképpen: „Hogyan adhatok hozzá személyesen rögzített hangot a táblára a szimbólumokhoz?”
### Hogyan változtathatom meg egy hang hangzását?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+A beszédképesség / hang / hang beállításához lépjen a BEÁLLÍTÁSOKba, és a NYELV kategória alatt válassza a SZÉK kategóriát. Ezután a Cboardon szerkesztheti a beszéd hangmagasságát és ütemét.
## Fórum szerkesztése
### Hogyan hozhatok létre egy üres táblát?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+A Cboardban egy üres tábla megegyezik egy mappával.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Ha új vagy üres táblát akar létrehozni, akkor létre kell hoznia egy új mappát, amely létrehoz egy új táblát a Cboard tároló területén (amely akkor látható, ha szerkesztés módban a Középső táblán a Táblákra ugrik).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+Az új üres tábla azonnal elérhetővé válik a szerkesztésre, és beállítható gyökérpanelként (a build gomb használatával), ami azt jelenti, hogy ez lesz az első tábla, amelyet a Cboard következő megnyitásakor látsz.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+Egy új mappa létrehozásához kezdje el a képernyő feloldását, a jobb oldali zárolási gomb kiválasztásával. Miután kinyitotta a képernyőt, válassza ki a jobb oldalon a plusz (+) szimbólumot, hogy hozzáadja a csempét. Ezután lehetőséget kap a Csempe / GOMB hozzáadására, amely az első és automatikus lehetőség, vagy kiválaszthatja a FOLDER-t. Ez a művelet létrehoz egy ÚJ táblát, amelyhez további csempéket és mappákat adhat hozzá.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Miután megnevezte a mappát, feltölthet egy képet hasonló módon, mint egy színbeállítás és címke csempekészítése. Ez az új mappa automatikusan összekapcsolódik a fölött lévő táblával (ha tartalmaz egy sor csempét). A táblák listájában üres táblaként jelenik meg, amíg a szimbólumokkal és címkékkel nem feltöltik.
### Hogyan testreszabhatom a Cboard meglévő tábláját?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+Meglévő tábla testreszabásához válassza a LOCK elemet a bár jobb felső sarkában a tábla fölött (kereszttel ellátott nyíl alatt). Miután ezt megtette, egy másik sáv jelenik meg a fekete HOME sáv alatt, és a bal oldalon egy kis blokk (EDIT) ikon található, amelyhez csempét vagy cellát adhat hozzá. Miután kiválasztotta a blokkot, a szürke sávnak kékre kell váltania, és a jobb oldalon egy kis kukát és egy ceruzát fog látni.
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+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+A tábla testreszabásához válassza ki a ceruzát, és megváltoztathatja a címkét, feltölthet egy képet, és hozzáadhatja az énekképzést.
### Használhatom a saját képeimet egy tábla szerkesztésekor?
-Igen, a tábla szerkesztésekor saját képet is használhat. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). A meglévő csempe szerkeszthető a saját képével is.
+Igen, a tábla szerkesztésekor saját képet is használhat. A saját kép használatához feltöltheti a képet, amikor új csempét hoz létre (a szürke sávban a PLUS SIGN (+) kiválasztásával az oldal feloldása után kiválaszthatja). A meglévő csempe szerkeszthető a saját képével is.
### Meg lehet változtatni az elemek sorrendjét a táblán?
-Igen! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Igen! Tábla szerkesztésekor nyissa ki a képernyőt a LOCK szimbólum segítségével. Ezután válassza a bal oldalon az EDIT blokk ikont (a BUILD ikon alatt). Ezután húzza a piktogramot / szimbólumot vagy mappát oda, ahova ugyanabba a táblába szeretné helyezni.
### Hogyan válasszak ki több szerkeszthető elemet?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+Ugyanígy változtatja meg az elemek rendezését a táblán, de a kiválasztás és a húzás helyett a kört választja a piktogram / szimbólum négyzetben. Sok szimbólum szerkesztéséhez többet is választhat. Ezt követően válassza ki a PENCIL ikont a jobb oldalon, és ez lehetővé teszi a kiválasztott elemek szerkesztését.
### Hogyan találhatok új szimbólumokat, amikor szerkesztem egy csempét?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Válassza az EDIT blokk ikont a tábla sávjának bal oldalán, és válassza ki a megváltoztatni kívánt piktogramot / szimbólumot. Válassza ki, és amint a kék gyűrű bejelölte a jelölést, ugorjon a jobb oldalon található PENCIL ikonra. Miután kiválasztotta a ceruzát, észreveszi, hogy van egy MAGNIFYING GLASS ikon a szimbólumok kereséséhez. Amikor a keresési funkció be van kapcsolva, a KERESÉS SZIMBÓL KÖNYVTÁRát látja a szerkesztősávon. Írja be a kívánt fogalmat / címkét / szót, és a szimbólumok megjelennek. Miután kiválasztott egy szimbólumot, automatikusan visszatér a szerkesztési oldalra.
## Export és import
### Hogyan exportálhatom a táblámat a kartonba?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Ha tábláját szeretne exportálni a Cboardban, lépjen a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK menübe, és amint megnyitja a Beállításokat, az EXPORT lehetőség lefelé mutató nyílként jelenik meg, a Nyelv és beszéd alatt.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+Válassza az EXPORT lehetőséget, és töltse le a kártyát az OPENBOARD vagy az EXPORT kiválasztásával.
### Hogyan importálhatom a táblát a Cboard-ba?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Táblázat importálásához kövesse az Exportálás lépéseit. Az IMPORT az Exportálás alatt van, felfelé néző nyíl, vízszintes sáv alatt.
### Milyen fájlformátumot használ a Cboard az importáláshoz / exportáláshoz?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+A táblák importálásának és exportálásának két lehetősége van:
* Használja a Cboard natív fájltáblákat.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* Használjon OpenBoard formázott fájlokat. [Tudjon meg többet az Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## Kijelző képességek
### Mit lehet megváltoztatni a kijelzőn?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+A kijelző beállításait a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK alatt, a RENDSZER kategóriában szerkesztheti. A Megjelenítés opció az Exportálás és Importálás alatt található. A DISPLAY kiválasztása után megváltoztathatja a felhasználói felület (UI) méretét, valamint az alkalmazás betűméretét a kívánt méret kiválasztásával. A piros pontnak a választott méret alatt kell lennie.
### Átméretezhetem a karton gombjait?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Igen! A csempék vagy gombok átméretezését a BEÁLLÍTÁSOK menüben végezheti el. A RENDSZER kategóriában válassza a KIJELZŐ lehetőséget, és 3 méretválasztási lehetőséget kap: Normál, Nagy, Extra nagy. Lásd az alábbi ábrát:
-
+
## letapogatás
### Használhatok szkennelési technikákat a szimbólumokhoz való hozzáféréshez?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+A szkennelés során a kiválasztási készlet elemei egymás után kerülnek bemutatásra, és a felhasználó közvetett módon, általában kapcsoló-hozzáféréssel választja ki a választást. A KEZELÉS A KÖNNYEN a SETTINGS és a SYSTEM kategóriában működik. A szkenneléshez különböző beállítások vannak. Először engedélyezze a szkennelési beállítást az ENABLE kiválasztásával. Ezután kiválaszthatja a késleltetést, valamint a módszert (akár automatikus, akár kézi). Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy táblagép vagy okostelefon használatakor előfordulhat, hogy saját beépített szkennelési opcióval is rendelkezik.
-## Communicator builder
+## Kommunikátor készítő
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### Mi a kommunikátor készítője?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+A kommunikátor készítője olyan szolgáltatás, amely lehetővé teszi a táblák kezelését másolás, törlés, közzététel, hozzáadás és eltávolítás céljából. A funkció eléréséhez fel kell nyitnia a beállításokat, és kattintson az 'Építés' gombra. Lát egy új oldalt, amely három különféle lapra tagolódik: táblák, nyilvános táblák, összes táblám. Lásd az alábbi ábrát:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### Kommunikátor táblák
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+Az alapértelmezett lap, amelyet a kommunikátor készítőben lát, a kommunikátor táblák fül, amely megjeleníti az összes kommunikátor tábláját. A következő műveleti gombok segítségével módosíthatja kommunikátorát:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Távolítsa el a fórumot a kommunikátorból: ez a gombbal kilép a fórumtól a kommunikátorból, de NE törli a táblát az adatbázisból, és továbbra is elérhető az „Összes fórumom” lapon.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Állítsa be a táblát gyökérként: ez a gombbal határozza meg a táblát, mint első táblát, amelyet minden alkalommal meg kell jeleníteni, amikor bejelentkezik a Cboardba.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### Nyilvános testületek
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Másolótábla: ez a gomb elkészíti a tábla egy példányát, és hozzáadja azt a kommunikátorhoz. Mivel ez a nyilvános fórum másolata, szerkesztheti ezt a táblát a kívánt módon, anélkül, hogy befolyásolja az eredeti nyilvános fórumot.
-
+
-### All my boards
+### Az összes táblám
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy JUST regisztrált felhasználók férhetnek hozzá ehhez a laphoz.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Távolítsa el a fórumot a kommunikátorból: ez a gombbal kilép a fórumtól a kommunikátorból, de NE törli a táblát az adatbázisból, és még mindig elérhető.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Tábla hozzáadása a kommunikátorhoz: ez a gomb tartalmazza a táblát a kommunikátorhoz.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Fórum közzététele: Ez a művelet nyilvánosságra hozza a fórumot, és a nyilvános táblák fül alatt jelenik meg. Mindenki láthatja a tábláját.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Táblázat közzétételének visszavonása: Ez a művelet a fórumot privátvá teszi, és nem jelenik meg a nyilvános táblák fül alatt. Senki nem láthatja a táblát.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Fórum törlése: Ez a művelet törli a táblát, és nem állítható helyre. A táblát eltávolítják az adatbázisból.
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* [Bagaimana cara saya berbagi papan?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [Pembicaraan](#Talking)
* [Bagaimana cara menambahkan suara yang direkam secara pribadi ke simbol di Cboard?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Bagaimana cara saya beralih ke suara yang berbeda?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Bagaimana cara mengubah suara?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Pengeditan Papan](#BoardEditing)
* [Bagaimana cara membuat papan kosong?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Bagaimana cara mempersonalisasi papan yang ada di Cboard?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Bisakah saya mengubah ukuran tombol di Cboard?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [Memindai](#Scanning)
* [Bisakah saya menggunakan teknik pemindaian untuk mengakses simbol?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Pembangun komunikator](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [Apa pembangun komunikator?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Papan komunikator](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Papan publik](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Semua papan saya](#Allmyboards)
## Apa itu Cboard?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard adalah aplikasi web gratis untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa dengan ganggu
### Bagaimana cara saya mendaftar untuk Cboard?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Untuk mendaftar Cboard, mulailah dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah di halaman Selamat Datang di mana Anda akan menemukan pilihan login.
-
+
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+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Jika Anda adalah pengguna baru, tekan SIGN UP, dan formulir singkat akan muncul meminta informasi dasar untuk membuat akun Anda.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Setelah Anda mengisi informasi ini, Anda akan menerima email segera setelahnya dengan tautan untuk mengikuti untuk mengonfirmasi akun Anda.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Informasi ini hanya dipegang oleh perusahaan untuk mendukung penggunaan Cboard dan menawarkan bantuan bila perlu. Ini tidak dibagikan dengan organisasi lain, (Lihat [Detail privasi](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Setelah memverifikasi akun, Anda akan memiliki akses ke Cboard, dan akan menerima email lain yang mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda berhasil memverifikasi akun Anda.
### Bisakah saya mendaftarkan diri menggunakan akun media sosial saya?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Iya! Pada halaman login, Anda akan diberikan opsi untuk mendaftar dengan akun Google atau Facebook Anda jika Anda ingin melakukannya. Anda juga dapat mendaftar dengan alamat email.
### Bagaimana cara saya masuk ke Papan setelah saya menjadi pengguna terdaftar?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Untuk masuk ke Papan, Anda mengikuti langkah pertama yang digunakan untuk mendaftar, tetapi alih-alih memilih MENDAFTAR di layar Selamat Datang, pilih LOGIN. Anda kemudian akan diminta untuk memberikan email yang awalnya Anda daftarkan, dan kata sandi yang Anda setel.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Apa sajakah pilihan untuk mengkonfigurasi Cboard?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Setelah Anda masuk ke Cboard, Anda dapat mengakses berbagai opsi untuk mengonfigurasi dan mengembangkan Dewan Komunikasi yang disediakan saat Cboard dalam mode tidak terkunci. Lihat daftar semua opsi utama di bawah ini:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### Bagaimana saya keluar?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Anda dapat keluar dengan memilih ikon pengaturan, dan opsi akan muncul dengan warna merah. Anda juga dapat memilih simbol kunci di sudut kanan, klik tiga kali dan setelah Anda membuka kunci layar dan bilah merah muncul, pilih ikon di sebelah kiri kunci (gambar Anda jika Anda punya satu dimuat) dan opsi untuk masuk keluar akan muncul dengan warna merah.
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Apa perbedaan antara pengguna terdaftar dan tidak terdaftar?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+Pengguna terdaftar dapat mempersonalisasi papan mereka, dan perubahan yang dilakukan akan disimpan ke akun mereka sehingga ketika mereka masuk kembali, mereka dapat menggunakan papan khusus mereka. Pengguna yang tidak terdaftar tidak akan dapat menyimpan perubahan dengan aman. Kami menyarankan mendaftar untuk berjaga-jaga, sehingga perubahan Anda dijamin akan disimpan.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Bagaimana cara saya memperbarui informasi pengguna saya?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+Untuk memperbarui informasi pengguna Anda, ikuti langkah-langkah yang sama yang akan Anda gunakan jika Anda mencoba untuk logout. Pilih simbol kunci di sudut kanan atas papan - tiga klik atau ketuk, dan begitu Anda membuka kunci layar, pilih ikon di sebelah kiri kunci (inisial nama pengguna, foto), dan Anda kemudian dapat mengedit informasi pengguna Anda .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Bagaimana cara mereset kata sandi saya?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+Untuk mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda, silakan kirim email ke support@cboard.io dan kami akan menghubungi Anda.
## Harga
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Berapa biaya Cboard?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard sepenuhnya bebas biaya.
## fitur
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Perangkat dan OS apa yang didukung?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard tersedia online menggunakan berbagai perangkat, termasuk desktop, tablet, dan ponsel menggunakan sistem operasi Mac, Windows dan Android. Ini terbaik dilihat di browser seperti Chrome, Firefox, Edge dan Safari dan aplikasi Android tersedia dari Google Play.
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Karena Cboard adalah aplikasi berbasis web, ia akan merespons ke pengaturan yang disediakan oleh masing-masing browser. Ini mungkin berarti Anda memiliki hasil yang berbeda dengan pengaturan yang disediakan oleh Cboard. Misalnya, Anda mungkin menemukan berbagai opsi bicara yang ditawarkan.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Jangan lupa Anda juga dapat menggunakan pembesaran browser atau memperbesar hingga tingkat tertentu tergantung pada ukuran layar komputer, tablet atau ponsel.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Silakan tanyakan Cboard tentang menggunakan mode kontras tinggi bagi mereka yang memiliki keterbatasan penglihatan karena opsi berbasis browser tidak membantu saat menggunakan jenis aplikasi web ini.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Bahasa apa yang didukung oleh Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard hadir dengan dukungan untuk 33 bahasa. Untuk memilih bahasa yang berbeda, pergi ke PENGATURAN - pilih BAHASA dan yang tersedia akan muncul. Buat pilihan dan 'centang' akan muncul di sebelah bahasa.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Bisakah Cboard membaca pesan saya dengan keras?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Ya, Cboard menggunakan output ucapan sintetis yang tersedia di perangkat Anda untuk membacakan label individual yang ditemukan di bawah setiap simbol saat ditambahkan ke kotak output pesan. Anda dapat memilih pesan yang lengkap dan juga akan dibacakan. Jika rekaman suara, kata atau frasa yang telah dipersonalisasi telah ditambahkan ke simbol (instruksi dalam Talking - Voice Recordings) Anda akan mendengar rekaman itu alih-alih suara yang disintesis. Ini bisa sangat membantu di mana terjemahan tidak tersedia dalam bahasa, suara anak diperlukan atau aksen tidak dapat diterima. Harap pastikan akses web telah diberikan ke mikrofon Anda.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Kemampuan bicara
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Untuk menyesuaikan kemampuan bicara, masuk ke PENGATURAN, dan di bawah kategori LANGUAGE adalah kategori SPEECH. Saat Anda memilih SPEECH, Anda akan dapat mengedit nada dan kecepatan bicara di Cboard.
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-### Export and import
+### Ekspor dan impor
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Kedua opsi untuk mengekspor berada dalam PENGATURAN dalam kategori SISTEM, di bawah Bahasa dan Pidato. Kategori EKSPOR akan memberi Anda opsi untuk mengunggah OpenBoard atau PDF. Kategori IMPOR akan membuka file yang disimpan setelah Anda memilih KEMBALIKAN.
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-### Display capabilities
+### Kemampuan tampilan
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Pengaturan tampilan dapat diedit dalam PENGATURAN, dalam kategori SISTEM. Opsi Tampilan tepat di bawah Ekspor dan Impor. Setelah memilih DISPLAY, Anda dapat mengubah ukuran UI dan juga ukuran Font aplikasi dengan memilih ukuran yang Anda inginkan. Titik merah harus di bawah ukuran yang ingin Anda pilih.
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Bisakah saya mengubah pengaturan navigasi?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+Gunakan bagian NAVIGASI untuk mengedit dan memfasilitasi cara yang Anda gunakan untuk bergerak di sekitar Cboard dan menghapus simbol di kotak pesan. Navigasi di akhir Kategori Sistem dalam PENGATURAN memungkinkan Anda untuk memiliki tombol 'kembali' yang lebih besar yang lebih mudah untuk dipilih. Dimungkinkan juga untuk memungkinkan tombol hapus ('x') muncul di atas masing-masing simbol saat disajikan dalam kotak pesan. Ini dapat membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menghapus simbol dalam sebuah kalimat. Tetapi waspadai kebutuhan pengguna karena juga dapat membingungkan beberapa individu.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Navigasi melalui antarmuka
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Untuk mengedit dan memfasilitasi navigasi melalui Papan, pilih NAVIGASI, item menu terakhir dalam SISTEM (semua dalam Pengaturan) memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan detail tertentu agar penggunaan papan lebih mudah. Opsi pertama dalam Navigasi memungkinkan tombol 'kembali' yang lebih besar yang lebih mudah untuk dipilih karena ukurannya. Yang kedua menambahkan tombol 'x' untuk membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menghapus simbol, dan yang ketiga membuatnya lebih mudah untuk membuka kunci dengan hanya membutuhkan satu klik untuk membuka kunci pengaturan.
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## Pengaturan
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Bagaimana cara mengakses pengaturan di Cboard?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Setelah Anda masuk ke Papan, halaman HOME akan terbuka.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+Untuk mengakses PENGATURAN, pilih kunci kecil di sisi kanan tiga kali, di bawah panah. Setelah Anda melakukan ini, bar abu-abu akan muncul di bawah bar HOME hitam, dan tombol 'pengaturan' akan muncul langsung di sebelah kiri kunci pada bar HOME, yang kedua dari kanan.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Bagaimana cara mencetak set papan saya di Cboard?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+Untuk mencetak papan Anda, tekan logo printer di sisi kiri bar HOME hitam, setelah membuka kunci halaman HOME. Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) akan diunduh ke teknologi Anda.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Bagaimana cara melihat Cboard dalam layar penuh?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Untuk melihat Cboard dalam layar penuh, buka kunci layar dengan menekan simbol kunci di sisi kanan, dan kemudian pada baris tertinggi (bilah hitam), simbol kedua dari kiri yang terlihat seperti persegi panjang memperluas layar.
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-### How do I share a board?
+### Bagaimana cara saya berbagi papan?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+Untuk berbagi papan, buka kunci layar dengan menekan simbol kunci di sisi kanan, lalu pada baris tertinggi (bilah hitam), simbol ketiga dari kanan memberi Anda opsi untuk berbagi papan Anda di email, Facebook, Twitter, atau salin tautan untuk dikirim ke seseorang.
## Pembicaraan
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Bagaimana cara menambahkan suara yang direkam secara pribadi ke simbol di Cboard?
1. Buka papan yang ingin Anda gunakan.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Bagaimana cara saya beralih ke suara yang berbeda?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+Untuk menyesuaikan kemampuan bicara / suara, masuk ke pengaturan, dan di bawah kategori LANGUAGE adalah kategori SPEECH. Ketika Anda memilih SPEECH Anda akan dapat mengedit nada dan kecepatan bicara di Cboard. Anda juga dapat merekam suara Anda sendiri untuk simbol mengikuti langkah-langkah pada jawaban untuk "Bagaimana cara menambahkan suara yang direkam secara pribadi ke simbol di Cboard?"
### Bagaimana cara mengubah suara?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Untuk menyesuaikan kemampuan bicara / suara / suara, masuk ke PENGATURAN, dan di bawah kategori LANGUAGE pilih kategori SPEECH. Anda kemudian dapat mengedit nada dan kecepatan bicara di Cboard.
## Pengeditan Papan
### Bagaimana cara membuat papan kosong?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Di Cboard, papan kosong sama dengan folder.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Jika Anda ingin membuat papan baru atau kosong, Anda harus membuat folder baru, dan itu akan membuat papan baru di area penyimpanan Cboard (yang dapat Anda lihat ketika Anda pergi ke BOARDS di bilah tengah dalam mode edit).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+Papan kosong yang baru akan segera tersedia untuk diedit dan dapat ditetapkan sebagai papan root (menggunakan tombol build), yang berarti bahwa itu akan menjadi papan pertama yang Anda lihat saat berikutnya Anda membuka Papan.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+Untuk membuat folder baru, mulailah dengan membuka kunci layar memilih tombol kunci di sisi kanan. Setelah Anda membuka kunci layar, pilih simbol tambah (+) di sebelah kanan, untuk MENAMBAHKAN TILE. Anda kemudian akan diberikan opsi untuk menambahkan Tile / BUTTON yang merupakan opsi pertama dan otomatis atau pilih FOLDER. Tindakan ini membuat PAPAN BARU di mana Anda dapat menambahkan lebih banyak ubin dan folder.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Setelah memberi nama folder, Anda dapat mengunggah gambar dengan cara yang mirip dengan membuat ubin dengan pengaturan warna dan label. Folder baru ini akan secara otomatis ditautkan ke papan di atasnya (jika termasuk deretan ubin). Ini akan muncul dalam daftar papan Anda sebagai papan kosong sampai diisi dengan simbol dan label.
### Bagaimana cara mempersonalisasi papan yang ada di Cboard?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+Untuk mempersonalisasi papan yang ada, pilih KUNCI di sudut kanan atas bilah di atas papan, (di bawah panah dengan tanda silang). Setelah Anda melakukan ini, bar lain akan muncul di bawah bar HOME hitam, dan Anda akan menemukan ikon blok kecil (EDIT) di sisi kiri untuk menambahkan ubin atau sel. Setelah blok dipilih, bilah abu-abu akan berubah menjadi biru, dan di sisi kanan Anda akan melihat tempat sampah kecil dan pensil.
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-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+Untuk mempersonalisasi papan, pilih pensil dan Anda akan dapat mengubah label, mengunggah gambar, dan menambahkan Vokalisasi.
### Bisakah saya menggunakan gambar saya sendiri saat mengedit papan?
-Ya, Anda dapat menggunakan gambar Anda sendiri saat mengedit papan. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). Anda juga dapat mengedit ubin yang ada dengan gambar Anda sendiri.
+Ya, Anda dapat menggunakan gambar Anda sendiri saat mengedit papan. Untuk menggunakan gambar Anda sendiri, Anda dapat mengunggah gambar saat membuat ubin baru (dengan memilih PLUS SIGN (+) pada bilah abu-abu setelah membuka kunci halaman). Anda juga dapat mengedit ubin yang ada dengan gambar Anda sendiri.
### Bisakah saya mengubah urutan elemen di papan?
-Iya! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Iya! Saat Anda mengedit papan, buka kunci layar menggunakan simbol LOCK. Kemudian pilih ikon blok EDIT di sisi kiri (di bawah ikon BUILD). Anda kemudian dapat menyeret pictogram / simbol atau folder ke mana pun Anda ingin meletakkannya di papan yang sama.
### Bagaimana cara memilih beberapa elemen untuk diedit?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+Cara yang sama Anda mengubah urutan elemen dalam papan, tetapi alih-alih memilih dan menyeret, Anda memilih lingkaran di dalam pictogram / simbol persegi. Untuk mengedit banyak simbol, Anda dapat memilih lebih dari satu. Setelah melakukannya, pilih ikon PENCIL di sisi kanan dan ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengedit elemen yang dipilih.
### Bagaimana saya bisa menemukan simbol baru ketika saya mengedit ubin?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Pilih ikon blok EDIT di sebelah kiri bilah papan dan pilih pictogram / simbol yang ingin Anda ubah. Pilih dan setelah cincin biru berbunyi, pergi ke ikon PENCIL di sebelah kanan. Setelah memilih pensil, Anda akan melihat bahwa ada ikon MAGNIFYING GLASS untuk pencarian simbol. Saat fitur pencarian diaktifkan, Anda akan melihat SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY di bilah edit. Ketik konsep / label / kata yang Anda cari dan simbol akan muncul. Setelah Anda memilih satu simbol, secara otomatis akan mengembalikan Anda ke halaman edit TILE.
## Ekspor dan impor
### Bagaimana cara mengekspor papan saya di Cboard?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Untuk mengekspor papan Anda di Cboard, buka PENGATURAN, dan segera setelah Anda membuka Pengaturan, opsi EKSPOR akan muncul sebagai panah menghadap ke bawah, di bawah Bahasa dan Pidato.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+Pilih EKSPOR, dan unduh Papan Anda dengan memilih OPENBOARD atau EKSPOR.
### Bagaimana cara mengimpor papan ke Cboard?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Untuk mengimpor papan, ikuti langkah-langkah yang digunakan untuk Mengekspor. IMPOR di bawah Ekspor, panah menghadap ke atas dengan bilah horizontal di bawahnya.
### Format file apa yang digunakan Cboard untuk impor / ekspor?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+Untuk Impor dan Ekspor papan Anda memiliki dua opsi:
* Gunakan papan file asli Cboard.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* Gunakan file yang diformat OpenBoard. [Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## Kemampuan tampilan
### Apa yang bisa saya ubah di layar?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Pengaturan tampilan dapat diedit dalam PENGATURAN, dalam kategori SISTEM. Opsi Tampilan di bawah Ekspor dan Impor. Setelah memilih DISPLAY, Anda dapat mengubah ukuran User Interface (UI) serta ukuran Font aplikasi dengan memilih ukuran yang Anda inginkan. Titik merah harus di bawah ukuran yang ingin Anda pilih.
### Bisakah saya mengubah ukuran tombol di Cboard?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Iya! Anda dapat mengubah ukuran Ubin atau Tombol dalam PENGATURAN. Dalam SISTEM kategori, pilih DISPLAY dan Anda akan diberikan 3 opsi untuk ukuran: Standar, Besar, Ekstra Besar. Lihat gambar di bawah ini:
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+
## Memindai
### Bisakah saya menggunakan teknik pemindaian untuk mengakses simbol?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+Pemindaian adalah tempat item dalam set pilihan disajikan secara berurutan dari waktu ke waktu dan pengguna membuat pilihan secara tidak langsung, biasanya dengan beralih akses. MEMINDAI pada Papan berfungsi dalam PENGATURAN dan kategori SISTEM. Ada pengaturan berbeda untuk pemindaian. Anda harus terlebih dahulu mengaktifkan pengaturan pemindaian dengan memilih ENABLE. Anda kemudian dapat memilih waktu tunda, serta metode (baik otomatis atau manual). Perlu diketahui bahwa saat menggunakan tablet atau smartphone, mungkin juga memiliki opsi pemindaian bawaannya sendiri.
-## Communicator builder
+## Pembangun komunikator
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### Apa pembangun komunikator?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+Pembuat komunikator adalah fitur yang memungkinkan Anda menangani papan untuk menyalin, menghapus, menerbitkan, menambah dan menghapusnya. Untuk mengakses fungsi, Anda perlu membuka kunci pengaturan dan mengklik tombol 'Bangun'. Anda akan melihat halaman baru terstruktur pada tiga tab berbeda: papan, papan publik, semua papan saya. Lihat gambar di bawah ini:
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+
-### Communicator boards
+### Papan komunikator
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+Tab default yang akan Anda lihat di pembuat komunikator adalah tab papan komunikator, yang akan menampilkan semua papan yang dimasukkan ke dalam komunikator Anda. Anda dapat membuat perubahan di komunikator Anda dari tombol aksi berikut:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Hapus papan dari komunikator: tombol ini akan keluar dari papan dari komunikator tetapi TIDAK AKAN menghapus papan dari database dan itu masih tersedia di bawah tab 'Semua papan saya'.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Atur papan sebagai root: tombol ini akan menentukan papan sebagai papan pertama yang ditampilkan setiap kali Anda masuk ke Papan.
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-### Public boards
+### Papan publik
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Salin papan: tombol ini akan membuat salinan papan dan akan menambahkannya ke komunikator Anda. Karena ini adalah salinan dari papan publik, Anda dapat mengedit papan ini seperti yang Anda inginkan tanpa mempengaruhi papan publik asli.
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+
-### All my boards
+### Semua papan saya
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+Harap dicatat bahwa HANYA pengguna terdaftar dapat mengakses fungsionalitas tab ini.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Hapus papan dari komunikator: tombol ini akan keluar dari papan dari komunikator tetapi TIDAK AKAN menghapus papan dari database dan itu masih tersedia.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Tambahkan papan ke komunikator: tombol ini akan menyertakan papan ke komunikator.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Terbit papan: Tindakan ini akan membuat publik papan dan itu akan ditampilkan di bawah tab papan publik. Semua orang dapat melihat papan Anda.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Batalkan publikasi papan: Tindakan ini akan membuat papan pribadi dan tidak akan ditampilkan di bawah tab papan publik. Tidak ada yang bisa melihat papan Anda.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Hapus papan: Tindakan ini akan menghapus papan dan itu tidak dapat dipulihkan. Papan akan dihapus dari basis data.
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index 3963b9c27..8ca52cb62 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/ja-JP.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/ja-JP.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [ボードを共有するにはどうすればよいですか?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [おしゃべり](#Talking)
* [個人的に録音した音声をCboardのシンボルに追加するにはどうすればよいですか?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [別の声に切り替えるにはどうすればよいですか?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [音声の聞こえ方を変えるには?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [ボード編集](#BoardEditing)
* [空のボードを作成するにはどうすればよいですか?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Cboardで既存のボードをパーソナライズするにはどうすればよいですか?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Cboardのボタンのサイズを変更できますか?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [走査](#Scanning)
* [スキャン技術を使用してシンボルにアクセスできますか?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [コミュニケータービルダー](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [コミュニケータービルダーとは何ですか?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [コミュニケーターボード](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [パブリックボード](#PublicBoards)
+ * [すべてのボード](#Allmyboards)
## Cboardとは何ですか?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboardは、音声や言語に障害のある子供や大人向けの無料のWe
### Cboardに登録するにはどうすればよいですか?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
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-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
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-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
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-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+この情報は、Cboardの使用をサポートし、必要に応じてサポートを提供するためにのみ会社によって保持されます。 他の組織とは共有されません( [プライバシーの詳細](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)参照)。
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
### ソーシャルメディアアカウントを使用して登録できますか?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+はい! ログインページでは、必要に応じてGoogleまたはFacebookアカウントでサインアップするオプションが表示されます。 メールアドレスでの登録も可能です。
### 登録ユーザーになったら、Cboardにログインするにはどうすればよいですか?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Cboardにログインするには、サインアップの最初の手順に従いますが、ようこそ画面で[サインアップ]を選択する代わりに、[ログイン]を選択します。 次に、最初にサインアップした電子メールと、設定したパスワードを提供するよう求められます。
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+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Cboardを構成するには、どのようなオプションがありますか?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Cboardにログインすると、Cboardがロック解除モードのときに提供されるコミュニケーションボードを構成および開発するためのさまざまなオプションにアクセスできます。 以下の主要なオプションのリストをご覧ください。
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+
-### How do I logout?
+### ログアウトするにはどうすればよいですか?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+設定アイコンを選択してログアウトすると、オプションが赤で表示されます。 右隅にあるロックシンボルを選択して3回クリックし、画面のロックを解除して赤いバーが表示されたら、ロックの左側にあるアイコン(画像がロードされている場合は画像)を選択し、ログに記録するオプションを選択できます赤で表示されます。
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+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### 登録ユーザーと非登録ユーザーの違いは何ですか?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+登録ユーザーはボードをパーソナライズでき、加えられた変更は自分のアカウントに保存されるため、再度ログインすると、カスタマイズされたボードを使用できます。 登録されていないユーザーは、変更を安全に保存できません。 万が一に備えて登録することをお勧めします。これにより、変更が確実に保存されます。
-### How do I update my user information?
+### ユーザー情報を更新するにはどうすればよいですか?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+ユーザー情報を更新するには、ログアウトする場合と同じ手順に従います。 ボードの右上隅にあるロックシンボルを選択します-3回のクリックまたはタップで、画面のロックを解除したら、ロックの左側にあるアイコン(ユーザー名のイニシャル、写真)を選択して、ユーザー情報を編集できます。
-### How do I reset my password?
+### パスワードをリセットするにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+パスワードをリセットするには、support @ cboard.ioにメールを送信してください。折り返しご連絡いたします。
## 価格
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboardの費用はいくらですか?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
## 特徴
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### どのデバイスとOSがサポートされていますか?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboardは、Mac、Windows、Androidオペレーティングシステムを使用するデスクトップ、タブレット、携帯電話など、さまざまなデバイスを使用してオンラインで利用できます。 Chrome、Firefox、Edge、Safariなどのブラウザーで最適に表示され、AndroidアプリはGoogle Playから入手できます。
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+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+CboardはWebベースのアプリであるため、個々のブラウザーによって提供される設定に応答します。 これは、Cboardが提供する設定とは異なる結果になる可能性があることを意味します。 たとえば、さまざまな音声オプションが提供されている場合があります。
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Cboardはどの言語をサポートしていますか?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboardは33言語に対応しています。 別の言語を選択するには、[設定]-[言語]を選択すると、使用可能な言語が表示されます。 選択すると、言語の横に「目盛り」が表示されます。
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Cboardはメッセージを読み上げることができますか?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+はい。Cboardは、デバイスで利用可能な合成音声出力を使用して、メッセージ出力ボックスに追加された各シンボルの下にある個々のラベルを読み上げます。 完全なメッセージを選択すると、それも読み上げられます。 サウンド、単語、またはフレーズのパーソナライズされた録音が記号に追加されている場合([話す-音声録音]の説明)、合成された音声の代わりにその録音が聞こえます。 これは、言語で翻訳が利用できない場合、子供の声が必要な場合、またはアクセントが受け入れられない場合に非常に役立ちます。 マイクにWebアクセスが付与されていることを確認してください。
-### Speech capabilities
+### 音声機能
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+音声機能を調整するには、[設定]に移動します。[言語]カテゴリの下に[音声]カテゴリがあります。 [スピーチ]を選択すると、Cboardでスピーチのピッチとペースを編集できます。
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+
-### Export and import
+### エクスポートとインポート
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+エクスポートする両方のオプションは、言語と音声の下のシステムカテゴリの設定内にあります。 EXPORTカテゴリでは、OpenBoardまたはPDFのいずれかをアップロードするオプションが提供されます。 [復元]を選択すると、[インポート]カテゴリで保存したファイルが開きます。
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+
-### Display capabilities
+### 表示機能
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+表示設定は、システムカテゴリ内の設定で編集できます。 表示オプションは、エクスポートとインポートのすぐ下にあります。 DISPLAYを選択すると、必要なサイズを選択して、UIのサイズやアプリのフォントサイズを変更できます。 赤い点は、選択したいサイズの下にあるはずです。
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+
-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### ナビゲーション設定を変更できますか?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+ナビゲーションセクションを使用して、Cboard内を移動し、メッセージボックス内のシンボルを削除する方法を編集および促進します。 [設定]の[システム]カテゴリの最後にあるナビゲーションを使用すると、選択しやすい大きな[戻る]ボタンを表示できます。 メッセージボックス内に表示されるときに、各記号の上に削除( 'x')ボタンを表示できるようにすることもできます。 これにより、文内の記号を簡単に削除できます。 ただし、一部の個人を混乱させる可能性があるため、ユーザーのニーズに注意してください。
-### Navigation through the interface
+### インターフェースによるナビゲーション
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Cboardを介してナビゲートを編集および促進するには、NAVIGATIONを選択します。SYSTEM内の最後のメニュー項目(すべて[設定]内)では、特定の詳細を追加して、ボードを使いやすくすることができます。 ナビゲーション内の最初のオプションでは、サイズが大きいため、選択しやすい大きな[戻る]ボタンを使用できます。 2つ目は「x」ボタンを追加してシンボルを簡単に削除できるようにし、3つ目は1回クリックするだけで設定をロック解除できるため、ロック解除が簡単になります。
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## 設定
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Cboardの設定にアクセスするにはどうすればよいですか?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+設定にアクセスするには、矢印の下にある右側の小さなロックを3回選択します。 これを完了すると、灰色のバーが黒いHOMEバーの下に表示され、「設定」ボタンがHOMEバーのロックの左側、右から2番目に表示されます。
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Cboardでボードセットを印刷するにはどうすればよいですか?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+ボードを印刷するには、HOMEページのロックを解除した後、黒いHOMEバーの左側にあるプリンターのロゴを押します。 Adobe Portable Document(.pdf)がテクノロジにダウンロードされます。
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Cboardをフルスクリーンで表示するにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### ボードを共有するにはどうすればよいですか?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+ボードを共有するには、右側のロックシンボルを押して画面のロックを解除します。次に、一番上の行(黒いバー)で、右側から3番目のシンボルで、メール、Facebook、 Twitter、またはリンクをコピーして誰かに送信します。
## おしゃべり
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### 個人的に録音した声をCboardのシンボルに追加するにはどうすればよいですか?
1. 使用するボードに移動します。
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### 別の音声に切り替えるにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+スピーチ機能/音声を調整するには、設定に移動します。LANGUAGEカテゴリの下にあるのがSPEECHカテゴリです。 [スピーチ]を選択すると、Cboardでスピーチのピッチとペースを編集できます。 「Cboardのシンボルに個人的に録音した音声を追加するにはどうすればよいですか?」の回答の手順に従って、シンボルに自分の声を録音することもできます。
### 音声の聞こえ方を変更するにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+音声機能/音声/音を調整するには、設定に移動し、言語カテゴリの下で音声カテゴリを選択します。 その後、Cboardでスピーチのピッチとペースを編集できます。
## ボード編集
### 空のボードを作成するにはどうすればよいですか?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+新しいフォルダを作成するには、まず画面のロックを解除して、右側のロックボタンを選択します。 画面のロックを解除したら、右側にあるプラス(+)記号を選択して、タイルを追加します。 次に、最初の自動オプションであるタイル/ボタンを追加するか、フォルダーを選択するオプションが表示されます。このアクションにより、新しいボードが作成され、そこにタイルとフォルダーを追加できます。
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+フォルダに名前を付けたら、色設定とラベルを使用してタイルを作成するのと同じように画像をアップロードできます。 この新しいフォルダーは、その上のボードに自動的にリンクします(タイルの行が含まれている場合)。 シンボルとラベルが表示されるまで、ボードのリストに空のボードとして表示されます。
### Cboardで既存のボードをパーソナライズするにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+既存のボードをパーソナライズするには、ボードの上のバーの右上隅(十字の付いた矢印の下)にあるLOCKを選択します。 これを実行すると、黒いHOMEバーの下に別のバーが表示され、左側に小さなブロック(編集)アイコンがあり、タイルまたはセルを追加できます。 ブロックが選択されると、灰色のバーが青に変わり、右側に小さなゴミ箱と鉛筆が表示されます。
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+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
### ボードの編集時に自分の写真を使用できますか?
-はい、ボードの編集時に自分の写真を使用できます。 In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). 独自の画像を使用して既存のタイルを編集することもできます。
+はい、ボードの編集時に自分の写真を使用できます。 独自の画像を使用するために、新しいタイルを作成するときに画像をアップロードできます(ページのロックを解除した後、灰色のバーのプラス記号(+)を選択します)。 独自の画像を使用して既存のタイルを編集することもできます。
### ボード内の要素の順序を変更できますか?
-はい! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+はい! ボードを編集するときは、LOCKシンボルを使用して画面のロックを解除します。 次に、左側にあるEDITブロックアイコン(ビルドアイコンの下)を選択します。 次に、絵文字/記号またはフォルダを同じボード内のどこにでも配置したい場所にドラッグできます。
### 編集する複数の要素を選択するにはどうすればよいですか?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+ボードの要素の順序を変更するのと同じ方法ですが、選択してドラッグする代わりに、ピクトグラム/シンボルの正方形の内側の円を選択します。 多くのシンボルを編集するには、複数のシンボルを選択できます。 その後、右側にあるペンシルアイコンを選択すると、選択した要素を編集できます。
### タイルを編集しているときに新しいシンボルを見つけるにはどうすればよいですか?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+ボードバーの左側にあるEDITブロックアイコンを選択し、変更するピクトグラム/シンボルを選択します。 それを選択し、青いリングにチェックマークが付いたら、右側のペンシルアイコンに移動します。 鉛筆を選択すると、シンボル検索用の虫眼鏡アイコンが表示されます。 検索機能がアクティブになると、編集バーに「SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY」が表示されます。 探しているコンセプト/ラベル/単語を入力すると、記号が表示されます。 シンボルを1つ選択すると、自動的にTILEの編集ページに戻ります。
## エクスポートとインポート
### ボードをCboardにエクスポートするにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
### ボードをCboardにインポートするにはどうすればよいですか?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+ボードをインポートするには、エクスポートに使用した手順に従います。 IMPORTはエクスポートの下にあり、上向きの矢印とその下に水平バーがあります。
### Cboardはインポート/エクスポートにどのファイル形式を使用しますか?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
* Cboardネイティブファイルボードを使用します。
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* OpenBoard形式のファイルを使用します。 [Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## ディスプレイ機能
### ディスプレイで何を変更できますか?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+表示設定は、システムカテゴリ内の設定で編集できます。 表示オプションは、エクスポートとインポートの下にあります。 DISPLAYを選択すると、必要なサイズを選択して、ユーザーインターフェイス(UI)のサイズとアプリのフォントサイズを変更できます。 赤い点は、選択したいサイズの下にあるはずです。
### Cboardのボタンのサイズを変更できますか?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+はい! 設定でタイルまたはボタンのサイズを変更できます。 カテゴリーSYSTEMでDISPLAYを選択すると、標準、大、特大の3つのサイズオプションが表示されます。 下の図を参照してください。
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+
## 走査
### スキャン技術を使用してシンボルにアクセスできますか?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+スキャンとは、選択セット内のアイテムが時間の経過とともに順次表示され、ユーザーが通常はスイッチアクセスによって間接的に選択を行う場所です。 Cboardのスキャンは、設定とシステムカテゴリ内で機能します。 スキャンにはさまざまな設定があります。 最初に[有効にする]を選択して、スキャン設定を有効にする必要があります。 次に、時間遅延と方法(自動または手動)を選択できます。 タブレットやスマートフォンを使用する場合は、独自のスキャンオプションが組み込まれていることもあります。
-## Communicator builder
+## コミュニケータービルダー
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### コミュニケータービルダーとは何ですか?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+コミュニケータービルダーは、ボードをコピー、削除、公開、追加、削除するためにボードを処理できる機能です。 機能にアクセスするには、設定のロックを解除し、「ビルド」ボタンをクリックする必要があります。 ボード、パブリックボード、すべての私のボードの3つの異なるタブで構成された新しいページが表示されます。 下の図を参照してください。
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-### Communicator boards
+### コミュニケーターボード
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+コミュニケータービルダーに表示されるデフォルトのタブはコミュニケーターボードのタブで、コミュニケーターに含まれるすべてのボードが表示されます。 次のアクションボタンからコミュニケーターを変更できます。
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* コミュニケーターからボードを削除:このボタンを押すと、コミュニケーターからボードが終了しますが、ボードはデータベースから削除されず、[すべてのボード]タブで引き続き使用できます。
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* ルートとしてボードを設定:このボタンは、Cboardにログインするたびに表示される最初のボードとしてボードを定義します。
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+
-### Public boards
+### パブリックボード
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* ボードのコピー:このボタンを押すと、ボードのコピーが作成され、コミュニケーターに追加されます。 これは公開掲示板のコピーなので、元の公開掲示板に影響を与えることなく、この掲示板を好きなように編集できます。
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+
-### All my boards
+### すべてのボード
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* コミュニケーターからボードを削除する:このボタンを押すと、コミュニケーターからボードが終了しますが、ボードはデータベースから削除されず、引き続き使用できます。
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* コミュニケーターにボードを追加:このボタンにはコミュニケーターへのボードが含まれます。
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* 掲示板の公開:このアクションにより、掲示板が公開され、[公開掲示板]タブの下に表示されます。 誰でもあなたのボードを見ることができます。
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * ボードの非公開:このアクションにより、ボードが非公開になり、[公開ボード]タブに表示されなくなります。 誰もあなたのボードを見ることができません。
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * ボードの削除:このアクションはボードを削除し、回復することはできません。 ボードはデータベースから削除されます。
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* [តើខ្ញុំចែកចាយក្តារយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [និយាយ។](#Talking)
* [តើខ្ញុំអាចបន្ថែមសំលេងដែលបានថតទុកដោយផ្ទាល់ទៅនឹងនិមិត្តសញ្ញានៅលើក្ដារខៀនយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [តើខ្ញុំប្តូរទៅជាសម្លេងខុសគ្នាយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [តើខ្ញុំត្រូវផ្លាស់ប្តូររបៀបសំឡេងមួយយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [ការកែសម្រួលក្តារ។](#BoardEditing)
* [តើខ្ញុំបង្កើតក្តារទទេយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [តើខ្ញុំធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីកំណត់ក្តារផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនដែលមានស្រាប់នៅក្នុង Cboard?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
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* [តើខ្ញុំអាចប្តូរទំហំប៊ូតុងនៅលើ Cboard បានទេ?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [ការស្កេន។](#Scanning)
* [តើខ្ញុំអាចប្រើបច្ចេកទេសស្កេនដើម្បីចូលនិមិត្តសញ្ញាបានទេ?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [អ្នកសាងសង់ទំនាក់ទំនង](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [តើអ្នកសាងសង់ទំនាក់ទំនងគឺជាអ្វី?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាទំនាក់ទំនង](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាសាធារណៈ](#PublicBoards)
+ * [ក្តាររបស់ខ្ញុំទាំងអស់](#Allmyboards)
## តើអ្វីទៅជាក្តារចុច?
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### តើខ្ញុំត្រូវចុះឈ្មោះសម្រាប់ Cboard យ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
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+
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+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+ព័ត៌មាននេះត្រូវបានកាន់កាប់ដោយក្រុមហ៊ុនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះដើម្បីគាំទ្រដល់ការប្រើប្រាស់សេហ្វនិងផ្តល់ជំនួយនៅពេលចាំបាច់។ វាមិនត្រូវបានចែករំលែកជាមួយអង្គការផ្សេងទៀត (សូមមើល [លម្អិតឯកជនភាព](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)) ។
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបានផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់គណនីរបស់អ្នកអ្នកនឹងមានសិទ្ធិចូលប្រើ Cboard ហើយនឹងទទួលបានអ៊ីមែលមួយទៀតដែលបញ្ជាក់ថាអ្នកបានផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់គណនីរបស់អ្នកដោយជោគជ័យ។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចចុះឈ្មោះដោយខ្លួនឯងដោយប្រើគណនីបណ្តាញសង្គមរបស់ខ្ញុំបានទេ?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+ត្រូវហើយ! នៅលើទំព័រចូលអ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជម្រើសក្នុងការចុះឈ្មោះជាមួយគណនីហ្គូហ្គោលឬហ្វេសប៊ុករបស់អ្នកប្រសិនបើអ្នកចង់ធ្វើដូច្នេះ។ អ្នកក៏អាចចុះឈ្មោះជាមួយអាសយដ្ឋានអ៊ីមែលបានដែរ។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចចូលទៅក្នុង Cboard យ៉ាងដូចម្តេចនៅពេលដែលខ្ញុំបានចុះឈ្មោះជាអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+ដើម្បីចូលទៅក្នុងក្តារខៀនអ្នកធ្វើតាមជំហានដំបូងដែលត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីចុះឈ្មោះប៉ុន្តែជំនួសឱ្យការជ្រើសរើស SIGN UP នៅលើអេក្រង់ស្វាគមន៍សូមជ្រើសរើស LOGIN បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានស្នើសុំឱ្យផ្តល់អ៊ីមែលដែលអ្នកបានចុះឈ្មោះជាមួយនិងលេខសំងាត់ដែលអ្នកបានបង្កើត។
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+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### តើមានជម្រើសផ្សេងគ្នាអ្វីខ្លះដើម្បីកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធក្តារខប?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+នៅពេលដែលអ្នកចូលទៅកាន់ Cboard អ្នកអាចចូលប្រើជំរើសផ្សេងៗគ្នាដើម្បីកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធនិងអភិវឌ្ឍក្រុមប្រឹក្សាទំនាក់ទំនងដែលបានផ្តល់នៅពេលដែល Cboard ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងរបៀបដោះសោ។ សូមមើលបញ្ជីជម្រើសសំខាន់ៗទាំងអស់ខាងក្រោម៖
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-### How do I logout?
+### តើខ្ញុំចាកចេញយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+អ្នកអាចចេញដោយជ្រើសរើសរូបតំណាងការកំណត់ហើយជម្រើសនឹងបង្ហាញជាពណ៌ក្រហម។ អ្នកក៏អាចជ្រើសរើសនិមិត្តសញ្ញាចាក់សោរនៅជ្រុងខាងស្តាំចុចបីដងហើយនៅពេលដែលអ្នកដោះសោអេក្រង់ហើយរបាក្រហមលេចឡើងជ្រើសរូបតំណាងនៅខាងឆ្វេងនៃសោ (រូបភាពរបស់អ្នកប្រសិនបើអ្នកបានផ្ទុក) និងជម្រើសចូល ចេញនឹងលេចចេញជាពណ៌ក្រហម។
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-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### តើអ្វីជាភាពខុសគ្នារវាងអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលបានចុះឈ្មោះនិងអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលមិនបានចុះឈ្មោះ?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+អ្នកប្រើដែលបានចុះឈ្មោះអាចកំណត់ក្តារផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ពួកគេបានហើយការផ្លាស់ប្តូរដែលបានធ្វើនឹងត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកនៅក្នុងគណនីរបស់ពួកគេដូច្នេះនៅពេលដែលពួកគេចូលម្តងទៀតពួកគេអាចប្រើក្តារប្តូរតាមបំណងរបស់ពួកគេ។ អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលមិនបានចុះឈ្មោះនឹងមិនអាចរក្សាទុកការផ្លាស់ប្តូរដោយសុវត្ថិភាពទេ។ យើងសូមផ្តល់អនុសាសន៍ចុះឈ្មោះក្នុងករណីដូច្នេះការផ្លាស់ប្តូររបស់អ្នកត្រូវបានធានាថាត្រូវបានរក្សាទុក។
-### How do I update my user information?
+### តើខ្ញុំត្រូវធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពព័ត៌មានអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់របស់ខ្ញុំយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+ដើម្បីធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពព័ត៌មានអ្នកប្រើរបស់អ្នកសូមអនុវត្តតាមជំហានដូចគ្នាដែលអ្នកនឹងប្រើប្រសិនបើអ្នកកំពុងព្យាយាមចាកចេញ។ ជ្រើសរើសនិមិត្តសញ្ញាចាក់សោរនៅជ្រុងខាងស្តាំខាងលើនៃក្តារ - ចុចបីដងរឺក៏ប៉ះហើយពេលអ្នកដោះសោអេក្រង់ជ្រើសរូបតំណាងនៅខាងឆ្វេងនៃសោ (ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ឈ្មោះរូបថត) ហើយបន្ទាប់មកអ្នកអាចកែសម្រួលព័ត៌មានអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់របស់អ្នក ។
-### How do I reset my password?
+### តើខ្ញុំត្រូវកំណត់លេខសម្ងាត់របស់ខ្ញុំដូចម្តេច?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+ដើម្បីកំណត់លេខសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឡើងវិញសូមអ៊ីម៉ែល support@cboard.io ហើយយើងនឹងឆ្លើយតបទៅអ្នកវិញ។
## តម្លៃ។
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### តើ Cboard មានតម្លៃប៉ុន្មាន?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
## លក្ខណៈពិសេស។
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### តើឧបករណ៍និងប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការអ្វីខ្លះត្រូវបានគាំទ្រ?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard មាននៅលើអ៊ិនធរណេតដោយប្រើឧបករណ៍ជាច្រើនប្រភេទរួមមានកុំព្យូទ័រលើតុថេប្លេតនិងទូរស័ព្ទចល័តដោយប្រើប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការម៉ាក់វីនដូនិងប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការ Android ។ វាត្រូវបានមើលល្អបំផុតនៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីរុករកដូចជា Chrome, Firefox, Edge និង Safari និងកម្មវិធី Android អាចរកបានពី Google Play ។
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+ដោយសារតែ Cboard គឺជាកម្មវិធីផ្អែកលើគេហទំព័រវានឹងឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងការកំណត់ដែលផ្តល់ដោយកម្មវិធីរុករកនីមួយៗ។ នេះអាចមានន័យថាអ្នកមានលទ្ធផលខុសគ្នាចំពោះការកំណត់ដែលបានផ្តល់ដោយ Cboard ។ ឧទាហរណ៍អ្នកអាចរកឃើញជម្រើសនិយាយផ្សេងៗគ្នាដែលត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជូន។
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+សូមសួរ Cboard អំពីការប្រើប្រាស់របៀបភាពផ្ទុយគ្នាខ្ពស់សម្រាប់អ្នកដែលមានអន់ខ្សោយដោយសារជម្រើសកម្មវិធីរុករកមិនមានអត្ថប្រយោជន៍នៅពេលប្រើកម្មវិធីគេហទំព័រប្រភេទនេះ។
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### តើភាសាណាមួយត្រូវបានគាំទ្រដោយ Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard ភ្ជាប់មកជាមួយការគាំទ្រសម្រាប់ 33 ភាសា។ ដើម្បីជ្រើសរើសភាសាផ្សេងសូមចូលទៅកាន់ការកំណត់ - ជ្រើសរើស LANGUAGE ហើយភាសាដែលអាចប្រើបាននឹងលេចចេញមក។ ធ្វើការជ្រើសរើសហើយសញ្ញាធីកនឹងលេចចេញក្បែរភាសា។
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### តើ Cboard អាចអានសាររបស់ខ្ញុំ al ៗ បានទេ?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+ត្រូវហើយ Cboard ប្រើលទ្ធផលសំយោគសំយោគដែលមាននៅក្នុងឧបករណ៍របស់អ្នកដើម្បីអានផ្លាកនីមួយៗដែលរកឃើញនៅខាងក្រោមនិមិត្តសញ្ញានីមួយៗនៅពេលវាត្រូវបានបន្ថែមទៅក្នុងប្រអប់លទ្ធផលសារ។ អ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសសារពេញលេញហើយវាក៏នឹងត្រូវបានអានឱ្យខ្លាំងដែរ។ ប្រសិនបើការថតសំឡេងពាក្យឬឃ្លាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនត្រូវបានបន្ថែមទៅក្នុងនិមិត្តសញ្ញា (សេចក្តីណែនាំក្រោមការជជែក - ការថតសំលេង) អ្នកនឹងលឺសំលេងនោះជំនួសសំលេងសំយោគ។ នេះអាចមានប្រយោជន៍ខ្លាំងណាស់នៅពេលដែលការបកប្រែមិនមានជាភាសាសំលេងកុមារត្រូវការឬការសង្កត់សំឡេងមិនអាចទទួលយកបាន។ សូមប្រាកដថាបានចូលប្រើអ៊ីនធឺណិតដល់មីក្រូរបស់អ្នក។
-### Speech capabilities
+### សមត្ថភាពនិយាយ
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+ដើម្បីកែសំរួលសមត្ថភាពនិយាយសូមចូលទៅក្នុងការកំណត់និងក្រោមប្រភេទភាសាគឺភាសា SPEECH ។ នៅពេលអ្នកជ្រើសរើស SPEECH អ្នកនឹងអាចកែសម្រួលសំលេងនិងល្បឿននៃការនិយាយនៅលើ Cboard ។
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-### Export and import
+### នាំចេញនិងនាំចូល
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+ជម្រើសទាំងពីរដើម្បីនាំចេញគឺស្ថិតនៅក្នុងការកំណត់ប្រព័ន្ធក្នុងប្រភេទប្រព័ន្ធក្រោមភាសានិងសុន្ទរកថា។ ប្រភេទ EXPORT នឹងផ្តល់ឱ្យអ្នកនូវជម្រើសក្នុងការអាប់ឡូដ OpenBoard ឬ PDF ។ ប្រភេទសំខាន់នឹងបើកឯកសារដែលបានរក្សាទុករបស់អ្នកនៅពេលអ្នកជ្រើសរើស RESTORE ។
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-### Display capabilities
+### សមត្ថភាពបង្ហាញ
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+ការកំណត់ការបង្ហាញអាចត្រូវបានកែសម្រួលនៅក្នុងការកំណត់ប្រព័ន្ធក្នុងប្រភេទប្រព័ន្ធ។ ជម្រើសបង្ហាញនៅខាងស្តាំខាងក្រោមនាំចេញនិងនាំចូល។ អ្នកជ្រើសរើស DISPLAY អ្នកអាចប្តូរទំហំ UI ក៏ដូចជាទំហំអក្សរផងដែរដោយជ្រើសរើសទំហំដែលអ្នកចង់បាន។ ចំណុចក្រហមគួរតែស្ថិតនៅក្រោមទំហំដែលអ្នកចង់ជ្រើសរើស។
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### តើខ្ញុំអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរការកំណត់រុករកបានទេ?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+ប្រើផ្នែក NAVIGATION ដើម្បីកែសំរួលនិងសំរួលមធ្យោបាយដែលអ្នកប្រើដើម្បីផ្លាស់ទីជុំវិញក្តារនិងលុបនិមិត្តសញ្ញានៅក្នុងប្រអប់សារ។ ការរុករកនៅចុងបញ្ចប់នៃប្រភេទប្រព័ន្ធនៅក្នុងការកំណត់កំណត់អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យអ្នកមានប៊ូតុងថយក្រោយធំជាងដែលងាយស្រួលក្នុងការជ្រើសរើស។ វាក៏អាចអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យប៊ូតុងលុប ('x') បង្ហាញនៅខាងលើនិមិត្តសញ្ញានីមួយៗនៅពេលពួកវាត្រូវបានបង្ហាញនៅក្នុងប្រអប់សារ។ នេះអាចធ្វើឱ្យវាកាន់តែងាយស្រួលក្នុងការលុបនិមិត្តសញ្ញានៅក្នុងប្រយោគ។ ប៉ុន្តែត្រូវដឹងពីតម្រូវការរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ព្រោះវាអាចធ្វើឱ្យមានការភ័ន្តច្រឡំដល់បុគ្គលមួយចំនួនផងដែរ។
-### Navigation through the interface
+### ការរុករកតាមរយៈចំណុចប្រទាក់
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+ដើម្បីកែសម្រួលនិងសម្រួលដល់ការរុករកតាមរយៈ Cboard សូមជ្រើសរើស NAVIGATION ដែលជាធាតុម៉ឺនុយចុងក្រោយនៅក្នុងប្រព័ន្ធ (ទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងការកំណត់) អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យអ្នកបន្ថែមព័ត៌មានលម្អិតជាក់លាក់ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យការប្រើប្រាស់ក្តារមានភាពងាយស្រួល។ ជម្រើសទីមួយនៅក្នុងនាវាចរណ៍អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យមានប៊ូតុងថយក្រោយធំជាងមុនដែលងាយស្រួលក្នុងការជ្រើសរើសដោយសារតែទំហំ។ ទីពីរបន្ថែមប៊ូតុង 'x' ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យវាកាន់តែងាយស្រួលក្នុងការលុបនិមិត្តសញ្ញាហើយទីបីធ្វើឱ្យវាកាន់តែងាយស្រួលក្នុងការដោះសោដោយតម្រូវឱ្យចុចតែមួយដងដើម្បីដោះសោការកំណត់។
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+
## ការកំណត់
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### តើខ្ញុំអាចចូលទៅកាន់ការកំណត់នៅក្នុង Cboard យ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+នៅពេលដែលអ្នកចូលទៅក្នុង Cboard ទំព័រដើមនឹងបើក។
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+ដើម្បីចូលប្រើការកំណត់បានជ្រើសរើសសោតូចនៅខាងស្តាំបីដងក្រោមព្រួញ។ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបានធ្វើរួចរបារពណ៌ប្រផេះមួយនឹងលេចចេញមកក្រោមផ្ទាំង HOME ពណ៌ខ្មៅហើយប៊ូតុង 'settings' នឹងបង្ហាញដោយផ្ទាល់នៅខាងឆ្វេងនៃសោនៅលើ HOME ដែលជាប្រអប់ទីពីរពីខាងស្តាំ។
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីបោះពុម្ពក្តាររបស់ខ្ញុំនៅក្នុងក្តារខប?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+ដើម្បីបោះពុម្ពក្តាររបស់អ្នកចុចរូបសញ្ញាព្រីនធ័រនៅខាងឆ្វេងដៃនៃបារហូមខ្មៅបន្ទាប់ពីបានដោះសោទំព័រដើម។ ឯកសារអុបទិកចល័ត (.pdf) នឹងត្រូវបានទាញយកទៅក្នុងបច្ចេកវិទ្យារបស់អ្នក។
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### តើខ្ញុំមើលឃើញ Cboard នៅក្នុងអេក្រង់ពេញយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+ដើម្បីមើលឃើញ Cboard ពេញអេក្រង់ដោះសោអេក្រង់ដោយចុចនិមិត្តសញ្ញាចាក់សោរនៅខាងស្តាំដៃហើយបន្ទាប់មកនៅជួរខ្ពស់បំផុត (របារខ្មៅ) និមិត្តសញ្ញាទីពីរពីខាងឆ្វេងដែលមើលទៅដូចជាចតុកោណពង្រីកអេក្រង់។
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### តើខ្ញុំចែកចាយក្តារយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+ដើម្បីចែករំលែកក្តារសូមដោះសោអេក្រង់ដោយចុចសញ្ញាចាក់សោរនៅខាងស្តាំដៃបន្ទាប់មកនៅជួរខ្ពស់បំផុត (របារខ្មៅ) និមិត្តសញ្ញាទី ៣ ពីខាងស្តាំផ្តល់ឱ្យអ្នកនូវជម្រើសក្នុងការចែករំលែកក្តាររបស់អ្នកទាំងអ៊ីមែលអ៊ីមែលហ្វេសប៊ុក។ Twitter ឬចម្លងតំណដើម្បីផ្ញើទៅនរណាម្នាក់។
## និយាយ។
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### តើខ្ញុំអាចបន្ថែមសំលេងដែលបានថតទុកដោយផ្ទាល់ទៅនឹងនិមិត្តសញ្ញានៅលើក្តារដោយរបៀបណា?
1. ទៅក្តារដែលអ្នកចង់ប្រើ។
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### តើខ្ញុំប្តូរទៅសំឡេងខុសគ្នាយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+ដើម្បីកែសំរួលសមត្ថភាពសំលេង / សំលេងសូមចូលទៅក្នុងការកំណត់ហើយក្រោមប្រភេទភាសា LANGUAGE គឺជាប្រភេទ SPEECH ។ នៅពេលអ្នកជ្រើសរើស SPEECH អ្នកនឹងអាចកែសម្រួលសំលេងនិងល្បឿននៃការនិយាយនៅលើ Cboard ។ អ្នកក៏អាចថតសម្លេងផ្ទាល់របស់អ្នកសម្រាប់និមិត្តសញ្ញាដែលធ្វើតាមជំហាននៅលើចម្លើយសម្រាប់ "តើខ្ញុំអាចបន្ថែមសំលេងដែលបានថតទុកដោយផ្ទាល់ទៅនឹងនិមិត្តសញ្ញានៅលើក្ដារខៀនដោយរបៀបណា?"
### តើខ្ញុំត្រូវផ្លាស់ប្តូររបៀបសំឡេងមួយយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+ដើម្បីកែសំរួលសមត្ថភាពសំលេង / សំលេង / សំលេងសូមចូលទៅក្នុងការកំណត់ហើយនៅក្រោមប្រភេទភាសា LANGUAGE ជ្រើសរើសប្រភេទ SPEECH ។ បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកនឹងអាចកែសម្រួលសំលេងនិងល្បឿននៃការនិយាយនៅលើខស។
## ការកែសម្រួលក្តារ។
### តើខ្ញុំបង្កើតក្តារទទេយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+ប្រសិនបើអ្នកចង់បង្កើតក្តារថ្មីឬទទេអ្នកត្រូវតែបង្កើតថតថ្មីហើយនោះនឹងបង្កើតក្តារថ្មីមួយនៅក្នុងកន្លែងផ្ទុក Cboard (ដែលអ្នកអាចមើលឃើញនៅពេលដែលអ្នកចូលទៅកាន់ BOARDS នៅលើរបារកណ្តាលក្នុងរបៀបកែប្រែ) ។
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+ក្តារទទេថ្មីនឹងអាចរកបានភ្លាមៗសម្រាប់ការកែសម្រួលហើយអាចត្រូវបានកំណត់ជាក្តារគោល (ដោយប្រើប៊ូតុងបង្កើត) ដែលមានន័យថាវានឹងក្លាយជាក្តារដំបូងដែលអ្នកឃើញនៅពេលបន្ទាប់អ្នកបើក Cboard ។
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+ដើម្បីបង្កើតថតថ្មីសូមចាប់ផ្តើមដោយដោះសោអេក្រង់ដោយជ្រើសរើសប៊ូតុងចាក់សោនៅខាងស្តាំដៃ។ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកដោះសោអេក្រង់សូមជ្រើសរើសនិមិត្តសញ្ញាសញ្ញាបូក (+) នៅខាងស្តាំដៃដើម្បីបន្ថែមលើឯកសារ។ បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកនឹងទទួលបានជម្រើសបន្ថែមក្បឿង / ប៊ុតធីណាដែលជាជំរើសទី ១ និងស្វ័យប្រវត្តិរឺជ្រើសរើស FOLDER សកម្មភាពនេះបង្កើតជាប្រអប់ថ្មីដែលអ្នកអាចបន្ថែមក្បឿងនិងថតបានច្រើន។
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+នៅពេលដែលអ្នកដាក់ឈ្មោះថាសឺមីអ្នកអាចបញ្ចូលរូបភាពតាមរបៀបស្រដៀងនឹងការបង្កើតក្បឿងជាមួយនឹងការកំណត់ពណ៌និងស្លាក។ ថតថ្មីនេះនឹងភ្ជាប់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិទៅនឹងក្តារដែលនៅពីលើវា (ប្រសិនបើរាប់បញ្ចូលជួរដេកនៃក្រឡា) ។ វានឹងបង្ហាញនៅក្នុងតារាងក្តាររបស់អ្នកជាក្តារទទេររហូតដល់វាមាននិមិត្តសញ្ញានិងស្លាក។
### តើខ្ញុំធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីកំណត់ក្តារផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនដែលមានស្រាប់នៅក្នុង Cboard?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យក្តារដែលមានស្រាប់ធ្វើឱ្យមានលក្ខណៈផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនសូមជ្រើសរើស LOCK នៅជ្រុងខាងស្តាំដៃខាងលើនៃរបារខាងលើក្តារ (ក្រោមព្រួញដែលមានឈើឆ្កាង) ។ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបានធ្វើរួចរបារមួយផ្សេងទៀតនឹងលេចចេញមកក្រោមផ្ទាំង HOME ពណ៌ខ្មៅហើយអ្នកនឹងឃើញរូបសញ្ញាតូចតាច (EDIT) នៅខាងឆ្វេងដៃដើម្បីបន្ថែមក្បឿងឬក្រឡា។ នៅពេលដែលប្លុកត្រូវបានជ្រើសរើសរបារពណ៌ប្រផេះគួរតែប្រែទៅជាពណ៌ខៀវហើយនៅខាងស្តាំអ្នកនឹងឃើញធុងសំរាមតូចមួយនិងខ្មៅដៃមួយ។
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
### តើខ្ញុំអាចប្រើរូបភាពផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់ខ្ញុំនៅពេលកែសម្រួលក្តារបានទេ?
-បាទ / ចាសអ្នកអាចប្រើរូបភាពផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នកនៅពេលកែសម្រួលក្តារ។ In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). អ្នកក៏អាចកែសម្រួលក្បឿងដែលមានស្រាប់ជាមួយនឹងរូបភាពផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។
+បាទ / ចាសអ្នកអាចប្រើរូបភាពផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នកនៅពេលកែសម្រួលក្តារ។ ដើម្បីប្រើរូបភាពផ្ទាល់របស់អ្នកអ្នកអាចបញ្ចូលរូបភាពនៅពេលអ្នកបង្កើតក្រឡាក្បឿងថ្មី (ដោយជ្រើសរើស PLUS SIGN (+) នៅលើរបារពណ៌ប្រផេះបន្ទាប់ពីដោះសោទំព័រ) ។ អ្នកក៏អាចកែសម្រួលក្បឿងដែលមានស្រាប់ជាមួយនឹងរូបភាពផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរលំដាប់នៃធាតុនៅក្នុងក្តារបានទេ?
-ត្រូវហើយ! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+ត្រូវហើយ! នៅពេលអ្នកកំពុងកែក្តារសូមដោះសោអេក្រង់ដោយប្រើនិមិត្តសញ្ញា LOCK ។ បន្ទាប់មកជ្រើសរើសរូបតំណាងប្លុក EDIT នៅខាងឆ្វេងដៃ (ខាងក្រោមរូបតំណាង BUILD) ។ បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកអាចអូសរូបតំណាង / និមិត្តសញ្ញាឬថតឯកសារទៅកន្លែងណាដែលអ្នកចង់ដាក់ក្នុងក្តារតែមួយ។
### តើខ្ញុំជ្រើសរើសធាតុជាច្រើនដើម្បីកែសម្រួលយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+វិធីដូចគ្នាអ្នកផ្លាស់ប្តូរលំដាប់នៃធាតុនៅក្នុងក្តារប៉ុន្តែជំនួសឱ្យការជ្រើសរើសនិងអូសអ្នកជ្រើសរើសរង្វង់នៅខាងក្នុងការ៉េរូបតំណាង / និមិត្តសញ្ញា។ ដើម្បីកែសម្រួលនិមិត្តសញ្ញាជាច្រើនអ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសច្រើនជាងមួយ។ បន្ទាប់ពីធ្វើដូច្នេះសូមជ្រើសរើសរូបតំណាង PENCIL នៅខាងស្តាំដៃហើយនេះនឹងអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យអ្នកកែសម្រួលធាតុដែលបានជ្រើសរើស។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចរកឃើញនិមិត្តសញ្ញាថ្មីយ៉ាងដូចម្តេចនៅពេលដែលខ្ញុំកំពុងកែសម្រួលក្បឿង?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+ជ្រើសរូបតំណាងប្លុក EDIT នៅខាងឆ្វេងដៃនៃបន្ទះក្តារហើយជ្រើសរើសរូបតំណាង / និមិត្តសញ្ញាដែលអ្នកចង់ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ។ ជ្រើសរើសវាហើយនៅពេលដែលចិញ្ចៀនពណ៌ខៀវមានសញ្ញាធីកសូមចូលទៅកាន់រូបតំណាង PENCIL នៅខាងស្តាំ។ ដោយបានជ្រើសរើសខ្មៅដៃអ្នកនឹងសម្គាល់ឃើញថាមានរូបតំណាង MAGNIFYING GLASS សម្រាប់ស្វែងរកនិមិត្តសញ្ញា។ នៅពេលដែលមុខងារស្វែងរកត្រូវបានធ្វើឱ្យសកម្មអ្នកនឹងឃើញសៀវភៅស្រាវជ្រាវរកស៊ីប៊្លុកសៀរនៅក្នុងរបាកែសម្រួល។ វាយបញ្ចូលគំនិត / ស្លាក / ពាក្យដែលអ្នកកំពុងរកហើយនិមិត្តសញ្ញានឹងលេចចេញមក។ នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបានជ្រើសរើសនិមិត្តសញ្ញាមួយវានឹងបញ្ជូនអ្នកមកទំព័រកែ TILE ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ។
## នាំចេញនិងនាំចូល។
### តើខ្ញុំត្រូវនាំចេញក្តាររបស់ខ្ញុំយ៉ាងដូចម្តេចទៅក្នុង Cboard?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+ជ្រើសយក EXPORT ហើយទាញយកក្តារចុចរបស់អ្នកដោយជ្រើសរើស OPENBOARD ឬ EXPORT ។
### តើខ្ញុំត្រូវនាំចូលក្តារចូលទៅក្នុង Cboard យ៉ាងដូចម្តេច?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+ដើម្បីនាំចូលក្តារសូមអនុវត្តតាមជំហានដែលត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីនាំចេញ។ សំខាន់គឺនៅខាងក្រោមនាំចេញដែលជាព្រួញបែរមុខឡើងលើដែលមានរបារផ្តេកនៅពីក្រោមវា។
### តើ Cboard ប្រើទ្រង់ទ្រាយឯកសារអ្វីសម្រាប់នាំចូល / នាំចេញ?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
* ប្រើក្តារឯកសារដើមកំណើត Cboard ។
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* ប្រើឯកសារមានទ្រង់ទ្រាយ OpenBoard ។ [ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអំពីទម្រង់ក្តារបើកទូលាយ](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## សមត្ថភាពបង្ហាញ។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរអ្វីនៅលើការបង្ហាញ?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+ការកំណត់ការបង្ហាញអាចត្រូវបានកែសម្រួលនៅក្នុងការកំណត់ប្រព័ន្ធក្នុងប្រភេទប្រព័ន្ធ។ ជម្រើសបង្ហាញនៅខាងក្រោមនាំចេញនិងនាំចូល។ នៅពេលអ្នកជ្រើសរើសយក DISPLAY អ្នកអាចប្តូរទំហំចំណុចប្រទាក់អ្នកប្រើ (UI) ក៏ដូចជាទំហំអក្សរផងដែរដោយជ្រើសរើសទំហំដែលអ្នកចង់បាន។ ចំណុចក្រហមគួរតែស្ថិតនៅក្រោមទំហំដែលអ្នកចង់ជ្រើសរើស។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចប្តូរទំហំប៊ូតុងនៅលើ Cboard បានទេ?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+ត្រូវហើយ! អ្នកអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរទំហំក្រឡាឬប៊ូតុងនៅក្នុងកំណត់។ នៅក្នុងប្រពន្ធ័ SYSTEM សូមជ្រើសរើសយក DISPLAY ហើយអ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជំរើសចំនួន ៣ សំរាប់ទំហំ៖ ខ្នាតធំខ្នាតធំបន្ថែម។ មើលរូបខាងក្រោម៖
-
+
## ការស្កេន។
### តើខ្ញុំអាចប្រើបច្ចេកទេសស្កេនដើម្បីចូលនិមិត្តសញ្ញាបានទេ?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+ការស្កេនគឺជាកន្លែងដែលធាតុនៅក្នុងសំណុំជម្រើសត្រូវបានបង្ហាញជាបន្តបន្ទាប់តាមពេលវេលាហើយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ធ្វើការជ្រើសរើសដោយប្រយោលជាធម្មតាដោយការចូលប្រើកុងតាក់។ ការធ្វើជំនួញនៅលើក្ដារខ័រធ្វើការនៅក្នុងការកំណត់និងប្រភេទប្រព័ន្ធ។ មានការកំណត់ផ្សេងៗគ្នាសម្រាប់ស្កេន។ ដំបូងអ្នកគួរតែបើកការកំណត់ស្កេនដោយជ្រើសរើស ENABLE ។ បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសការពន្យាពេលពេលវេលាក៏ដូចជាវិធីសាស្ត្រ (ទាំងស្វ័យប្រវត្តិឬដោយដៃ) ។ សូមមេត្តាជ្រាបថានៅពេលប្រើថេប្លេតឬស្មាតហ្វូនវាក៏អាចមានជម្រើសស្កេនក្រយ៉ៅដៃដោយខ្លួនឯងផងដែរ។
-## Communicator builder
+## អ្នកសាងសង់ទំនាក់ទំនង
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### តើអ្នកសាងសង់ទំនាក់ទំនងគឺជាអ្វី?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+អ្នកសាងសង់ទំនាក់ទំនងគឺជាលក្ខណៈពិសេសមួយដែលអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងក្តារដើម្បីចម្លងលុបបោះពុម្ពផ្សាយបន្ថែមនិងយកវាចេញ។ ដើម្បីចូលដំណើរការមុខងារអ្នកត្រូវដោះសោការកំណត់ហើយចុចលើប៊ូតុង 'កសាង' ។ អ្នកនឹងឃើញទំព័រថ្មីមួយដែលមានរចនាសម្ព័ននៅលើផ្ទាំងចំនួនបីផ្សេងៗគ្នាគឺក្តារក្តារសាធារណៈក្រុមប្រឹក្សារបស់ខ្ញុំ។ មើលរូបខាងក្រោម៖
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាទំនាក់ទំនង
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+ផ្ទាំងលំនាំដើមដែលអ្នកនឹងឃើញនៅក្នុងអ្នកបង្កើតទំនាក់ទំនងគឺផ្ទាំងក្តារអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងដែលនឹងបង្ហាញក្តារទាំងអស់ដែលបានបញ្ចូលទៅក្នុងអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នក។ អ្នកអាចធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នកពីប៊ូតុងសកម្មភាពខាងក្រោម៖
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* ដកក្តារចេញពីអ្នកប្រាស្រ័យទាក់ទង៖ ប៊ែតថុននេះនឹងលាឈប់ពីអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងតែនឹងមិនលុបក្តារពីឃ្លាំងទិន្នន័យទេហើយវានៅតែមាននៅក្រោមផ្ទាំង 'ក្តាររបស់ខ្ញុំទាំងអស់' ។
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* កំណត់ក្តារជាគោល៖ គូទនេះនឹងកំនត់ក្តារជាក្តារដំបូងដែលត្រូវបង្ហាញរាល់ពេលដែលអ្នកចូលទៅស៊ី។
-
+
-### Public boards
+### ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាសាធារណៈ
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* ក្តារចំលង៖ គូទនេះនឹងបង្កើតច្បាប់ចម្លងនៃក្តារហើយវានឹងបន្ថែមវាទៅក្នុងអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នក។ ដោយសារនេះជាច្បាប់ចម្លងនៃក្តារសាធារណៈអ្នកអាចកែសម្រួលក្តារនេះតាមដែលអ្នកចង់បានដោយមិនប៉ះពាល់ដល់ក្តារសាធារណៈដើមឡើយ។
-
+
-### All my boards
+### ក្តាររបស់ខ្ញុំទាំងអស់
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+សូមកត់សម្គាល់ថាអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ដែលបានចុះឈ្មោះ JUST អាចចូលប្រើមុខងារថេបនេះបាន។
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* ដកក្តារពីអ្នកប្រាស្រ័យទាក់ទង៖ គូទនេះនឹងឈប់ក្តារពីអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងតែនឹងមិនលុបក្តារចេញពីឃ្លាំងទិន្នន័យទេហើយវានៅតែអាចប្រើបាន។
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* បន្ថែមក្តារទៅអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនង: គូថនេះនឹងបញ្ចូលក្តារទៅអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនង។
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* បោះពុម្ភក្តារ៖ សកម្មភាពនេះនឹងធ្វើឱ្យក្តារសាធារណៈក្លាយជាសាធារណៈហើយវានឹងត្រូវបានបង្ហាញនៅក្រោមផ្ទាំងក្តារសាធារណៈ។ អ្នករាល់គ្នាអាចមើលឃើញក្តាររបស់អ្នក។
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * ក្តារដែលមិនបានផ្សព្វផ្សាយ៖ សកម្មភាពនេះនឹងធ្វើឱ្យក្តារឯកជនក្លាយជារបស់ឯកជនហើយវានឹងមិនត្រូវបានបង្ហាញនៅក្រោមផ្ទាំងក្តារសាធារណៈឡើយ។ គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់អាចមើលឃើញក្តាររបស់អ្នកបានទេ។
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * លុបក្តារ៖ សកម្មភាពនេះនឹងលុបក្តារហើយវាមិនអាចយកមកវិញបានទេ។ ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលនឹងត្រូវបានយកចេញពីមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យ។
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--- a/src/translations/help/ko-KR.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/ko-KR.md
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* [보드를 어떻게 공유합니까?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [말하는](#Talking)
* [Cboard의 기호에 개인적으로 녹음 된 음성을 추가하려면 어떻게합니까?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [다른 음성으로 어떻게 전환합니까?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [음성 소리를 어떻게 변경합니까?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [보드 편집](#BoardEditing)
* [빈 보드는 어떻게 만듭니 까?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Cboard에서 기존 보드를 어떻게 개인화합니까?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Cboard의 버튼 크기를 조정할 수 있습니까?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [스캐닝](#Scanning)
* [스캔 기술을 사용하여 심볼에 액세스 할 수 있습니까?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [커뮤니케이터 빌더](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [커뮤니케이터 빌더는 무엇입니까?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [커뮤니케이터 보드](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [공개 게시판](#PublicBoards)
+ * [내 모든 보드](#Allmyboards)
## Cboard 란 무엇입니까?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard는 언어 및 언어 장애가있는 어린이 및 성인을위한 무료
### Cboard에 어떻게 등록합니까?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Cboard에 등록하려면 시작 페이지에서 로그인을 선택할 수있는 단계를 따라 시작하십시오.
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+신규 사용자 인 경우 가입을 누르면 계정을 만들기 위해 기본 정보를 묻는 간단한 양식이 나타납니다.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+이 정보를 작성하면 계정 확인을 위해 따라야 할 링크가 표시된 직후 이메일을 받게됩니다.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+이 정보는 회사에서만 Cboard 사용을 지원하고 필요한 경우 도움을 제공하기 위해 보유합니다. 다른 조직과 공유되지 않습니다 ( [개인 정보 세부 사항](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)참조).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+계정을 확인하면 Cboard에 액세스 할 수 있으며 계정을 성공적으로 확인했음을 확인하는 다른 이메일을 받게됩니다.
### 소셜 미디어 계정을 사용하여 본인을 등록 할 수 있습니까?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+예! 로그인 페이지에서 원하는 경우 Google 또는 Facebook 계정으로 가입 할 수있는 옵션이 제공됩니다. 이메일 주소로 등록 할 수도 있습니다.
### 등록 된 사용자 인 경우 Cboard에 어떻게 로그인합니까?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Cboard에 로그인하려면 가입에 사용 된 첫 번째 단계를 따르지만 Welcome 화면에서 SIGN UP을 선택하는 대신 LOGIN을 선택하십시오. 그러면 처음 가입 한 이메일과 설정 한 비밀번호를 제공하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Cboard를 구성하는 다른 옵션은 무엇입니까?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Cboard에 로그인하면 다양한 옵션에 액세스하여 Cboard가 잠금 해제 모드 일 때 제공되는 커뮤니케이션 보드를 구성하고 개발할 수 있습니다. 아래의 모든 주요 옵션 목록을 참조하십시오.
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### 로그 아웃하려면 어떻게합니까?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+설정 아이콘을 선택하면 로그 아웃 할 수 있으며 옵션이 빨간색으로 나타납니다. 오른쪽 모서리에서 잠금 기호를 선택하고 세 번 클릭 한 다음 화면 잠금을 해제하고 빨간색 막대가 나타나면 잠금 왼쪽에있는 아이콘 (로드 된 그림이있는 경우)과 로그 옵션을 선택하십시오. 출력이 빨간색으로 나타납니다.
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-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### 등록 된 사용자와 등록되지 않은 사용자의 차이점은 무엇입니까?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+등록 된 사용자는 자신의 게시판을 개인화 할 수 있으며 변경 사항은 자신의 계정에 저장되어 다시 로그인하면 사용자 정의 된 게시판을 사용할 수 있습니다. 등록되지 않은 사용자는 변경 사항을 안전하게 저장할 수 없습니다. 만일을 대비하여 등록하는 것이 좋으므로 변경 사항이 저장됩니다.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### 사용자 정보를 어떻게 업데이트합니까?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+사용자 정보를 업데이트하려면 로그 아웃 할 때 사용한 것과 동일한 단계를 수행하십시오. 보드의 오른쪽 상단에있는 자물쇠 기호 (3 번의 클릭 또는 탭)를 선택하고 화면 잠금을 해제 한 후 자물쇠 왼쪽의 아이콘 (사용자 이름 이니셜, 사진)을 선택하면 사용자 정보를 편집 할 수 있습니다 .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### 비밀번호를 어떻게 재설정합니까?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+비밀번호를 재설정하려면 support@cboard.io로 이메일을 보내 주시면 다시 연락 드리겠습니다.
## 가격
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard는 얼마입니까?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard는 완전히 무료입니다.
## 풍모
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### 어떤 장치와 OS가 지원됩니까?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard는 Mac, Windows 및 Android 운영 체제를 사용하는 데스크탑, 태블릿 및 휴대폰을 포함한 다양한 장치를 사용하여 온라인으로 제공됩니다. Chrome, Firefox, Edge 및 Safari와 같은 브라우저에서 가장 잘 볼 수 있으며 Google Play에서 Android 앱을 사용할 수 있습니다.
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Cboard는 웹 기반 앱이므로 개별 브라우저에서 제공 한 설정에 응답합니다. 이는 Cboard에서 제공 한 설정과 다른 결과가있을 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 다른 음성 옵션이 제공 될 수 있습니다.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+컴퓨터, 태블릿 또는 휴대 전화 화면 크기에 따라 브라우저 확대 또는 확대 / 축소를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+이 유형의 웹 앱을 사용할 때는 브라우저 기반 옵션이 도움이되지 않으므로 시각 장애가있는 사용자를 위해 고 대비 모드 사용에 대해 Cboard에 문의하십시오.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Cboard는 어떤 언어를 지원합니까?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard는 33 개 언어를 지원합니다. 다른 언어를 선택하려면 설정으로 이동하십시오 – 언어를 선택하면 사용 가능한 언어가 나타납니다. 선택하면 언어 옆에 '틱'이 나타납니다.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Cboard가 내 메시지를 소리내어 읽을 수 있습니까?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+예, Cboard는 기기에서 사용 가능한 합성 음성 출력을 사용하여 메시지 출력 상자에 추가 될 때 각 기호 아래에있는 개별 레이블을 읽습니다. 완전한 메시지를 선택할 수 있으며 소리내어 읽을 수도 있습니다. 소리, 단어 또는 구의 개인화 된 녹음이 기호 (말하기 – 음성 녹음의 지침)에 추가 된 경우 합성 된 음성 대신 해당 녹음을들을 수 있습니다. 이것은 언어로 번역 할 수 없거나, 어린이의 목소리가 필요하거나 악센트가 허용되지 않는 경우 매우 유용합니다. 웹에 마이크가 연결되어 있는지 확인하십시오.
-### Speech capabilities
+### 음성 기능
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+음성 기능을 조정하려면 설정으로 이동하고 LANGUAGE 범주 아래에 SPEECH 범주가 있습니다. SPEECH를 선택하면 Cboard에서 음높이와 속도를 편집 할 수 있습니다.
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-### Export and import
+### 수출입
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+내보낼 두 옵션 모두 언어 및 음성 아래의 시스템 범주의 설정에 있습니다. EXPORT 카테고리는 OpenBoard 또는 PDF를 업로드 할 수있는 옵션을 제공합니다. RESTORE를 선택하면 IMPORT 카테고리가 저장된 파일을 엽니 다.
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-### Display capabilities
+### 디스플레이 기능
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+디스플레이 설정은 시스템 카테고리의 설정에서 편집 할 수 있습니다. 표시 옵션은 내보내기 및 가져 오기 바로 아래에 있습니다. DISPLAY를 선택하면 원하는 크기를 선택하여 UI 크기와 앱 글꼴 크기를 변경할 수 있습니다. 빨간색 점은 원하는 크기보다 작아야합니다.
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### 내비게이션 설정을 변경할 수 있습니까?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+탐색 섹션을 사용하여 메시지 상자에서 칠판 주위를 이동하고 기호를 삭제하는 데 사용하는 방법을 편집하고 용이하게하십시오. 설정의 시스템 범주 끝에서 탐색하면 더 쉽게 선택할 수있는 더 큰 '뒤로'버튼을 가질 수 있습니다. 메시지 상자에 표시 될 때 각 기호 위에 삭제 ( 'x') 단추가 표시되도록 할 수도 있습니다. 이를 통해 문장 내에서 기호를보다 쉽게 삭제할 수 있습니다. 그러나 일부 개인을 혼동 할 수 있으므로 사용자 요구에주의하십시오.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### 인터페이스를 통한 탐색
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Cboard를 통한 탐색을 쉽게 편집하고 탐색하려면 탐색 (NAVIGATION)을 선택하십시오. SYSTEM의 마지막 메뉴 항목 (모두 설정)에서 특정 세부 사항을 추가하여 보드를보다 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다. 내비게이션의 첫 번째 옵션은 크기 때문에 더 쉽게 선택할 수있는 더 큰 '뒤로'버튼을 허용합니다. 두 번째는 'x'단추를 추가하여 기호를 쉽게 삭제하고 세 번째는 한 번의 클릭만으로 설정을 잠금 해제하면 잠금을 쉽게 해제 할 수 있습니다.
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## 설정
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Cboard의 설정에 어떻게 액세스합니까?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Cboard에 로그인하면 HOME 페이지가 열립니다.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+설정에 액세스하려면 화살표 아래 오른쪽에서 작은 자물쇠를 세 번 선택하십시오. 이 작업을 수행하면 검은 색 HOME 막대 아래에 회색 막대가 나타나고 오른쪽에서 두 번째로 '설정'버튼이 HOME 막대의 잠금 왼쪽에 직접 나타납니다.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Cboard에서 보드 세트를 어떻게 인쇄합니까?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+보드를 인쇄하려면 HOME 페이지를 잠금 해제 한 후 검은 색 HOME 막대의 왼쪽에있는 프린터 로고를 누르십시오. Adobe Portable Document (.pdf)가 해당 기술로 다운로드됩니다.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Cboard를 전체 화면으로 보려면 어떻게합니까?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Cboard를 전체 화면으로 보려면 오른쪽에있는 잠금 기호를 누른 다음 가장 높은 행 (검은 색 막대)에서 왼쪽에서 사각형처럼 보이는 두 번째 기호가 화면을 확장하여 화면 잠금을 해제하십시오.
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-### How do I share a board?
+### 보드를 어떻게 공유합니까?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+보드를 공유하려면 오른쪽의 잠금 기호를 누른 다음 가장 높은 행 (검은 색 막대)을 눌러 화면의 잠금을 해제하십시오. 오른쪽의 세 번째 기호는 전자 메일, Facebook, 트위터, 또는 링크를 복사하여 다른 사람에게 보냅니다.
## 말하는
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Cboard의 기호에 개인적으로 녹음 된 음성을 추가하려면 어떻게합니까?
1. 사용하려는 보드로 이동하십시오.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### 다른 음성으로 어떻게 전환합니까?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+음성 기능 / 음성을 조정하려면 설정으로 이동하고 LANGUAGE 범주 아래에는 SPEECH 범주가 있습니다. SPEECH를 선택하면 Cboard에서 음높이와 속도를 편집 할 수 있습니다. "Cboard의 심볼에 개인 녹음 된 음성을 어떻게 추가합니까?"에 대한 답변의 단계에 따라 심볼에 대한 자신의 음성을 녹음 할 수도 있습니다.
### 음성 소리를 어떻게 변경합니까?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+음성 기능 / 음성 / 사운드를 조정하려면 설정으로 이동하고 언어 범주 아래에서 음성 범주를 선택하십시오. 그런 다음 Cboard에서 음높이와 속도를 편집 할 수 있습니다.
## 보드 편집
### 빈 보드는 어떻게 만듭니 까?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Cboard에서 빈 보드는 폴더와 같습니다.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+새 보드를 만들거나 빈 보드를 만들려면 새 폴더를 만들어야합니다. 그러면 Cboard 저장 영역에 새 보드가 만들어집니다 (편집 모드에서 가운데 막대의 보드로 이동할 때 볼 수 있음).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+새로운 빈 보드는 즉시 편집 할 수 있으며 루트 보드 (빌드 버튼 사용)로 설정할 수 있습니다. 즉, 다음에 Cboard를 열 때 처음으로 보게됩니다.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+새 폴더를 만들려면 오른쪽의 잠금 버튼을 선택하여 화면 잠금을 해제하여 시작하십시오. 화면 잠금을 해제 한 후 타일을 추가하려면 오른쪽에서 더하기 (+) 기호를 선택하십시오. 그런 다음 첫 번째 자동 옵션 인 타일 / 버튼을 추가하거나 폴더를 선택하는 옵션이 제공됩니다.이 작업은 타일과 폴더를 더 추가 할 수있는 새 보드를 만듭니다.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+폴더 이름을 지정하면 색상 설정 및 레이블이있는 타일을 만드는 것과 비슷한 방식으로 이미지를 업로드 할 수 있습니다. 이 새 폴더는 그 위에있는 보드에 자동으로 연결됩니다 (타일 행이 포함 된 경우). 보드 목록에 기호와 레이블이 채워질 때까지 빈 보드로 표시됩니다.
### Cboard에서 기존 보드를 어떻게 개인화합니까?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+기존 보드를 개인화하려면 보드 위 막대의 오른쪽 상단 모서리에있는 잠금 (화살표가있는 화살표 아래)을 선택하십시오. 이 작업을 수행하면 검은 색 HOME 막대 아래에 다른 막대가 나타나고 왼쪽에 작은 블록 (EDIT) 아이콘이 표시되어 타일 또는 셀을 추가 할 수 있습니다. 블록을 선택하면 회색 막대가 파란색으로 바뀌고 오른쪽에 작은 쓰레기통과 연필이 나타납니다.
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+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+보드를 개인화하려면 연필을 선택하면 레이블을 변경하고 이미지를 업로드하며 음성을 추가 할 수 있습니다.
### 보드를 편집 할 때 내 사진을 사용할 수 있습니까?
-예, 보드를 편집 할 때 자신의 사진을 사용할 수 있습니다. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). 자신의 사진으로 기존 타일을 편집 할 수도 있습니다.
+예, 보드를 편집 할 때 자신의 사진을 사용할 수 있습니다. 자신의 사진을 사용하기 위해 새 타일을 만들 때 페이지를 잠금 해제 한 후 회색 막대에서 더하기 기호 (+)를 선택하여 이미지를 업로드 할 수 있습니다. 자신의 사진으로 기존 타일을 편집 할 수도 있습니다.
### 보드에서 요소의 순서를 변경할 수 있습니까?
-예! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+예! 보드를 편집 할 때 LOCK 기호를 사용하여 화면을 잠금 해제하십시오. 그런 다음 왼쪽 (빌드 아이콘 아래)에서 블록 편집 아이콘을 선택하십시오. 그런 다음 픽토그램 / 기호 또는 폴더를 동일한 보드 내에서 원하는 위치로 드래그 할 수 있습니다.
### 편집 할 여러 요소를 어떻게 선택합니까?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+보드에서 요소의 순서를 변경하는 것과 같은 방법으로 선택 및 드래그 대신 그림 / 기호 사각형 내부의 원을 선택합니다. 많은 기호를 편집하려면 둘 이상을 선택할 수 있습니다. 그런 다음 오른쪽에서 PENCIL 아이콘을 선택하면 선택한 요소를 편집 할 수 있습니다.
### 타일을 편집 할 때 새 심볼을 찾으려면 어떻게해야합니까?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+보드 바의 왼쪽에서 EDIT 블록 아이콘을 선택하고 변경할 그림 / 기호를 선택하십시오. 그것을 선택하고 파란색 링에 틱이 있으면 오른쪽의 PENCIL 아이콘으로 이동하십시오. 연필을 선택하면 기호 검색을위한 MAGNIFYING GLASS 아이콘이 있음을 알 수 있습니다. 검색 기능이 활성화되면 편집 막대에 SYCHOL SYMBOL LIBRARY가 표시됩니다. 찾고있는 개념 / 라벨 / 단어를 입력하면 기호가 나타납니다. 하나의 심볼을 선택하면 TILE 편집 페이지로 자동 돌아갑니다.
## 수출입
### Cboard에서 내 보드를 내보내려면 어떻게합니까?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Cboard에서 보드를 내보내려면 설정으로 이동하고 설정을 열면 내보내기 옵션이 언어 및 음성 아래에 아래쪽 화살표로 나타납니다.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+EXPORT를 선택하고 OPENBOARD 또는 EXPORT를 선택하여 Cboard를 다운로드하십시오.
### 보드를 Cboard로 가져 오려면 어떻게합니까?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+보드를 가져 오려면 내보내기에 사용 된 단계를 따르십시오. 가져 오기 아래에 가로 막대가있는 위쪽 화살표 인 내보내기 아래에 있습니다.
### Cboard는 가져 오기 / 내보내기에 어떤 파일 형식을 사용합니까?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+보드를 가져오고 내보내려면 두 가지 옵션이 있습니다.
* Cboard 기본 파일 보드를 사용하십시오.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* OpenBoard 형식의 파일을 사용하십시오. [오픈 보드 형식](https://www.openboardformat.org/)에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.
## 디스플레이 기능
### 디스플레이에서 무엇을 변경할 수 있습니까?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+디스플레이 설정은 시스템 카테고리의 설정에서 편집 할 수 있습니다. 표시 옵션은 내보내기 및 가져 오기 아래에 있습니다. DISPLAY를 선택하면 원하는 크기를 선택하여 UI (사용자 인터페이스) 크기와 앱 글꼴 크기를 변경할 수 있습니다. 빨간색 점은 원하는 크기보다 작아야합니다.
### Cboard의 버튼 크기를 조정할 수 있습니까?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+예! 설정에서 타일 또는 버튼의 크기를 조정할 수 있습니다. SYSTEM 범주에서 DISPLAY를 선택하면 size, Standard, Large, Extra Large의 세 가지 옵션이 제공됩니다. 아래 그림을 참조하십시오.
-
+
## 스캐닝
### 스캔 기술을 사용하여 심볼에 액세스 할 수 있습니까?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+스캔은 선택 세트의 항목이 시간이 지남에 따라 순차적으로 표시되는 위치이며 사용자는 일반적으로 스위치 액세스를 통해 간접적으로 선택합니다. Cboard의 SCANNING은 SETTINGS 및 SYSTEM 범주 내에서 작동합니다. 스캔 설정이 다릅니다. 우선 ENABLE을 선택하여 스캔 설정을 활성화해야합니다. 그런 다음 시간 지연과 방법 (자동 또는 수동)을 선택할 수 있습니다. 태블릿 또는 스마트 폰을 사용할 때 자체 스캔 옵션이있을 수도 있습니다.
-## Communicator builder
+## 커뮤니케이터 빌더
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### 커뮤니케이터 빌더는 무엇입니까?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+커뮤니케이터 빌더는 보드를 복사, 삭제, 게시, 추가 및 제거하기 위해 보드를 처리 할 수있는 기능입니다. 기능에 액세스하려면 설정을 잠금 해제하고 '빌드'버튼을 클릭해야합니다. 게시판, 공개 게시판, 모든 게시판 등 세 가지 탭으로 구성된 새 페이지가 표시됩니다. 아래 그림을 참조하십시오.
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### 커뮤니케이터 보드
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+커뮤니케이터 빌더에 표시되는 기본 탭은 커뮤니케이터 보드 탭이며 커뮤니케이터에 포함 된 모든 보드를 표시합니다. 다음 작업 버튼에서 커뮤니케이터를 변경할 수 있습니다.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* 커뮤니케이터에서 보드 제거 :이 버튼은 커뮤니케이터에서 보드를 종료하지만 데이터베이스에서 보드를 삭제하지는 않으며 '모든 보드'탭에서 계속 사용할 수 있습니다.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* 보드를 루트로 설정 :이 버튼은 보드를 Cboard에 로그인 할 때마다 표시되는 첫 번째 보드로 정의합니다.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### 공개 게시판
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* 보드 복사 :이 버튼은 보드의 복사본을 생성하여 커뮤니케이터에 추가합니다. 이것은 공개 게시판의 사본이므로 원본 공개 게시판에 영향을주지 않고 원하는대로이 게시판을 편집 할 수 있습니다.
-
+
-### All my boards
+### 내 모든 보드
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+JUST 등록 사용자는이 탭 기능에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* 커뮤니케이터에서 보드 제거 :이 버튼은 커뮤니케이터에서 보드를 종료하지만 데이터베이스에서 보드를 삭제하지는 않으며 여전히 사용 가능합니다.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* 커뮤니케이터에 보드 추가 :이 버튼에는 커뮤니케이터에 보드가 포함됩니다.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* 게시판 게시 :이 작업은 게시판을 공개하고 공개 게시판 탭 아래에 표시됩니다. 모두가 보드를 볼 수 있습니다.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * 보드 게시 취소 :이 작업은 보드를 비공개로 만들고 공개 보드 탭 아래에 표시되지 않습니다. 아무도 당신의 보드를 볼 수 없습니다.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * 보드 삭제 :이 작업은 보드를 삭제하며 복구 할 수 없습니다. 보드가 데이터베이스에서 제거됩니다.
-
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+
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--- a/src/translations/help/me-ME.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/me-ME.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## Sadržaj
-* [Što je Cboard? O Cboard-u!](#WhatisCboard)
+* [Što je Cboard?](#WhatisCboard)
* [Registrovanje i prijavljivanje](#Registrationandlogin)
* [Kako se registrujem za Cboard?](#HowdoIregisterforCboard)
* [Mogu li da se registrujem koristeći moje naloge na društvenim mrežama?](#CanIregistermyselfusingmysocialmediaaccounts)
@@ -22,33 +22,33 @@
* [Govorno sposobnosti](#Speechcapabilities)
* [izvoz i uvoz](#Exportandimport)
* [mogućnosti prikaza](#Displaycapabilities)
- * [Can I change any navigation settings?](#CanIchangeanynavigationsettings)
- * [Navigation through the interface](#Navigationthroughtheinterface)
+ * [Mogu li promijeniti bilo koja podešavanja navigacije?](#CanIchangeanynavigationsettings)
+ * [navođenje kroz pristup](#Navigationthroughtheinterface)
* [Settings](#Settings)
* [Kako da pristupim podešavanjima na Cboardu](#HowdoIaccesssettingsinCboard)
* [Kako da odštampam moje table u Cboardu](#HowdoIprintmyboardsetinCboard)
* [Kako da vidim Cboard preko cijelog ekrana](#HowdoIseeCboardinfullscreen)
* [Kako da podijelim table](#HowdoIshareaboard)
-* [Talking](#Talking)
+* [Govor](#Talking)
* [Kako da dodam sopstveni snimljeni glas na simbolima u Cboardu](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Kako da prebacim na drugi glas?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Kako da promijenim zvuk glasa ](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Prikazivanje table](#BoardEditing)
* [Kako da kreiram praznu tablu](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Kako da personalizujem postojeću tablu u Cboardu](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
* [Mogu li da koristim svoje slike prilikom uređivanja table?](#CanIusemyownpictureswheneditingaboard)
* [mogu li promijeniti redosljed elemenata na tabli?](#CanIchangetheorderingoftheelementsinaboard)
- * [How do I select multiple elements to edit?](#HowdoIselectmultipleelementstoedit)
- * [How can I find new symbols when I am editing a tile?](#FindSymbols)
+ * [kako da izaberem više elemenata za uređivanje?](#HowdoIselectmultipleelementstoedit)
+ * [Kako mogu da pronađem nove simbole kada uređujem tablu?](#FindSymbols)
* [izvoz i uvoz](#Exportandimport)
* [Kako da izvezem moju tablu u Cboard?](#HowdoIexportmyboardinCboard)
* [Kako da uvezem tablu u Cboard](#HowdoIimportaboardintoCboard)
* [Koji format datoteka koristi Cboard za uvoz/ izvoz?](#WhatfileformatdoesCboarduseforimportexport)
-* [Display capabilities](#Displaycapabilities)
+* [mogućnosti prikaza](#Displaycapabilities)
* [What can I change on the display?](#WhatcanIchangeonthedisplay)
* [Mogu li da promijenim velilčinu dugmadi u Cboard](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [Scanning](#Scanning)
- * [Can I use scanning techniques to access symbols?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
+ * [Mogu li da koristim tehnike skeniranja za pristup simbolima?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
* [izrada komunikatora](#CommunicatorBuilder)
* [što je izrada komunikatora?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
* [komunikacione table](#CommunicatorBoards)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Cboardje besplatna veb aplikacija za đecu i odrasle osobe sa teškoćama govora i jezika, koja olakšava komunikaciju uz pomoć slika i prvođenjem teksta u govor.
-## Registration and login
+## Registrovanje i prijavljivanje
### Kako se registrujem za Cboard
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ Da bi se registrovali za Cboard, započnite sljedeći korake na početnoj stran

-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Ako ste novi korisnik, pritisnite projava i pojaviće se kratki obrazac koji traži osnovne podatke za stvaranje ličnog naloga.

-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Nakon što unesete svoje podatke, ubrzo ćete dobiti e-mail s vezom koju treba da pratite kako biste potvrdili svoj nalog.
-
+
Ove informacije kompanija zadržava samo radi podrške korišćenju Cboard-a i pružanja pomoći kada je to potrebno. Nije dijeljeno sa drugim organizacijama, (Pogledaj [ Detalji privatnosti ](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
@@ -127,27 +127,27 @@ Cboard je potpuno besplatan
Cboard je dostupan na mreži putem širokog spektra uređaja, uključujući kompjutere, tablete i mobilne telefone koji koriste Mac, Vindovs i Android operativne sisteme. Najbolje se pregleda u pretraživačima kao što su Chrome, Firefok, Edge i Safari, a Android aplikacija je dostupna iz Google Play-a.
-
+
-kako je Cboard internet aplikacija, ona će odgovoriti na postavke koje pružaju pojedini pretraživači. To može značiti da postoje različito rezultato u podešavanjima Cboard-a. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+kako je Cboard internet aplikacija, ona će odgovoriti na postavke koje pružaju pojedini pretraživači. To može značiti da postoje različito rezultato u podešavanjima Cboard-a. Na primjer, možda ćete biti ponuđene različite opcije za izbor govora.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Ne zaboravite da možete koristiti i uvećanje pregledača ili zumiranje do određene mjere u zavisnosti od veličine ekrana računara, tableta ili telefona
Za one koji imaju smetnje vida treba pitati Cboard o korišćenju režima visokog kontrasta jer opcije zasnovane na pretraživaču nisu korisne kada se koristi ova vrsta veb aplikacija.
### Koji jezici podržavaju Cboard
-Cboard je podržan na 33 jezika To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard je podržan na 33 jezika Za odabir drugog jezika idite na POSTAVKE - odaberite JEZIK i pojaviće se dostupni jezici. Napravite izbor i pored jezika će se pojaviti oznaka „pritisni“.
### Može li Cboard da pročita moju poruku na glas?
-Da, Cboard koristi sintetički govor koji je dostupan na uređaju da bi se mogle čitati pojedinačne oznake koje se nalaze ispod svakog simbola nakon se dodaju u okvir za izlaz poruka You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Da, Cboard koristi sintetički govor koji je dostupan na uređaju da bi se mogle čitati pojedinačne oznake koje se nalaze ispod svakog simbola nakon se dodaju u okvir za izlaz poruka Možete odabrati cijelu poruku koja će takođe biti pročitana naglas. Ako su nekom simbolu dodati personalizovani snimci zvuka, riječi ili fraze (uputstva pod razgovorom - Snimanje glasa), čućete taj snimak umjesto sintetizovanog glasa. To može biti korisno ako prevod nije dostupan ili je potreban dječji glas ili naglasak nije prihvatljiv. Molimo, provjerite je li omogućen mrežni pristup mikrofonu.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Mogućnosti govora
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. kada odabereš GOVOR, moći ćeđ da uređujeteš visinu i tempo govora na Cboardu
+Da bi prilagodili govorne mogućnosti / glas, uđi u podešavanja, pod kategorijom JEZIK se nalazi kategorija GOVOR. kada odabereš GOVOR, moći ćeđ da uređujeteš visinu i tempo govora na Cboardu
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+
### uvoz i izvoz
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ Obe opcije za izvoz su u okviru opscije POSTAVKA u kategoriji SISTEM, ispod jezi

-### Display capabilities
+### mogućnosti ekrana
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. Opcija PRIKAZ je tačno ispod izvoz i uvoz Kada jednom odabereš opsciju PRIKAZ, možeš promijeniti korisničku veličinu kao i veličinu fonta za aplikaciju odabirom željene veličine. Crvena tačka će biti ispod veličine koju izabereš
+Podešavanja ekrana mogu se uređivati u opciji podešavanja, unutar kategorije SISTEM. Opcija PRIKAZ je tačno ispod izvoz i uvoz Kada jednom odabereš opsciju PRIKAZ, možeš promijeniti korisničku veličinu kao i veličinu fonta za aplikaciju odabirom željene veličine. Crvena tačka će biti ispod veličine koju izabereš

diff --git a/src/translations/help/ne-NP.md b/src/translations/help/ne-NP.md
index 6cf09edf0..edb98cbb2 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/ne-NP.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/ne-NP.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [म कसरी बोर्ड साझेदारी गर्ने?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [कुरा गर्दै](#Talking)
* [म कसरीबोर्डमा व्यक्तिगत रूपमा रेकर्ड गरिएको आवाज प्रतीकहरूमा थप्न सक्छु?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [म कसरी फरक आवाजमा स्विच गर्न सक्छु?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [कसरी आवाज बदल्ने भन्नेमा म कसरी परिवर्तन गर्ने?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [बोर्ड सम्पादन](#BoardEditing)
* [म कसरी खाली बोर्ड सिर्जना गर्न सक्छु?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [म कसरी बोर्डमा अवस्थित बोर्ड निजीकृत गर्ने छु?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [के मबोर्डमा बटनहरू पुनःआकार दिन सक्छु?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [स्क्यान गर्दै](#Scanning)
* [म प्रतीकहरू पहुँच गर्नका लागि स्क्यानिंग प्रविधिहरू प्रयोग गर्न सक्छु?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर के हो?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [कम्युनिकेटर बोर्डहरू](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [सार्वजनिक बोर्डहरू](#PublicBoards)
+ * [मेरा सबै बोर्डहरू](#Allmyboards)
## केबोर्ड भनेको के हो?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard बच्चाहरू र वयस्कहरूको लागि
### म कसरीबोर्डको लागि दर्ता गर्ने छु?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Cboard का लागि दर्ता गर्न, स्वागत पृष्ठमा चरणहरू अनुसरण गरेर सुरू गर्नुहोस् जहाँ तपाईं लगइनहरूको विकल्प पाउनुहुनेछ।
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+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+यदि तपाईं नयाँ प्रयोगकर्ता हुनुहुन्छ भने, SIGN UP थिच्नुहोस्, र छोटो फारम तपाईंको खाता सिर्जना गर्न आधारभूत जानकारीको लागि सोधेर पप हुनेछ।
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+एकचोटी तपाईले यो जानकारी भर्नु भएपछि तपाईले इ-मेल प्राप्त गर्नुहुनेछ तपाईको खाता पुष्टि गर्नका लागि लि follow्क अनुगमन पछि।
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+यो जानकारी केवल कम्पनीले Cboard को उपयोग समर्थन गर्न र आवश्यक छ जब मद्दत प्रस्ताव को लागी गरीएको हो। यो अन्य संगठनहरूसँग साझेदारी गरिएको छैन, ( [प्राइभेसी विवरण](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)हेर्नुहोस्)।
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+एक पटक तपाईले तपाईको खाता प्रमाणित गर्नुभए पछि तपाईकोबोर्डमा पहुँच हुनेछ, र तपाईको खाता प्रमाणित गरेर प्रमाणित गरिएको अर्को इ-मेल प्राप्त गर्नुहुनेछ।
### के म मेरो सामाजिक मिडिया खाता प्रयोग गरेर आफूलाई दर्ता गर्न सक्छु?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+हो! लगइन पृष्ठमा तपाईलाई गुगल वा फेसबुक खातामा साईन अप गर्न विकल्प दिइनेछ यदि तपाईं त्यसो गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ भने। तपाई इ-मेल ठेगानाको साथ पनि दर्ता गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।
### एक पटक दर्ता गरिएको प्रयोगकर्ता भएपछि मैले कसरीबोर्डमा लग इन गर्ने?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Cboard मा लग इन गर्न, तपाईले साइन अप गर्न प्रयोग भएको पहिलो चरण अनुसरण गर्नुहोस्, तर स्वागत स्क्रिनमा SIGN UP चयन गर्नुको सट्टा, LOGIN चयन गर्नुहोस्। त्यसोभए तपाईलाई सुरुमा साइन अप गरिएको इ-मेल, र पासवर्ड तपाईले सेटअप गर्न प्रदान गर्न सोधिनेछ।
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Cboard कन्फिगर गर्नका लागि बिभिन्न विकल्पहरू के हुन्?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+एकचोटि तपाईंले Cboard मा लगईन गर्नुभयो भने, तपाईं कन्फिगर र कम्युनिकेशन बोर्ड विकास गर्न विभिन्न विकल्पहरूको पहुँच गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ जब Cboard अनलक गरिएको मोडमा हुन्छ। तल सबै कुञ्जी विकल्पहरूको सूची हेर्नुहोस्:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### म कसरी लग आउट गर्ने?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+तपाईं सेटिंग्स आइकन चयन गरेर लग आउट गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ, र विकल्प रातो रंगमा देखा पर्नेछ। तपाईं दायाँ कुनामा लक लक पनि चयन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ, तीन पटक क्लिक गर्नुहोस् र एकचोटि तपाईंले स्क्रिन अनलक गर्नुभयो र रातो बार देखा पर्यो भने लकको बायाँपट्टि आइकन चयन गर्नुहोस् (तपाईंको चित्र यदि लोड गरिएको छ भने) र लगइन विकल्प। बाहिर रातोमा देखा पर्नेछ।
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### एक पंजीकृत र गैर-पंजीकृत प्रयोगकर्ता बीच के भिन्नता छ?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+एक दर्ता प्रयोगकर्ताले उनीहरूको बोर्डहरू निजीकृत गर्न सक्षम छ, र परिवर्तन परिवर्तनहरू उनीहरूको खातामा बचत गरिनेछ कि जब तिनीहरू फेरि लगइन हुन्छन्, उनीहरू आफ्नो अनुकूलित बोर्डहरू प्रयोग गर्न सक्दछन्। एक गैर-पंजीकृत उपयोगकर्ता सुरक्षित परिवर्तनहरू सुरक्षित गर्न सक्नेछैन। हामी केवल केसमा दर्ता गर्न सिफारिश गर्दछौं, ताकि तपाईंको परिवर्तनहरू सुरक्षित गर्न ग्यारेन्टी गरिएको छ।
-### How do I update my user information?
+### म कसरी मेरो प्रयोगकर्ता जानकारी अपडेट गर्ने?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+तपाईंको प्रयोगकर्ता जानकारी अपडेट गर्न, तपाईं प्रयोग गर्नुहुने समान चरणहरू अनुसरण गर्नुहोस् यदि तपाईं लग आउट गर्न प्रयास गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने। बोर्डको शीर्ष दायाँ कुनामा लक चिन्ह चयन गर्नुहोस् - तीन क्लिकहरू वा ट्यापहरू, र एक पटक तपाईं स्क्रीन अनलक गर्नुभयो भने, लकको बायाँपट्टि आइकन चयन गर्नुहोस् (प्रयोगकर्ता नाम आद्याक्षर, फोटो), र तपाईं आफ्नो प्रयोगकर्ता जानकारी सम्पादन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। ।
-### How do I reset my password?
+### म कसरी मेरो पासवर्ड रिसेट गर्ने?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+तपाईको पासवर्ड रिसेट गर्नका लागि कृपया support@cboard.io मा ईमेल गर्नुहोस् र हामी तपाईलाई फर्कनेछौं।
## मूल्य
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard कति खर्च हुन्छ?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+किबोर्ड कुनै पनि शुल्कबाट पूर्ण रूपमा स्वतन्त्र छ।
## विशेषताहरु
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### कुन उपकरणहरू र ओएस समर्थित छन्?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard डेस्कटपहरू, ट्याब्लेटहरू र म्याक, विन्डोज र एन्ड्रोइड अपरेटिंग प्रणाली प्रयोग गरेर मोबाइल फोन सहित, उपकरणको एक विस्तृत विविधता को प्रयोग गरी अनलाइन उपलब्ध छ। यो क्रोम, फायरफक्स, एज र सफारी जस्ता ब्राउजरहरूमा राम्रोसँग हेरेको छ र एन्ड्रोइड अनुप्रयोग गुगल प्लेबाट उपलब्ध छ।
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+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+किनभने किबोर्ड एक वेब आधारित अनुप्रयोग हो यो व्यक्तिगत ब्राउजरहरू द्वारा प्रदान सेटिंग्स प्रतिक्रिया हुनेछ। यसको मतलव तपाईको Cboard द्वारा प्रदान सेटिंग्स को लागी बिभिन्न नतीजाहरु हुन सक्छ। उदाहरण को लागी तपाईले बिभिन्न विकल्पहरु प्रस्तुत गरीरहनुभएको छ।
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+नबिर्सनुहोस् तपाईं ब्राउजर म्याग्निफिकेसन पनि प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ वा कम्प्युटर, ट्याब्लेट वा फोन स्क्रिन आकारको आधारमा निश्चित डिग्रीमा जूम गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+कृपया ब्राउजरमा आधारित विकल्पहरू यस प्रकारको वेब अनुप्रयोग प्रयोग गर्दा सहयोगी हुने छैनन्।
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### कुन भाषाहरू Cboard द्वारा समर्थित छन्?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard languages 33 भाषाहरूको लागि समर्थनको साथ आउँदछ। फरक भाषा चयन गर्न SETTINGS मा जानुहोस् - LANGUAGE चयन गर्नुहोस् र ती उपलब्ध हुनेछन्। एक छनौट गर्नुहोस् र भाषाको छेउमा 'टिक' देखा पर्नेछ।
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### केबोर्डले मेरो सन्देश ठूलो स्वरले पढ्न सक्छ?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+हो, Cboard तपाईंको उपकरणमा उपलब्ध सिंथेटिक वाणी आउटपुट प्रयोग गर्दछ प्रत्येक प्रतीक मुनिको व्यक्तिगत लेबलहरू पढ्नको लागि तिनीहरूलाई सन्देश आउटपुट बक्समा थपिएको छ। तपाईं पूर्ण सन्देश चयन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ र यो ठूलो स्वरले पढिनेछ। यदि एक आवाज, शब्द वा वाक्यांशको एक निजीकृत रेकर्डिंग प्रतीकमा थपिएको छ (कुरा गरिरहेको अन्तर्गत निर्देशनहरू - आवाज रेकर्डिingsहरू) तपाईंले सुन्नुहुनेछ संश्लेषित आवाजको सट्टामा त्यो रेकर्डि।। यो धेरै सहयोगी हुन सक्दछ जहाँ अनुवाद भाषामा उपलब्ध छैन, बच्चाको आवाज आवश्यक हुन्छ वा उच्चारण अस्वीकार्य हुन्छ। कृपया सुनिश्चित गर्नुहोस् कि वेब पहुँच तपाईंको माइक्रोफोनमा दिइएको छ।
-### Speech capabilities
+### भाषण क्षमताहरू
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+भाषण क्षमताहरू समायोजन गर्न, SETTINGS मा जानुहोस्, र LANGUAGE कोटि अन्तर्गत SPEECH कोटी हो। जब तपाईं SPEECH चयन गर्नुहुन्छ, तपाईंबोर्डमा पिच र बोलीको गति सम्पादन गर्न सक्षम हुनुहुनेछ।
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-### Export and import
+### निर्यात र आयात
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+निर्यात गर्न दुबै विकल्पहरू SETTINGS भित्र SYSTEM कोटिमा, भाषा र स्पीच मुनि छन्। निर्यात कोटी तपाईंलाई एक ओपनबोर्ड वा पीडीएफ अपलोड गर्न विकल्प दिनेछ। एक पटक तपाईले RESTORE चयन गर्नुभए पछि आयात कोटीले तपाईका सुरक्षित फाईलहरू खोल्नेछ।
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-### Display capabilities
+### क्षमता प्रदर्शन गर्नुहोस्
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+प्रदर्शन सेटिंग्स SETTINGS मा सम्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ, SYSTEM कोटि बीचमा। प्रदर्शन विकल्प तलको निर्यात र आयात तल छ। एक तपाईं DI DI छनौट, तपाईं UI आकार साथै अनुप्रयोग फन्ट आकार तपाईं चाहेको आकार चयन गरेर परिवर्तन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ। रातो डट तपाईंले छनौट गर्न चाहानु भएको आकारमुनि हुनुपर्दछ।
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### के म कुनै नेभिगेशन सेटिंग्स परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछु?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+NAVIGATION खण्ड प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् सम्पादन र सुविधा को लागी तपाईं Cboard वरिपरि सार्न को लागी र सन्देश बक्स मा प्रतीक हटाउन को लागी। SETTINGS मा SYSTEM कोटि अन्तमा नेभिगेसनले तपाईंलाई ठूलो 'पछाडि' बटन राख्न अनुमति दिन्छ जुन चयन गर्न सजिलो छ। यो पनि सम्भव छ कि मेटाउन ('x') बटन प्रत्येक प्रतीकको माथि देखा पर्नेछ किनकि ती सन्देश बाकस भित्र प्रस्तुत गरिन्छन्। यसले वाक्य भित्र प्रतीकहरू मेटाउन सजिलो बनाउन सक्छ। तर प्रयोगकर्ताका आवश्यकताहरू बारे सचेत हुनुहोस् किनकि यसले केही व्यक्तिहरूलाई भ्रमित पनि गर्न सक्छ।
-### Navigation through the interface
+### ईन्टरफेस मार्फत नेभिगेसन
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Cboard को माध्यमबाट नेभिगेट सम्पादन र सुविधाका लागि, NAVIGATION चयन गर्नुहोस्, SYSTEM भित्रको अन्तिम मेनु वस्तु (सबै सेटि Settingsहरूमा) तपाईंलाई बोर्डको प्रयोग सजिलो बनाउन केहि निश्चित विवरणहरू थप्न अनुमति दिन्छ। नेभिगेसन भित्र पहिलो विकल्पले ठूलो 'पछाडि' बटनलाई अनुमति दिन्छ जुन आकारको कारण चयन गर्न सजिलो छ। दोस्रोले प्रतीकहरू मेटाउन सजिलो बनाउनको लागि 'x' बटन थप्छ, र तेस्रोले यसलाई अनलक गर्न सजिलो बनाउँदछ केवल अनलक गर्न सेटिंग्स अनलक गर्न केवल एक क्लिकको आवश्यकता लिएर।
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## सेटिङहरू
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### मैले कसरीबोर्डबोर्डमा सेटि accessहरू पहुँच गर्ने?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+एकचोटि तपाईंले Cboard मा लग इन गर्नुभयो भने, गृह पृष्ठ खुल्नेछ।
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+SETTINGS पहुँच गर्न, दाँया-दाहिने तिरको सानो लकलाई तीर मुनि तीन पटक चयन गर्नुहोस्। एकचोटि तपाईंले यो गरेपछि, सेतो पट्टी कालो घर बारको तल देखा पर्नेछ, र 'सेटिंग्स' बटन देखा पर्नेछ लकको बायाँ तिर HOME बारमा, दायाँबाट दोस्रो।
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### कसरी म बोर्डमा मेरो बोर्ड सेट प्रिन्ट गर्ने?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+तपाइँको बोर्ड प्रिन्ट गर्न, कालो HOME बारको बाँया पट्टि प्रिन्टर लोगो थिच्नुहोस्, गृह पृष्ठ अनलक गरेपछि। एक एडोब पोर्टेबल कागजात (.pdf) तपाइँको टेक्नोलोजीमा डाउनलोड गरिनेछ।
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### कसरी म पूर्ण स्क्रीनमाबोर्ड हेर्नुहोस्?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+पूर्ण स्क्रीनमा किबोर्ड हेर्नको लागि, दायाँ हातमा लक प्रतीक थिचेर स्क्रिन अनलक गर्नुहोस्, र त्यसपछि सबै भन्दा माथिल्लो प row्क्ति (कालो पट्टी) मा, बायाँबाट दोस्रो प्रतीक जसले आयतकार जस्तो देखिन्छ स्क्रिन विस्तार गर्दछ।
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-### How do I share a board?
+### म कसरी बोर्ड साझेदारी गर्ने?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+एउटा बोर्ड साझेदारी गर्न, दायाँ हातमा लक प्रतीक थिचेर स्क्रिन अनलक गर्नुहोस्, त्यसपछि माथिल्लो प row्क्ति (कालो पट्टी) मा, दायाँबाट तेस्रो प्रतीकले तपाईंलाई कि त ईमेल, फेसबुक, ट्विटर, वा लिंक कसैलाई पठाउन प्रतिलिपि गर्नुहोस्।
## कुरा गर्दै
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### म कसरीबोर्डमा व्यक्तिगत रूपमा रेकर्ड गरिएको आवाज प्रतीकहरूमा थप्न सक्छु?
1. तपाइँ प्रयोग गर्न चाहानुभएको बोर्डमा जानुहोस्।
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### म कसरी फरक आवाजमा स्विच गर्न सक्छु?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+बोली क्षमता / आवाज समायोजन गर्न को लागी सेटिंग्स मा जानुहोस्, र LANGUAGE कोटि अन्तर्गत SPEECH कोटि हो। जब तपाईं SPEECH चयन गर्नुहुन्छ तपाईंबोर्डमा पिच र भाषणको गति सम्पादन गर्न सक्षम हुनुहुनेछ। तपाईं प्रतीकहरूको लागि तपाईंको आफ्नै आवाज रेकर्ड गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ उत्तरको लागि निम्न चरणहरूको अनुसरणका लागि "कसरीबोर्डमा व्यक्तिगत रूपमा रेकर्ड गरिएको आवाज मैले थप्न सक्छु?"
### म कसरी आवाज बदल्छु?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+आवाज क्षमता / आवाज / ध्वनी समायोजन गर्न, SETTINGS मा जानुहोस्, र LANGUAGE कोटि अन्तर्गत SPEECH कोटी चयन गर्नुहोस्। त्यसो भए तपाईलेबोर्डमा पिच र बोलीको गति सम्पादन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।
## बोर्ड सम्पादन
### म कसरी खाली बोर्ड सिर्जना गर्न सक्छु?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Cboard मा खाली बोर्ड एउटा फोल्डरको बराबर हुन्छ।
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+यदि तपाईं नयाँ वा खाली बोर्ड सिर्जना गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ भने तपाईंले नयाँ फोल्डर सिर्जना गर्नुपर्नेछ, र त्यसले किबोर्ड भण्डारण क्षेत्रमा नयाँ बोर्ड सिर्जना गर्दछ (जुन तपाईं सम्पादन मोडमा मध्य पट्टीमा बोर्डहरूमा जान सक्नुहुँदा देख्न सक्नुहुन्छ)।
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+नयाँ खाली बोर्ड तुरून्त सम्पादनको लागि उपलब्ध हुनेछ र रूट बोर्ड (बिल्ड बटन प्रयोग गरेर) को रूपमा सेट गर्न सकिन्छ, जसको मतलब यो हो कि तपाईले पहिलो पटक बोर्ड खोल्दा देख्नु भएको पहिलो बोर्ड हुनेछ।
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+नयाँ फोल्डर सिर्जना गर्न, दायाँ पट्टि लक बटन चयन गरेर स्क्रिन अनलक गरेर शुरू गर्नुहोस्। एकचोटि तपाईंले स्क्रिन अनलक गर्नुभयो भने, दायाँ पट्टीमा प्लस (+) प्रतीक चयन गर्नुहोस्, टाईल थप्नको लागि। तपाईंलाई त्यसपछि एउटा टाइल / बटन थप्न विकल्प दिइनेछ जुन पहिलो र स्वचालित विकल्प हो वा फोल्डर चयन गर्नुहोस् यो कार्यले नयाँ बोर्ड बनाउँदछ जहाँ तपाईं थप टाईलहरू र फोल्डरहरू थप्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+एकचोटि तपाईंले फोल्डरको नामाकरण गर्नुभयो भने तपाईं र color्ग सेटिंग र लेबलको साथ टाइल बनाउनको लागि समान रूपमा छवि अपलोड गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। यो नयाँ फोल्डर स्वचालित रूपमा माथिको बोर्डमा लिंक हुनेछ (यदि टाईलहरूको प row्क्ति समावेश छ भने)। यो तपाइँको बोर्डहरूको सूचीमा खाली बोर्डको रूपमा देखा पर्नेछ जबसम्म यो प्रतीकहरू र लेबलहरूको साथ आबादी हुँदैन।
### म कसरी बोर्डमा अवस्थित बोर्ड निजीकृत गर्ने छु?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+अवस्थित बोर्ड निजीकृत गर्न क्रममा, बोर्डको माथिको बारको माथि दायाँ कुनामा LOCK चयन गर्नुहोस्, (क्रसको साथ एरको मुनि)। एकचोटि तपाईंले यो गरिसकेपछि, अर्को पट्टी कालो घर पट्टीको तल देखा पर्नेछ, र तपाईंले एउटा टाइल वा सेल थप्नको लागि बाँया पट्टि एउटा सानो ब्लक (EDIT) आइकन पाउनुहुनेछ। एक पटक ब्लक चयन गरिएपछि, खरानी पट्टी निलो बन्न जान्छ, र दायाँ तिर तपाईले एउटा सानो रद्दी टोकरी र पेन्सिल देख्नुहुनेछ।
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-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+बोर्ड निजीकृत गर्न को लागी, पेन्सिल चयन गर्नुहोस् र तपाईं लेबल परिवर्तन गर्न, एक छवि अपलोड गर्न, र Vocalization थप्न को लागी सक्षम हुनुहुनेछ।
### बोर्ड सम्पादन गर्दा के म आफ्नै तस्वीरहरू प्रयोग गर्न सक्छु?
-हो, बोर्ड सम्पादन गर्दा तपाईं आफ्नै तस्वीर प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). तपाईं आफ्नो तस्वीरको साथ अवस्थित टाइललाई सम्पादन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।
+हो, बोर्ड सम्पादन गर्दा तपाईं आफ्नै तस्वीर प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। तपाईंको आफ्नै तस्वीर प्रयोग गर्न, तपाईं छवि अपलोड गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ जब तपाईं नयाँ टाइल सिर्जना गर्नुहुन्छ (प्लस साइन इन (+) चयन गरेर ग्रे पट्टीमा पृष्ठ अनलक पछि)। तपाईं आफ्नो तस्वीरको साथ अवस्थित टाइललाई सम्पादन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।
### के म बोर्डमा एलिमेन्टहरूको क्रम परिवर्तन गर्न सक्छु?
-हो! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+हो! जब तपाईं एक बोर्ड सम्पादन गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ, LOCK प्रतीक प्रयोग गरेर स्क्रीन अनलक गर्नुहोस्। त्यसपछि बायाँ पट्टिको EDIT ब्लक आईकन छनौट गर्नुहोस् (BUILD आइकनको मुनि)। तपाईं त्यसपछि चित्रोग्राम / प्रतीक वा फोल्डर ड्र्याग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ जहाँ तपाईं यसलाई समान बोर्ड भित्र राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ।
### म कसरी सम्पादन गर्न बहु तत्वहरू चयन गर्न सक्छु?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+उस्तै तरीकाले तपाइँले बोर्डमा एलिमेन्टहरूको क्रम परिवर्तन गर्नुहुन्छ, तर चयन र तान्नुको सट्टा तपाई पिक्चरोग्राम / प्रतीक वर्ग भित्रको सर्कल छान्नुहुन्छ। धेरै प्रतीकहरू सम्पादन गर्न तपाईं एक भन्दा बढी छनौट गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। त्यसो गरिसकेपछि, दायाँ पट्टिमा पेन्सिल प्रतिमा चयन गर्नुहोस् र यसले तपाईंलाई चयनित तत्वहरू सम्पादन गर्न अनुमति दिनेछ।
### म कसरी टाइल सम्पादन गर्दै गर्दा नयाँ प्रतीकहरू फेला पार्न सक्दछु?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+बोर्ड बारको बाँया पट्टिको EDIT ब्लक आइकन चयन गर्नुहोस् र तपाईंले परिवर्तन गर्न चाहानु भएको पिकोग्राम / प्रतीक छनौट गर्नुहोस्। यसलाई छनौट गर्नुहोस् र एक पटक नीलो रिंगमा टिक भयो भने दायाँ प्यानसिल आइकनमा जानुहोस्। पेन्सिल चयन गर्नाले तपाईले याद गर्नुहुनेछ कि प्रतीक खोजीका लागि त्यहाँ म्याग्निफाइ G ग्लास आइकन छ। जब खोजी सुविधा सक्रिय हुन्छ तपाईले सम्पादन पट्टीमा खोजी SYMBOL लाइब्रे देख्नुहुनेछ। अवधारणा / लेबल / शब्दमा टाइप गर्नुहोस् जुन तपाईले खोजिरहनु भएको थियो र प्रतीक देखा पर्नेछ। एकचोटि तपाईंले एक प्रतीक चयन गर्नुभयो भने यसले तपाईंलाई स्वचालित रूपमा सम्पादन टाईल पृष्ठमा फर्काउँछ।
## निर्यात र आयात
### म कसरी मेरो बोर्डबोर्डमा निर्यात गर्ने?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+तपाईको बोर्डलाई बोर्डमा निर्यात गर्नका लागि, SETTINGS मा जानुहोस्, र तपाईंले सेटिंग्स खोल्ने बित्तिकै, एक्सपोर्ट विकल्प तल र अनुहार तीरको रूपमा देखा पर्दछ, भाषा र स्पीच मुनि।
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+निर्यात चयन गर्नुहोस्, र कि त OPENBOARD वा निर्यात चयन गरेर तपाईंकोबोर्ड डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस्।
### म कसरी बोर्डबोर्डमा आयात गर्ने?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+एक बोर्ड आयात गर्नका लागि, निर्यातमा प्रयोग गरिएको चरणहरू अनुसरण गर्नुहोस्। आयात आयात तल मुनि छ, एक माथि माथि फेस तीर यसको तल एक क्षैतिज पट्टी संग।
### क्याबोर्डले आयात / निर्यातको लागि कुन फाइल ढाँचा प्रयोग गर्दछ?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+बोर्डहरू आयात र निर्यात गर्न क्रममा तपाईंसँग दुई विकल्पहरू छन्:
* Cboard नेटिभ फाइल बोर्डहरू प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्।
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* ओपनबोर्ड फर्म्याट गरिएका फाइलहरू प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्। [खुला बोर्ड ढाँचा](https://www.openboardformat.org/)बारेमा बढि जान्नुहोस्
## क्षमता प्रदर्शन गर्नुहोस्
### म प्रदर्शनमा के परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछु?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+प्रदर्शन सेटिंग्स SETTINGS मा सम्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ, SYSTEM कोटि बीचमा। प्रदर्शन विकल्प निर्यात र आयात मुनि छ। एकचोटि तपाईंले डिस्प्ले चयन गर्नुभयो, तपाईं प्रयोगकर्ता ईन्टरफेस (UI) आकार साथै अनुप्रयोग फन्ट साइज आफूले चाहेको आकार चयन गरेर परिवर्तन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। रातो डट तपाईंले छनौट गर्न चाहानु भएको आकारमुनि हुनुपर्दछ।
### के मबोर्डमा बटनहरू पुनःआकार दिन सक्छु?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+हो! तपाईं टाइलहरू वा बटनहरू SETTINGS मा पुनःआकार गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। श्रेणी SYSTEM मा, चयन गर्नुहोस् DISPLAY र तपाईंलाई आकारका लागि options विकल्पहरू दिइनेछ: मानक, ठूलो, अतिरिक्त ठूलो। तल चित्र हेर्नुहोस्:
-
+
## स्क्यान गर्दै
### म प्रतीकहरू पहुँच गर्नका लागि स्क्यानिंग प्रविधिहरू प्रयोग गर्न सक्छु?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+स्क्यान हो जहाँ चयन सेटमा आईटमहरू क्रमशः समयको साथ प्रस्तुत गरिन्छ र प्रयोगकर्ताले अप्रत्यक्ष रूपमा चयन गर्दछ, सामान्यतया स्विच पहुँच द्वारा। Cboard मा स्क्यानिंग SETTINGS र SYSTEM कोटि भित्र काम गर्दछ। स्क्यानका लागि त्यहाँ बिभिन्न सेटिंग्स छन्। तपाईंले पहिले ENABLE चयन गरेर स्क्यानिंग सेटिंग सक्षम गर्नुपर्नेछ। तपाईं त्यसपछि समय ढिलाइ, र विधि (स्वत: वा म्यानुअल) को रूपमा छनौट गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। कृपया ध्यान दिनुहोस् कि ट्याब्लेट वा स्मार्टफोन प्रयोग गर्दा यसको आफ्नै बिल्ट-इन स्क्यानिंग विकल्प पनि हुन सक्छ।
-## Communicator builder
+## कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर के हो?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डर एक यस्तो सुविधा हो जसले तपाईंलाई बोर्डहरू ह्यान्डल गर्न अनुमति दिन्छ प्रतिलिपि गर्न, मेटाउन, प्रकाशित गर्न, थप्न र हटाउनको लागि। कार्यक्षमतामा पहुँच गर्न तपाईले सेटिंग्स अनलक गर्न आवश्यक छ र 'निर्माण गर्नुहोस्' बटनमा। तपाईं तीन नयाँ ट्याबहरूमा संरचित नयाँ पृष्ठ देख्नुहुनेछ: बोर्डहरू, सार्वजनिक बोर्डहरू, मेरा सबै बोर्डहरू। तल चित्र हेर्नुहोस्:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### कम्युनिकेटर बोर्डहरू
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+पूर्वनिर्धारित ट्याब तपाइँ कम्युनिकेटर बिल्डरमा देख्नुहुनेछ कम्युनिकेटर बोर्ड ट्याब हो, जुन तपाइँको कम्युनिकेटरमा समावेश गरिएका सबै बोर्डहरू प्रदर्शन गर्दछ। तपाइँको कम्युनिकेटरमा निम्न कार्य बटनहरूबाट परिवर्तन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* कम्युनिकेटरबाट बोर्ड हटाउनुहोस्: यो बटनले कम्युनिकेटरबाट बोर्ड छोड्नेछ तर डेटाबेसबाट बोर्ड मेटाउनेछैन र यो अझै पनी 'मेरो सबै बोर्डहरू' ट्याब अन्तर्गत उपलब्ध छ।
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* बोर्डलाई रुटको रूपमा सेट गर्नुहोस्: यो बटनले बोर्डलाई पहिलो बोर्डको रूपमा परिभाषित गर्दछ प्रत्येक पटक तपाईले किबोर्डमा लगईन गर्दा प्रदर्शन हुनेछ।
-
+
-### Public boards
+### सार्वजनिक बोर्डहरू
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* प्रतिलिपि बोर्ड: यो बटनले बोर्डको एक प्रतिलिपि सिर्जना गर्दछ र यसले तपाईंको कम्युनिकेटरमा थप गर्दछ। किनकि यो सार्वजनिक बोर्डको प्रतिलिपि हो, तपाईं मूल बोर्डलाई असर नगरी तपाईं यो बोर्डलाई सम्पादन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।
-
+
-### All my boards
+### मेरा सबै बोर्डहरू
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+कृपया नोट गर्नुहोस् कि JUST रेजिष्टर्ड प्रयोगकर्ताहरूले यस ट्याब कार्यक्षमतामा पहुँच गर्न सक्दछन्।
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* कम्यूनिकेटरबाट बोर्ड हटाउनुहोस्: यो बटनले कम्युनिकेटरबाट बोर्ड छोड्नेछ तर डाटाबेसबाट बोर्ड मेटाउँदैन र यो अझै उपलब्ध छ।
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* कम्युनिकेटरमा बोर्ड थप्नुहोस्: यो बटनले कम्युनिकेटरमा बोर्ड समावेश गर्दछ।
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* प्रकाशित बोर्ड: यो कार्यले सार्वजनिक बोर्ड बनाउँदछ र यो सार्वजनिक बोर्ड ट्याब अन्तर्गत प्रदर्शित हुन्छ। सबै जनाले तपाइँको बोर्ड देख्न सक्दछन्।
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * अप्रकाशित बोर्ड: यो कार्यले बोर्ड निजी बनाउँछ र यो सार्वजनिक बोर्ड ट्याब मुनि प्रदर्शित हुँदैन। तपाईको बोर्ड कसैले पनि देख्न सक्दैन।
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * बोर्ड हटाउनुहोस्: यो कार्यले बोर्ड हटाउनेछ र यसलाई पुन: प्राप्त गर्न सकिदैन। बोर्ड डाटाबेसबाट हटाइनेछ।
-
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* [Hvordan deler jeg et styre?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [snakke](#Talking)
* [Hvordan legger jeg til en personlig innspilt stemme til symboler på Cboard?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Hvordan bytter jeg til en annen stemme?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Hvordan endrer jeg hvordan en stemme høres ut?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Styret redigering](#BoardEditing)
* [Hvordan lager jeg et tomt brett?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Hvordan personliggjør jeg et eksisterende brett i Cboard?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Kan jeg endre størrelse på knappene på tavlen?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [skanning](#Scanning)
* [Kan jeg bruke skanningsteknikker for å få tilgang til symboler?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Kommunikasjonsbygger](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [Hva er kommunikasjonsbyggeren?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Kommunikatortavler](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Offentlige styrer](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Alle brettene mine](#Allmyboards)
## Hva er Cboard?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard er en gratis nettapplikasjon for barn og voksne med tale- og språkvanske
### Hvordan registrerer jeg meg for Cboard?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+For å registrere deg for Cboard, begynn med å følge trinnene på velkomstsiden der du finner et valg av pålogginger.
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Hvis du er en ny bruker, trykk SIGN UP, så dukker det opp et kort skjema som ber om grunnleggende informasjon for å opprette kontoen din.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Når du har fylt ut denne informasjonen, vil du motta en e-post kort tid etter med en lenke som skal følges for å bekrefte kontoen din.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Denne informasjonen holdes bare av selskapet for å støtte bruk av Cboard og tilby hjelp når det er nødvendig. Det deles ikke med andre organisasjoner, (se [Personverndetaljer](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Når du har bekreftet kontoen din, får du tilgang til Cboard, og vil motta en annen e-post som bekrefter at du har bekreftet kontoen din.
### Kan jeg registrere meg selv ved å bruke kontoene mine på sosiale medier?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Ja! På innloggingssiden vil du få muligheten til å registrere deg med Google- eller Facebook-kontoen din hvis du ønsker det. Du kan også registrere deg med en e-postadresse.
### Hvordan logger jeg på Cboard når jeg er registrert bruker?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+For å logge inn på Cboard følger du det første trinnet som ble brukt for å registrere deg, men i stedet for å velge SIGN UP på velkomstskjermen, velger du LOGIN. Du blir deretter bedt om å oppgi e-postmeldingen du opprinnelig registrerte deg med, og passordet du konfigurerte.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Hva er de forskjellige alternativene for å konfigurere Cboard?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Når du har logget deg på Cboard, kan du få tilgang til forskjellige alternativer for å konfigurere og utvikle kommunikasjonskortet som gis når Cboard er i ulåst modus. Se listen over alle nøkkelalternativene nedenfor:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### Hvordan logger jeg av?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Du kan logge av ved å velge innstillingsikonet, og alternativet vises i rødt. Du kan også velge låsesymbolet i høyre hjørne, klikke tre ganger, og når du har låst opp skjermen og den røde linjen vises, velger du ikonet til venstre for låsen (bildet hvis du har lastet et) og muligheten til å logge ut vises i rødt.
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Hva er forskjellen mellom en registrert og en ikke-registrert bruker?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+En registrert bruker kan personalisere brettene sine, og endringene som blir gjort vil bli lagret på kontoen sin, slik at når de logger seg på, kan de bruke sine tilpassede tavler. En ikke-registrert bruker vil ikke kunne lagre endringer trygt. Vi anbefaler å registrere deg for tilfeller, så endringene dine blir garantert lagret.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Hvordan oppdaterer jeg brukerinformasjonen min?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+For å oppdatere brukerinformasjonen din, følg de samme trinnene du ville brukt hvis du prøvde å logge ut. Velg låsesymbolet øverst til høyre på brettet - tre klikk eller trykk, og når du har låst opp skjermen, velg ikonet til venstre for låsen (brukernavn initialer, foto), og du kan deretter redigere brukerinformasjonen din .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Hvordan tilbakestiller jeg passordet mitt?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+For å tilbakestille passordet ditt, kan du sende en e-post til support@cboard.io så kommer vi tilbake til deg.
## Pris
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Hvor mye koster Cboard?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard er helt gratis.
## Egenskaper
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Hvilke enheter og operativsystem støttes?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard er tilgjengelig online ved bruk av et bredt utvalg av enheter, inkludert stasjonære maskiner, nettbrett og mobiltelefoner ved bruk av Mac, Windows og Android operativsystemer. Det er best å se i nettlesere som Chrome, Firefox, Edge og Safari, og en Android-app er tilgjengelig fra Google Play.
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Fordi Cboard er en nettbasert app, vil den svare på innstillingene gitt av de enkelte nettlesere. Dette kan bety at du har forskjellige resultater enn innstillingene gitt av Cboard. For eksempel kan du finne forskjellige talealternativer som tilbys.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Ikke glem at du også kan bruke nettleserforstørrelse eller zoome til en viss grad, avhengig av skjermstørrelse til datamaskin, nettbrett eller telefon.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Spør Cboard om bruk av høykontrastmodus for de med synshemming, da nettleserbaserte alternativer ikke er nyttige når du bruker denne typen webapp.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Hvilke språk støttes av Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard leveres med støtte for 33 språk. For å velge et annet språk, gå til INNSTILLINGER - velg SPRÅK, og de tilgjengelige vil vises. Gjør et valg og et "hake" vises ved siden av språket.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Kan Cboard lese meldingen høyt?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Ja, Cboard bruker den syntetiske taleutgangen som er tilgjengelig på enheten din til å lese ut individuelle etiketter som finnes under hvert symbol når de blir lagt til i meldingsutmatningsboksen. Du kan velge en komplett melding, og den vil også bli lest høyt. Hvis en personlig innspilling av lyd, ord eller uttrykk er lagt til et symbol (instruksjoner under Talking - Voice Recordings), vil du høre den innspillingen i stedet for den syntetiserte stemmen. Dette kan være veldig nyttig når en oversettelse ikke er tilgjengelig på et språk, en barns stemme er nødvendig eller en aksent er uakseptabel. Forsikre deg om at internettilgang er gitt til mikrofonen din.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Talefunksjoner
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+For å justere talefunksjonene, gå inn på SETTINGS, og under SPRÅK-kategorien er SPEECH-kategorien. Når du velger TALE, vil du kunne redigere tonehøyde og tempo på tale på Cboard.
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-### Export and import
+### Eksport og import
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Begge alternativene for å eksportere er innenfor INNSTILLINGER i kategorien SYSTEM, under Språk og tale. EXPORT-kategorien vil gi deg muligheten til å laste opp enten et OpenBoard eller PDF. IMPORT-kategorien åpner de lagrede filene når du velger RESTORE.
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-### Display capabilities
+### Skjermfunksjoner
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Skjerminnstillinger kan redigeres i SETTINGS, innenfor SYSTEM-kategorien. Visningsalternativet ligger rett under Eksport og import. Én du velger DISPLAY, kan du endre brukergrensesnittets størrelse og appen Skriftstørrelse ved å velge størrelsen du ønsker. Den røde prikken skal være under størrelsen du vil velge.
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Kan jeg endre navigasjonsinnstillinger?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+Bruk NAVIGASJON-delen til å redigere og forenkle måten du bruker for å bevege deg rundt på tavla og slette symboler i meldingsboksen. Navigering på slutten av SYSTEM-kategorien i INNSTILLINGER lar deg ha en større "tilbake" -knapp som er enklere å velge. Det er også mulig å la en slette ('x') -knapp vises over hvert symbol når de presenteres i meldingsboksen. Dette kan gjøre det lettere å slette symboler i en setning. Men vær oppmerksom på brukerens behov, da det også kan forvirre noen individer.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Navigering gjennom grensesnittet
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+For å redigere og gjøre det lettere å navigere gjennom Tavle, velg NAVIGASJON, det siste menypunktet i SYSTEM (alt i Innstillinger) lar deg legge til visse detaljer for å gjøre det lettere å bruke brettet. Det første alternativet innen Navigering tillater en større "tilbake" -knapp som er lettere å velge på grunn av størrelsen. Den andre legger til en 'x' knapp for å gjøre det lettere å slette symboler, og det tredje gjør det lettere å låse opp ved å kreve bare ett klikk for å låse opp innstillinger.
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## innstillinger
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Hvordan får jeg tilgang til innstillinger på Cboard?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Når du har logget på Cboard, åpnes HOME-siden.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+For å få tilgang til INNSTILLINGER, velg den lille låsen på høyre side tre ganger, under pilen. Når du har gjort dette, vises en grå bjelke under den svarte HJEM-linjen, og 'innstillinger' -knappen vises direkte til venstre for låsen på HJEM-linjen, den andre fra høyre.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Hvordan skriver jeg ut brettsettet i Tavle?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+For å skrive ut brettet ditt, trykk skriverlogoen på venstre side av den svarte HOME-stolpen, etter å ha låst opp HOME-siden. Et Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) blir lastet ned til teknologien din.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Hvordan ser jeg Cboard på fullskjerm?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+For å se Cboard på fullskjerm, låser du opp skjermen ved å trykke på låsesymbolet på høyre side, og deretter på den høyeste raden (den svarte linjen), utvider det andre symbolet fra venstre som ser ut som et rektangel, skjermen.
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-### How do I share a board?
+### Hvordan deler jeg et styre?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+For å dele et brett, låser du opp skjermen ved å trykke på låsesymbolet på høyre side, deretter på den høyeste raden (den svarte linjen), gir det tredje symbolet fra høyre deg muligheten til å dele brettet ditt på enten e-post, Facebook, Twitter, eller kopier lenken du vil sende til noen.
## snakke
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Hvordan legger jeg til en personlig innspilt stemme til symboler på Cboard?
1. Gå til styret du vil bruke.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Hvordan bytter jeg til en annen stemme?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+For å justere talefunksjoner / stemme, gå inn på innstillinger, og under SPRÅK-kategorien er SPEECH-kategorien. Når du velger TALE, vil du kunne redigere tonehøyde og tempo på tale på Cboard. Du kan også spille inn din egen stemme for symbolene ved å følge trinnene i svaret for "Hvordan legger jeg til en personlig innspilt stemme til symbolene på Cboard?"
### Hvordan endrer jeg hvordan en stemme høres ut?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+For å justere talefunksjoner / tale / lyd, gå inn på INNSTILLINGER, og velg kategorien TALE under SPROG-kategorien. Du vil da kunne redigere tonehøyde og tempo på talen på Cboard.
## Styret redigering
### Hvordan lager jeg et tomt brett?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+I Cboard tilsvarer et tomt brett en mappe.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Hvis du ønsker å opprette et nytt eller tomt brett, må du opprette en ny mappe, og som vil opprette et nytt brett i lagringsområdet for Cboard (som du kan se når du går til BOARDS på midtre stolpe i redigeringsmodus).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+Det nye tomme brettet vil være umiddelbart tilgjengelig for redigering og kan settes som rottavle (ved hjelp av byggeknappen), noe som betyr at det vil være det første brettet du ser neste gang du åpner Cboard.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+For å opprette en ny mappe, begynn med å låse opp skjermen ved å velge låseknappen på høyre side. Når du har låst opp skjermen, velger du pluss (+) -symbolet på høyre side for å legge TILE. Du vil da få muligheten til å legge til en Tile / BUTTON, som er det første og automatiske alternativet, eller velg MAPPEN Denne handlingen lager en NY Tavle som du kan legge til flere fliser og mapper til.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Når du har navngitt mappen, kan du laste opp et bilde på lignende måte som å lage en flis med fargeinnstilling og etikett. Denne nye mappen vil automatisk lenke til et brett over den (hvis en flisrekke følger med). Det vil vises på listen over tavler som et tomt tavle til det er fylt med symboler og etiketter.
### Hvordan personliggjør jeg et eksisterende brett i Cboard?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+For å tilpasse et eksisterende brett, velg LÅSEN i øverste høyre hjørne av linjen over brettet, (under pilen med et kryss). Når du har gjort dette, vil en annen stolpe vises under den svarte HJEM-linjen, og du finner et lite blokkeringsikon (EDIT) på venstre side for å legge til en flis eller celle. Når blokken er valgt, skal den grå linjen bli blå, og på høyre side ser du en liten søppelbøtte og en blyant.
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+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+For å tilpasse brettet, velg blyanten, og du kan endre etiketten, laste opp et bilde og legge til vokalisering.
### Kan jeg bruke mine egne bilder når jeg redigerer et brett?
-Ja, du kan bruke ditt eget bilde når du redigerer et brett. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). Du kan også redigere en eksisterende flis med ditt eget bilde.
+Ja, du kan bruke ditt eget bilde når du redigerer et brett. For å bruke ditt eget bilde, kan du laste opp bildet når du oppretter en ny flis (ved å velge PLUS SIGN (+) på den grå linjen etter at du har låst opp siden). Du kan også redigere en eksisterende flis med ditt eget bilde.
### Kan jeg endre rekkefølgen på elementene i et brett?
-Ja! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Ja! Når du redigerer et brett, låser du opp skjermen ved å bruke LOCK-symbolet. Velg deretter EDIT-blokkikonet på venstre side (under BUILD-ikonet). Du kan deretter dra piktogrammet / symbolet eller mappen dit du vil plassere det på samme brett.
### Hvordan velger jeg flere elementer jeg vil redigere?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+På samme måte som du endrer rekkefølgen på elementer i et brett, men i stedet for å velge og dra, velger du sirkelen inne i piktogrammet / symbolet. For å redigere mange symboler kan du velge mer enn ett. Etter å ha gjort det, velg PENCIL-ikonet på høyre side, og dette lar deg redigere de valgte elementene.
### Hvordan kan jeg finne nye symboler når jeg redigerer en flis?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Velg EDIT-blokkeringsikonet på venstre side av tavlefeltet og velg piktogrammet / symbolet du ønsker å endre. Velg den, og når den blå ringen har en hake, går du til PENCIL-ikonet til høyre. Når du har valgt blyanten, vil du merke at det er et MAGNIFYING GLASS-ikon for symbolsøk. Når søkefunksjonen er aktivert, vil du se SØK SYMBOLBIBLIOTEK i en redigeringslinje. Skriv inn konseptet / etiketten / ordet du leter etter, og symbolene vil vises. Når du har valgt ett symbol, vil det automatisk returnere deg til redigeringsflis-siden.
## Eksport og import
### Hvordan eksporterer jeg brettet mitt i Cboard?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+For å eksportere brettet ditt i Cboard, gå til SETTINGS, og så snart du åpner Innstillinger, vil EXPORT-alternativet vises som en pil nedover, under Språk og tale.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+Velg EXPORT, og last ned Cboardet ditt ved å velge OPENBOARD eller EXPORT.
### Hvordan importerer jeg et brett til Cboard?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Følg trinnene som ble brukt for å eksportere for å importere et brett. IMPORT er under Export, en pil oppover med en horisontal bjelke under.
### Hvilket filformat bruker Cboard for import / eksport?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+For å importere og eksportere tavler har du to alternativer:
* Bruk naturlige filkort for Cboard.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* Bruk OpenBoard-formaterte filer. [Lær mer om Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## Skjermfunksjoner
### Hva kan jeg endre på skjermen?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Skjerminnstillinger kan redigeres i SETTINGS, innenfor SYSTEM-kategorien. Visningsalternativet ligger under Eksport og import. Når du har valgt DISPLAY, kan du endre brukergrensesnittet (UI) så vel som appens skriftstørrelse ved å velge størrelsen du ønsker. Den røde prikken skal være under størrelsen du vil velge.
### Kan jeg endre størrelse på knappene på tavlen?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Ja! Du kan endre størrelse på fliser eller knapper i INNSTILLINGER. I kategorien SYSTEM velger du DISPLAY og du får tre alternativer for størrelse: Standard, Stor, Ekstra Stor. Se figur nedenfor:
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## skanning
### Kan jeg bruke skanningsteknikker for å få tilgang til symboler?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+Skanning er der elementene i valgsettet presenteres sekvensielt over tid og brukeren gjør et valg indirekte, vanligvis ved å bytte tilgang. SCANNING på Cboard fungerer innenfor INNSTILLINGER og SYSTEM-kategorien. Det er forskjellige innstillinger for skanning. Du må først aktivere skanneinnstillingen ved å velge ENABLE. Du kan deretter velge tidsforsinkelse, så vel som metoden (enten automatisk eller manuell). Vær oppmerksom på at når du bruker et nettbrett eller en smarttelefon, kan det også ha et eget innebygd skannealternativ.
-## Communicator builder
+## Kommunikasjonsbygger
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### Hva er kommunikasjonsbyggeren?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+Communicator Builder er en funksjon som lar deg håndtere tavler for å kopiere, slette, publisere, legge til og fjerne dem. For å få tilgang til funksjonaliteten må du låse opp innstillingene og klikke på 'Byg' buttton. Du vil se en ny side strukturert på tre forskjellige faner: tavler, offentlige tavler, alle tavlene mine. Se figur nedenfor:
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-### Communicator boards
+### Kommunikatortavler
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+Standardfanen du vil se i communicatorbuilder er kommunikasjonstavlenes fane, som viser alle tavlene som er inkludert i kommunikatoren din. Du kan gjøre endringer i kommunikatoren fra følgende handlingsknapper:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Fjern brettet fra communicator: denne buttton vil avslutte brettet fra communicator, men vil IKKE slette brettet fra databasen, og det er fremdeles tilgjengelig under fanen 'Alle mine tavler'.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Sett brett som rot: denne buttton vil definere brettet som det første brettet som skal vises hver gang du logger deg på Cboard.
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-### Public boards
+### Offentlige styrer
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Copy board: denne buttton oppretter en kopi av brettet, og den vil legge det til i kommunikatoren din. Siden dette er en kopi av det offentlige styret, kan du redigere dette styret som du vil uten å påvirke det originale offentlige styret.
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-### All my boards
+### Alle brettene mine
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+Vær oppmerksom på at JUST registrerte brukere har tilgang til denne fanefunksjonaliteten.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Fjern brettet fra communicator: denne buttton vil avslutte brettet fra communicator, men vil IKKE slette brettet fra databasen, og det er fremdeles tilgjengelig.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Legg brett til kommunikatoren: denne butten vil inkludere brettet til kommunikatoren.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Publiser brett: Denne handlingen vil offentliggjøre styret, og det vises under fanen for offentlige tavler. Alle kan se brettet ditt.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Fjern publisering av tavle: Denne handlingen vil gjøre tavlen privat, og den vil ikke vises under fanen for offentlige tavler. Ingen kan se styret ditt.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Slett brett: Denne handlingen vil slette brettet, og det kan ikke gjenopprettes. Brettet vil bli fjernet fra databasen.
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diff --git a/src/translations/help/pt-BR.md b/src/translations/help/pt-BR.md
index 73ce3c6d8..7c163d48b 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/pt-BR.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/pt-BR.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
* [Falando](#Talking)
* [Como adiciono uma voz gravada pessoalmente aos símbolos no Cboard?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
* [Como faço para mudar para uma voz diferente?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Como altero o som de uma voz?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Edição do Conselho](#BoardEditing)
* [Como crio um tabuleiro vazio?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Como personalizo uma placa existente no Cboard?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Posso redimensionar botões no Cboard?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [Digitalização](#Scanning)
* [Posso usar técnicas de digitalização para acessar símbolos?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Construtor Communicator](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [O que é o construtor do comunicador?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Placas comunicadoras](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Quadros públicos](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Todas as minhas pranchas](#Allmyboards)
## O que é o Cboard?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ O Cboard é um aplicativo da Web gratuito para crianças e adultos com problemas
### Como me registro no Cboard?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Para se registrar no Cboard, comece seguindo as etapas na página Bem-vindo, onde você encontrará uma opção de logins.
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-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Se você é um novo usuário, pressione SIGN UP, e um pequeno formulário aparecerá solicitando informações básicas para criar sua conta.
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+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Depois de preencher essas informações, você receberá um e-mail logo em seguida com um link a seguir para confirmar sua conta.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Essas informações são mantidas apenas pela empresa para apoiar o uso do Cboard e oferecer ajuda quando necessário. Não é compartilhado com outras organizações (consulte [detalhes de privacidade](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Depois de verificar sua conta, você terá acesso ao Cboard e receberá outro e-mail confirmando que sua conta foi verificada com êxito.
### Posso me registrar usando minhas contas de mídia social?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Sim! Na página de login, você terá a opção de se inscrever na sua conta do Google ou do Facebook, se desejar. Você também pode se registrar com um endereço de e-mail.
### Como faço para entrar no Cboard depois de me tornar um usuário registrado?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Para fazer login no Cboard, siga a primeira etapa usada para se inscrever, mas em vez de selecionar INSCREVA-SE na tela Bem-vindo, selecione LOGIN. Você será solicitado a fornecer o e-mail com o qual você se inscreveu inicialmente e a senha que você configurou.

-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Quais são as diferentes opções para configurar o Cboard?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Depois de fazer login no Cboard, você pode acessar diferentes opções para configurar e desenvolver o Communication Board fornecido quando o Cboard está no modo desbloqueado. Veja a lista de todas as principais opções abaixo:
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+
-### How do I logout?
+### Como faço para sair?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Você pode fazer logout selecionando o ícone de configurações, e a opção aparecerá em vermelho. Você também pode selecionar o símbolo do cadeado no canto direito, clicar três vezes e depois de desbloquear a tela e a barra vermelha aparecer, selecione o ícone à esquerda do cadeado (sua foto, se houver uma carregada) e a opção para registrar out aparecerá em vermelho.

-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Qual é a diferença entre um usuário registrado e um não registrado?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+Um usuário registrado pode personalizar seus painéis, e as alterações feitas serão salvas em sua conta para que, ao fazer login novamente, possam usar seus painéis personalizados. Um usuário não registrado não poderá salvar as alterações com segurança. Recomendamos o registro apenas para garantir que suas alterações sejam salvas.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Como atualizo minhas informações de usuário?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+Para atualizar as informações do usuário, siga as mesmas etapas que você usaria se estivesse tentando sair. Selecione o símbolo de cadeado no canto superior direito do quadro - três cliques ou toques e, depois de desbloquear a tela, selecione o ícone à esquerda do cadeado (iniciais do nome do usuário, foto) e você poderá editar as informações do usuário .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Como faço para redefinir minha senha?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+Para redefinir sua senha, envie um e-mail para support@cboard.io e entraremos em contato com você.
## Preço
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Quanto custa o Cboard?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+O Cboard é totalmente gratuito.
## Recursos
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Quais dispositivos e sistemas operacionais são suportados?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+O Cboard está disponível on-line usando uma ampla variedade de dispositivos, incluindo desktops, tablets e celulares usando os sistemas operacionais Mac, Windows e Android. É melhor visualizado em navegadores como Chrome, Firefox, Edge e Safari e um aplicativo Android está disponível no Google Play.
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+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Como o Cboard é um aplicativo baseado na Web, ele responderá às configurações fornecidas pelos navegadores individuais. Isso pode significar que você tem resultados diferentes para as configurações fornecidas pelo Cboard. Por exemplo, você pode encontrar diferentes opções de fala sendo oferecidas.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Não se esqueça de que você também pode usar a ampliação ou o zoom do navegador até um certo grau, dependendo do tamanho da tela do computador, tablet ou telefone.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Pergunte à Cboard sobre o uso do modo de alto contraste para pessoas com deficiência visual, pois as opções baseadas no navegador não são úteis ao usar esse tipo de aplicativo da web.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Quais idiomas são suportados pelo Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+O Cboard vem com suporte para 33 idiomas. Para selecionar um idioma diferente, vá para CONFIGURAÇÕES - selecione IDIOMA e os disponíveis aparecerão. Faça uma escolha e um 'tick' aparecerá ao lado do idioma.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### O Cboard pode ler minha mensagem em voz alta?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Sim, o Cboard usa a saída de fala sintética disponível no seu dispositivo para ler etiquetas individuais encontradas abaixo de cada símbolo à medida que são adicionadas à caixa de saída da mensagem. Você pode selecionar uma mensagem completa e ela também será lida em voz alta. Se uma gravação personalizada de um som, palavra ou frase foi adicionada a um símbolo (instruções em Talking - Gravações de voz), você ouvirá essa gravação em vez da voz sintetizada. Isso pode ser muito útil quando uma tradução não está disponível em um idioma, é necessária a voz de uma criança ou um sotaque é inaceitável. Verifique se o acesso à web foi concedido ao seu microfone.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Recursos de fala
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Para ajustar os recursos de fala, entre em CONFIGURAÇÕES e, na categoria IDIOMA, está a categoria FALA. Ao selecionar SPEECH, você poderá editar o tom e o ritmo da fala no Cboard.
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+
-### Export and import
+### Exportar e importar
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Ambas as opções para exportar estão em CONFIGURAÇÕES na categoria SISTEMA, abaixo de Idioma e fala. A categoria EXPORT oferecerá a opção de carregar um OpenBoard ou PDF. A categoria IMPORT abrirá seus arquivos salvos quando você selecionar RESTORE.
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-### Display capabilities
+### Recursos de exibição
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+As configurações de exibição podem ser editadas em CONFIGURAÇÕES, dentro da categoria SISTEMA. A opção Exibir está logo abaixo de Exportar e Importar. Ao selecionar DISPLAY, você pode alterar o tamanho da interface do usuário e o tamanho da fonte do aplicativo, selecionando o tamanho desejado. O ponto vermelho deve estar abaixo do tamanho que você deseja escolher.
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Posso alterar as configurações de navegação?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+Use a seção NAVEGAÇÃO para editar e facilitar a maneira como você se move para mover o Cboard e excluir símbolos na caixa de mensagem. A navegação no final da categoria SYSTEM em SETTINGS permite que você tenha um botão 'voltar' maior, mais fácil de selecionar. Também é possível permitir que um botão de exclusão ('x') apareça acima de cada símbolo conforme eles são apresentados na caixa de mensagem. Isso pode facilitar a exclusão de símbolos em uma frase. Mas esteja ciente das necessidades do usuário, pois também pode confundir algumas pessoas.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Navegação pela interface
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Para editar e facilitar a navegação no Cboard, selecione NAVIGATION, o último item do menu SYSTEM (tudo em Settings) permite adicionar alguns detalhes para facilitar o uso do board. A primeira opção no Navegador permite um botão maior 'voltar' que é mais fácil de selecionar devido ao tamanho. O segundo adiciona um botão 'x' para facilitar a exclusão de símbolos, e o terceiro facilita o desbloqueio, exigindo apenas um clique para desbloquear as configurações.
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## Configurações
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Como acesso as configurações no Cboard?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Depois de fazer login no Cboard, a página inicial será aberta.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+Para acessar CONFIGURAÇÕES, selecione a pequena trava no lado direito três vezes, abaixo da seta. Depois de fazer isso, uma barra cinza aparecerá abaixo da barra HOME preta e o botão 'configurações' aparecerá diretamente à esquerda da trava na barra HOME, a segunda da direita.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Como imprimo meu quadro definido no Cboard?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+Para imprimir sua placa, pressione o logotipo da impressora no lado esquerdo da barra HOME preta, depois de desbloquear a página inicial. Um documento portátil da Adobe (.pdf) será baixado para a sua tecnologia.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Como vejo o Cboard em tela cheia?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Para visualizar o Cboard em tela cheia, desbloqueie a tela pressionando o símbolo de cadeado no lado direito e, na linha mais alta (a barra preta), o segundo símbolo da esquerda que parece um retângulo expande a tela.
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### Como compartilho um quadro?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+Para compartilhar um quadro, desbloqueie a tela pressionando o símbolo de cadeado no lado direito e, na linha mais alta (a barra preta), o terceiro símbolo à direita oferece a opção de compartilhar seu quadro por e-mail, Facebook, Twitter ou copie o link para enviar para alguém.
## Falando
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Como adiciono uma voz gravada pessoalmente aos símbolos no Cboard?
1. Vá para o quadro que você deseja usar.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Como faço para mudar para uma voz diferente?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+Para ajustar as capacidades de voz / voz, entre nas configurações e, na categoria LANGUAGE, está a categoria SPEECH. Ao selecionar SPEECH, você poderá editar o tom e o ritmo da fala no Cboard. Você também pode gravar sua própria voz para os símbolos, seguindo as etapas na resposta para "Como adiciono uma voz gravada pessoalmente aos símbolos no Cboard?"
### Como altero o som de uma voz?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Para ajustar os recursos de voz / voz / som, entre em CONFIGURAÇÕES e, na categoria IDIOMA, selecione a categoria FALA. Você poderá editar o tom e o ritmo do discurso no Cboard.
## Edição do Conselho
### Como crio um tabuleiro vazio?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+No Cboard, um tabuleiro vazio é equivalente a uma pasta.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Se você deseja criar um quadro novo ou vazio, é necessário criar uma nova pasta e isso criará um novo quadro na área de armazenamento do Cboard (que você pode ver quando for ao BOARDS na barra do meio no modo de edição).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+O novo painel vazio estará imediatamente disponível para edição e pode ser definido como o painel raiz (usando o botão de compilação), o que significa que será o primeiro painel que você verá na próxima vez que abrir o Cboard.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+Para criar uma nova pasta, comece desbloqueando a tela, selecionando o botão de bloqueio no lado direito. Depois de desbloquear a tela, selecione o símbolo de mais (+) no lado direito, para ADICIONAR TELHA. Você terá a opção de adicionar um Ladrilho / BOTÃO, que é a primeira e a opção automática, ou selecionar a PASTA. Essa ação cria um NOVO BOARD ao qual você pode adicionar mais ladrilhos e pastas.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Depois de nomear a pasta, você pode fazer upload de uma imagem de maneira semelhante à criação de um bloco com uma configuração e rótulo de cores. Essa nova pasta será automaticamente vinculada a um quadro acima (se incluída uma linha de peças). Ele aparecerá na sua lista de quadros como um quadro vazio até ser preenchido com símbolos e etiquetas.
### Como personalizo uma placa existente no Cboard?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+Para personalizar um quadro existente, selecione LOCK no canto superior direito da barra acima do quadro (abaixo da seta com uma cruz). Depois de fazer isso, outra barra aparecerá abaixo da barra HOME preta e você encontrará um ícone de bloco pequeno (EDIT) no lado esquerdo para adicionar um bloco ou célula. Depois que o bloco é selecionado, a barra cinza deve ficar azul e, no lado direito, você verá uma pequena lata de lixo e um lápis.
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+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+Para personalizar o quadro, selecione o lápis e você poderá alterar o rótulo, fazer upload de uma imagem e adicionar vocalização.
### Posso usar minhas próprias imagens ao editar um quadro?
-Sim, você pode usar sua própria imagem ao editar um quadro. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). Você também pode editar um bloco existente com sua própria imagem.
+Sim, você pode usar sua própria imagem ao editar um quadro. Para usar sua própria imagem, você pode fazer o upload da imagem ao criar um novo bloco (selecionando o sinal de mais (+) na barra cinza depois de desbloquear a página). Você também pode editar um bloco existente com sua própria imagem.
### Posso alterar a ordem dos elementos em um quadro?
-Sim! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Sim! Ao editar um quadro, desbloqueie a tela usando o símbolo LOCK. Em seguida, selecione o ícone do bloco EDITAR no lado esquerdo (abaixo do ícone BUILD). Em seguida, você pode arrastar o pictograma / símbolo ou pasta para onde quiser colocá-lo no mesmo quadro.
### Como seleciono vários elementos para editar?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+Da mesma forma que você altera a ordem dos elementos em um quadro, mas em vez de selecionar e arrastar, você escolhe o círculo dentro do quadrado do pictograma / símbolo. Para editar muitos símbolos, você pode escolher mais de um. Depois disso, selecione o ícone LÁPIS no lado direito e isso permitirá que você edite os elementos selecionados.
### Como encontro novos símbolos quando estou editando um bloco?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Selecione o ícone do bloco EDITAR no lado esquerdo da barra do quadro e escolha o pictograma / símbolo que deseja alterar. Selecione-o e quando o anel azul estiver marcado, vá para o ícone LÁPIS à direita. Depois de selecionar o lápis, você notará que existe um ícone de VIDRO MAGNIFICADOR para a busca de símbolos. Quando o recurso de pesquisa estiver ativado, você verá a BIBLIOTECA DO SÍMBOLO DE PESQUISA em uma barra de edição. Digite o conceito / etiqueta / palavra que você está procurando e os símbolos aparecerão. Depois de selecionar um símbolo, ele retornará automaticamente para a página de edição TILE.
## Exportar e importar
### Como exportar minha prancha no Cboard?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Para exportar sua placa no Cboard, vá para SETTINGS e, assim que você abrir as Configurações, a opção EXPORT aparecerá como uma seta voltada para baixo, abaixo de Language and Speech.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+Selecione EXPORTAR e faça o download do seu Cboard selecionando OPENBOARD ou EXPORT.
### Como importo uma placa no Cboard?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Para importar uma placa, siga as etapas usadas para exportar. IMPORT está abaixo de Exportar, uma seta voltada para cima com uma barra horizontal abaixo dela.
### Que formato de arquivo o Cboard usa para importação / exportação?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+Para importar e exportar placas, você tem duas opções:
* Use placas de arquivos nativas do Cboard.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* Use arquivos formatados do OpenBoard. [Saiba mais sobre o formato Open Board](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## Recursos de exibição
### O que posso mudar no visor?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+As configurações de exibição podem ser editadas em CONFIGURAÇÕES, dentro da categoria SISTEMA. A opção Exibir está abaixo de Exportar e importar. Depois de selecionar DISPLAY, você pode alterar o tamanho da interface do usuário (UI) e o tamanho da fonte do aplicativo, selecionando o tamanho desejado. O ponto vermelho deve estar abaixo do tamanho que você deseja escolher.
### Posso redimensionar botões no Cboard?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Sim! Você pode redimensionar ladrilhos ou botões em CONFIGURAÇÕES. Na categoria SISTEMA, selecione DISPLAY e você terá 3 opções de tamanho: Padrão, Grande, Extra Grande. Veja a figura abaixo:
-
+
## Digitalização
### Posso usar técnicas de digitalização para acessar símbolos?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+A digitalização é o local em que os itens no conjunto de seleção são apresentados sequencialmente ao longo do tempo e o usuário faz uma seleção indiretamente, geralmente pelo acesso ao switch. A DIGITALIZAÇÃO no Cboard funciona nas CONFIGURAÇÕES e na categoria SISTEMA. Existem configurações diferentes para a digitalização. Você deve primeiro ativar a configuração de digitalização selecionando ATIVAR. Você pode escolher o atraso de tempo, bem como o método (automático ou manual). Esteja ciente de que, ao usar um tablet ou smartphone, ele também pode ter sua própria opção de digitalização embutida.
-## Communicator builder
+## Construtor Communicator
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### O que é o construtor do comunicador?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+O construtor do Communicator é um recurso que permite manipular placas para copiá-las, excluí-las, publicar, adicioná-las e removê-las. Para acessar a funcionalidade, você precisa desbloquear as configurações e clicar no botão 'Build'. Você verá uma nova página estruturada em três guias diferentes: quadros, quadros públicos, todos os meus quadros. Veja a figura abaixo:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### Placas comunicadoras
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+A guia padrão que você verá no Communicator Builder é a guia Placas do comunicador, que exibirá todas as placas incluídas no seu comunicador. Você pode fazer alterações no seu comunicador usando os seguintes botões de ação:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Remover a placa do comunicador: esse botão encerrará a placa do comunicador, mas NÃO excluirá a placa do banco de dados e ainda estará disponível na guia 'Todas as minhas placas'.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Definir placa como raiz: esse botão definirá a placa como a primeira placa a ser exibida toda vez que você fizer login no Cboard.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### Quadros públicos
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Quadro de cópias: esse botão cria uma cópia do quadro e a adiciona ao seu comunicador. Como esta é uma cópia do quadro público, você pode editá-lo como desejar, sem afetar o quadro público original.
-
+
-### All my boards
+### Todas as minhas pranchas
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+Observe que APENAS usuários registrados podem acessar esta funcionalidade da guia.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Remover a placa do comunicador: esse botão encerrará a placa do comunicador, mas NÃO excluirá a placa do banco de dados e ainda está disponível.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Adicionar placa ao comunicador: esse botão incluirá a placa no comunicador.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Publicar quadro: Esta ação tornará público o quadro e será exibida na guia Quadros públicos. Todo mundo pode ver seu quadro.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Cancelar publicação do quadro: Esta ação tornará o quadro privado e não será exibido na guia Quadros públicos. Ninguém pode ver seu quadro.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Excluir painel: Esta ação excluirá o painel e não poderá ser recuperada. O quadro será removido do banco de dados.
-
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diff --git a/src/translations/help/si-LK.md b/src/translations/help/si-LK.md
index dcb4b66c9..9f548ffce 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/si-LK.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/si-LK.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [මම පුවරුවක් බෙදා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [කතා කිරීම](#Talking)
* [Cboard හි සංකේත සඳහා පුද්ගලිකව පටිගත කරන ලද හ voice ක් එකතු කරන්නේ කෙසේද?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [මම වෙනත් කටහ to කට මාරු වන්නේ කෙසේද?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [කටහ sound ක් ඇසෙන ආකාරය වෙනස් කරන්නේ කෙසේද?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [මණ්ඩල සංස්කරණය](#BoardEditing)
* [හිස් පුවරුවක් සාදා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Cboard හි දැනට පවතින පුවරුවක් පුද්ගලීකරණය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [මට Cboard හි බොත්තම් ප්රමාණය වෙනස් කළ හැකිද?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [පරිලෝකනය කිරීම](#Scanning)
* [සංකේත වෙත ප්රවේශ වීමට මට ස්කෑනිං ක්රම භාවිතා කළ හැකිද?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [සන්නිවේදන සාදන්නා](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [සන්නිවේදන සාදන්නා යනු කුමක්ද?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [සන්නිවේදන පුවරු](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [පොදු පුවරු](#PublicBoards)
+ * [මගේ සියලුම පුවරු](#Allmyboards)
## Cboard යනු කුමක්ද?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard යනු ළමයින්ට සහ වැඩිහිටියන්
### Cboard සඳහා ලියාපදිංචි වන්නේ කෙසේද?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Cboard සඳහා ලියාපදිංචි වීම සඳහා, පිළිගැනීමේ පිටුවේ ඇති පියවර අනුගමනය කිරීමෙන් ආරම්භ කරන්න, එහිදී ඔබට පිවිසුම් තේරීමක් සොයාගත හැකිය.
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+ඔබ නව පරිශීලකයෙකු නම්, SIGN UP ඔබන්න, එවිට කෙටි ගිණුමක් ඔබගේ ගිණුම නිර්මාණය කිරීම සඳහා මූලික තොරතුරු ඉල්ලා සිටිනු ඇත.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+ඔබ මෙම තොරතුරු පුරවා ගත් පසු, ඔබගේ ගිණුම තහවුරු කිරීම සඳහා අනුගමනය කළ යුතු සබැඳියක් සමඟ කෙටි කලකින් ඔබට විද්යුත් තැපෑලක් ලැබෙනු ඇත.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+මෙම තොරතුරු සමාගම සතුව ඇත්තේ Cboard භාවිතය සඳහා සහාය වීමට සහ අවශ්ය විටක උපකාර ලබා දීමට පමණි. එය වෙනත් සංවිධාන සමඟ බෙදා නොගනී, (රහස්යතා තොරතුරු [බලන්න](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+ඔබ ඔබේ ගිණුම සත්යාපනය කළ පසු ඔබට Cboard වෙත ප්රවේශය ලැබෙනු ඇති අතර, ඔබේ ගිණුම සාර්ථකව සත්යාපනය කර ඇති බව සනාථ කරන තවත් විද්යුත් ලිපියක් ලැබෙනු ඇත.
### මගේ සමාජ මාධ්ය ගිණුම් භාවිතා කර මට ලියාපදිංචි විය හැකිද?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+ඔව්! පිවිසුම් පිටුවේදී, ඔබට එසේ කිරීමට අවශ්ය නම් ඔබේ ගූගල් හෝ ෆේස්බුක් ගිණුම සමඟ ලියාපදිංචි වීමේ අවස්ථාව ඔබට ලබා දෙනු ඇත. ඔබට විද්යුත් තැපැල් ලිපිනයක් සමඟ ලියාපදිංචි විය හැකිය.
### මම ලියාපදිංචි පරිශීලකයෙකු වූ පසු මම Cboard වෙත පිවිසෙන්නේ කෙසේද?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Cboard වෙත ප්රවේශ වීම සඳහා, ඔබ ලියාපදිංචි වීමට භාවිතා කළ පළමු පියවර අනුගමනය කරයි, නමුත් පිළිගැනීමේ තිරයේ SIGN UP තේරීම වෙනුවට, LOGIN තෝරන්න. එවිට ඔබ මුලින් අත්සන් කළ විද්යුත් තැපෑල සහ මුරපදය ලබා දෙන ලෙස ඔබෙන් අසනු ඇත.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Cboard වින්යාස කිරීමට විවිධ විකල්ප මොනවාද?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+ඔබ Cboard වෙත පිවිසීමෙන් පසු, Cboard අගුළු හරින ලද මාදිලියේ ඇති විට ලබා දී ඇති සන්නිවේදන මණ්ඩලය වින්යාස කිරීමට සහ සංවර්ධනය කිරීමට ඔබට විවිධ විකල්ප වෙත පිවිසිය හැකිය. පහත දැක්වෙන සියලුම ප්රධාන විකල්ප ලැයිස්තුව බලන්න:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### මම ඉවත් වන්නේ කෙසේද?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+සැකසුම් නිරූපකය තේරීමෙන් ඔබට ඉවත් විය හැකි අතර විකල්පය රතු පැහැයෙන් දිස් වේ. ඔබට දකුණු කෙළවරේ ඇති අගුළු සංකේතය තෝරාගෙන, තුන් වතාවක් ක්ලික් කර තිරය අගුළු හැර රතු තීරුව දිස් වූ පසු, අගුලේ වම්පස ඇති අයිකනය තෝරන්න (ඔබේ පින්තූරය ඔබ පටවා ඇත්නම්) සහ ලොග් වීමේ විකල්පය පිටත රතු පැහැයෙන් දිස් වේ.
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+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### ලියාපදිංචි සහ ලියාපදිංචි නොවන පරිශීලකයෙකු අතර ඇති වෙනස කුමක්ද?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+ලියාපදිංචි පරිශීලකයෙකුට ඔවුන්ගේ පුවරු පුද්ගලීකරණය කිරීමට හැකි වන අතර, සිදුකරන ලද වෙනස්කම් ඔවුන්ගේ ගිණුමට සුරකිනු ඇත, එවිට ඔවුන් නැවත ලොග් වූ විට, ඔවුන්ගේ අභිරුචි කළ පුවරු භාවිතා කළ හැකිය. ලියාපදිංචි නොවූ පරිශීලකයෙකුට වෙනස්කම් ආරක්ෂිතව සුරැකීමට නොහැකි වනු ඇත. ලියාපදිංචි වීමට අපි නිර්දේශ කරමු, එබැවින් ඔබගේ වෙනස්කම් සුරැකීමට සහතික වේ.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### මගේ පරිශීලක තොරතුරු යාවත්කාලීන කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+ඔබගේ පරිශීලක තොරතුරු යාවත්කාලීන කිරීම සඳහා, ඔබ ඉවත් වීමට උත්සාහ කරන්නේ නම් ඔබ භාවිතා කරන පියවර අනුගමනය කරන්න. පුවරුවේ ඉහළ දකුණු කෙළවරේ ඇති අගුළු සංකේතය තෝරන්න - ක්ලික් කිරීම් හෝ තට්ටු තුනක්, ඔබ තිරය අගුළු ඇරීමෙන් පසු, අගුලේ වම්පස ඇති අයිකනය තෝරන්න (පරිශීලක නාම මුලකුරු, ඡායාරූප), එවිට ඔබට ඔබේ පරිශීලක තොරතුරු සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### මගේ මුරපදය නැවත සකසන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+ඔබගේ මුරපදය නැවත සැකසීමට, කරුණාකර support@cboard.io විද්යුත් තැපෑලෙන් එවන්න, එවිට අපි ඔබ වෙත නැවත පැමිණෙමු.
## මිල
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard සඳහා කොපමණ මුදලක් වැය වේද?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+යතුරු පුවරුව කිසිදු ගාස්තුවකින් තොරව සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම නොමිලේ.
## විශේෂාංග
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### සහය දක්වන උපාංග සහ මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධති මොනවාද?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+මැක්, වින්ඩෝස් සහ ඇන්ඩ්රොයිඩ් මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධති භාවිතා කරමින් ඩෙස්ක්ටොප්, ටැබ්ලට් සහ ජංගම දුරකථන ඇතුළු විවිධාකාර උපාංග භාවිතා කරමින් කෝබෝඩ් මාර්ගගතව ලබා ගත හැකිය. ක්රෝම්, ෆයර්ෆොක්ස්, එජ් සහ සෆාරි වැනි බ්රව්සර් වල එය වඩාත් හොඳින් දැකගත හැකි අතර ඇන්ඩ්රොයිඩ් යෙදුමක් ගූගල් ප්ලේ වෙතින් ලබා ගත හැකිය.
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+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Cboard යනු වෙබ් පාදක යෙදුමක් වන බැවින් එය තනි බ්රව්සර් විසින් සපයන සැකසුම් වලට ප්රතිචාර දක්වනු ඇත. මෙයින් අදහස් කරන්නේ ඔබට Cboard විසින් සපයන ලද සැකසුම් වලට වෙනස් ප්රති results ල ඇති බවයි. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස ඔබට විවිධ කථන විකල්ප ඉදිරිපත් කළ හැකිය.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+පරිගණකය, ටැබ්ලටය හෝ දුරකථන තිරයේ ප්රමාණය අනුව ඔබට බ්රවුසර විශාලනය හෝ විශාලනය විශාල වශයෙන් භාවිතා කළ හැකි බව අමතක නොකරන්න.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+මෙම වර්ගයේ වෙබ් යෙදුමක් භාවිතා කිරීමේදී බ්රව්සර් මත පදනම් වූ විකල්පයන් ප්රයෝජනවත් නොවන බැවින් දෘශ්යාබාධිත අය සඳහා ඉහළ ප්රතිවිරුද්ධ මාදිලියක් භාවිතා කිරීම ගැන කරුණාකර Cboard වෙතින් විමසන්න.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Cboard විසින් සහාය දක්වන භාෂා මොනවාද?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard භාෂා 33 ක් සඳහා සහය දක්වයි. වෙනත් භාෂාවක් තෝරා ගැනීමට SETTINGS වෙත යන්න - LANGUAGE තෝරන්න, පවතින ඒවා දිස්වනු ඇත. තේරීමක් කරන්න, භාෂාව අසල 'ටික්' එකක් දිස්වනු ඇත.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### කෝබඩ්ට මගේ පණිවිඩය ශබ්ද නඟා කියවිය හැකිද?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+ඔව්, පණිවුඩ ප්රතිදාන කොටුවට එක් කරන විට එක් එක් සංකේතයට පහළින් ඇති තනි ලේබල කියවීමට ඔබේ උපාංගයේ ඇති කෘතිම කථන ප්රතිදානය Cboard භාවිතා කරයි. ඔබට සම්පූර්ණ පණිවිඩයක් තෝරා ගත හැකි අතර එය ශබ්ද නඟා කියවනු ඇත. ශබ්දයක්, වචනයක් හෝ වාක්ය ඛණ්ඩයක් පුද්ගලිකව පටිගත කිරීම සංකේතයකට එකතු කර ඇත්නම් (කතා කිරීම - හ oice පටිගත කිරීම් යටතේ උපදෙස්) සංස්ලේෂණය කරන ලද හ. වෙනුවට එම පටිගත කිරීම ඔබට ඇසෙනු ඇත. භාෂාවක පරිවර්තනයක් නොමැති විට, දරුවෙකුගේ කටහ need අවශ්ය වන විට හෝ උච්චාරණය පිළිගත නොහැකි තැනක මෙය ඉතා ප්රයෝජනවත් වේ. කරුණාකර ඔබේ මයික්රෝෆෝනයට වෙබ් ප්රවේශය ලබා දී ඇති බවට සහතික වන්න.
-### Speech capabilities
+### කථන හැකියාවන්
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+කථන හැකියාවන් වෙනස් කිරීම සඳහා, සැකසීම් වෙත යන්න, සහ LANGUAGE කාණ්ඩය යටතේ ස්පීච් කාණ්ඩය වේ. ඔබ ස්පීච් තෝරාගත් විට, ඔබට කෝඩ් එකේ තාරතාව සහ කථන වේගය සංස්කරණය කිරීමට හැකි වේ.
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+
-### Export and import
+### අපනයනය සහ ආනයනය
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+අපනයනය සඳහා ඇති විකල්ප දෙකම භාෂාව සහ කථනයට පහළින් ඇති SYSTEM කාණ්ඩයේ සැකසුම් තුළ වේ. EXPORT කාණ්ඩය මඟින් ඔබට OpenBoard හෝ PDF එකක් උඩුගත කිරීමේ අවස්ථාව ලබා දෙනු ඇත. ඔබ RESTORE තේරීමෙන් පසු IMPORT කාණ්ඩය මඟින් ඔබගේ සුරකින ලද ගොනු විවෘත වේ.
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+
-### Display capabilities
+### හැකියාවන් පෙන්වන්න
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+දර්ශන සැකසුම් SYSTEM කාණ්ඩය තුළ SETTINGS හි සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය. දර්ශන විකල්පය අපනයනය සහ ආනයනය කිරීමට පහළින් ඇත. ඔබ DISPLAY තෝරාගත් එකක්, ඔබට අවශ්ය ප්රමාණය තේරීමෙන් UI ප්රමාණය මෙන්ම යෙදුම් අකුරු ප්රමාණයද වෙනස් කළ හැකිය. රතු තිත ඔබට තෝරා ගැනීමට අවශ්ය ප්රමාණයට අඩු විය යුතුය.
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+
-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### මට කිසියම් සංචාලන සැකසුම් වෙනස් කළ හැකිද?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+Cboard වටා ගමන් කිරීමට සහ පණිවිඩ කොටුවේ සංකේත මකා දැමීමට ඔබ භාවිතා කරන ආකාරය සංස්කරණය කිරීමට සහ පහසුකම් සැලසීමට NAVIGATION කොටස භාවිතා කරන්න. SETTINGS හි SYSTEM කාණ්ඩයේ අවසානයේ සැරිසැරීම මඟින් ඔබට තෝරා ගැනීමට පහසු වන විශාල 'පසුපස' බොත්තමක් ලබා ගත හැකිය. පණිවුඩ පෙට්ටිය තුළ ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති බැවින් එක් එක් සංකේතයට ඉහළින් මකාදැමීමේ ('x') බොත්තමක් දර්ශනය වීමට ඉඩ දිය හැකිය. මෙය වාක්යයක් තුළ සංකේත මකා දැමීම පහසු කරයි. නමුත් සමහර පුද්ගලයින් ව්යාකූල කළ හැකි බැවින් පරිශීලක අවශ්යතා ගැන සැලකිලිමත් වන්න.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### අතුරු මුහුණත හරහා සංචලනය
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Cboard හරහා සැරිසැරීමට සහ පහසුකම් සැලසීමට, NAVIGATION තෝරන්න, SYSTEM හි ඇති අවසාන මෙනු අයිතමය (සියල්ල සැකසීම් වල) පුවරුව භාවිතා කිරීම පහසු කිරීම සඳහා නිශ්චිත තොරතුරු එක් කිරීමට ඔබට ඉඩ සලසයි. සංචාලනය තුළ ඇති පළමු විකල්පය විශාලත්වය නිසා තෝරා ගැනීමට පහසු විශාල 'පසුපස' බොත්තමක් ලබා දේ. සංකේත මකා දැමීම පහසු කිරීම සඳහා දෙවැන්න 'x' බොත්තමක් එක් කරන අතර, තෙවනුව සැකසුම් අගුළු ඇරීමට එක් ක්ලික් කිරීමක් පමණක් අවශ්ය කිරීමෙන් අගුළු ඇරීම පහසු කරයි.
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+
## සැකසුම්
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Cboard හි සැකසුම් වලට ප්රවේශ වන්නේ කෙසේද?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+ඔබ Cboard වෙත ප්රවිෂ්ට වූ පසු, HOME පිටුව විවෘත වේ.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+SETTINGS වෙත ප්රවේශ වීම සඳහා, ඊතලයට පහළින් දකුණු පස ඇති කුඩා අගුල තුන් වරක් තෝරන්න. ඔබ මෙය කළ පසු, අළු පැහැති තීරුවක් කළු හෝම් තීරුවට පහළින් දිස්වනු ඇති අතර, 'සැකසුම්' බොත්තම කෙලින්ම හෝම් තීරුවේ අගුලේ වම්පස දිස්වනු ඇත, දෙවැන්න දකුණේ සිට.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### මගේ පුවරු කට්ටලය Cboard හි මුද්රණය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+ඔබගේ පුවරුව මුද්රණය කිරීම සඳහා, මුල් පිටුව අගුළු ඇරීමෙන් පසු කළු හෝම් තීරුවේ වම් පැත්තේ මුද්රණ ලාංඡනය ඔබන්න. ඔබේ තාක්ෂණයට ඇඩෝබි අතේ ගෙන යා හැකි ලේඛනයක් (.pdf) බාගත කෙරේ.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### සම්පූර්ණ තිරයේ Cboard දකින්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Cboard සම්පූර්ණ තිරයේ දැකීම සඳහා, දකුණු පස ඇති අගුළු සංකේතය එබීමෙන් තිරය අගුළු ඇරීම, ඉන්පසු ඉහළම පේළියේ (කළු තීරුව), වම් පසින් ඇති දෙවන සංකේතය සෘජුකෝණාස්රයක් මෙන් දිස් වේ.
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### මම පුවරුවක් බෙදා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+පුවරුවක් බෙදා ගැනීමට, දකුණු පස ඇති අගුළු සංකේතය එබීමෙන් තිරය අගුළු ඇරීම, ඉන්පසු ඉහළම පේළියේ (කළු තීරුව), දකුණේ තුන්වන සංකේතය මඟින් ඔබේ පුවරුව විද්යුත් තැපෑලෙන්, ෆේස්බුක්, ට්විටර්, හෝ යමෙකුට යැවීමට සබැඳිය පිටපත් කරන්න.
## කතා කිරීම
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Cboard හි සංකේත සඳහා පුද්ගලිකව පටිගත කරන ලද හ voice ක් එක් කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
1. ඔබට භාවිතා කිරීමට අවශ්ය පුවරුව වෙත යන්න.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### මම වෙනත් කටහ to කට මාරු වන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+කථන හැකියාවන් / කටහ adjust සකස් කිරීම සඳහා, සැකසීම් වෙත යන්න, සහ LANGUAGE කාණ්ඩය යටතේ ස්පීච් කාණ්ඩය වේ. ඔබ ස්පීච් තේරූ විට ඔබට පුවරුවේ තණතීරුව සහ කථන වේගය සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය. “යතුරු පුවරුවේ ඇති සංකේත සඳහා පුද්ගලිකව පටිගත කරන ලද හ voice ක් එක් කරන්නේ කෙසේද?” යන පිළිතුරෙහි පියවර අනුගමනය කරමින් ඔබට සංකේත සඳහා ඔබේම හ voice පටිගත කළ හැකිය.
### කටහ sound ක් ඇසෙන ආකාරය වෙනස් කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+කථන හැකියාවන් / කටහ / / ශබ්දය වෙනස් කිරීම සඳහා, සැකසීම් වෙත යන්න, සහ LANGUAGE කාණ්ඩය යටතේ ස්පීච් කාණ්ඩය තෝරන්න. එවිට ඔබට Cboard හි තණතීරුව සහ කථන වේගය සංස්කරණය කිරීමට හැකි වේ.
## මණ්ඩල සංස්කරණය
### හිස් පුවරුවක් සාදා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Cboard හි හිස් පුවරුවක් ෆෝල්ඩරයකට සමාන වේ.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+ඔබට නව හෝ හිස් පුවරුවක් සෑදීමට අවශ්ය නම් ඔබට නව ෆෝල්ඩරයක් සෑදිය යුතු අතර, එමඟින් කෝබෝඩ් ගබඩා ප්රදේශයේ නව පුවරුවක් නිර්මාණය වනු ඇත (ඔබ සංස්කරණ ප්රකාරයේදී මැද තීරුවේ ඇති BOARDS වෙත යන විට ඔබට දැකගත හැකිය).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+නව හිස් පුවරුව සංස්කරණය සඳහා වහාම ලබා ගත හැකි අතර එය මූල පුවරුව ලෙස සැකසිය හැකිය (ගොඩනංවන බොත්තම භාවිතා කරමින්), එයින් අදහස් වන්නේ ඔබ ඊළඟ වතාවේ Cboard විවෘත කරන විට ඔබ දකින පළමු පුවරුව එය වනු ඇති බවයි.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+නව ෆෝල්ඩරයක් සෑදීමට, තිරය අගුළු ඇරීමෙන් දකුණු පැත්තේ අගුළු බොත්තම තෝරන්න. ඔබ තිරය අගුළු ඇරීමෙන් පසු, ටයිල් එකතු කිරීම සඳහා දකුණු පැත්තේ ප්ලස් (+) සංකේතය තෝරන්න. පළමු සහ ස්වයංක්රීය විකල්පය වන ටයිල් / බුටෝන් එක් කිරීමට හෝ ෆෝල්ඩරය තෝරන්න ඔබට මෙම අවස්ථාව ලබා දෙනු ඇත. මෙම ක්රියාව මඟින් නව පුවරුවක් සාදනු ලබන අතර ඔබට තවත් උළු හා ෆෝල්ඩර එකතු කළ හැකිය.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+ඔබ ෆෝල්ඩරය නම් කළ පසු ඔබට වර්ණ සැකසුම සහ ලේබලය සහිත ටයිල් එකක් සෑදීමට සමාන ආකාරයකින් රූපයක් උඩුගත කළ හැකිය. මෙම නව ෆෝල්ඩරය ස්වයංක්රීයව එයට ඉහළින් ඇති පුවරුවකට සම්බන්ධ වේ (උළු පේළියක් ඇතුළත් කර ඇත්නම්). සංකේත සහ ලේබල වලින් පිරී ඇති තුරු එය හිස් පුවරුවක් ලෙස ඔබේ පුවරු ලැයිස්තුවේ දිස්වනු ඇත.
### Cboard හි දැනට පවතින පුවරුවක් පුද්ගලීකරණය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+පවතින පුවරුවක් පුද්ගලීකරණය කිරීම සඳහා, පුවරුවේ ඉහළ දකුණු කෙළවරේ ඇති ලොක් එක තෝරන්න, (කුරුසියක් සහිත ඊතලයට පහළින්). ඔබ මෙය කළ පසු, කළු හෝම් තීරුවට පහළින් තවත් තීරුවක් දිස්වනු ඇති අතර, ටයිල් එකක් හෝ කොටුවක් එක් කිරීම සඳහා වම් පස කුඩා බ්ලොක් (සංස්කරණය) අයිකනයක් ඔබට හමුවනු ඇත. බ්ලොක් එක තෝරාගත් පසු, අළු තීරුව නිල් පැහැයට හැරවිය යුතු අතර දකුණු පැත්තේ කුඩා කුණු කූඩයක් සහ පැන්සලක් ඔබට පෙනෙනු ඇත.
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+පුවරුව පුද්ගලීකරණය කිරීම සඳහා, පැන්සල තෝරන්න, ඔබට ලේබලය වෙනස් කිරීමට, රූපයක් උඩුගත කිරීමට සහ කටහ ization එකතු කිරීමට හැකි වනු ඇත.
### පුවරුවක් සංස්කරණය කිරීමේදී මට මගේම පින්තූර භාවිතා කළ හැකිද?
-ඔව්, පුවරුවක් සංස්කරණය කිරීමේදී ඔබට ඔබේම පින්තූරයක් භාවිතා කළ හැකිය. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). ඔබේම පින්තූරය සමඟ දැනට පවතින ටයිල් එකක් සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය.
+ඔව්, පුවරුවක් සංස්කරණය කිරීමේදී ඔබට ඔබේම පින්තූරයක් භාවිතා කළ හැකිය. ඔබේම පින්තූරයක් භාවිතා කිරීම සඳහා, ඔබ නව ටයිල් එකක් සාදන විට රූපය උඩුගත කළ හැකිය (පිටුව අගුළු ඇරීමෙන් පසු අළු තීරුවේ ප්ලස් සිග්න් (+) තේරීමෙන්). ඔබේම පින්තූරය සමඟ දැනට පවතින ටයිල් එකක් සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය.
### පුවරුවක ඇති මූලද්රව්ය අනුපිළිවෙල වෙනස් කළ හැකිද?
-ඔව්! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+ඔව්! ඔබ පුවරුවක් සංස්කරණය කරන විට, LOCK සංකේතය භාවිතා කර තිරය අගුළු හරින්න. ඉන්පසු වම් පස ඇති EDIT වාරණ නිරූපකය තෝරන්න (BUILD නිරූපකයට පහළින්). ඔබට එකම පුවරුව තුළ තැබීමට අවශ්ය ඕනෑම තැනකට රූපමය / සංකේතය හෝ ෆෝල්ඩරය ඇදගෙන යා හැකිය.
### සංස්කරණය කිරීම සඳහා බහු අංග තෝරා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+පුවරුවක මූලද්රව්ය අනුපිළිවෙල වෙනස් කරන ආකාරයටම, නමුත් තෝරාගෙන ඇදගෙන යාම වෙනුවට, ඔබ තෝරා ගන්නේ රූපමය / සංකේත චතුරස්රයේ රවුමයි. බොහෝ සංකේත සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඔබට එකකට වඩා තෝරා ගත හැකිය. එසේ කිරීමෙන් පසු, දකුණු පැත්තේ පෙන්සිල් අයිකනය තෝරන්න, මෙය තෝරාගත් අංග සංස්කරණය කිරීමට ඔබට ඉඩ සලසයි.
### මම ටයිල් එකක් සංස්කරණය කරන විට නව සංකේත සොයා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+පුවරු තීරුවේ වම් පස ඇති EDIT වාරණ නිරූපකය තෝරන්න සහ ඔබ වෙනස් කිරීමට කැමති රූපමය / සංකේතය තෝරන්න. එය තෝරන්න, නිල් වළල්ලට ටික් එකක් ලැබුණු පසු, දකුණු පස ඇති පෙන්සිල් අයිකනය වෙත යන්න. පැන්සල තෝරාගැනීමෙන් සංකේත සෙවීම සඳහා මැග්නීෆයිං ග්ලාස් අයිකනයක් ඇති බව ඔබට පෙනෙනු ඇත. සෙවුම් අංගය සක්රිය වූ විට ඔබට සංස්කරණ තීරුවක SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY පෙනෙනු ඇත. ඔබ සොයන සංකල්පය / ලේබලය / වචනය ටයිප් කරන්න, එවිට සංකේත දිස්වනු ඇත. ඔබ එක් සංකේතයක් තෝරාගත් පසු එය ස්වයංක්රීයව සංස්කරණය ටයිල් පිටුවට ඔබව ගෙන එනු ඇත.
## අපනයනය සහ ආනයනය
### මගේ පුවරුව Cboard තුළ අපනයනය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+ඔබගේ පුවරුව Cboard වලින් අපනයනය කිරීම සඳහා, SETTINGS වෙත යන්න, ඔබ සැකසීම් විවෘත කළ විගසම, EXPORT විකල්පය භාෂාවට සහ කථාවට පහළින් පහළට මුහුණලා ඇති ඊතලයක් ලෙස දිස්වනු ඇත.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+EXPORT තෝරන්න, සහ OPENBOARD හෝ EXPORT තේරීමෙන් ඔබේ කාඩ්පත බාගත කරන්න.
### පුවරුව Cboard වෙත ආනයනය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+පුවරුවක් ආයාත කිරීම සඳහා, අපනයනය සඳහා භාවිතා කරන පියවර අනුගමනය කරන්න. ආනයනය පහළින් අපනයනය, ඊට පහළින් තිරස් තීරුවක් සහිත ඉහළට මුහුණලා ඊතලයක්.
### ආනයනය / අපනයනය සඳහා Cboard භාවිතා කරන ගොනු ආකෘතිය කුමක්ද?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+පුවරු ආනයනය හා අපනයනය කිරීම සඳහා ඔබට විකල්ප දෙකක් තිබේ:
* Cboard ස්වදේශීය ගොනු පුවරු භාවිතා කරන්න.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* OpenBoard ආකෘතිගත ගොනු භාවිතා කරන්න. [විවෘත පුවරු ආකෘතිය](https://www.openboardformat.org/)ගැන තව දැනගන්න
## හැකියාවන් පෙන්වන්න
### දර්ශනය මත මට වෙනස් කළ හැක්කේ කුමක්ද?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+දර්ශන සැකසුම් SYSTEM කාණ්ඩය තුළ SETTINGS හි සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය. දර්ශන විකල්පය අපනයන සහ ආනයන පහතින් ඇත. ඔබ DISPLAY තෝරාගත් පසු, ඔබට අවශ්ය ප්රමාණය තේරීමෙන් පරිශීලක අතුරුමුහුණත (UI) ප්රමාණය මෙන්ම යෙදුම් අකුරු ප්රමාණයද වෙනස් කළ හැකිය. රතු තිත ඔබට තෝරා ගැනීමට අවශ්ය ප්රමාණයට අඩු විය යුතුය.
### මට Cboard හි බොත්තම් ප්රමාණය වෙනස් කළ හැකිද?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+ඔව්! ඔබට සැකසුම් තුළ උළු හෝ බොත්තම් ප්රමාණය වෙනස් කළ හැකිය. SYSTEM කාණ්ඩයේ, DISPLAY තෝරන්න, ඔබට ප්රමාණය සඳහා විකල්ප 3 ක් ලබා දෙනු ඇත: සම්මත, විශාල, අති විශාල. පහත රූපය බලන්න:
-
+
## පරිලෝකනය කිරීම
### සංකේත වෙත ප්රවේශ වීමට මට ස්කෑනිං ක්රම භාවිතා කළ හැකිද?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+පරිලෝකනය යනු තේරීම් කට්ටලයේ අයිතම කාලයාගේ ඇවෑමෙන් අනුපිළිවෙලින් ඉදිරිපත් කෙරෙන අතර පරිශීලකයා වක්රව තෝරා ගැනීමක් සිදු කරයි, සාමාන්යයෙන් ස්විච් ප්රවේශයෙනි. Cboard මත ස්කෑන් කිරීම SETTINGS සහ SYSTEM කාණ්ඩය තුළ ක්රියාත්මක වේ. පරිලෝකනය සඳහා විවිධ සැකසුම් ඇත. සක්රීය කිරීම තේරීමෙන් ඔබ පළමුව ස්කෑන් සැකසුම සක්රීය කළ යුතුය. එවිට ඔබට කාල ප්රමාදය මෙන්ම ක්රමය (ස්වයංක්රීය හෝ අත්පොත) තෝරා ගත හැකිය. ටැබ්ලටයක් හෝ ස්මාර්ට් ජංගම දුරකතනයක් භාවිතා කරන විට, එයට තමන්ගේම සාදන ලද ස්කෑනිං විකල්පයක් ද ඇති බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.
-## Communicator builder
+## සන්නිවේදන සාදන්නා
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### සන්නිවේදන සාදන්නා යනු කුමක්ද?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+සන්නිවේදක සාදන්නා යනු පුවරු පිටපත් කිරීම, මකා දැමීම, ප්රකාශ කිරීම, එකතු කිරීම සහ ඉවත් කිරීම සඳහා හැසිරවීමට ඔබට ඉඩ සලසන ලක්ෂණයකි. ක්රියාකාරීත්වයට ප්රවේශ වීම සඳහා ඔබට සැකසුම් අගුළු ඇරීමට සහ 'බිල්ඩ්' බොත්තම ක්ලික් කරන්න. විවිධ ටැබ් තුනකින් ව්යුහගත කර ඇති නව පිටුවක් ඔබට පෙනෙනු ඇත: පුවරු, පොදු පුවරු, මගේ සියලුම පුවරු. පහත රූපය බලන්න:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### සන්නිවේදන පුවරු
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+සන්නිවේදක තනන්නා තුළ ඔබ දකින පෙරනිමි පටිත්ත වන්නේ සන්නිවේදන පුවරු පටිත්තයි, එමඟින් ඔබේ සන්නිවේදකයාට ඇතුළත් කර ඇති සියලුම පුවරු පෙන්වනු ඇත. පහත දැක්වෙන ක්රියා බොත්තම් වලින් ඔබේ සන්නිවේදකයාගේ වෙනස්කම් කළ හැකිය:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* සන්නිවේදකයාගෙන් පුවරුව ඉවත් කරන්න: මෙම බොත්තම සන්නිවේදකයාගෙන් පුවරුවෙන් ඉවත් වන නමුත් දත්ත ගබඩාවෙන් පුවරුව මකා නොදමනු ඇති අතර එය තවමත් 'මගේ සියලුම පුවරු' ටැබය යටතේ ලබා ගත හැකිය.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* පුවරුව root ලෙස සකසන්න: ඔබ බොත්තමට පිවිසෙන සෑම අවස්ථාවකම දර්ශනය වන පළමු පුවරුව ලෙස මෙම බොත්තම මඟින් පුවරුව අර්ථ දක්වනු ඇත.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### පොදු පුවරු
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* පිටපත් පුවරුව: මෙම බොත්තම මඟින් පුවරුවේ පිටපතක් නිර්මාණය වන අතර එය ඔබේ සන්නිවේදකයාට එකතු කරනු ඇත. මෙය මහජන මණ්ඩලයේ පිටපතක් බැවින් මුල් මහජන මණ්ඩලයට බලපෑමක් නොකර ඔබට අවශ්ය පරිදි මෙම පුවරුව සංස්කරණය කළ හැකිය.
-
+
-### All my boards
+### මගේ සියලුම පුවරු
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+JUST ලියාපදිංචි පරිශීලකයින්ට මෙම ටැබ් ක්රියාකාරිත්වයට ප්රවේශ විය හැකි බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* සන්නිවේදකයාගෙන් පුවරුව ඉවත් කරන්න: මෙම බොත්තම සන්නිවේදකයාගෙන් පුවරුවෙන් ඉවත් වන නමුත් දත්ත ගබඩාවෙන් පුවරුව මකා නොදමන අතර එය තවමත් පවතී.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* සන්නිවේදකයාට පුවරුව එක් කරන්න: මෙම බොත්තමට සන්නිවේදකයාට පුවරුව ඇතුළත් වේ.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* ප්රකාශන මණ්ඩලය: මෙම ක්රියාව මඟින් මණ්ඩලය ප්රසිද්ධ කරනු ඇති අතර එය පොදු පුවරු පටිත්ත යටතේ ප්රදර්ශනය කෙරේ. සෑම කෙනෙකුටම ඔබේ පුවරුව දැකිය හැකිය.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * පුවරුව ප්රකාශයට පත් නොකරන්න: මෙම ක්රියාව මඟින් පුවරුව පුද්ගලික වන අතර එය පොදු පුවරු පටිත්ත යටතේ දර්ශනය නොවේ. ඔබේ පුවරුව කිසිවෙකුට නොපෙනේ.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * පුවරුව මකන්න: මෙම ක්රියාව මඟින් පුවරුව මකා දැමිය හැකි අතර එය නැවත ලබා ගත නොහැක. පුවරුව දත්ත ගබඩාවෙන් ඉවත් කරනු ලැබේ.
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diff --git a/src/translations/help/sk-SK.md b/src/translations/help/sk-SK.md
index d7a496a07..8955cbf47 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/sk-SK.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/sk-SK.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [Ako môžem zdieľať tabuľu?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [rozprávanie](#Talking)
* [Ako k symbolom na karte pridám osobne zaznamenaný hlas?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Ako prepnem na iný hlas?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Ako zmením zvuk?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Úprava dosky](#BoardEditing)
* [Ako vytvorím prázdnu tabuľu?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Ako si prispôsobím existujúcu tabuľu v aplikácii Cboard?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Môžem zmeniť veľkosť tlačidiel na Cboard?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [snímania](#Scanning)
* [Môžem na prístup k symbolom použiť techniky skenovania?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Tvorca komunikátora](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [Čo je tvorca komunikátora?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Komunikačné dosky](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Verejné tabule](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Všetky moje dosky](#Allmyboards)
## Čo je Cboard?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard je bezplatná webová aplikácia pre deti a dospelých s poruchami reči
### Ako sa môžem zaregistrovať pre Cboard?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Ak sa chcete zaregistrovať do programu Cboard, začnite podľa krokov na úvodnej stránke, kde nájdete výber prihlásení.
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Ak ste nový používateľ, stlačte ZAREGISTRUJTE SA a zobrazí sa krátky formulár so žiadosťou o základné informácie, aby ste mohli vytvoriť svoj účet.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Po vyplnení týchto informácií krátko nato dostanete e-mail s odkazom, ktorý bude nasledovať, aby ste potvrdili svoj účet.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Spoločnosť má tieto informácie k dispozícii iba na podporu používania Cboard a poskytnutie pomoci v prípade potreby. Nezdieľajú sa s ostatnými organizáciami (pozri [Podrobnosti o ochrane osobných údajov](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Po overení účtu budete mať prístup k aplikácii Cboard a dostanete ďalší e-mail s potvrdením, že ste svoj účet úspešne overili.
### Môžem sa zaregistrovať pomocou svojich účtov sociálnych médií?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Áno! Na prihlasovacej stránke budete mať možnosť zaregistrovať sa pomocou svojho účtu Google alebo Facebook, ak si to budete želať. Môžete sa tiež zaregistrovať pomocou e-mailovej adresy.
### Ako sa môžem prihlásiť do Cboard, keď som registrovaným užívateľom?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Ak sa chcete prihlásiť na tabuľu Cboard, postupujte podľa prvého kroku, ktorý sa použil na prihlásenie, ale namiesto výberu SIGN UP na úvodnej obrazovke vyberte položku LOGIN. Potom budete požiadaní o poskytnutie e-mailu, s ktorým ste sa pôvodne zaregistrovali, a hesla, ktoré ste nastavili.
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-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Aké sú rôzne možnosti konfigurácie Cboardu?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Keď sa prihlásite na Cboard, získate prístup k rôznym možnostiam konfigurácie a vývoja komunikačnej rady, ak je Cboard v odomknutom režime. Pozrite si zoznam všetkých kľúčových možností uvedených nižšie:
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-### How do I logout?
+### Ako sa odhlásim?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Môžete sa odhlásiť výberom ikony nastavení a možnosť sa zobrazí červenou farbou. Môžete tiež vybrať symbol zámku v pravom rohu, trikrát kliknúť a po odomknutí obrazovky a objavení červeného pruhu vyberte ikonu naľavo od zámku (obrázok, ak ho máte naložený) a možnosť prihlásiť sa von sa zobrazí červenou farbou.
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-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Aký je rozdiel medzi registrovaným a neregistrovaným používateľom?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+Registrovaný užívateľ si môže prispôsobiť svoje tabule a vykonané zmeny sa uložia na jeho účet, aby po prihlásení mohli používať svoje prispôsobené karty. Neregistrovaný používateľ nebude môcť bezpečne uložiť zmeny. Odporúčame zaregistrovať sa pre prípad, že vaše zmeny budú zaručene uložené.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Ako môžem aktualizovať svoje informácie o používateľovi?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+Ak chcete aktualizovať svoje používateľské informácie, postupujte podľa rovnakých krokov, aké by ste použili, keby ste sa pokúšali odhlásiť. Vyberte symbol zámku v pravom hornom rohu dosky - tri kliknutia alebo ťuknutia a po odomknutí obrazovky vyberte ikonu naľavo od zámku (iniciály mena používateľa, fotografia) a potom môžete upraviť svoje informácie o používateľovi ,
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Ako môžem resetovať svoje heslo?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+Ak chcete obnoviť svoje heslo, pošlite e-mail na adresu support@cboard.io a my sa vám ozveme.
## cena
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Koľko stojí Cboard?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard je úplne zadarmo.
## Vlastnosti
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Ktoré zariadenia a OS sú podporované?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard je k dispozícii online pomocou širokého spektra zariadení vrátane stolových počítačov, tabletov a mobilných telefónov používajúcich operačné systémy Mac, Windows a Android. Najlepšie sa prehliada v prehliadačoch, ako sú Chrome, Firefox, Edge a Safari. Aplikácia pre Android je k dispozícii na Google Play.
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Pretože Cboard je webová aplikácia, bude reagovať na nastavenia poskytované jednotlivými prehliadačmi. To môže znamenať, že máte iné výsledky ako nastavenia poskytované programom Cboard. Napríklad môžete nájsť rôzne ponúkané možnosti reči.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Nezabudnite tiež použiť zväčšenie alebo zväčšenie prehľadávača do určitej miery v závislosti od veľkosti obrazovky počítača, tabletu alebo telefónu.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Požiadajte Cboard, aby používal režim s vysokým kontrastom pre osoby so zrakovým postihnutím, pretože možnosti založené na prehliadači nie sú pri používaní tohto typu webovej aplikácie užitočné.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Ktoré jazyky sú podporované programom Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard je dodávaný s podporou 33 jazykov. Ak chcete zvoliť iný jazyk, prejdite na NASTAVENIA - vyberte JAZYK a zobrazia sa dostupné jazyky. Vyberte si a vedľa jazyka sa objaví „začiarknutie“.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Dokáže Cboard nahlas prečítať moju správu?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Áno, program Cboard používa syntetický hovorový výstup, ktorý je k dispozícii na vašom zariadení, na čítanie jednotlivých štítkov, ktoré sa nachádzajú pod každým symbolom, keď sú pridané do výstupného poľa správ. Môžete vybrať úplnú správu, ktorá sa tiež načíta nahlas. Ak bol k symbolu pridaný personalizovaný záznam zvuku, slova alebo frázy (pokyny v časti Hovorenie - hlasové nahrávky), budete namiesto syntetizovaného hlasu počuť toto nahrávanie. Toto môže byť veľmi užitočné, ak preklad nie je k dispozícii v jazyku, je potrebný detský hlas alebo akcent je neprijateľný. Skontrolujte, či máte k mikrofónu prístup na web.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Rečové schopnosti
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Ak chcete upraviť možnosti reči, prejdite do časti NASTAVENIA av kategórii LANGUAGE je kategória SPEECH. Ak vyberiete SPEECH, budete môcť upravovať výšku a rýchlosť reči na Cboard.
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-### Export and import
+### Export a import
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Obe možnosti na export sú v rámci NASTAVENIA v kategórii SYSTÉM pod položkou Jazyk a reč. Kategória EXPORT vám dáva možnosť nahrať buď OpenBoard alebo PDF. Kategória IMPORT otvorí vaše uložené súbory, keď vyberiete možnosť OBNOVIŤ.
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-### Display capabilities
+### Možnosti zobrazenia
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Nastavenia displeja je možné upravovať v časti NASTAVENIA v kategórii SYSTÉM. Možnosť Zobraziť je hneď pod položkou Exportovať a importovať. Keď vyberiete DISPLAY, môžete zmeniť veľkosť používateľského rozhrania aj veľkosť písma aplikácie výberom požadovanej veľkosti. Červená bodka by mala byť pod veľkosťou, ktorú chcete zvoliť.
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Môžem zmeniť nejaké nastavenia navigácie?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+V časti NAVIGÁCIA môžete upraviť a uľahčiť spôsob, ktorým sa pohybujete po tabuli a odstraňovať symboly v okne správ. Navigácia na konci kategórie SYSTEM v časti NASTAVENIA vám umožňuje mať väčšie tlačidlo „späť“, ktoré je ľahšie zvoliť. Je tiež možné povoliť, aby sa nad každým symbolom zobrazovalo tlačidlo mazania („x“), keď sú zobrazené v rámčeku so správami. Môže to uľahčiť vymazanie symbolov v rámci vety. Uvedomte si však potreby používateľov, pretože to môže tiež zmiasť niektorých jednotlivcov.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Navigácia cez rozhranie
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Aby ste mohli editovať a uľahčovať navigáciu cez Cboard, vyberte NAVIGÁCIA, posledná položka menu v SYSTÉME (všetko v Nastaveniach) vám umožňuje pridať určité podrobnosti, aby sa používanie dosky uľahčilo. Prvá možnosť v navigácii umožňuje väčšie tlačidlo „späť“, ktoré je ľahšie vybrať z dôvodu veľkosti. Druhé pridáva tlačidlo „x“, ktoré uľahčuje odstraňovanie symbolov, a tretie uľahčuje odomykanie vyžadovaním odomknutia nastavení iba jedným kliknutím.
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## nastavenie
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Ako získam prístup k nastaveniam v aplikácii Cboard?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Po prihlásení na Cboard sa otvorí HOME stránka.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+Ak chcete získať prístup k NASTAVENIAMI, vyberte malý zámok na pravej strane trikrát pod šípkou. Keď to urobíte, pod čiernym pruhom HOME sa objaví sivý pruh a tlačidlo „nastavenia“ sa objaví priamo naľavo od zámku na lište HOME, druhý sprava.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Ako vytlačím svoju dosku v aplikácii Cboard?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+Dosku vytlačíte stlačením loga tlačiarne na ľavej strane čiernej lišty HOME po odomknutí stránky HOME. Do vašej technológie sa stiahne prenosný dokument Adobe (.pdf).
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Ako vidím Cboard na celej obrazovke?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Ak chcete vidieť Cboard na celej obrazovke, odomknite obrazovku stlačením symbolu zámku na pravej strane a potom v najvyššom riadku (čierny pruh), druhým symbolom zľava, ktorý vyzerá ako obdĺžnik, sa rozšíri obrazovka.
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-### How do I share a board?
+### Ako môžem zdieľať tabuľu?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+Ak chcete zdieľať dosku, odomknite obrazovku stlačením symbolu zámku na pravej strane a potom v najvyššom riadku (čierny pruh). Tretí symbol z pravej strany vám dáva možnosť zdieľať svoje tabule na e-maile, Facebooku, Twitter alebo skopírujte odkaz a pošlite ho niekomu.
## rozprávanie
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Ako k symbolom na karte pridám osobne zaznamenaný hlas?
1. Prejdite na tabuľu, ktorú chcete použiť.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Ako prepnem na iný hlas?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+Ak chcete upraviť hlasové možnosti / hlas, prejdite na nastavenia a v kategórii LANGUAGE je kategória SPEECH. Ak vyberiete SPEECH, budete môcť upravovať výšku a rýchlosť reči na Cboard. Môžete tiež nahrať svoj vlastný hlas pre symboly podľa krokov v odpovedi na otázku „Ako k osobným záznamom pridám hlas na symboly na karte?“
### Ako zmením zvuk?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Ak chcete upraviť možnosti reči / hlas / zvuk, prejdite do časti NASTAVENIA a v kategórii JAZYK vyberte kategóriu SPEECH. Potom budete môcť upravovať výšku a rýchlosť reči na Cboard.
## Úprava dosky
### Ako vytvorím prázdnu tabuľu?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+V Cboard je prázdna tabuľa ekvivalentom zložky.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Ak chcete vytvoriť novú alebo prázdnu dosku, musíte si vytvoriť novú zložku, ktorá vytvorí novú dosku v úložnej oblasti Cboard (ktorú môžete vidieť, keď v strednom paneli prejdete do režimu BOARDS).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+Nová prázdna doska bude okamžite k dispozícii na úpravy a môže byť nastavená ako koreňová doska (pomocou tlačidla build), čo znamená, že to bude prvá doska, ktorú uvidíte pri najbližšom otvorení Cboard.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+Ak chcete vytvoriť nový priečinok, začnite odomknutím obrazovky výberom tlačidla zámku na pravej strane. Po odomknutí obrazovky vyberte znamienko plus (+) na pravej strane, aby ste mohli PRIDAŤ OBCHOD. Potom budete mať možnosť pridať TLAČIDLO / TLAČIDLO, ktoré je prvou a automatickou možnosťou, alebo zvoliť PRIEBEŽNÚ TOVAR Táto akcia vytvorí NOVÚ RADU, do ktorej môžete pridať ďalšie dlaždice a priečinky.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Po pomenovaní priečinka môžete nahrať obrázok podobným spôsobom, ako vytvoríte dlaždicu s nastavením farby a štítkom. Tento nový priečinok sa automaticky prepojí s doskou nad ňou (ak je súčasťou radu dlaždíc). Bude sa objaviť vo vašom zozname dosiek ako prázdna doska, kým nebude naplnená symbolmi a štítkami.
### Ako si prispôsobím existujúcu tabuľu v aplikácii Cboard?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+Ak chcete prispôsobiť existujúcu dosku, vyberte ZAMKNUTIE v pravom hornom rohu lišty nad doskou (pod šípkou s krížikom). Keď to urobíte, pod čiernym pruhom HOME sa objaví ďalší pruh a na ľavej strane nájdete ikonu malého bloku (EDIT) na pridanie dlaždice alebo bunky. Po výbere bloku by sa sivý pruh mal zmeniť na modrý a na pravej strane uvidíte malú kôš a ceruzku.
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-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+Ak chcete prispôsobiť tabuľu, vyberte ceruzku a budete môcť zmeniť menovku, nahrať obrázok a pridať spev.
### Môžem pri úprave dosky použiť svoje vlastné obrázky?
-Áno, pri úprave dosky môžete použiť svoj vlastný obrázok. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). Existujúcu dlaždicu môžete tiež upraviť vlastným obrázkom.
+Áno, pri úprave dosky môžete použiť svoj vlastný obrázok. Ak chcete použiť vlastný obrázok, môžete ho nahrať, keď vytvoríte novú dlaždicu (výberom PLUS SIGN (+) na sivom pruhu po odomknutí stránky). Existujúcu dlaždicu môžete tiež upraviť vlastným obrázkom.
### Môžem zmeniť poradie prvkov v doske?
-Áno! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Áno! Keď upravujete dosku, odomknite obrazovku pomocou symbolu LOCK. Potom na ľavej strane vyberte ikonu bloku EDIT (pod ikonou BUILD). Piktogram / symbol alebo priečinok potom môžete presunúť kamkoľvek ho chcete umiestniť na tú istú dosku.
### Ako môžem vybrať viac prvkov na úpravu?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+Rovnakým spôsobom zmeníte poradie prvkov v doske, ale namiesto výberu a pretiahnutia si vyberiete kruh vnútri štvorca piktogramu / symbolu. Ak chcete upraviť mnoho symbolov, môžete si vybrať viac ako jeden. Potom vyberte ikonu PENCIL na pravej strane a umožní vám to editovať vybrané prvky.
### Ako nájdem nové symboly, keď upravujem dlaždicu?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Vyberte ikonu bloku EDIT na ľavej strane lišty a vyberte piktogram / symbol, ktorý chcete zmeniť. Vyberte ju a keď má modrý krúžok začiarknutie, prejdite na ikonu PENCIL vpravo. Po výbere ceruzky si všimnete, že existuje ikona MAGNIFYING GLASS na vyhľadávanie symbolov. Keď je aktivovaná funkcia vyhľadávania, na editačnom paneli sa zobrazí KNIHA HĽADANIA SYMBOLOV. Zadajte hľadaný koncept / štítok / slovo a zobrazia sa symboly. Po výbere jedného symbolu sa automaticky vráti na stránku úprav TILE.
## Export a import
### Ako exportujem svoju dosku v aplikácii Cboard?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Ak chcete exportovať svoju dosku v aplikácii Cboard, prejdite na NASTAVENIA a hneď ako otvoríte Nastavenia, zobrazí sa možnosť VÝVOZ ako šípka smerujúca nadol pod Jazyk a reč.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+Vyberte EXPORT a stiahnite si svoj Cboard výberom OPENBOARD alebo EXPORT.
### Ako naimportujem dosku na Cboard?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Ak chcete dosku importovať, postupujte podľa krokov na export. DOVOZ je pod Exportom, hore smerujúcou šípkou s vodorovnou čiarou pod ňou.
### Aký formát súboru používa Cboard na import / export?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+Ak chcete importovať a exportovať dosky, máte dve možnosti:
* Použite natívne súborové dosky Cboard.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* Používajte súbory vo formáte OpenBoard. [Viac informácií o formáte Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## Možnosti zobrazenia
### Čo môžem zmeniť na displeji?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Nastavenia displeja je možné upravovať v časti NASTAVENIA v kategórii SYSTÉM. Možnosť Zobraziť je pod položkou Exportovať a importovať. Keď vyberiete DISPLAY, môžete zmeniť veľkosť používateľského rozhrania (UI) a veľkosť písma aplikácie výberom požadovanej veľkosti. Červená bodka by mala byť pod veľkosťou, ktorú chcete zvoliť.
### Môžem zmeniť veľkosť tlačidiel na Cboard?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Áno! Veľkosť dlaždíc alebo tlačidiel môžete zmeniť v ponuke NASTAVENIA. V kategórii SYSTEM zvoľte DISPLAY a dostanete 3 možnosti veľkosti: Standard, Large, Extra Large. Pozri obrázok nižšie:
-
+
## snímania
### Môžem na prístup k symbolom použiť techniky skenovania?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+Skenovanie je miesto, kde sú položky vo výberovej sade prezentované postupne v priebehu času a užívateľ robí výber nepriamo, zvyčajne prístupom cez prepínač. SKENOVANIE na Cboard pracuje v rámci NASTAVENIA a kategórie SYSTÉM. Pre skenovanie existujú rôzne nastavenia. Najprv by ste mali povoliť nastavenie skenovania výberom možnosti POVOLIŤ. Potom môžete zvoliť časové oneskorenie, ako aj spôsob (automatický alebo manuálny). Uvedomte si, že pri používaní tabletu alebo smartfónu môže mať aj vlastnú vstavanú možnosť skenovania.
-## Communicator builder
+## Tvorca komunikátora
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### Čo je tvorca komunikátora?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+Tvorca komunikátora je funkcia, ktorá vám umožňuje manipulovať s doskami za účelom ich kopírovania, mazania, publikovania, pridávania a odstraňovania. Ak chcete získať prístup k týmto funkciám, musíte odomknúť nastavenia a kliknite na tlačidlo „Zostaviť“. Uvidíte novú stránku členenú na tri rôzne karty: tabule, verejné tabule, všetky moje dosky. Pozri obrázok nižšie:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### Komunikačné dosky
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+Predvolená karta, ktorá sa zobrazí v aplikácii Communicator Builder, je karta tabúľ komunikátora, ktorá zobrazuje všetky karty, ktoré sú súčasťou vášho komunikátora. V komunikátore môžete vykonať zmeny pomocou nasledujúcich tlačidiel akcií:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Odstrániť dosku z komunikátora: toto tlačidlo opustí dosku z komunikátora, ale NEBUDÚ vymazať dosku z databázy a je stále k dispozícii na karte „Všetky moje dosky“.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Nastaviť dosku ako root: toto tlačidlo definuje dosku ako prvú dosku, ktorá sa zobrazí pri každom prihlásení na Cboard.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### Verejné tabule
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Kopírovať kartu: toto tlačidlo vytvorí kópiu karty a pridá ju do vášho komunikátora. Keďže ide o kópiu verejnej tabule, môžete ju upraviť podľa potreby bez toho, aby to malo vplyv na pôvodnú verejnú tabuľu.
-
+
-### All my boards
+### Všetky moje dosky
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+Upozorňujeme, že k tejto funkcii karty môžu mať prístup iba registrovaní používatelia.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Odstrániť dosku z komunikátora: toto tlačidlo opustí dosku z komunikátora, ale NESMIE sa odstrániť dosku z databázy a je stále k dispozícii.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Pridajte do komunikátora dosku: toto tlačidlo bude obsahovať dosku do komunikátora.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Zverejniť tabuľku: Táto akcia zverejní tabuľku a zobrazí sa na karte Verejné tabule. Všetci môžu vidieť vašu dosku.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Zrušiť zverejnenie nástenky: Táto akcia nastaví súkromnú dosku a nebude sa zobrazovať na karte verejné tabule. Nikto neuvidí vašu dosku.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Odstrániť kartu: Táto akcia vymaže kartu a nebude ju možné obnoviť. Doska bude odstránená z databázy.
-
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+
\ No newline at end of file
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## Sadržaj
-* [Što je Cboard? O Cboard-u!](#WhatisCboard)
+* [Što je Cboard?](#WhatisCboard)
* [Registrovanje i prijavljivanje](#Registrationandlogin)
* [Kako se registrujem za Cboard?](#HowdoIregisterforCboard)
* [Mogu li da se registrujem koristeći moje naloge na društvenim mrežama?](#CanIregistermyselfusingmysocialmediaaccounts)
@@ -22,33 +22,33 @@
* [Govorno sposobnosti](#Speechcapabilities)
* [izvoz i uvoz](#Exportandimport)
* [mogućnosti prikaza](#Displaycapabilities)
- * [Can I change any navigation settings?](#CanIchangeanynavigationsettings)
- * [Navigation through the interface](#Navigationthroughtheinterface)
+ * [Mogu li promijeniti bilo koja podešavanja navigacije?](#CanIchangeanynavigationsettings)
+ * [navođenje kroz pristup](#Navigationthroughtheinterface)
* [Settings](#Settings)
* [Kako da pristupim podešavanjima na Cboardu](#HowdoIaccesssettingsinCboard)
* [Kako da odštampam moje table u Cboardu](#HowdoIprintmyboardsetinCboard)
* [Kako da vidim Cboard preko cijelog ekrana](#HowdoIseeCboardinfullscreen)
* [Kako da podijelim table](#HowdoIshareaboard)
-* [Talking](#Talking)
+* [Govor](#Talking)
* [Kako da dodam sopstveni snimljeni glas na simbolima u Cboardu](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Kako da prebacim na drugi glas?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Kako da promijenim zvuk glasa ](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Prikazivanje table](#BoardEditing)
* [Kako da kreiram praznu tablu](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Kako da personalizujem postojeću tablu u Cboardu](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
* [Mogu li da koristim svoje slike prilikom uređivanja table?](#CanIusemyownpictureswheneditingaboard)
* [mogu li promijeniti redosljed elemenata na tabli?](#CanIchangetheorderingoftheelementsinaboard)
- * [How do I select multiple elements to edit?](#HowdoIselectmultipleelementstoedit)
- * [How can I find new symbols when I am editing a tile?](#FindSymbols)
+ * [kako da izaberem više elemenata za uređivanje?](#HowdoIselectmultipleelementstoedit)
+ * [Kako mogu da pronađem nove simbole kada uređujem tablu?](#FindSymbols)
* [izvoz i uvoz](#Exportandimport)
* [Kako da izvezem moju tablu u Cboard?](#HowdoIexportmyboardinCboard)
* [Kako da uvezem tablu u Cboard](#HowdoIimportaboardintoCboard)
* [Koji format datoteka koristi Cboard za uvoz/ izvoz?](#WhatfileformatdoesCboarduseforimportexport)
-* [Display capabilities](#Displaycapabilities)
+* [mogućnosti prikaza](#Displaycapabilities)
* [What can I change on the display?](#WhatcanIchangeonthedisplay)
* [Mogu li da promijenim velilčinu dugmadi u Cboard](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [Scanning](#Scanning)
- * [Can I use scanning techniques to access symbols?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
+ * [Mogu li da koristim tehnike skeniranja za pristup simbolima?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
* [izrada komunikatora](#CommunicatorBuilder)
* [što je izrada komunikatora?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
* [komunikacione table](#CommunicatorBoards)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Cboardje besplatna veb aplikacija za đecu i odrasle osobe sa teškoćama govora i jezika, koja olakšava komunikaciju uz pomoć slika i prvođenjem teksta u govor.
-## Registration and login
+## Registrovanje i prijavljivanje
### Kako se registrujem za Cboard
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ Da bi se registrovali za Cboard, započnite sljedeći korake na početnoj stran

-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Ako ste novi korisnik, pritisnite projava i pojaviće se kratki obrazac koji traži osnovne podatke za stvaranje ličnog naloga.

-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Nakon što unesete svoje podatke, ubrzo ćete dobiti e-mail s vezom koju treba da pratite kako biste potvrdili svoj nalog.
-
+
Ove informacije kompanija zadržava samo radi podrške korišćenju Cboard-a i pružanja pomoći kada je to potrebno. Nije dijeljeno sa drugim organizacijama, (Pogledaj [ Detalji privatnosti ](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
@@ -127,27 +127,27 @@ Cboard je potpuno besplatan
Cboard je dostupan na mreži putem širokog spektra uređaja, uključujući kompjutere, tablete i mobilne telefone koji koriste Mac, Vindovs i Android operativne sisteme. Najbolje se pregleda u pretraživačima kao što su Chrome, Firefok, Edge i Safari, a Android aplikacija je dostupna iz Google Play-a.
-
+
-kako je Cboard internet aplikacija, ona će odgovoriti na postavke koje pružaju pojedini pretraživači. To može značiti da postoje različito rezultato u podešavanjima Cboard-a. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+kako je Cboard internet aplikacija, ona će odgovoriti na postavke koje pružaju pojedini pretraživači. To može značiti da postoje različito rezultato u podešavanjima Cboard-a. Na primjer, možda ćete biti ponuđene različite opcije za izbor govora.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Ne zaboravite da možete koristiti i uvećanje pregledača ili zumiranje do određene mjere u zavisnosti od veličine ekrana računara, tableta ili telefona
Za one koji imaju smetnje vida treba pitati Cboard o korišćenju režima visokog kontrasta jer opcije zasnovane na pretraživaču nisu korisne kada se koristi ova vrsta veb aplikacija.
### Koji jezici podržavaju Cboard
-Cboard je podržan na 33 jezika To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard je podržan na 33 jezika Za odabir drugog jezika idite na POSTAVKE - odaberite JEZIK i pojaviće se dostupni jezici. Napravite izbor i pored jezika će se pojaviti oznaka „pritisni“.
### Može li Cboard da pročita moju poruku na glas?
-Da, Cboard koristi sintetički govor koji je dostupan na uređaju da bi se mogle čitati pojedinačne oznake koje se nalaze ispod svakog simbola nakon se dodaju u okvir za izlaz poruka You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Da, Cboard koristi sintetički govor koji je dostupan na uređaju da bi se mogle čitati pojedinačne oznake koje se nalaze ispod svakog simbola nakon se dodaju u okvir za izlaz poruka Možete odabrati cijelu poruku koja će takođe biti pročitana naglas. Ako su nekom simbolu dodati personalizovani snimci zvuka, riječi ili fraze (uputstva pod razgovorom - Snimanje glasa), čućete taj snimak umjesto sintetizovanog glasa. To može biti korisno ako prevod nije dostupan ili je potreban dječji glas ili naglasak nije prihvatljiv. Molimo, provjerite je li omogućen mrežni pristup mikrofonu.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Mogućnosti govora
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. kada odabereš GOVOR, moći ćeđ da uređujeteš visinu i tempo govora na Cboardu
+Da bi prilagodili govorne mogućnosti / glas, uđi u podešavanja, pod kategorijom JEZIK se nalazi kategorija GOVOR. kada odabereš GOVOR, moći ćeđ da uređujeteš visinu i tempo govora na Cboardu
-
+
### uvoz i izvoz
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ Obe opcije za izvoz su u okviru opscije POSTAVKA u kategoriji SISTEM, ispod jezi

-### Display capabilities
+### mogućnosti ekrana
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. Opcija PRIKAZ je tačno ispod izvoz i uvoz Kada jednom odabereš opsciju PRIKAZ, možeš promijeniti korisničku veličinu kao i veličinu fonta za aplikaciju odabirom željene veličine. Crvena tačka će biti ispod veličine koju izabereš
+Podešavanja ekrana mogu se uređivati u opciji podešavanja, unutar kategorije SISTEM. Opcija PRIKAZ je tačno ispod izvoz i uvoz Kada jednom odabereš opsciju PRIKAZ, možeš promijeniti korisničku veličinu kao i veličinu fonta za aplikaciju odabirom željene veličine. Crvena tačka će biti ispod veličine koju izabereš

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+++ b/src/translations/help/th-TH.md
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* [ฉันจะแชร์กระดานได้อย่างไร](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [การพูด](#Talking)
* [ฉันจะเพิ่มเสียงที่บันทึกไว้เป็นการส่วนตัวไปยังสัญลักษณ์บน Cboard ได้อย่างไร](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [ฉันจะเปลี่ยนเป็นเสียงอื่นได้อย่างไร](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [ฉันจะเปลี่ยนวิธีเสียงได้อย่างไร](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [การแก้ไขบอร์ด](#BoardEditing)
* [ฉันจะสร้างกระดานเปล่าได้อย่างไร](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [ฉันจะปรับแต่งบอร์ดที่มีอยู่ใน Cboard ได้อย่างไร?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [ฉันสามารถปรับขนาดปุ่มบน Cboard ได้ไหม?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [การสแกน](#Scanning)
* [ฉันสามารถใช้เทคนิคการสแกนเพื่อเข้าถึงสัญลักษณ์ได้หรือไม่?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [เครื่องมือสร้าง Communicator](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [เครื่องมือสื่อสารคืออะไร](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [บอร์ด Communicator](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [บอร์ดสาธารณะ](#PublicBoards)
+ * [กระดานทั้งหมดของฉัน](#Allmyboards)
## Cboard คืออะไร
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard เป็นเว็บแอปพลิเคชั่นฟรีส
### ฉันจะลงทะเบียน Cboard ได้อย่างไร
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+หากต้องการลงทะเบียน Cboard ให้ทำตามขั้นตอนในหน้ายินดีต้อนรับซึ่งคุณจะพบตัวเลือกการเข้าสู่ระบบ
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+หากคุณเป็นผู้ใช้ใหม่ให้กดสมัครแล้วแบบฟอร์มสั้น ๆ จะปรากฏขึ้นเพื่อขอข้อมูลพื้นฐานเพื่อสร้างบัญชีของคุณ
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+ข้อมูลนี้จัดทำโดย บริษัท เพื่อรองรับการใช้ Cboard และให้ความช่วยเหลือเมื่อจำเป็น ไม่แบ่งปันกับองค์กรอื่น (ดู [รายละเอียดความเป็นส่วนตัว](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/))
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+เมื่อคุณยืนยันบัญชีของคุณแล้วคุณจะสามารถเข้าถึง Cboard และจะได้รับอีเมลยืนยันอีกครั้งว่าคุณได้ยืนยันบัญชีของคุณเรียบร้อยแล้ว
### ฉันสามารถลงทะเบียนตัวเองโดยใช้บัญชีโซเชียลมีเดียของฉันได้หรือไม่?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+ใช่ ในหน้าเข้าสู่ระบบคุณจะได้รับตัวเลือกในการลงทะเบียนด้วยบัญชี Google หรือ Facebook ของคุณหากคุณต้องการ คุณสามารถลงทะเบียนด้วยที่อยู่อีเมล
### ฉันจะเข้าสู่ Cboard ได้อย่างไรเมื่อฉันเป็นผู้ใช้ที่ลงทะเบียนแล้ว?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+ในการเข้าสู่ Cboard คุณทำตามขั้นตอนแรกที่ใช้ในการลงทะเบียน แต่แทนที่จะเลือกลงทะเบียนบนหน้าจอต้อนรับให้เลือกเข้าสู่ระบบ จากนั้นคุณจะถูกขอให้ระบุอีเมลที่คุณลงทะเบียนในตอนแรกและรหัสผ่านที่คุณตั้งค่า
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### ตัวเลือกต่าง ๆ ในการกำหนดค่า Cboard มีอะไรบ้าง?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+เมื่อคุณลงชื่อเข้าใช้ Cboard คุณสามารถเข้าถึงตัวเลือกต่าง ๆ เพื่อกำหนดค่าและพัฒนาคณะกรรมการการสื่อสารที่ให้ไว้เมื่อ Cboard อยู่ในโหมดปลดล็อค ดูรายการตัวเลือกสำคัญทั้งหมดด้านล่าง:
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+
-### How do I logout?
+### ฉันจะออกจากระบบได้อย่างไร
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+คุณสามารถออกจากระบบโดยเลือกไอคอนการตั้งค่าและตัวเลือกจะปรากฏเป็นสีแดง นอกจากนี้คุณยังสามารถเลือกสัญลักษณ์ล็อคที่มุมด้านขวาคลิกสามครั้งและเมื่อคุณปลดล็อกหน้าจอและแถบสีแดงปรากฏขึ้นให้เลือกไอคอนทางด้านซ้ายของล็อค (รูปภาพของคุณถ้าคุณมีหนึ่งโหลด) และตัวเลือกที่จะเข้าสู่ระบบ ออกจะปรากฏเป็นสีแดง
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-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### ความแตกต่างระหว่างผู้ใช้ที่ลงทะเบียนกับผู้ใช้ที่ไม่ได้ลงทะเบียนคืออะไร?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+ผู้ใช้ที่ลงทะเบียนสามารถปรับแต่งบอร์ดของตนเองและการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำจะถูกบันทึกไว้ในบัญชีของพวกเขาเพื่อที่ว่าเมื่อพวกเขากลับเข้าสู่ระบบพวกเขาสามารถใช้บอร์ดที่กำหนดเองได้ ผู้ใช้ที่ไม่ได้ลงทะเบียนจะไม่สามารถบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงได้อย่างปลอดภัย เราขอแนะนำให้ลงทะเบียนในกรณีดังนั้นการเปลี่ยนแปลงของคุณจะได้รับการบันทึก
-### How do I update my user information?
+### ฉันจะอัปเดตข้อมูลผู้ใช้ของฉันได้อย่างไร
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+หากต้องการอัปเดตข้อมูลผู้ใช้ให้ทำตามขั้นตอนเดียวกับที่คุณใช้หากคุณพยายามออกจากระบบ เลือกสัญลักษณ์ล็อคที่มุมขวาบนของบอร์ด - สามคลิกหรือแตะและเมื่อคุณปลดล็อกหน้าจอให้เลือกไอคอนที่ด้านซ้ายของล็อค (ชื่อผู้ใช้ชื่อย่อ, รูปภาพ) และคุณสามารถแก้ไขข้อมูลผู้ใช้ของคุณ .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### ฉันจะรีเซ็ตรหัสผ่านของฉันได้อย่างไร
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+เพื่อรีเซ็ตรหัสผ่านของคุณโปรดส่งอีเมล support@cboard.io และเราจะติดต่อคุณกลับ
## ราคา
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard ราคาเท่าไหร่?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่ายใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้น
## คุณสมบัติ
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### รองรับอุปกรณ์และระบบปฏิบัติการใดบ้าง
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard พร้อมใช้งานออนไลน์โดยใช้อุปกรณ์ที่หลากหลายรวมถึงเดสก์ท็อปแท็บเล็ตและโทรศัพท์มือถือที่ใช้ระบบปฏิบัติการ Mac, Windows และ Android สามารถรับชมได้ดีที่สุดในเบราว์เซอร์เช่น Chrome, Firefox, Edge และ Safari และแอพ Android สามารถใช้งานได้จาก Google Play
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+เนื่องจาก Cboard เป็นแอปที่ทำงานบนเว็บจึงจะตอบสนองต่อการตั้งค่าที่จัดทำโดยเบราว์เซอร์แต่ละตัว นี่อาจหมายความว่าคุณมีผลลัพธ์ที่แตกต่างจากการตั้งค่าที่ Cboard กำหนดไว้ ตัวอย่างเช่นคุณอาจพบว่ามีการเสนอตัวเลือกการพูดที่แตกต่างกัน
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+โปรดถาม Cboard เกี่ยวกับการใช้โหมดคอนทราสต์สูงสำหรับผู้ที่มีความบกพร่องทางสายตาเนื่องจากตัวเลือกที่ใช้เบราว์เซอร์จะไม่เป็นประโยชน์เมื่อใช้แอปพลิเคชันเว็บประเภทนี้
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Cboard รองรับภาษาใดบ้าง
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard มาพร้อมกับการรองรับ 33 ภาษา หากต้องการเลือกภาษาอื่นให้ไปที่การตั้งค่า - เลือกภาษาและภาษาที่มีให้จะปรากฏขึ้น ทำการเลือกและ 'ติ๊ก' จะปรากฏข้างภาษา
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Cboard อ่านออกเสียงข้อความของฉันได้ไหม
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+ใช่ Cboard ใช้เอาต์พุตเสียงพูดสังเคราะห์ที่มีอยู่ในอุปกรณ์ของคุณเพื่ออ่านฉลากแต่ละอันที่อยู่ใต้สัญลักษณ์แต่ละอันเมื่อมีการเพิ่มลงในกล่องข้อความ คุณสามารถเลือกข้อความที่สมบูรณ์และมันจะถูกอ่านออกเสียง หากบันทึกเสียงส่วนบุคคลคำหรือวลีได้รับการเพิ่มลงในสัญลักษณ์ (คำแนะนำภายใต้การพูด - บันทึกเสียง) คุณจะได้ยินเสียงบันทึกนั้นแทนที่จะเป็นเสียงสังเคราะห์ สิ่งนี้มีประโยชน์มากในกรณีที่ไม่มีการแปลเป็นภาษาต้องการเสียงของเด็กหรือใช้สำเนียงไม่เป็นที่ยอมรับ โปรดตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าคุณได้รับการเข้าถึงเว็บจากไมโครโฟนของคุณ
-### Speech capabilities
+### ความสามารถในการพูด
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+ในการปรับความสามารถในการพูดให้เข้าไปที่การตั้งค่าและภายใต้หมวดภาษา LANGUAGE คือหมวด SPEECH เมื่อคุณเลือก SPEECH คุณจะสามารถแก้ไขระดับเสียงและความเร็วของการพูดบน Cboard
-
+
-### Export and import
+### ส่งออกและนำเข้า
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+ตัวเลือกทั้งสองที่จะส่งออกอยู่ภายในการตั้งค่าในหมวดหมู่ SYSTEM ด้านล่างภาษาและคำพูด หมวดหมู่การส่งออกจะให้ตัวเลือกในการอัปโหลด OpenBoard หรือ PDF หมวดการนำเข้าจะเปิดไฟล์ที่คุณบันทึกไว้เมื่อคุณเลือก RESTORE
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-### Display capabilities
+### ความสามารถในการแสดงผล
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+การตั้งค่าการแสดงผลสามารถแก้ไขได้ในการตั้งค่าภายในหมวดหมู่ระบบ ตัวเลือกการแสดงอยู่ด้านล่างส่งออกและนำเข้า เมื่อคุณเลือก DISPLAY คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนขนาด UI รวมถึงขนาดตัวอักษรของแอปได้ด้วยการเลือกขนาดที่คุณต้องการ จุดสีแดงควรอยู่ใต้ขนาดที่คุณต้องการเลือก
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-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### ฉันสามารถเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าการนำทางได้ไหม?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+ใช้ส่วนการนำทางเพื่อแก้ไขและอำนวยความสะดวกในการใช้งานเพื่อย้ายไปรอบ ๆ Cboard และลบสัญลักษณ์ในกล่องข้อความ การนำทางที่ส่วนท้ายของหมวดหมู่ระบบในการตั้งค่าช่วยให้คุณมีปุ่ม 'ย้อนกลับ' ที่ใหญ่ขึ้นซึ่งเลือกได้ง่ายกว่า นอกจากนี้ยังเป็นไปได้ที่จะอนุญาตให้ปุ่มลบ ('x') ปรากฏขึ้นเหนือสัญลักษณ์แต่ละอันตามที่ปรากฏในกล่องข้อความ สิ่งนี้สามารถทำให้ง่ายต่อการลบสัญลักษณ์ภายในประโยค แต่ระวังความต้องการของผู้ใช้เพราะอาจทำให้บางคนสับสนได้
-### Navigation through the interface
+### นำทางผ่านอินเตอร์เฟซ
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+เพื่อแก้ไขและอำนวยความสะดวกในการนำทางผ่าน Cboard ให้เลือกการนำทางรายการเมนูสุดท้ายในระบบ (ทั้งหมดในการตั้งค่า) ช่วยให้คุณสามารถเพิ่มรายละเอียดบางอย่างเพื่อทำให้การใช้บอร์ดง่ายขึ้น ตัวเลือกแรกในการนำทางช่วยให้ปุ่ม 'ย้อนกลับ' ใหญ่ขึ้นซึ่งเลือกได้ง่ายกว่าเนื่องจากขนาด ปุ่มที่สองเพิ่มปุ่ม 'x' เพื่อให้ง่ายต่อการลบสัญลักษณ์และปุ่มที่สามช่วยให้ปลดล็อคได้ง่ายขึ้นโดยต้องการเพียงคลิกเดียวเพื่อปลดล็อคการตั้งค่า
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## การตั้งค่า
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### ฉันจะเข้าถึงการตั้งค่าใน Cboard ได้อย่างไร
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+เมื่อคุณเข้าสู่ Cboard หน้าแรกจะเปิดขึ้น
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+ในการเข้าถึงการตั้งค่าให้เลือกล็อคขนาดเล็กทางด้านขวาสามครั้งด้านล่างลูกศร เมื่อคุณทำสิ่งนี้แล้วแถบสีเทาจะปรากฏขึ้นด้านล่างแถบ HOME สีดำและปุ่ม 'การตั้งค่า' จะปรากฏขึ้นทางด้านซ้ายของล็อคในแถบบ้านโดยตรงเป็นครั้งที่สองจากด้านขวา
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### ฉันจะพิมพ์ชุดบอร์ดของฉันใน Cboard ได้อย่างไร
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+ในการพิมพ์บอร์ดของคุณให้กดโลโก้เครื่องพิมพ์ที่ด้านซ้ายของแถบ HOME สีดำหลังจากปลดล็อคหน้าแรก Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) จะถูกดาวน์โหลดไปยังเทคโนโลยีของคุณ
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### ฉันจะดู Cboard ในแบบเต็มหน้าจอได้อย่างไร
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+หากต้องการดู Cboard แบบเต็มหน้าจอให้ปลดล็อกหน้าจอโดยกดสัญลักษณ์ล็อคทางด้านขวามือจากนั้นที่แถวสูงสุด (แถบสีดำ) สัญลักษณ์ที่สองจากด้านซ้ายที่ดูเหมือนสี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้าจะขยายหน้าจอ
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### ฉันจะแชร์กระดานได้อย่างไร
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+ในการแชร์บอร์ดให้ปลดล็อคหน้าจอโดยกดสัญลักษณ์ล็อคทางด้านขวาจากนั้นที่แถวสูงสุด (แถบสีดำ) สัญลักษณ์ที่สามจากด้านขวาจะให้ตัวเลือกในการแชร์บอร์ดของคุณทางอีเมล Facebook Twitter หรือคัดลอกลิงก์เพื่อส่งถึงใครบางคน
## การพูด
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### ฉันจะเพิ่มเสียงที่บันทึกไว้เป็นการส่วนตัวไปยังสัญลักษณ์บน Cboard ได้อย่างไร
1. ไปที่บอร์ดที่คุณต้องการใช้
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### ฉันจะเปลี่ยนเป็นเสียงอื่นได้อย่างไร
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+ในการปรับความสามารถในการพูด / เสียงให้เข้าไปที่การตั้งค่าและภายใต้หมวด LANGUAGE คือหมวด SPEECH เมื่อคุณเลือก SPEECH คุณจะสามารถแก้ไขระดับเสียงและความเร็วของการพูดบน Cboard นอกจากนี้คุณยังสามารถบันทึกเสียงของคุณเองสำหรับสัญลักษณ์ตามขั้นตอนในคำตอบสำหรับ“ ฉันจะเพิ่มเสียงที่บันทึกไว้ส่วนตัวไปยังสัญลักษณ์บน Cboard ได้อย่างไร”
### ฉันจะเปลี่ยนวิธีเสียงได้อย่างไร
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+ในการปรับความสามารถในการพูด / เสียง / เสียงให้เข้าไปที่การตั้งค่าและภายใต้หมวดภาษา LANGUAGE ให้เลือกหมวด SPEECH จากนั้นคุณจะสามารถแก้ไขระดับเสียงและความเร็วของการพูดบน Cboard
## การแก้ไขบอร์ด
### ฉันจะสร้างกระดานเปล่าได้อย่างไร
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+ใน Cboard บอร์ดเปล่าจะเทียบเท่ากับโฟลเดอร์
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+หากคุณต้องการสร้างบอร์ดใหม่หรือเปล่าคุณต้องสร้างโฟลเดอร์ใหม่และจะสร้างบอร์ดใหม่ในพื้นที่จัดเก็บ Cboard (ซึ่งคุณสามารถเห็นเมื่อคุณไปที่บอร์ดบนแถบกลางในโหมดแก้ไข)
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+บอร์ดว่างใหม่จะพร้อมใช้งานทันทีสำหรับการแก้ไขและสามารถตั้งค่าเป็นบอร์ดรูท (ใช้ปุ่มสร้าง) ซึ่งหมายความว่ามันจะเป็นบอร์ดแรกที่คุณเห็นในครั้งต่อไปที่คุณเปิด Cboard
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+หากต้องการสร้างโฟลเดอร์ใหม่ให้เริ่มต้นโดยปลดล็อกหน้าจอโดยเลือกปุ่มล็อคทางด้านขวามือ เมื่อคุณปลดล็อกหน้าจอให้เลือกสัญลักษณ์บวก (+) ทางด้านขวามือเพื่อเพิ่มกระเบื้อง จากนั้นคุณจะได้รับตัวเลือกในการเพิ่มไทล์ / ปุ่มซึ่งเป็นตัวเลือกแรกและอัตโนมัติหรือเลือกโฟลเดอร์การกระทำนี้จะสร้างกระดานใหม่ที่คุณสามารถเพิ่มไทล์และโฟลเดอร์ได้มากขึ้น
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+เมื่อคุณตั้งชื่อโฟลเดอร์แล้วคุณสามารถอัปโหลดภาพในลักษณะที่คล้ายคลึงกันเพื่อสร้างไทล์ด้วยการตั้งค่าสีและป้ายกำกับ โฟลเดอร์ใหม่นี้จะเชื่อมโยงไปยังบอร์ดด้านบนโดยอัตโนมัติ (หากรวมแถวของแผ่นกระเบื้อง) มันจะปรากฏในรายการบอร์ดของคุณเป็นบอร์ดเปล่าจนกว่ามันจะเต็มไปด้วยสัญลักษณ์และป้ายกำกับ
### ฉันจะปรับแต่งบอร์ดที่มีอยู่ใน Cboard ได้อย่างไร?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+ในการปรับแต่งบอร์ดที่มีอยู่ให้เลือก LOCK ที่มุมขวาบนของแถบด้านบนกระดาน (ใต้ลูกศรพร้อมกากบาท) เมื่อคุณทำสิ่งนี้แล้วแถบอื่นจะปรากฏขึ้นใต้แถบ HOME สีดำและคุณจะพบไอคอนบล็อกเล็ก ๆ (EDIT) ทางด้านซ้ายมือเพื่อเพิ่มไทล์หรือเซลล์ เมื่อเลือกบล็อกแล้วแถบสีเทาควรเปลี่ยนเป็นสีน้ำเงินและทางด้านขวามือคุณจะเห็นถังขยะขนาดเล็กและดินสอ
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
### ฉันสามารถใช้รูปภาพของตัวเองเมื่อทำการแก้ไขบอร์ดได้หรือไม่?
-ใช่คุณสามารถใช้รูปภาพของคุณเองเมื่อแก้ไขบอร์ด In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). คุณยังสามารถแก้ไขไทล์ที่มีอยู่ด้วยรูปภาพของคุณเอง
+ใช่คุณสามารถใช้รูปภาพของคุณเองเมื่อแก้ไขบอร์ด ในการใช้รูปภาพของคุณเองคุณสามารถอัปโหลดภาพเมื่อคุณสร้างไทล์ใหม่ (โดยเลือกเครื่องหมายบวก (+) บนแถบสีเทาหลังจากปลดล็อกหน้า) คุณยังสามารถแก้ไขไทล์ที่มีอยู่ด้วยรูปภาพของคุณเอง
### ฉันสามารถเปลี่ยนลำดับขององค์ประกอบในบอร์ดได้หรือไม่?
-ใช่ When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+ใช่ เมื่อคุณกำลังแก้ไขบอร์ดปลดล็อคหน้าจอโดยใช้สัญลักษณ์ LOCK จากนั้นเลือกไอคอน EDIT block ทางด้านซ้ายมือ (ใต้ไอคอน BUILD) จากนั้นคุณสามารถลากรูปสัญลักษณ์ / หรือโฟลเดอร์ไปยังตำแหน่งที่คุณต้องการวางไว้ในบอร์ดเดียวกัน
### ฉันจะเลือกองค์ประกอบหลายรายการเพื่อแก้ไขได้อย่างไร
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+เช่นเดียวกับที่คุณเปลี่ยนลำดับขององค์ประกอบในบอร์ด แต่แทนที่จะเลือกและลากคุณจะเลือกวงกลมภายในสี่เหลี่ยมรูปสัญลักษณ์ / สัญลักษณ์ หากต้องการแก้ไขสัญลักษณ์มากมายคุณสามารถเลือกได้มากกว่าหนึ่งสัญลักษณ์ หลังจากทำเช่นนั้นให้เลือกไอคอน PENCIL ทางด้านขวามือและสิ่งนี้จะช่วยให้คุณสามารถแก้ไของค์ประกอบที่เลือก
### ฉันจะค้นหาสัญลักษณ์ใหม่ได้อย่างไรเมื่อฉันแก้ไขไทล์
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+เลือกไอคอนบล็อกแก้ไขทางด้านซ้ายมือของแถบบอร์ดแล้วเลือกรูปสัญลักษณ์ / สัญลักษณ์ที่คุณต้องการเปลี่ยน เลือกและเมื่อวงแหวนสีน้ำเงินมีขีดเลือกไปที่ไอคอน PENCIL ทางด้านขวา เมื่อเลือกดินสอแล้วคุณจะสังเกตเห็นว่ามีไอคอน MAGNIFYING GLASS สำหรับค้นหาสัญลักษณ์ เมื่อเปิดใช้งานคุณลักษณะการค้นหาคุณจะเห็น SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY ในแถบแก้ไข พิมพ์แนวคิด / ฉลาก / คำที่คุณกำลังมองหาและสัญลักษณ์จะปรากฏขึ้น เมื่อคุณเลือกสัญลักษณ์เดียวแล้วมันจะนำคุณกลับไปที่หน้าแก้ไขไฟล์โดยอัตโนมัติ
## ส่งออกและนำเข้า
### ฉันจะส่งออกบอร์ดของฉันใน Cboard ได้อย่างไร
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+ในการส่งออกกระดานของคุณใน Cboard ให้ไปที่การตั้งค่าและทันทีที่คุณเปิดการตั้งค่าตัวเลือกการส่งออกจะปรากฏเป็นลูกศรชี้ลงซึ่งอยู่ด้านล่างภาษาและคำพูด
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+เลือก EXPORT และดาวน์โหลด Cboard ของคุณโดยเลือก OPENBOARD หรือ EXPORT
### ฉันจะนำเข้าบอร์ดไปยัง Cboard ได้อย่างไร
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+ในการนำเข้าบอร์ดให้ทำตามขั้นตอนที่ใช้ในการส่งออก การนำเข้าอยู่ด้านล่างส่งออกลูกศรชี้ขึ้นโดยมีแถบแนวนอนอยู่ด้านล่าง
### Cboard ใช้รูปแบบไฟล์ใดในการนำเข้า / ส่งออก
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
* ใช้บอร์ดไฟล์ดั้งเดิมของ Cboard
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* ใช้ไฟล์ที่จัดรูปแบบ OpenBoard [เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับรูปแบบ Open Board](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## ความสามารถในการแสดงผล
### ฉันจะเปลี่ยนอะไรบนหน้าจอได้บ้าง?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+การตั้งค่าการแสดงผลสามารถแก้ไขได้ในการตั้งค่าภายในหมวดหมู่ระบบ ตัวเลือกการแสดงอยู่ด้านล่างส่งออกและนำเข้า เมื่อคุณเลือก DISPLAY คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนขนาดส่วนติดต่อผู้ใช้ (UI) รวมถึงขนาดตัวอักษรของแอปโดยเลือกขนาดที่คุณต้องการ จุดสีแดงควรอยู่ใต้ขนาดที่คุณต้องการเลือก
### ฉันสามารถปรับขนาดปุ่มบน Cboard ได้ไหม?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+ใช่ คุณสามารถปรับขนาดไทล์หรือปุ่มในการตั้งค่า ในหมวดหมู่ SYSTEM ให้เลือก DISPLAY และคุณจะได้รับ 3 ตัวเลือกสำหรับขนาด: Standard, ใหญ่, Extra Large ดูรูปด้านล่าง:
-
+
## การสแกน
### ฉันสามารถใช้เทคนิคการสแกนเพื่อเข้าถึงสัญลักษณ์ได้หรือไม่?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+การสแกนคือรายการที่อยู่ในชุดการเลือกตามลำดับเมื่อเวลาผ่านไปและผู้ใช้ทำการเลือกโดยอ้อมโดยการสลับการเข้าถึง การสแกนบน Cboard ทำงานภายในการตั้งค่าและหมวดหมู่ระบบ มีการตั้งค่าต่าง ๆ สำหรับการสแกน คุณควรเปิดใช้งานการตั้งค่าการสแกนก่อนโดยเลือกเปิดใช้งาน จากนั้นคุณสามารถเลือกการหน่วงเวลารวมถึงวิธีการ (โดยอัตโนมัติหรือด้วยตนเอง) โปรดทราบว่าเมื่อใช้แท็บเล็ตหรือสมาร์ทโฟนอาจมีตัวเลือกการสแกนในตัว
-## Communicator builder
+## เครื่องมือสร้าง Communicator
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### เครื่องมือสื่อสารคืออะไร
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+ตัวสร้าง Communicator เป็นคุณสมบัติที่ช่วยให้คุณสามารถจัดการกับบอร์ดเพื่อคัดลอกลบเผยแพร่เพิ่มและลบออกได้ เพื่อที่จะเข้าถึงฟังก์ชั่นที่คุณต้องปลดล็อคการตั้งค่าและคลิกที่ 'สร้าง' buttton คุณจะเห็นหน้าใหม่ที่มีโครงสร้างบนแท็บสามแท็บที่แตกต่างกัน: บอร์ดบอร์ดสาธารณะบอร์ดทั้งหมดของฉัน ดูรูปด้านล่าง:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### บอร์ด Communicator
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+แท็บเริ่มต้นที่คุณจะเห็นในตัวสร้างการสื่อสารคือแท็บแผงตัวสื่อสารที่จะแสดงบอร์ดทั้งหมดที่รวมอยู่ในตัวสื่อสารของคุณ คุณสามารถทำการเปลี่ยนแปลงใน Communicator ของคุณจากปุ่มการกระทำดังต่อไปนี้:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* ลบบอร์ดออกจาก communicator: ก้นนี้จะออกจากบอร์ดจาก Communicator แต่จะไม่ลบบอร์ดออกจากฐานข้อมูลและจะยังคงอยู่ภายใต้แท็บ 'กระดานทั้งหมดของฉัน'
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* ตั้งค่าบอร์ดเป็นรูท: ก้นนี้จะกำหนดบอร์ดเป็นบอร์ดแรกที่จะแสดงทุกครั้งที่คุณเข้าสู่ Cboard
-
+
-### Public boards
+### บอร์ดสาธารณะ
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* บอร์ดคัดลอก: ก้นนี้จะสร้างสำเนาของบอร์ดและมันจะเพิ่มเข้าไปในเครื่องมือสื่อสารของคุณ เนื่องจากนี่เป็นสำเนาของบอร์ดสาธารณะคุณสามารถแก้ไขบอร์ดนี้ได้ตามที่คุณต้องการโดยไม่กระทบกับบอร์ดสาธารณะดั้งเดิม
-
+
-### All my boards
+### กระดานทั้งหมดของฉัน
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* ลบบอร์ดออกจาก communicator: ก้นนี้จะออกจากบอร์ดจาก Communicator แต่จะไม่ลบบอร์ดออกจากฐานข้อมูลและยังคงพร้อมใช้งาน
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* เพิ่มบอร์ดไปยังเครื่องมือสื่อสาร: ก้นนี้จะรวมบอร์ดไปยังเครื่องมือสื่อสาร
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* เผยแพร่บอร์ด: การกระทำนี้จะทำให้บอร์ดเป็นแบบสาธารณะและจะปรากฏภายใต้แท็บบอร์ดสาธารณะ ทุกคนสามารถเห็นบอร์ดของคุณ
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * ยกเลิกการเผยแพร่บอร์ด: การกระทำนี้จะทำให้บอร์ดเป็นส่วนตัวและจะไม่ปรากฏภายใต้แท็บบอร์ดสาธารณะ ไม่มีใครเห็นบอร์ดของคุณ
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * ลบบอร์ด: การกระทำนี้จะลบบอร์ดและไม่สามารถกู้คืนได้ บอร์ดจะถูกลบออกจากฐานข้อมูล
-
\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/src/translations/help/tr-TR.md b/src/translations/help/tr-TR.md
index 355937a21..3d2e8e660 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/tr-TR.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/tr-TR.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [Bir tahtayı nasıl paylaşabilirim?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [konuşma](#Talking)
* [Kişisel olarak kaydedilmiş bir sesi Cboard'taki sembollere nasıl eklerim?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Farklı bir sese nasıl geçebilirim?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Bir sesin nasıl duyulduğunu nasıl değiştirebilirim?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Yönetim Kurulu Düzenlemesi](#BoardEditing)
* [Boş bir tahta nasıl oluştururum?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Mevcut bir tahtayı Cboard'da nasıl kişiselleştiririm?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Cboard üzerindeki düğmeleri yeniden boyutlandırabilir miyim?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [Tarama](#Scanning)
* [Sembollere erişmek için tarama tekniklerini kullanabilir miyim?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Communicator oluşturucu](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [İletişimci kurucu nedir?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Communicator panoları](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Genel Kurullar](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Tüm panolarım](#Allmyboards)
## Cboard Nedir?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard, konuşma ve dil engelli çocuklar ve yetişkinler için ücretsiz bir we
### Cboard'a nasıl kayıt olabilirim?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Cboard'a kaydolmak için, Hoş Geldiniz sayfasındaki giriş seçeneklerinden birini bulabileceğiniz adımları izleyerek başlayın.
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+
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+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Yeni bir kullanıcıysanız, KAYDOL düğmesine basın; hesabınızı oluşturmak için temel bilgileri isteyen kısa bir form açılır.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Bu bilgileri doldurduktan sonra, hesabınızı onaylamak için kısa bir süre sonra izlenecek bir bağlantı içeren bir e-posta alacaksınız.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Bu bilgiler sadece şirket tarafından Cboard kullanımını desteklemek ve gerektiğinde yardım sunmak için saklanır. Diğer kuruluşlarla paylaşılmaz, (Bkz. [Gizlilik bilgileri](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Hesabınızı doğruladıktan sonra Cboard'a erişebileceksiniz ve hesabınızı başarıyla doğruladığınızı onaylayan başka bir e-posta alacaksınız.
### Sosyal medya hesaplarımı kullanarak kendimi kaydedebilir miyim?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Evet! Giriş sayfasında, isterseniz Google veya Facebook hesabınıza kaydolma seçeneği sunulur. Ayrıca bir e-posta adresiyle de kaydolabilirsiniz.
### Kayıtlı bir kullanıcı olduğumda Cboard’a nasıl giriş yapabilirim?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Cboard'da oturum açmak için, kaydolmak için kullanılan ilk adımı izlersiniz, ancak Hoş Geldiniz ekranında KAYDOL seçeneğini seçmek yerine GİRİŞ'i seçin. Ardından, başlangıçta kaydolduğunuz e-postayı ve ayarladığınız şifreyi girmeniz istenir.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Cboard'u yapılandırmak için farklı seçenekler nelerdir?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Cboard'a giriş yaptıktan sonra, Cboard kilitli moddayken sağlanan İletişim Kartını yapılandırmak ve geliştirmek için farklı seçeneklere erişebilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki tüm önemli seçeneklerin listesine bakın:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### Nasıl çıkış yapabilirim?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Ayarlar simgesini seçerek oturumu kapatabilirsiniz; seçenek kırmızı renkte görünür. Ayrıca sağ köşedeki kilit sembolünü seçebilir, üç kez tıklayabilir ve ekranın kilidini açtıktan sonra kırmızı çubuk belirdiğinde, kilidin solundaki simgeyi (yüklüyse resminiz) ve günlüğe kaydetme seçeneğini seçebilirsiniz kırmızı görünür.
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Kayıtlı ve kayıtlı olmayan bir kullanıcı arasındaki fark nedir?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+Kayıtlı bir kullanıcı panolarını kişiselleştirebilir ve yapılan değişiklikler tekrar oturum açtıklarında özelleştirilmiş panolarını kullanabilmeleri için hesaplarına kaydedilir. Kayıtlı olmayan bir kullanıcı değişiklikleri güvenli bir şekilde kaydedemez. Her ihtimale karşı kaydolmanızı öneririz, bu nedenle değişikliklerinizin kaydedileceği garanti edilir.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Kullanıcı bilgilerimi nasıl güncelleyebilirim?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+Kullanıcı bilgilerinizi güncellemek için oturumu kapatmaya çalışıyorsanız kullanacağınız adımları izleyin. Kartın sağ üst köşesindeki kilit sembolünü seçin - üç tıklama veya dokunma ve ekranın kilidini açtıktan sonra, kilidin solundaki simgeyi (kullanıcı adı baş harfleri, fotoğraf) seçin ve ardından kullanıcı bilgilerinizi düzenleyebilirsiniz. .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Şifremi nasıl sıfırlarım?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+Şifrenizi sıfırlamak için lütfen support@cboard.io adresine e-posta gönderin, size geri dönelim.
## Fiyat
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard'un maliyeti nedir?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard tamamen ücretsizdir.
## Özellikleri
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Hangi cihazlar ve işletim sistemleri destekleniyor?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard, Mac, Windows ve Android işletim sistemlerini kullanan masaüstü bilgisayarlar, tabletler ve cep telefonları da dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli cihazlar kullanılarak çevrimiçi olarak kullanılabilir. En iyi Chrome, Firefox, Edge ve Safari gibi tarayıcılarda görüntülenir ve bir Android uygulaması Google Play'den edinilebilir.
-
+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Cboard web tabanlı bir uygulama olduğundan, tarayıcılar tarafından sağlanan ayarlara yanıt verecektir. Bu, Cboard tarafından sağlanan ayarlardan farklı sonuçlarınız olduğu anlamına gelebilir. Örneğin, sunulan farklı konuşma seçeneklerini bulabilirsiniz.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Bilgisayar, tablet veya telefon ekran boyutuna bağlı olarak tarayıcı büyütme veya yakınlaştırma oranını da kullanabileceğinizi unutmayın.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Tarayıcı tabanlı seçenekler bu tür bir web uygulaması kullanılırken yararlı olmadığından lütfen Cboard'a görme bozukluğu olanlar için yüksek kontrast modunu kullanma hakkında bilgi isteyin.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Cboard hangi dilleri destekliyor?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard 33 dili destekliyor. Farklı bir dil seçmek için AYARLAR'a gidin - DİL'i seçtiğinizde mevcut olanlar görünecektir. Bir seçim yapın ve dilin yanında bir 'onay' belirecektir.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Cboard mesajımı sesli okuyabilir mi?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Evet, Cboard, mesaj çıkış kutusuna eklendikçe her sembolün altında bulunan ayrı ayrı etiketleri okumak için cihazınızda bulunan sentetik konuşma çıkışını kullanır. Tam bir mesaj seçebilirsiniz, ayrıca sesli olarak da okunacaktır. Bir sembole kişiselleştirilmiş bir ses, kelime veya cümle kaydı eklenmişse (Konuşan - Ses Kayıtları altındaki talimatlar), bu kaydı sentezlenen ses yerine duyarsınız. Bu, bir çevirinin bir dilde mevcut olmadığı, bir çocuğun sesinin gerekli olduğu veya aksanın kabul edilemez olduğu durumlarda çok yardımcı olabilir. Lütfen mikrofonunuza web erişiminin sağlandığından emin olun.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Konuşma yetenekleri
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Konuşma yeteneklerini ayarlamak için AYARLAR'a gidin ve DİL kategorisinin altında KONUŞMA kategorisi bulunur. SPEECH'i seçtiğinizde, Cboard'daki konuşma perdesini ve temposunu düzenleyebileceksiniz.
-
+
-### Export and import
+### Ihracat ve ithalat
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Her iki dışa aktarma seçeneği SİSTEM kategorisinde, Dil ve Konuşma altında AYARLAR içindedir. İHRACAT kategorisi size bir OpenBoard veya PDF yükleme seçeneği sunar. GERİ YÜKLE'yi seçtiğinizde İTHALAT kategorisi kaydedilmiş dosyalarınızı açar.
-
+
-### Display capabilities
+### Ekran özellikleri
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Ekran ayarları SİSTEM kategorisinde AYARLAR'da düzenlenebilir. Görüntü seçeneği Dışa ve İçe Aktar öğesinin hemen altındadır. EKRAN'ı seçtiğinizde, istediğiniz boyutu seçerek UI boyutunu ve uygulamanın Yazı Tipi boyutunu değiştirebilirsiniz. Kırmızı nokta, seçmek istediğiniz boyutun altında olmalıdır.
-
+
-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Herhangi bir gezinme ayarını değiştirebilir miyim?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+Mesaj Kutusundaki Klavyede gezinmek ve sembolleri silmek için kullandığınız yolu düzenlemek ve kolaylaştırmak için GEZİNME bölümünü kullanın. AYARLAR'daki SİSTEM Kategorisinin sonundaki gezinme, daha kolay seçilebilen daha büyük bir 'geri' düğmesine sahip olmanızı sağlar. Ayrıca, mesaj kutusunda sunulduğu gibi her sembolün üzerinde bir silme ('x') düğmesi görüntülenmesine izin vermek de mümkündür. Bu, bir cümle içindeki sembolleri silmeyi kolaylaştırabilir. Ancak bazı bireylerin kafasını karıştırabileceğinden, kullanıcı ihtiyaçlarının farkında olun.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Arayüzde gezinme
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Cboard'da gezinmeyi düzenlemek ve kolaylaştırmak için NAVIGASYON'u seçin, SİSTEM içindeki son menü öğesi (tümü Ayarlar'da) kartı kullanmayı kolaylaştırmak için belirli ayrıntılar eklemenizi sağlar. Gezinme'deki ilk seçenek, boyut nedeniyle seçilmesi daha kolay olan daha büyük bir 'geri' düğmesine olanak tanır. İkincisi, sembollerin silinmesini kolaylaştırmak için bir 'x' düğmesi ekler ve üçüncüsü, ayarların kilidini açmak için sadece bir tıklama gerektirerek kilidin açılmasını kolaylaştırır.
-
+
## Ayarlar
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Cboard'daki ayarlara nasıl erişirim?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Cboard'a giriş yaptıktan sonra, ANA SAYFA sayfası açılır.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+AYARLAR'a erişmek için sağ taraftaki üç kez, okun altındaki küçük kilidi seçin. Bunu yaptıktan sonra, siyah HOME çubuğunun altında gri bir çubuk görünecek ve 'ayarlar' düğmesi doğrudan HOME çubuğundaki kilidin solunda, ikincisi sağdan görünecektir.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Kart setimi Cboard'da nasıl yazdırabilirim?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+Kartınızı yazdırmak için, HOME sayfasının kilidini açtıktan sonra siyah HOME çubuğunun sol tarafındaki yazıcı logosuna basın. Teknolojinize bir Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) indirilecektir.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Cboard'u tam ekranda nasıl görebilirim?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Cboard'u tam ekranda görmek için, sağ taraftaki kilit sembolüne basarak ekran kilidini açın ve ardından en üst satırda (siyah çubuk), soldan dikdörtgen gibi görünen ikinci sembol ekranı genişletir.
-
+
-### How do I share a board?
+### Bir tahtayı nasıl paylaşabilirim?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+Bir kartı paylaşmak için, ekranın kilidini sağ taraftaki kilit simgesine, ardından en üst sıraya (siyah çubuk) basarak sağdaki üçüncü simge, tahtanızı e-posta, Facebook, Twitter'a gönderin veya birine göndermek için bağlantıyı kopyalayın.
## konuşma
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Kişisel olarak kaydedilmiş sesi Cboard'daki simgelere nasıl eklerim?
1. Kullanmak istediğiniz tahtaya gidin.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Farklı bir sese nasıl geçebilirim?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+Konuşma yeteneklerini / sesi ayarlamak için ayarlara gidin ve DİL kategorisinin altında KONUŞMA kategorisi bulunur. SPEECH'i seçtiğinizde Cboard'daki konuşmanın perdesini ve temposunu düzenleyebileceksiniz. “Cboard'daki simgelere kişisel olarak kaydedilmiş bir sesi nasıl eklerim?” Cevabındaki adımları izleyerek semboller için kendi sesinizi de kaydedebilirsiniz.
### Bir sesin sesini nasıl değiştiririm?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Konuşma yeteneklerini / ses / sesi ayarlamak için AYARLAR'a gidin ve DİL kategorisi altında KONUŞMA kategorisini seçin. Daha sonra Cboard'daki konuşma perdesini ve temposunu düzenleyebileceksiniz.
## Yönetim Kurulu Düzenlemesi
### Boş bir tahta nasıl oluştururum?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Cboard'da boş bir pano bir klasöre eşdeğerdir.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Yeni veya boş bir pano oluşturmak istiyorsanız, yeni bir klasör oluşturmanız gerekir ve bu, Cboard depolama alanında yeni bir pano oluşturur (düzenleme modunda orta çubuktaki BOARDS'a gittiğinizde görebilirsiniz).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+Yeni boş tahta hemen düzenleme için hazır olacak ve kök tahta olarak (oluştur düğmesini kullanarak) ayarlanabilir, yani Cboard'u bir sonraki açışınızda ilk gördüğünüz tahta olur.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+Yeni bir klasör oluşturmak için, sağ taraftaki kilit düğmesini seçerek ekran kilidini açarak başlayın. Ekran kilidini açtıktan sonra, KARO EKLE için sağ taraftaki artı (+) sembolünü seçin. Daha sonra, ilk ve otomatik seçenek olan bir Döşeme / DÜĞME ekleme veya KLASÖR'ü seçme seçeneği sunulur. Bu eylem, daha fazla kutucuk ve klasör ekleyebileceğiniz YENİ BİR KURULU oluşturur.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Klasörü adlandırdıktan sonra, renk ayarı ve etiketi olan bir karo yapmaya benzer şekilde bir görüntü yükleyebilirsiniz. Bu yeni klasör otomatik olarak üstündeki bir karta bağlanır (bir satır döşemesi varsa). Kartlar listenizde, semboller ve etiketlerle dolduruluncaya kadar boş bir kart olarak görünür.
### Mevcut bir tahtayı Cboard'da nasıl kişiselleştiririm?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+Mevcut bir tahtayı kişiselleştirmek için, tahtanın üstündeki çubuğun sağ üst köşesinde (ok işaretinin altında bir çarpı işaretiyle) KİLİT seçeneğini seçin. Bunu yaptıktan sonra, siyah HOME çubuğunun altında başka bir çubuk görünecek ve sol tarafta bir döşeme veya hücre eklemek için küçük bir blok (EDIT) simgesi bulacaksınız. Blok seçildikten sonra, gri çubuk maviye dönmelidir ve sağ tarafta küçük bir çöp tenekesi ve bir kalem göreceksiniz.
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+Tahtayı kişiselleştirmek için kalemi seçin, etiketi değiştirebilir, görüntü yükleyebilir ve Seslendirme ekleyebilirsiniz.
### Bir tahta düzenlerken kendi resimlerimi kullanabilir miyim?
-Evet, bir tahtayı düzenlerken kendi resminizi kullanabilirsiniz. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). Ayrıca mevcut bir kutucuğu kendi resminizle düzenleyebilirsiniz.
+Evet, bir tahtayı düzenlerken kendi resminizi kullanabilirsiniz. Kendi resminizi kullanmak için, yeni bir kutucuk oluşturduğunuzda (sayfanın kilidini açtıktan sonra gri çubukta ARTI İŞARETİ (+) seçerek) resmi yükleyebilirsiniz. Ayrıca mevcut bir kutucuğu kendi resminizle düzenleyebilirsiniz.
### Bir panodaki elemanların sırasını değiştirebilir miyim?
-Evet! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Evet! Bir tahtayı düzenlerken, KİLİT sembolünü kullanarak ekran kilidini açın. Ardından sol taraftaki DÜZENLE engelleme simgesini seçin (YAPI simgesinin altında). Daha sonra piktogramı / sembolü veya klasörü aynı panoya koymak istediğiniz yere sürükleyebilirsiniz.
### Düzenlenecek birden çok öğeyi nasıl seçerim?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+Bir karttaki öğelerin sırasını değiştirdiğiniz gibi, ancak seçmek ve sürüklemek yerine piktogram / sembol karesinin içindeki daireyi seçersiniz. Birçok sembolü düzenlemek için birden fazla sembol seçebilirsiniz. Bunu yaptıktan sonra, sağ taraftaki KALEM ikonunu seçin, bu seçilen elemanları düzenlemenize izin verecektir.
### Bir döşemeyi düzenlerken yeni sembolleri nasıl bulabilirim?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Pano çubuğunun sol tarafındaki DÜZENLE bloğu simgesini seçin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz piktogramı / simgeyi seçin. Onu seçin ve mavi halkada bir onay işareti olduğunda, sağdaki KALEM simgesine gidin. Kalemi seçtikten sonra, sembol arama için BÜYÜLEYİCİ CAM simgesi olduğunu göreceksiniz. Arama özelliği etkinleştirildiğinde, düzenleme çubuğunda ARAMA SEMBOLÜ KÜTÜPHANESİ'ni göreceksiniz. Aradığınız kavramı / etiketi / kelimeyi yazın; simgeler görünecektir. Bir sembol seçtikten sonra, sizi otomatik olarak TILE düzenleme sayfasına döndürür.
## Ihracat ve ithalat
### Tahtamı Cboard'a nasıl dışa aktarırım?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Tahtanızı Cboard'a dışa aktarmak için AYARLAR'a gidin ve Ayarlar'ı açar açmaz İHRACAT seçeneği Dil ve Konuşma'nın altında aşağıya doğru bakan bir ok olarak görünecektir.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+İHRACAT'ı seçin ve OPENBOARD veya EXPORT'u seçerek Cboard'unuzu indirin.
### Bir tahtayı Cboard'a nasıl alabilirim?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Bir kartı içe aktarmak için Dışa Aktarma'da kullanılan adımları izleyin. İTHALAT, altında yatay bir çubuk bulunan yukarı bakan bir ok olan Export'un altındadır.
### Cboard içe / dışa aktarma için hangi dosya biçimini kullanır?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+Panoları İçe ve Dışa Aktarma için iki seçeneğiniz vardır:
* Cboard yerel dosya panolarını kullanın.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* OpenBoard biçimli dosyaları kullanın. [Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin
## Ekran yetenekleri
### Ekranda ne değiştirebilirim?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Ekran ayarları SİSTEM kategorisinde AYARLAR'da düzenlenebilir. Görüntü seçeneği Dışa ve İçe Aktar öğesinin altındadır. EKRAN'ı seçtikten sonra, istediğiniz boyutu seçerek Kullanıcı Arabirimi (UI) boyutunu ve uygulamanın Yazı Tipi boyutunu değiştirebilirsiniz. Kırmızı nokta, seçmek istediğiniz boyutun altında olmalıdır.
### Cboard üzerindeki düğmeleri yeniden boyutlandırabilir miyim?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Evet! Döşemeleri veya Düğmeleri AYARLAR'da yeniden boyutlandırabilirsiniz. SİSTEM kategorisinde EKRAN'ı seçin, size 3 boyut seçeneği sunulur: Standart, Büyük, Çok Büyük. Aşağıdaki şekle bakın:
-
+
## Tarama
### Sembollere erişmek için tarama tekniklerini kullanabilir miyim?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+Tarama, seçim kümesindeki öğelerin zaman içinde sırayla sunulduğu ve kullanıcının dolaylı olarak, genellikle anahtar erişimi ile bir seçim yaptığı yerdir. Cboard üzerinde TARAMA, AYARLAR ve SİSTEM kategorisinde çalışır. Tarama için farklı ayarlar vardır. Önce ETKİNLEŞTİR'i seçerek tarama ayarını etkinleştirmelisiniz. Daha sonra zaman gecikmesini ve yöntemi (otomatik veya manuel) seçebilirsiniz. Bir tablet veya akıllı telefon kullanırken, kendi yerleşik tarama seçeneğinin de olabileceğini lütfen unutmayın.
-## Communicator builder
+## Communicator oluşturucu
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### İletişimci kurucu nedir?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+Communicator oluşturucu, panoları kopyalamanıza, silmenize, yayınlamanıza, eklemenize ve kaldırmanıza olanak tanıyan bir özelliktir. İşlevlere erişmek için ayarların kilidini açmanız ve 'Build' düğmesine tıklamanız gerekir. Üç farklı sekmede yapılandırılmış yeni bir sayfa göreceksiniz: panolar, genel kurullar, tüm panolarım. Aşağıdaki şekle bakın:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### Communicator panoları
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+Communicator oluşturucuda göreceğiniz varsayılan sekme, Communicator'ınıza dahil edilen tüm panoları görüntüleyecek olan Communicator panoları sekmesidir. Communicator'ınızda aşağıdaki işlem düğmelerini kullanarak değişiklik yapabilirsiniz:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Kartı Communicator'dan kaldır: Bu buttton, Communicator'dan panodan çıkacaktır, ancak kartı veritabanından SİLMEYECEKTİR ve hala 'Tüm panolarım' sekmesi altında kullanılabilir.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Kartı kök olarak ayarla: Bu düğme, Cboard'a her giriş yaptığınızda kartı görüntülenecek ilk pano olarak tanımlar.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### Genel Kurullar
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Kopyalama panosu: Bu düğme, panonun bir kopyasını oluşturur ve onu iletişimcinize ekler. Bu, kamu kurulunun bir kopyası olduğundan, orijinal panoyu etkilemeden bu panoyu istediğiniz gibi düzenleyebilirsiniz.
-
+
-### All my boards
+### Tüm panolarım
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+SADECE kayıtlı kullanıcıların bu sekme işlevine erişebileceğini lütfen unutmayın.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Kartı Communicator'dan kaldır: Bu buttton, Communicator'dan panodan çıkacaktır, ancak kartı veritabanından SİLMEYECEKTİR ve hala kullanılabilir durumdadır.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Communicator'a pano ekleyin: Bu buttton, communicator'a pano içerecektir.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Panoyu yayınla: Bu eylem, panoyu kamuoyuna açıklar ve panolar sekmesi altında görüntülenir. Herkes tahtanızı görebilir.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Panoyu yayından kaldır: Bu işlem kartı özel hale getirir ve genel kurullar sekmesi altında gösterilmez. Kimse senin tahtayı göremez.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Panoyu sil: Bu eylem panoyu siler ve kurtarılamaz. Pano veritabanından kaldırılacaktır.
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* [میں بورڈ کو کس طرح بانٹ سکتا ہوں؟](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [بات کرنا۔](#Talking)
* [میں بورڈ پر علامتوں میں ذاتی طور پر ریکارڈ شدہ آواز کو کیسے شامل کروں؟](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [میں کسی مختلف آواز پر کیسے سوئچ کرسکتا ہوں؟](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [ایک آواز کی آواز کی آواز میں کیسے تبدیل کروں؟](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [بورڈ میں ترمیم کرنا۔](#BoardEditing)
* [میں خالی بورڈ کیسے بناؤں؟](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [میں بورڈ میں موجود بورڈ کو کس طرح شخصی بناتا ہوں؟](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [کیا میں بورڈ پر بٹنوں کا سائز تبدیل کر سکتا ہوں؟](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [اسکین کر رہا ہے۔](#Scanning)
* [کیا میں علامتوں تک رسائی کے ل to سکیننگ کی تکنیک استعمال کرسکتا ہوں؟](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [مواصلات کرنے والا بلڈر](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [بات چیت کرنے والا بلڈر کیا ہے؟](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [کمیونیکیٹر بورڈ](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [عوامی بورڈ](#PublicBoards)
+ * [میرے سارے بورڈ](#Allmyboards)
## بورڈ کیا ہے؟
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### میں بورڈ کے لئے کیسے اندراج کروں؟
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+بورڈ کے لئے اندراج کرنے کے لئے ، خوش آمدید صفحے پر ان مراحل پر عمل کرتے ہوئے شروع کریں جہاں آپ کو لاگ ان کا انتخاب ملے گا۔
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+اگر آپ نئے صارف ہیں تو ، سائن اپ دبائیں ، اور آپ کا اکاؤنٹ بنانے کے ل a ایک مختصر فارم بنیادی معلومات کے ل asking پوچھ رہے گا۔
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+ایک بار جب آپ یہ معلومات پُر کریں گے تو ، آپ کو اپنے اکاؤنٹ کی تصدیق کرنے کے ل follow فورا follow بعد ایک لنک کے ساتھ ایک ای میل موصول ہوگا۔
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+یہ معلومات صرف کمپنی کے پاس موجود ہے تاکہ وہ بورڈ کے استعمال کی حمایت کرے اور جب ضروری ہو تو مدد کی پیش کش کرے۔ یہ دوسری تنظیموں کے ساتھ اشتراک نہیں کیا گیا ہے ، ( [رازداری کی تفصیلات](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)دیکھیں)۔
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+ایک بار جب آپ نے اپنے اکاؤنٹ کی تصدیق کردی تو آپ کو بورڈ تک رسائی حاصل ہوجائے گی ، اور ایک اور ای میل موصول ہوگا جس کی تصدیق کرکے آپ کو کامیابی سے اپنے اکاؤنٹ کی تصدیق ہوگئی۔
### کیا میں اپنے سوشل میڈیا اکاؤنٹس کا استعمال کرکے اپنا اندراج کرسکتا ہوں؟
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+جی ہاں! لاگ ان صفحے پر ، آپ کو آپ کے گوگل یا فیس بک اکاؤنٹ کے ساتھ سائن اپ کرنے کا اختیار دیا جائے گا اگر آپ ایسا کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ آپ کسی ای میل پتے کے ساتھ بھی اندراج کرسکتے ہیں۔
### جب میں رجسٹرڈ صارف ہوں تو میں بورڈ میں کیسے لاگ ان کروں؟
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+بورڈ میں لاگ ان کرنے کے لئے ، آپ سائن اپ کرنے کے لئے استعمال ہونے والے پہلے مرحلے پر عمل کریں گے ، لیکن ویلکم اسکرین پر سائن اپ کو منتخب کرنے کے بجائے ، لاگ ان کو منتخب کریں۔ اس کے بعد آپ کو ای میل فراہم کرنے کو کہا جائے گا جس کے ساتھ آپ نے ابتدائی طور پر سائن اپ کیا تھا ، اور پاس ورڈ جو آپ نے ترتیب دیا تھا۔
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### بورڈ کو تشکیل دینے کے ل options مختلف اختیارات کیا ہیں؟
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+ایک بار جب آپ کی بورڈ میں لاگ ان ہوجاتے ہیں تو ، مواصلت بورڈ تشکیل دینے اور تیار کرنے کے ل different آپ مختلف اختیارات تک رسائی حاصل کرسکتے ہیں جب بورڈ انلاک حالت میں ہوتا ہے۔ ذیل میں تمام اہم اختیارات کی فہرست ملاحظہ کریں:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### میں لاگ آؤٹ کیسے کروں؟
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+آپ ترتیبات کے آئیکن کو منتخب کرکے لاگ آؤٹ کرسکتے ہیں ، اور آپشن سرخ رنگ میں ظاہر ہوگا۔ آپ دائیں کونے پر تالا کی علامت بھی منتخب کرسکتے ہیں ، تین بار کلیک کریں اور ایک بار جب آپ اسکرین کو لاک کردیا اور سرخ بار نمودار ہوجائے تو ، لاک کے بائیں طرف آئیکن (اگر آپ کی تصویر بھری ہوئی ہے تو) اور لاگ ان کرنے کا آپشن منتخب کریں۔ آؤٹ سرخ رنگ میں نظر آئے گا۔
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### رجسٹرڈ اور غیر رجسٹرڈ صارف میں کیا فرق ہے؟
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+ایک رجسٹرڈ صارف اپنے بورڈز کو ذاتی نوعیت دینے کے قابل ہے ، اور کی گئی تبدیلیاں ان کے اکاؤنٹ میں محفوظ ہوجائیں گی تاکہ جب وہ لاگ ان ہوجائیں تو وہ اپنی مرضی کے مطابق بورڈ استعمال کرسکیں۔ غیر رجسٹرڈ صارف تبدیلیوں کو محفوظ طریقے سے محفوظ نہیں کر سکے گا۔ ہم صرف معاملے میں اندراج کی تجویز کرتے ہیں ، لہذا آپ کی تبدیلیوں کی ضمانت دی جاسکتی ہے۔
-### How do I update my user information?
+### میں اپنی صارف کی معلومات کو کس طرح اپ ڈیٹ کروں؟
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+اپنی صارف کی معلومات کو اپ ڈیٹ کرنے کے لئے ، ان اقدامات پر عمل کریں جو آپ لاگ آؤٹ کرنے کی کوشش کر رہے تھے۔ بورڈ کے اوپری دائیں کونے پر تالا کی علامت منتخب کریں - تین کلکس یا ٹیپ ، اور ایک بار جب آپ اسکرین کو غیر مقفل کردیں تو ، تالا کے بائیں طرف کا آئیکن منتخب کریں (صارف کا نام ابتدائیہ ، تصویر) ، اور پھر آپ اپنی صارف کی معلومات میں ترمیم کرسکتے ہیں۔ .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### میں اپنا پاس ورڈ کس طرح دوبارہ ترتیب دوں؟
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+اپنا پاس ورڈ دوبارہ ترتیب دینے کے ل، ، براہ کرم support@cboard.io پر ای میل کریں اور ہم آپ کے پاس واپس آ جائیں گے۔
## قیمت
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### بورڈ کی قیمت کتنی ہے؟
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+بورڈ مکمل طور پر کسی بھی قیمت سے آزاد ہے۔
## خصوصیات
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### کون سے آلات اور OS تعاون یافتہ ہیں؟
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+بورڈ ، ڈیسک ٹاپس ، گولیاں اور موبائل فونز ، میک ، ونڈوز اور اینڈروئیڈ آپریٹنگ سسٹم استعمال کرنے والے متعدد آلات کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے آن لائن دستیاب ہے۔ اسے براؤزر جیسے کروم ، فائر فاکس ، ایج اور سفاری میں سب سے زیادہ دیکھا جاتا ہے اور گوگل اینڈ سے ایک اینڈرائڈ ایپ دستیاب ہے۔
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-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+کیونکہ بورڈ ایک ویب پر مبنی ایپ ہے جس سے یہ انفرادی براؤزرز کی فراہم کردہ ترتیبات کا جواب دے گا۔ اس کا مطلب یہ ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ کی بورڈ کے ذریعہ فراہم کردہ ترتیبات کے مختلف نتائج ہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر آپ کو پیش کردہ تقریر کے مختلف آپشن مل سکتے ہیں۔
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+یہ مت بھولنا کہ آپ کمپیوٹر ، گولی یا فون کی سکرین کے سائز کے لحاظ سے براؤزر میگنیفائزیشن یا کسی خاص ڈگری پر زوم بھی استعمال کرسکتے ہیں۔
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+براہ کرم بصری خرابی میں مبتلا افراد کے ل high ہائی کنٹراسٹ وضع کے استعمال کے بارے میں پوچھیں کیونکہ اس قسم کی ویب ایپ کا استعمال کرتے وقت براؤزر پر مبنی اختیارات مددگار نہیں ہیں۔
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### کون سی زبانیں بورڈ کے ذریعہ تائید کی جاتی ہیں؟
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+کی بورڈ 33 زبانوں کی حمایت کے ساتھ آتا ہے۔ ایک مختلف زبان منتخب کرنے کے لئے SETTINGS پر جائیں - زبان منتخب کریں اور دستیاب دستیاب ہوں گی۔ کسی ایک کا انتخاب کریں اور زبان کے ساتھ ہی ایک 'ٹک' بھی نظر آئے گا۔
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### کیا بورڈ میرے پیغام کو بلند آواز سے پڑھ سکتا ہے؟
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+ہاں ، بورڈ آپ کے آلے پر دستیاب مصنوعی تقریر آؤٹ پٹ کا استعمال کرتا ہے تاکہ وہ ہر علامت کے نیچے پائے جانے والے انفرادی لیبل کو پڑھ سکے کیوں کہ وہ پیغام آؤٹ پٹ باکس میں شامل ہوجاتے ہیں۔ آپ ایک مکمل پیغام منتخب کرسکتے ہیں اور اسے بھی بلند آواز میں پڑھا جائے گا۔ اگر کسی آواز ، الفاظ یا فقرے کی ذاتی نوعیت کی ریکارڈنگ کو کسی علامت میں شامل کیا گیا ہو (گفتگو کے تحت ہدایات - آواز کی ریکارڈنگ) آپ سنجیدہ آواز کی بجائے یہ ریکارڈنگ سنیں گے۔ یہ بہت مددگار ثابت ہوسکتا ہے جہاں کسی زبان میں ترجمہ دستیاب نہیں ہوتا ہے ، بچوں کی آواز کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے یا لہجہ ناقابل قبول ہوتا ہے۔ براہ کرم یقینی بنائیں کہ آپ کے مائیکروفون کو ویب تک رسائی دی گئی ہے۔
-### Speech capabilities
+### تقریر کی قابلیت
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+تقریر کی صلاحیتوں کو ایڈجسٹ کرنے کے لئے ، ترتیب میں جائیں ، اور زبان کے زمرے کے تحت اسپیک کیٹیگری ہے۔ جب آپ اسپیچ کو منتخب کرتے ہیں تو ، آپ کی بورڈ پر تقریر کی رفتار اور رفتار میں ترمیم کرسکیں گے۔
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+
-### Export and import
+### برآمد اور درآمد
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+برآمد کرنے کے لئے دونوں اختیارات زبان اور تقریر کے نیچے ، نظام کے زمرے میں SETTINGS کے اندر ہیں۔ ایکسپورٹ زمرہ آپ کو اوپن بورڈ یا پی ڈی ایف اپ لوڈ کرنے کا اختیار فراہم کرے گا۔ ایک بار جب آپ بازیافت کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں تو درآمد کی قسم آپ کی محفوظ فائلوں کو کھول دے گی۔
-
+
-### Display capabilities
+### صلاحیتوں کو ظاہر کریں
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+ڈسپلے کی ترتیبات SYSTEM زمرے میں ، SETTINGS میں ترمیم کی جاسکتی ہیں۔ ڈسپلے کا اختیار برآمد اور درآمد کے بالکل نیچے ہے۔ ایک جس کو آپ ڈسپلے منتخب کرتے ہیں ، آپ اپنے مطلوبہ سائز کو منتخب کرکے UI سائز کے ساتھ ساتھ ایپ فونٹ سائز بھی تبدیل کرسکتے ہیں۔ ریڈ ڈاٹ اس سائز کے نیچے ہونا چاہئے جس کا آپ انتخاب کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
-
+
-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### کیا میں نیویگیشن کی کوئی ترتیب کو تبدیل کرسکتا ہوں؟
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+نیویگیشن سیکشن کو ترمیم اور سہولت کے ل to استعمال کریں جس طرح آپ بورڈ کے گرد گھومنے اور پیغام خانہ میں علامتوں کو حذف کرنے کے لئے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ سیٹنگس میں سسٹم کیٹیگری کے اختتام پر نیویگیشن سے آپ کو بڑی 'بیک' بٹن حاصل کرنے کی اجازت ملتی ہے جس کا انتخاب کرنا آسان ہے۔ یہ بھی ممکن ہے کہ ہر علامت کے اوپر حذف شدہ ('x') بٹن نمودار ہوجائے کیوں کہ وہ پیغام خانہ میں پیش کیے جاتے ہیں۔ اس سے جملہ کے اندر علامتوں کو حذف کرنا آسان ہوسکتا ہے۔ لیکن صارف کی ضروریات سے آگاہ رہیں کیونکہ یہ کچھ افراد کو بھی الجھا سکتا ہے۔
-### Navigation through the interface
+### انٹرفیس کے ذریعے نیویگیشن
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+بورڈ میں گھومنے پھرنے اور تبدیل کرنے میں آسانی کے لئے ، نیویگیشن کا انتخاب کریں ، سسٹم کے اندرونی مینو آئٹم (تمام تر سیٹنگ میں) آپ کو بورڈ کو استعمال کرنے میں آسان بنانے کے ل certain کچھ تفصیلات شامل کرنے کی اجازت دیتا ہے۔ نیویگیشن کے اندر پہلا آپشن بڑے 'بیک' کے بٹن کی اجازت دیتا ہے جس کی وجہ سے سائز کی وجہ سے انتخاب کرنا آسان ہے۔ دوسرا علامتوں کو حذف کرنا آسان بنانے کے ل '' x 'بٹن کا اضافہ کرتا ہے ، اور تیسرا ترتیبات کو غیر مقفل کرنے کے لئے صرف ایک کلک کی ضرورت پڑنے سے انلاک کرنا آسان بناتا ہے۔
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+
## ترتیبات۔
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### میں کی بورڈ میں ترتیبات تک کیسے رسائی حاصل کرسکتا ہوں؟
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+ایک بار جب آپ کی بورڈ میں لاگ ان ہوں گے تو ، ہوم پیج کھل جائے گا۔
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+ترتیبات تک رسائی حاصل کرنے کے لئے ، دائیں بائیں طرف کے نیچے چھوٹا سا تالا تیر کے نیچے تین بار منتخب کریں۔ ایک بار جب آپ یہ کر لیتے ہیں تو ، سیاہ رنگ کے ہوم بار کے نیچے گرے رنگ کی ایک بار نظر آئے گی ، اور 'ترتیبات' بٹن براہ راست تالا کے بائیں طرف ہوم بار پر ظاہر ہوگا ، جو دائیں سے دوسرا ہے۔
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### میں بورڈ میں اپنے بورڈ سیٹ کو کیسے پرنٹ کروں؟
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+اپنے بورڈ کو پرنٹ کرنے کے لئے ، ہوم صفحہ کو غیر مقفل کرنے کے بعد ، کالے رنگ کے ہوم بار کے بائیں ہاتھ پرنٹٹر کا لوگو دبائیں۔ ایک اڈوب پورٹ ایبل دستاویز (.pdf) آپ کی ٹکنالوجی میں ڈاؤن لوڈ کیا جائے گا۔
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### میں پورے اسکرین میں کی بورڈ کو کیسے دیکھ سکتا ہوں؟
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+مکمل اسکرین میں کی بورڈ دیکھنے کے ل، ، دائیں ہاتھ کی طرف تالا کی علامت دباکر سکرین کو غیر مقفل کریں ، اور پھر سب سے اونچی قطار (بلیک بار) پر ، بائیں سے دوسری علامت جو مستطیل کی طرح دکھائی دیتی ہے اس سے اسکرین کا پھیلا ہوا ہے۔
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### میں بورڈ کو کس طرح بانٹ سکتا ہوں؟
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+بورڈ شیئر کرنے کے لئے ، دائیں ہاتھ کی طرف تالا کی علامت دباکر اسکرین کو غیر مقفل کریں ، پھر اونچی قطار میں (بلیک بار) ، دائیں طرف سے تیسرا نشان آپ کو یہ اختیار فراہم کرتا ہے کہ آپ اپنے بورڈ کو کسی بھی ای میل ، فیس بک پر شیئر کریں ، کسی کو بھیجنے کے لئے ٹویٹر ، یا لنک کاپی کریں۔
## بات کرنا۔
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### میں بورڈ پر علامتوں میں ذاتی طور پر ریکارڈ شدہ آواز کو کیسے شامل کروں؟
1. جس بورڈ پر آپ استعمال کرنا چاہتے ہیں اس پر جائیں۔
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### میں کسی مختلف آواز پر کیسے سوئچ کرسکتا ہوں؟
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+تقریر کی صلاحیتوں / آواز کو ایڈجسٹ کرنے کے لئے ، ترتیبات میں جائیں ، اور زبان کے زمرے کے تحت اسپیچ کیٹیگری ہے۔ جب آپ اسپیک کو منتخب کرتے ہیں تو آپ کی بورڈ پر تقریر کی رفتار اور رفتار میں ترمیم کرسکیں گے۔ "میں بورڈ پر علامتوں میں ذاتی طور پر ریکارڈ شدہ آواز کو کیسے شامل کروں؟" کے جواب پر درج ذیل مراحل کے بعد علامتوں کے لئے آپ اپنی آواز بھی ریکارڈ کرسکتے ہیں۔
### ایک آواز کی آواز کی آواز میں کیسے بدل سکتا ہوں؟
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+تقریر کی صلاحیتوں / آواز / آواز کو ایڈجسٹ کرنے کے لئے ، ترتیب میں جائیں ، اور زبان کے زمرے کے تحت اسپیچ زمرہ منتخب کریں۔ اس کے بعد آپ کی بورڈ پر تقریر کی رفتار اور رفتار میں ترمیم کرسکیں گے۔
## بورڈ میں ترمیم کرنا۔
### میں خالی بورڈ کیسے بناؤں؟
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+کی بورڈ میں ایک خالی بورڈ فولڈر کے برابر ہے۔
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+اگر آپ کوئی نیا یا خالی بورڈ بنانا چاہتے ہیں تو آپ کو نیا فولڈر بنانا ہوگا ، اور اس سے بورڈ بورڈ اسٹوریج ایریا میں نیا بورڈ تشکیل پائے گا (جو آپ ترمیم کے موڈ میں درمیانی بار پر بورڈز جانے پر دیکھ سکتے ہیں)۔
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+نیا خالی بورڈ فوری طور پر ترمیم کے لئے دستیاب ہوگا اور اسے روٹ بورڈ (بلڈ بٹن کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے) کے طور پر مقرر کیا جاسکتا ہے ، اس کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ اگلی بار جب آپ بورڈ کھولیں گے تو یہ پہلا بورڈ ہوگا۔
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+نیا فولڈر بنانے کے ل begin ، دائیں جانب والے لاک بٹن کو منتخب کرکے اسکرین کو غیر مقفل کرکے شروع کریں۔ ایک بار جب آپ اسکرین کو غیر مقفل کرتے ہیں تو ، ٹائل شامل کرنے کے لئے ، دائیں ہاتھ کی طرف سے جمع (+) علامت کا انتخاب کریں۔ اس کے بعد آپ کو ایک ٹائل / بٹن شامل کرنے کا اختیار دیا جائے گا جو پہلا اور خودکار آپشن ہے یا فولڈر کو منتخب کریں۔ یہ عمل ایک نیا بورڈ بناتا ہے جس میں آپ مزید ٹائلیں اور فولڈر شامل کرسکتے ہیں۔
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+ایک بار جب آپ نے فولڈر کا نام لیا ہے تو آپ رنگین ترتیب اور لیبل کے ساتھ ٹائل بنانے کے لئے اسی طرح ایک تصویر اپ لوڈ کرسکتے ہیں۔ یہ نیا فولڈر خود بخود اس کے اوپر والے بورڈ سے لنک ہوجائے گا (اگر ٹائلوں کی ایک قطار بھی شامل ہو)۔ یہ آپ کے بورڈ کی فہرست میں خالی بورڈ کے بطور ظاہر ہوگا جب تک کہ یہ علامتوں اور لیبلوں سے آباد نہ ہوجائے۔
### میں بورڈ میں موجود بورڈ کو کس طرح شخصی بناتا ہوں؟
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+کسی موجودہ بورڈ کو ذاتی نوعیت دینے کے ل the ، بورڈ کے اوپر بار کے اوپری دائیں کونے پر LOCK منتخب کریں ، (ایک کراس والے تیر کے نیچے)۔ ایک بار جب آپ یہ کر لیتے ہیں تو ، سیاہ ہوم ہوم بار کے نیچے ایک اور بار نظر آئے گا ، اور آپ کو ٹائل یا سیل شامل کرنے کے لئے بائیں جانب بائیں طرف ایک چھوٹا سا بلاک (EDIT) آئیکن ملے گا۔ ایک بار جب بلاک منتخب ہوجائے تو ، گرے بار کو نیلے رنگ کا ہونا چاہئے ، اور دائیں طرف آپ کو ایک چھوٹی سی ردی کی ٹوکری اور ایک پنسل نظر آئے گی۔
-
+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+بورڈ کو ذاتی نوعیت دینے کے ل the ، پنسل کا انتخاب کریں اور آپ لیبل کو تبدیل کرنے ، ایک تصویر اپ لوڈ کرنے ، اور ووکیلائزیشن کو شامل کرنے کے اہل ہوں گے۔
### کیا میں بورڈ میں ترمیم کرتے وقت اپنی تصاویر استعمال کرسکتا ہوں؟
-ہاں ، بورڈ میں ترمیم کرتے وقت آپ اپنی تصویر خود ہی استعمال کرسکتے ہیں۔ In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). آپ اپنی تصویر کے ساتھ موجود ٹائل کو بھی ایڈٹ کرسکتے ہیں۔
+ہاں ، بورڈ میں ترمیم کرتے وقت آپ اپنی تصویر خود ہی استعمال کرسکتے ہیں۔ اپنی تصویر کو استعمال کرنے کے ل، ، جب آپ نیا ٹائل بنائیں گے تو آپ یہ تصویر اپ لوڈ کرسکتے ہیں (صفحہ کھولنے کے بعد گرے بار میں پلس سائن (+) منتخب کرکے)۔ آپ اپنی تصویر کے ساتھ موجود ٹائل کو بھی ایڈٹ کرسکتے ہیں۔
### کیا میں کسی بورڈ میں عناصر کی ترتیب کو تبدیل کرسکتا ہوں؟
-جی ہاں! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+جی ہاں! جب آپ بورڈ میں ترمیم کررہے ہیں تو ، LOCK علامت کا استعمال کرکے اسکرین کو غیر مقفل کریں۔ اس کے بعد بائیں طرف EDIT بلاک کا نشان منتخب کریں (بلڈ آئیکن کے نیچے) اس کے بعد آپ جہاں کہیں بھی اسے اسی بورڈ میں رکھنا چاہتے ہو وہاں پر تصویرگرام / علامت یا فولڈر کو گھسیٹ سکتے ہیں۔
### میں ترمیم کرنے کے لئے متعدد عناصر کو کس طرح منتخب کروں؟
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+اسی طرح آپ کسی بورڈ میں عناصر کی ترتیب کو تبدیل کرتے ہیں ، لیکن منتخب کرنے اور گھسیٹنے کے بجائے ، آپ پینکگرام / علامت مربع کے اندر کا دائرہ منتخب کرتے ہیں۔ بہت سی علامتوں میں ترمیم کرنے کے لئے آپ ایک سے زیادہ منتخب کرسکتے ہیں۔ ایسا کرنے کے بعد ، دائیں جانب پینسل آئیکن کا انتخاب کریں اور اس سے آپ منتخب کردہ عناصر میں ترمیم کرسکیں گے۔
### جب میں ٹائل میں ترمیم کر رہا ہوں تو میں نئی علامتوں کو کیسے تلاش کرسکتا ہوں؟
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+بورڈ بار کے بائیں جانب ای ڈی آئی ٹی بلاک کا آئیکن منتخب کریں اور جس تصویر / علامت کو تبدیل کرنا چاہتے ہو اسے منتخب کریں۔ اسے منتخب کریں اور ایک بار نیلے رنگ کی انگوٹھی میں نشان لگنے کے بعد ، دائیں طرف پینسل آئیکن پر جائیں۔ پنسل کو منتخب کرنے کے بعد آپ دیکھیں گے کہ علامت کی تلاش کے لئے ایک میگنیفائنگ گلاس کا آئیکن موجود ہے۔ جب تلاش کی خصوصیت چالو ہوجائے گی تو آپ ترمیم بار میں سرچ سیمبول لائبریری دیکھیں گے۔ جس تصور / لیبل / لفظ کو آپ ڈھونڈ رہے ہیں اس میں ٹائپ کریں اور علامتیں ظاہر ہوں گی۔ ایک بار جب آپ نے ایک علامت منتخب کی ہے تو وہ خود بخود آپ ترمیم کریں ٹائل پیج پر واپس آئے گا۔
## برآمد اور درآمد۔
### میں اپنے بورڈ کو بورڈ میں کیسے برآمد کرسکتا ہوں؟
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+اپنے بورڈ کو بورڈ میں ایکسپورٹ کرنے کے لئے ، ترتیب پر جائیں ، اور جیسے ہی آپ کی ترتیبات کو کھولیں گے ، زبان اور تقریر کے نیچے ، برآمدی کا اختیار نیچے کی طرف آنے والے ایک تیر کی طرح نمودار ہوگا۔
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+ایکسپورٹ کو منتخب کریں ، اور اوپن بورڈ یا ایکسپورٹ میں سے کسی ایک کا انتخاب کرکے اپنا بورڈ ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں۔
### میں بورڈ کو بورڈ میں کیسے درآمد کرسکتا ہوں؟
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+بورڈ کو درآمد کرنے کے لئے ، برآمد کرنے کے لئے استعمال ہونے والے اقدامات پر عمل کریں۔ امپورٹ ایکسپورٹ کے نیچے ہے ، ایک اوپر والا سمت والا تیر جس کے نیچے افقی بار ہے۔
### درآمد / برآمد کے لئے کی بورڈ کس فائل کی شکل استعمال کرتا ہے؟
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+بورڈوں کو درآمد اور برآمد کرنے کے ل two آپ کے پاس دو اختیارات ہیں:
* کی بورڈ دیسی فائل بورڈ استعمال کریں۔
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* اوپن بورڈ فارمیٹ شدہ فائلوں کا استعمال کریں۔ [اوپن بورڈ فارمیٹ کے بارے میں مزید معلومات حاصل کریں](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## صلاحیتوں کو ظاہر کریں۔
### میں ڈسپلے میں کیا تبدیل کرسکتا ہوں؟
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+ڈسپلے کی ترتیبات SYSTEM زمرے میں ، SETTINGS میں ترمیم کی جاسکتی ہیں۔ ڈسپلے کا اختیار برآمد اور درآمد کے نیچے ہے۔ ایک بار جب آپ ڈسپلے منتخب کرتے ہیں تو ، آپ جس مطلوبہ سائز کو منتخب کر کے یوزر انٹرفیس (UI) سائز کے ساتھ ساتھ ایپ فونٹ سائز کو تبدیل کرسکتے ہیں۔ ریڈ ڈاٹ اس سائز کے نیچے ہونا چاہئے جس کا آپ انتخاب کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔
### کیا میں بورڈ پر بٹنوں کا سائز تبدیل کر سکتا ہوں؟
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+جی ہاں! آپ ترتیب میں ٹائل یا بٹن کا سائز تبدیل کرسکتے ہیں۔ سسٹم کے زمرے میں ، ڈسپلے منتخب کریں اور آپ کو سائز کے لئے 3 اختیارات دیئے جائیں گے: معیاری ، بڑا ، اضافی بڑا۔ ذیل میں اعداد و شمار ملاحظہ کریں:
-
+
## اسکین کر رہا ہے۔
### کیا میں علامتوں تک رسائی کے ل to سکیننگ کی تکنیک استعمال کرسکتا ہوں؟
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+اسکیننگ وہ جگہ ہے جہاں وقت کے ساتھ ساتھ سلیکشن سیٹ میں آئٹمز کو ترتیب سے پیش کیا جاتا ہے اور صارف بالواسطہ طور پر سلیکشن کرتا ہے ، عام طور پر سوئچ تک رسائی کے ذریعہ۔ بورڈ پر اسکیننگ SETTINGS اور SYSTEM زمرے میں کام کرتی ہے۔ اسکیننگ کے ل different مختلف ترتیبات موجود ہیں۔ آپ کو پہلے انابلی کو منتخب کرکے سکیننگ کی ترتیب کو چالو کرنا چاہئے۔ اس کے بعد آپ وقت کی تاخیر کے ساتھ ساتھ طریقہ کار (یا تو خود کار طریقے سے یا دستی) کا انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں۔ براہ کرم آگاہ رہیں کہ جب کوئی گولی یا اسمارٹ فون استعمال کرتے ہیں تو ، اس میں اپنا بلٹ ان اسکیننگ کا اختیار بھی ہوسکتا ہے۔
-## Communicator builder
+## مواصلات کرنے والا بلڈر
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### بات چیت کرنے والا بلڈر کیا ہے؟
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+بات چیت کرنے والا بلڈر ایک خصوصیت ہے جو آپ کو بورڈ کو کاپی کرنے ، حذف کرنے ، شائع کرنے ، شامل کرنے اور اسے ہٹانے کی سہولت فراہم کرتا ہے۔ فعالیت تک رسائی حاصل کرنے کے ل you آپ کو ترتیبات کو غیر مقفل کرنے اور 'بل' بٹن پر کلک کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔ آپ کو ایک نیا صفحہ تین مختلف ٹیبز پر مرتب نظر آئے گا: بورڈز ، عوامی بورڈز ، میرے تمام بورڈز۔ ذیل میں اعداد و شمار ملاحظہ کریں:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### کمیونیکیٹر بورڈ
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+مواصلات کرنے والے بلڈر میں آپ جو طے شدہ ٹیب دیکھیں گے وہ ہے مواصلاتی بورڈز کا ٹیب ، جو آپ کے مواصلات میں شامل تمام بورڈز کو دکھائے گا۔ آپ درج ذیل ایکشن بٹنوں سے اپنے مواصلات میں تبدیلیاں لا سکتے ہیں۔
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* بورڈ کو مواصلات سے ہٹائیں: یہ بٹن بورڈ کو مواصلات سے الگ کردے گا لیکن بورڈ کو ڈیٹا بیس سے حذف نہیں کرے گا اور یہ اب بھی 'میرے تمام بورڈز' کے ٹیب کے تحت دستیاب ہے۔
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* بورڈ کو جڑ کے طور پر مقرر کریں: جب آپ بورڈ پر لاگ ان ہوں گے تو یہ بٹن بورڈ کو پہلے بورڈ کے طور پر ظاہر کرے گا۔
-
+
-### Public boards
+### عوامی بورڈ
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* کاپی بورڈ: یہ بٹن بورڈ کی ایک کاپی تیار کرے گا اور وہ اسے آپ کے مواصلات میں شامل کردے گا۔ چونکہ یہ عوامی بورڈ کی ایک کاپی ہے ، لہذا آپ اصل عوامی بورڈ کو متاثر کیے بغیر اس بورڈ میں ترمیم کرسکتے ہیں۔
-
+
-### All my boards
+### میرے سارے بورڈ
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+براہ کرم نوٹ کریں کہ JUST کے رجسٹرڈ صارف اس ٹیب کی فعالیت تک رسائی حاصل کرسکتے ہیں۔
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* بورڈ کو مواصلات سے ہٹائیں: یہ بٹن بورڈ کو مواصلات سے الگ کردے گا لیکن بورڈ کو ڈیٹا بیس سے حذف نہیں کرے گا اور یہ اب بھی دستیاب ہے۔
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* کمیونیکیٹر میں بورڈ شامل کریں: اس بٹن میں کمیونیکیٹر میں بورڈ شامل ہوگا۔
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* بورڈ شائع کریں: یہ عمل بورڈ کو عوامی بنائے گا اور اسے عوامی بورڈ کے ٹیب کے تحت دکھایا جائے گا۔ ہر کوئی آپ کا بورڈ دیکھ سکتا ہے۔
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * غیر شائع شدہ بورڈ: اس کارروائی سے بورڈ نجی ہوجائے گا اور اسے عوامی بورڈ کے ٹیب کے تحت نہیں دکھایا جائے گا۔ کوئی بھی آپ کا بورڈ نہیں دیکھ سکتا ہے۔
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * بورڈ کو حذف کریں: یہ عمل بورڈ کو حذف کردے گا اور اسے بازیافت نہیں کیا جاسکتا۔ بورڈ کو ڈیٹا بیس سے ہٹا دیا جائے گا۔
-
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index e9a012056..5cbf3c950 100644
--- a/src/translations/help/vi-VN.md
+++ b/src/translations/help/vi-VN.md
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* [Làm thế nào để tôi chia sẻ một bảng?](#HowdoIshareaboard)
* [Đang nói](#Talking)
* [Làm cách nào để thêm giọng nói được ghi âm cá nhân vào biểu tượng trên Cboard?](#HowdoIaddapersonallyrecordedvoicetosymbolsonCboard)
- * [How do I switch to a different voice?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
- * [How do I change how a voice sounds?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
+ * [Làm thế nào để tôi chuyển sang một giọng nói khác?](#HowdoIswitchtoadifferentvoice)
+ * [Làm thế nào để tôi thay đổi giọng nói như thế nào?](#HowdoIchangehowavoicesounds)
* [Ban chỉnh sửa](#BoardEditing)
* [Làm thế nào để tôi tạo một bảng trống?](#HowdoIcreateanemptyboard)
* [Làm cách nào để cá nhân hóa một bảng hiện có trong Cboard?](#HowdoIpersonalizeanexistingboardinCboard)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
* [Tôi có thể thay đổi kích thước các nút trên Cboard không?](#CanIresizebuttonsonCboard)
* [Quét](#Scanning)
* [Tôi có thể sử dụng các kỹ thuật quét để truy cập các biểu tượng không?](#CanIusescanningtechniquestoaccesssymbols)
-* [Communicator builder](#CommunicatorBuilder)
- * [What is the communicator builder?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
- * [Communicator boards](#CommunicatorBoards)
- * [Public boards](#PublicBoards)
- * [All my boards](#Allmyboards)
+* [Xây dựng giao tiếp](#CommunicatorBuilder)
+ * [Các nhà xây dựng truyền thông là gì?](#Whatiscommbuilder)
+ * [Ban truyền thông](#CommunicatorBoards)
+ * [Bảng công khai](#PublicBoards)
+ * [Tất cả các bảng của tôi](#Allmyboards)
## Bảng là gì?
@@ -63,139 +63,139 @@ Cboard là một ứng dụng web miễn phí dành cho trẻ em và người l
### Làm thế nào để tôi đăng ký Cboard?
-To register for Cboard, begin by following the steps on the Welcome page where you will find a choice of logins.
+Để đăng ký Cboard, hãy bắt đầu bằng cách làm theo các bước trên trang Chào mừng, nơi bạn sẽ tìm thấy lựa chọn đăng nhập.
-
+
-
+
-If you are a new user, press SIGN UP, and a short form will pop up asking for basic information in order to create your account.
+Nếu bạn là người dùng mới, hãy nhấn ĐĂNG KÝ và một biểu mẫu ngắn sẽ bật lên yêu cầu thông tin cơ bản để tạo tài khoản của bạn.
-
+
-Once you have filled out this information, you will receive an e-mail shortly after with a link to follow in order to confirm your account.
+Khi bạn đã điền thông tin này, bạn sẽ nhận được e-mail ngay sau khi có liên kết để theo dõi để xác nhận tài khoản của bạn.
-
+
-This information is only held by the company to support use of Cboard and offer help when necessary. It is not shared with other organizations, (See [Privacy details](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
+Thông tin này chỉ được tổ chức bởi công ty để hỗ trợ sử dụng Cboard và cung cấp trợ giúp khi cần thiết. Nó không được chia sẻ với các tổ chức khác, (Xem [Chi tiết về quyền riêng tư](https://www.cboard.io/privacy/)).
-Once you have verified your account you will have access to Cboard, and will receive another e-mail confirming you were successfully verified your account.
+Khi bạn đã xác minh tài khoản của mình, bạn sẽ có quyền truy cập vào Cboard và sẽ nhận được một email khác xác nhận bạn đã xác minh thành công tài khoản của mình.
### Tôi có thể tự đăng ký bằng tài khoản truyền thông xã hội của mình không?
-Yes! On the login page, you will be given the option to sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you wish to do so. You can also register with an e-mail address.
+Đúng! Trên trang đăng nhập, bạn sẽ được cung cấp tùy chọn đăng ký bằng tài khoản Google hoặc Facebook nếu bạn muốn làm như vậy. Bạn cũng có thể đăng ký với một địa chỉ email.
### Làm cách nào để tôi đăng nhập vào Cboard sau khi tôi là người dùng đã đăng ký?
-To log in to Cboard, you follow the first step used to sign up, but instead of selecting SIGN UP on the Welcome screen, select LOGIN. You will then be asked to provide the e-mail you initially signed up with, and the password you set up.
+Để đăng nhập vào Cboard, bạn làm theo bước đầu tiên được sử dụng để đăng ký, nhưng thay vì chọn ĐĂNG KÝ trên màn hình Chào mừng, hãy chọn ĐĂNG NHẬP. Sau đó, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu cung cấp e-mail mà bạn đã đăng ký ban đầu và mật khẩu bạn đã thiết lập.
-
+
-### What are the different options to configure Cboard?
+### Các tùy chọn khác nhau để cấu hình Cboard là gì?
-Once you login to Cboard, you can access different options to configure and develop the Communication Board provided when Cboard is in unlocked mode. See the list of all the key options below:
+Khi bạn đăng nhập vào Cboard, bạn có thể truy cập các tùy chọn khác nhau để định cấu hình và phát triển Bảng giao tiếp được cung cấp khi Cboard ở chế độ mở khóa. Xem danh sách tất cả các tùy chọn chính bên dưới:
-
+
-### How do I logout?
+### Làm thế nào để tôi đăng xuất?
-You can log out by selecting the settings icon, and the option will appear in red. You can also select the lock symbol on the right corner, click three times and once you unlocked the screen and the red bar appears, select the icon to the left of the lock (your picture if you have one loaded) and the option to log out will appear in red.
+Bạn có thể đăng xuất bằng cách chọn biểu tượng cài đặt và tùy chọn sẽ xuất hiện màu đỏ. Bạn cũng có thể chọn biểu tượng khóa ở góc bên phải, nhấp ba lần và khi bạn mở khóa màn hình và thanh màu đỏ xuất hiện, chọn biểu tượng ở bên trái của khóa (ảnh của bạn nếu bạn đã tải) và tùy chọn để đăng nhập ra sẽ xuất hiện trong màu đỏ.
-
+
-### What is the difference between a registered and a non-registered user?
+### Sự khác biệt giữa người dùng đã đăng ký và người dùng không đăng ký là gì?
-A registered user is able to personalize their boards, and the changes made will be saved to their account so that when they log back in, they can use their customized boards. A non-registered user won't be able to save changes safely. We recommend registering just in case, so your changes are guaranteed to be saved.
+Người dùng đã đăng ký có thể cá nhân hóa bảng của họ và những thay đổi được thực hiện sẽ được lưu vào tài khoản của họ để khi họ đăng nhập lại, họ có thể sử dụng bảng tùy chỉnh của mình. Người dùng chưa đăng ký sẽ không thể lưu các thay đổi một cách an toàn. Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên đăng ký chỉ trong trường hợp, vì vậy những thay đổi của bạn được đảm bảo sẽ được lưu.
-### How do I update my user information?
+### Làm cách nào để cập nhật thông tin người dùng?
-To update your user information, follow the same steps you would use if you were trying to log out. Select the lock symbol on the top right corner of the board – three clicks or taps, and once you unlock the screen, select the icon to the left of the lock (user name initials, photo), and you can then edit your user information.
+Để cập nhật thông tin người dùng của bạn, hãy làm theo các bước tương tự bạn sẽ sử dụng nếu bạn đang cố gắng đăng xuất. Chọn biểu tượng khóa ở góc trên cùng bên phải của bảng - ba lần nhấp hoặc chạm và khi bạn mở khóa màn hình, hãy chọn biểu tượng ở bên trái của khóa (tên người dùng tên, ảnh) và sau đó bạn có thể chỉnh sửa thông tin người dùng của mình .
-### How do I reset my password?
+### Làm thế nào để thiết lập lại mật khẩu của tôi?
-In order to reset your password, please e-mail support@cboard.io and we will get back to you.
+Để đặt lại mật khẩu của bạn, vui lòng gửi email tới support@cboard.io và chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc lại với bạn.
## Giá bán
-### How much does Cboard cost?
+### Cboard giá bao nhiêu?
-Cboard is completely free of any charge.
+Cboard là hoàn toàn miễn phí.
## Đặc trưng
-### What devices and OS are supported?
+### Những thiết bị và hệ điều hành nào được hỗ trợ?
-Cboard is available online using a wide variety of devices, including desktops, tablets and mobile phones using Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is best viewed in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari and an Android app is available from Google Play.
+Cboard có sẵn trực tuyến bằng nhiều loại thiết bị, bao gồm máy tính để bàn, máy tính bảng và điện thoại di động sử dụng hệ điều hành Mac, Windows và Android. Nó được xem tốt nhất trong các trình duyệt như Chrome, Firefox, Edge và Safari và một ứng dụng Android có sẵn từ Google Play.
-
+
-Because Cboard is a web based app it will respond to the settings provided by the individual browsers. This may mean you have different results to the settings provided by Cboard. For example you may find different speech options being offered.
+Bởi vì Cboard là một ứng dụng dựa trên web, nó sẽ đáp ứng các cài đặt được cung cấp bởi các trình duyệt riêng lẻ. Điều này có thể có nghĩa là bạn có kết quả khác với các cài đặt được cung cấp bởi Cboard. Ví dụ, bạn có thể tìm thấy các tùy chọn lời nói khác nhau đang được cung cấp.
-Don’t forget you can also use browser magnification or zoom to a certain degree depending on the computer, tablet or phone screen size.
+Đừng quên bạn cũng có thể sử dụng phóng to hoặc thu phóng trình duyệt ở một mức độ nhất định tùy thuộc vào kích thước màn hình máy tính, máy tính bảng hoặc điện thoại.
-Please ask Cboard about using high contrast mode for those with visual impairment as browser based options are not helpful when using this type of web app.
+Vui lòng hỏi Cboard về việc sử dụng chế độ tương phản cao cho những người khiếm thị vì các tùy chọn dựa trên trình duyệt không hữu ích khi sử dụng loại ứng dụng web này.
-### Which languages are supported by Cboard?
+### Những ngôn ngữ nào được hỗ trợ bởi Cboard?
-Cboard comes with support for 33 languages. To select a different language go to SETTINGS – select LANGUAGE and those available will appear. Make a choice and a ‘tick’ will appear beside the language.
+Cboard đi kèm với sự hỗ trợ cho 33 ngôn ngữ. Để chọn một ngôn ngữ khác, hãy đi tới CÀI ĐẶT - chọn NGÔN NGỮ và những ngôn ngữ có sẵn sẽ xuất hiện. Đưa ra lựa chọn và một 'tick' sẽ xuất hiện bên cạnh ngôn ngữ.
-### Can Cboard read my message out aloud?
+### Cboard có thể đọc to tin nhắn của tôi không?
-Yes, Cboard uses the synthetic speech output available on your device to read out individual labels found below each symbol as they are added to the message output box. You can select a complete message and it will also be read aloud. If a personalised recording of a sound, word or phrase has been added to a symbol (instructions under Talking – Voice Recordings) you will hear that recording instead of the synthesised voice. This can be very helpful where a translation is not available in a language, a child’s voice is needed or an accent is unacceptable. Please ensure web access has been given to your microphone.
+Có, Cboard sử dụng đầu ra giọng nói tổng hợp có sẵn trên thiết bị của bạn để đọc các nhãn riêng lẻ được tìm thấy bên dưới mỗi ký hiệu khi chúng được thêm vào hộp đầu ra tin nhắn. Bạn có thể chọn một tin nhắn hoàn chỉnh và nó cũng sẽ được đọc to. Nếu bản ghi âm được cá nhân hóa của một âm thanh, từ hoặc cụm từ đã được thêm vào biểu tượng (hướng dẫn trong phần Nói - Ghi âm giọng nói), bạn sẽ nghe bản ghi âm đó thay vì giọng nói được tổng hợp. Điều này có thể rất hữu ích khi bản dịch không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ, giọng nói của trẻ là cần thiết hoặc giọng nói không được chấp nhận. Vui lòng đảm bảo quyền truy cập web đã được cung cấp cho micrô của bạn.
-### Speech capabilities
+### Khả năng nói
-In order to adjust speech capabilities, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH, you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Để điều chỉnh khả năng nói, hãy vào CÀI ĐẶT và trong danh mục NGÔN NGỮ là danh mục LOẠI. Khi bạn chọn LOẠI, bạn sẽ có thể chỉnh sửa cao độ và tốc độ nói trên Cboard.
-
+
-### Export and import
+### Xuất khẩu và nhập khẩu
-Both options to export are within SETTINGS in the SYSTEM category, below Language and Speech. The EXPORT category will give you the option to upload either an OpenBoard or PDF. The IMPORT category will open your saved files once you select RESTORE.
+Cả hai tùy chọn để xuất đều nằm trong CÀI ĐẶT trong danh mục HỆ THỐNG, bên dưới Ngôn ngữ và Lời nói. Danh mục XUẤT sẽ cung cấp cho bạn tùy chọn để tải lên OpenBoard hoặc PDF. Danh mục NHẬP sẽ mở các tệp đã lưu của bạn sau khi bạn chọn RESTORE.
-
+
-### Display capabilities
+### Khả năng hiển thị
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is right below Export and Import. One you select DISPLAY, you can change the UI size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Cài đặt hiển thị có thể được chỉnh sửa trong CÀI ĐẶT, trong danh mục HỆ THỐNG. Tùy chọn Hiển thị ngay bên dưới Xuất và Nhập. Một bạn chọn HIỂN THỊ, bạn có thể thay đổi kích thước UI cũng như kích thước Phông chữ của ứng dụng bằng cách chọn kích thước bạn muốn. Dấu chấm màu đỏ nên có kích thước bạn muốn chọn.
-
+
-### Can I change any navigation settings?
+### Tôi có thể thay đổi bất kỳ cài đặt điều hướng?
-Use the NAVIGATION section to edit and facilitate the way you use to move around Cboard and delete symbols in the message box. Navigation at the end of the SYSTEM Category in SETTINGS allows you to have a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select. It is also possible to allow a delete (‘x’) button to appear above each symbol as they are presented within the message box. This can make it easier to delete symbols within a sentence. But be aware of user needs as it can also confuse some individuals.
+Sử dụng phần DI CHUYỂN để chỉnh sửa và tạo điều kiện cho cách bạn sử dụng để di chuyển xung quanh Bảng và xóa các ký hiệu trong hộp thông báo. Điều hướng ở cuối Danh mục HỆ THỐNG trong CÀI ĐẶT cho phép bạn có nút 'quay lại' lớn hơn để dễ chọn hơn. Cũng có thể cho phép nút xóa ('x') xuất hiện phía trên mỗi biểu tượng khi chúng được hiển thị trong hộp thông báo. Điều này có thể làm cho nó dễ dàng hơn để xóa các biểu tượng trong một câu. Nhưng hãy lưu ý đến nhu cầu của người dùng vì nó cũng có thể gây nhầm lẫn cho một số cá nhân.
-### Navigation through the interface
+### Điều hướng qua giao diện
-In order to edit and facilitate navigating through Cboard, select NAVIGATION, the last menu item within SYSTEM (all in Settings) allows you to add certain details to make using the board easier. The first option within Navigation allows a larger ‘back’ button that is easier to select because of the size. The second adds an ‘x’ button to make it easier to delete symbols, and the third makes it easier to unlock by requiring only one click to unlock settings.
+Để chỉnh sửa và hỗ trợ điều hướng qua Cboard, chọn DI CHUYỂN, mục menu cuối cùng trong HỆ THỐNG (tất cả trong Cài đặt) cho phép bạn thêm một số chi tiết nhất định để sử dụng bảng dễ dàng hơn. Tùy chọn đầu tiên trong Điều hướng cho phép nút 'trở lại' lớn hơn, dễ chọn hơn vì kích thước. Nút thứ hai thêm nút 'x' để giúp xóa biểu tượng dễ dàng hơn và nút thứ ba giúp mở khóa dễ dàng hơn bằng cách chỉ cần một cú nhấp chuột để mở khóa cài đặt.
-
+
## Cài đặt
-### How do I access settings in Cboard?
+### Làm cách nào để truy cập cài đặt trong Cboard?
-Once you log in to Cboard, the HOME page will open.
+Khi bạn đăng nhập vào Cboard, trang HOME sẽ mở ra.
-In order to access SETTINGS, select the small lock on the right-hand side three times, below the arrow. Once you have done this, a grey bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and the ‘settings’ button will appear directly to the left of the lock on the HOME bar, the second from the right.
+Để truy cập CÀI ĐẶT, chọn khóa nhỏ ở phía bên phải ba lần, bên dưới mũi tên. Khi bạn đã hoàn thành việc này, một thanh màu xám sẽ xuất hiện bên dưới thanh HOME màu đen và nút 'cài đặt' sẽ xuất hiện trực tiếp ở bên trái của khóa trên thanh HOME, thứ hai từ bên phải.
-### How do I print my board set in Cboard?
+### Làm cách nào để in bảng của tôi được đặt trong Cboard?
-To print your board, press the printer logo on the left hand side of the black HOME bar, after having unlocked the HOME page. An Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) will be downloaded to your technology.
+Để in bảng của bạn, nhấn logo máy in ở phía bên trái của thanh HOME màu đen, sau khi đã mở khóa trang HOME. Tài liệu Adobe Portable (.pdf) sẽ được tải xuống công nghệ của bạn.
-### How do I see Cboard in fullscreen?
+### Làm cách nào để xem Cboard trong toàn màn hình?
-In order to see Cboard in fullscreen, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, and then on the highest row (the black bar), the second symbol from the left that looks like a rectangle expands the screen.
+Để xem Cboard ở chế độ toàn màn hình, hãy mở khóa màn hình bằng cách nhấn biểu tượng khóa ở phía bên tay phải, rồi ở hàng cao nhất (thanh màu đen), biểu tượng thứ hai từ bên trái trông giống như hình chữ nhật mở rộng màn hình.
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+
-### How do I share a board?
+### Làm thế nào để tôi chia sẻ một bảng?
-To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right hand side, then on the highest row (the black bar), the third symbol from the right gives you the option to share your board on either email, Facebook, Twitter, or copy the link to send to someone.
+Để chia sẻ bảng, mở khóa màn hình bằng cách nhấn biểu tượng khóa ở phía bên tay phải, sau đó ở hàng cao nhất (thanh màu đen), biểu tượng thứ ba từ bên phải cung cấp cho bạn tùy chọn chia sẻ bảng của bạn trên email, Facebook, Twitter, hoặc sao chép liên kết để gửi cho ai đó.
## Đang nói
-### How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?
+### Làm cách nào để thêm giọng nói được ghi âm cá nhân vào biểu tượng trên Cboard?
1. Đi đến bảng bạn muốn sử dụng.
@@ -217,123 +217,123 @@ To share a board, unlock the screen by pressing the lock symbol on the right han
### Làm thế nào để tôi chuyển sang một giọng nói khác?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice, go into settings, and under the LANGUAGE category is the SPEECH category. When you select SPEECH you will be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard. You can also record your own voice for the symbols following the steps on the answer for “How do I add a personally recorded voice to symbols on Cboard?”
+Để điều chỉnh khả năng / giọng nói, hãy đi vào cài đặt và trong danh mục LANGUAGE là danh mục LOẠI. Khi bạn chọn LOẠI, bạn sẽ có thể chỉnh sửa cao độ và tốc độ nói trên Cboard. Bạn cũng có thể ghi âm giọng nói của chính mình cho các biểu tượng theo các bước trong câu trả lời cho tên Làm thế nào để tôi thêm giọng nói được ghi âm cá nhân vào các biểu tượng trên Cboard?
### Làm thế nào để tôi thay đổi giọng nói như thế nào?
-In order to adjust speech capabilities/voice/sound, go into SETTINGS, and under the LANGUAGE category select the SPEECH category. You will then be able to edit the pitch and pace of speech on Cboard.
+Để điều chỉnh khả năng nói / giọng nói / âm thanh, hãy vào CÀI ĐẶT và trong danh mục NGÔN NGỮ, hãy chọn danh mục LOẠI. Sau đó, bạn sẽ có thể chỉnh sửa cao độ và tốc độ nói trên Cboard.
## Ban chỉnh sửa
### Làm thế nào để tôi tạo một bảng trống?
-In Cboard an empty board is equivalent to a folder.
+Trong Cboard, một bảng trống tương đương với một thư mục.
-If you want to create a new or empty board you have to create a new folder, and that will create a new board in the Cboard storage area (which you can see when you go to BOARDS on the middle bar in edit mode).
+Nếu bạn muốn tạo một bảng mới hoặc trống, bạn phải tạo một thư mục mới và nó sẽ tạo một bảng mới trong vùng lưu trữ Cboard (mà bạn có thể thấy khi bạn đi tới BOARDS trên thanh giữa ở chế độ chỉnh sửa).
-The new empty board will be immediately available for editing and can be set as the root board (using the build button), which means that it will be the first board you see the next time you open Cboard.
+Bảng trống mới sẽ ngay lập tức có sẵn để chỉnh sửa và có thể được đặt làm bảng gốc (sử dụng nút xây dựng), có nghĩa là nó sẽ là bảng đầu tiên bạn nhìn thấy trong lần mở Cboard tiếp theo.
-To create a new folder, begin by unlocking the screen selecting the lock button on the right hand side. Once you unlock the screen, select the plus (+) symbol on the right hand side, in order to ADD TILE. You will then be given the option to add a Tile / BUTTON which is the first and automatic option or select the FOLDER This action makes a NEW BOARD to which you can add more tiles and folders.
+Để tạo một thư mục mới, hãy bắt đầu bằng cách mở khóa màn hình chọn nút khóa ở phía bên tay phải. Khi bạn mở khóa màn hình, chọn biểu tượng dấu cộng (+) ở phía bên tay phải, để THÊM TILE. Sau đó, bạn sẽ được cung cấp tùy chọn để thêm Ngói / NÚT, đó là tùy chọn đầu tiên và tự động hoặc chọn FILEER Hành động này tạo ra một BAN MỚI để bạn có thể thêm nhiều ô và thư mục.
-Once you have named the folder you can upload an image in a similar manner to making a tile with a color setting and label. This new folder will automatically link to a board above it (if included a row of tiles). It will appear in your list of boards as an empty board until it is populated with symbols and labels.
+Khi bạn đã đặt tên cho thư mục, bạn có thể tải lên một hình ảnh theo cách tương tự như tạo một ô với cài đặt màu và nhãn. Thư mục mới này sẽ tự động liên kết với một bảng phía trên nó (nếu bao gồm một hàng gạch). Nó sẽ xuất hiện trong danh sách các bảng của bạn dưới dạng một bảng trống cho đến khi nó được điền với các biểu tượng và nhãn.
### Làm cách nào để cá nhân hóa một bảng hiện có trong Cboard?
-In order to personalize an existing board, select the LOCK on the top right hand corner of the bar above the board, (below the arrow with a cross). Once you have done this, another bar will appear below the black HOME bar, and you will find a small block (EDIT) icon on the left hand side to add a tile or cell. Once the block is selected, the grey bar should turn blue, and on the right hand side you will see a small trash can and a pencil.
+Để cá nhân hóa một bảng hiện có, chọn LOCK ở góc trên bên phải của thanh phía trên bảng, (bên dưới mũi tên có chữ thập). Khi bạn đã hoàn thành việc này, một thanh khác sẽ xuất hiện bên dưới thanh HOME màu đen và bạn sẽ tìm thấy biểu tượng khối nhỏ (EDIT) ở phía bên trái để thêm ô hoặc ô. Khi khối được chọn, thanh màu xám sẽ chuyển sang màu xanh và ở phía bên tay phải bạn sẽ thấy một thùng rác nhỏ và bút chì.
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+
-In order to personalize the board, select the pencil and you will be able to change the label, upload an image, and add Vocalization.
+Để cá nhân hóa bảng, chọn bút chì và bạn sẽ có thể thay đổi nhãn, tải lên hình ảnh và thêm Vocalization.
### Tôi có thể sử dụng hình ảnh của riêng tôi khi chỉnh sửa một bảng?
-Có, bạn có thể sử dụng hình ảnh của riêng bạn khi chỉnh sửa một bảng. In order to use your own picture, you can upload the image when you create a new tile (by selecting the PLUS SIGN (+) on the grey bar after unlocking the page). Bạn cũng có thể chỉnh sửa một ô hiện có với hình ảnh của riêng bạn.
+Có, bạn có thể sử dụng hình ảnh của riêng bạn khi chỉnh sửa một bảng. Để sử dụng hình ảnh của riêng bạn, bạn có thể tải lên hình ảnh khi bạn tạo một ô mới (bằng cách chọn TÍN HIỆU (+) trên thanh màu xám sau khi mở khóa trang). Bạn cũng có thể chỉnh sửa một ô hiện có với hình ảnh của riêng bạn.
### Tôi có thể thay đổi thứ tự của các yếu tố trong một bảng không?
-Đúng! When you are editing a board, unlock the screen using the LOCK symbol. Then select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side (below the BUILD icon). You can then drag the pictogram/symbol or folder to wherever you want to put it within the same board.
+Đúng! Khi bạn đang chỉnh sửa một bảng, mở khóa màn hình bằng biểu tượng LOCK. Sau đó chọn biểu tượng khối EDIT ở phía bên trái (bên dưới biểu tượng BUILD). Sau đó, bạn có thể kéo chữ tượng hình / biểu tượng hoặc thư mục đến bất cứ nơi nào bạn muốn đặt nó trong cùng một bảng.
### Làm cách nào để chọn nhiều yếu tố cần chỉnh sửa?
-The same way you change the ordering of elements in a board, but instead of selecting and dragging, you choose the circle inside the pictogram/symbol square. To edit many symbols you can choose more than one. After doing so, select the PENCIL icon on the right hand side and this will allow you to edit the elements selected.
+Giống như cách bạn thay đổi thứ tự các thành phần trong một bảng, nhưng thay vì chọn và kéo, bạn chọn vòng tròn bên trong hình vuông tượng hình / biểu tượng. Để chỉnh sửa nhiều biểu tượng, bạn có thể chọn nhiều hơn một. Sau khi làm như vậy, chọn biểu tượng PENCIL ở phía bên tay phải và điều này sẽ cho phép bạn chỉnh sửa các yếu tố đã chọn.
### Làm cách nào để tìm biểu tượng mới khi tôi chỉnh sửa ô?
-Select the EDIT block icon on the left hand side of the board bar and choose the pictogram/symbol you wish to change. Select it and once the blue ring has a tick, go to the PENCIL icon on the right. Having selected the pencil you will notice that there is a MAGNIFYING GLASS icon for symbol searching. When the search feature is activated you will see SEARCH SYMBOL LIBRARY in an edit bar. Type in the concept / label / word you are looking for and symbols will appear. Once you have selected one symbol it will automatically return you to the edit TILE page.
+Chọn biểu tượng khối EDIT ở phía bên trái của thanh bảng và chọn chữ tượng hình / biểu tượng bạn muốn thay đổi. Chọn nó và một khi vòng màu xanh có dấu tích, hãy chuyển đến biểu tượng PENCIL ở bên phải. Sau khi chọn bút chì, bạn sẽ nhận thấy rằng có một biểu tượng KÍNH TẠO để tìm kiếm biểu tượng. Khi tính năng tìm kiếm được kích hoạt, bạn sẽ thấy THƯ VIỆN BIỂU TƯỢNG TÌM KIẾM trong thanh chỉnh sửa. Nhập vào khái niệm / nhãn / từ bạn đang tìm kiếm và các biểu tượng sẽ xuất hiện. Khi bạn đã chọn một biểu tượng, nó sẽ tự động đưa bạn trở lại trang TILE chỉnh sửa.
## Xuất khẩu và nhập khẩu
### Làm cách nào để xuất bảng của tôi trong Cboard?
-In order to export your board in Cboard, go to SETTINGS, and as soon as you open Settings, the EXPORT option will appear as a downward facing arrow, below Language and Speech.
+Để xuất bảng của bạn trong Cboard, hãy đi tới CÀI ĐẶT và ngay khi bạn mở Cài đặt, tùy chọn XUẤT sẽ xuất hiện dưới dạng một mũi tên hướng xuống dưới, bên dưới Ngôn ngữ và Lời nói.
-Select EXPORT, and download your Cboard by selecting either OPENBOARD or EXPORT.
+Chọn XUẤT KHẨU và tải xuống Bảng của bạn bằng cách chọn OPENBOARD hoặc XUẤT.
### Làm cách nào để nhập bảng vào Cboard?
-In order to import a board, follow the steps used to Export. IMPORT is below Export, an upward facing arrow with a horizontal bar below it.
+Để nhập bảng, hãy làm theo các bước được sử dụng để Xuất. Nhập dưới bên dưới Xuất, một mũi tên hướng lên với một thanh ngang bên dưới nó.
### Cboard sử dụng định dạng tệp nào để nhập / xuất?
-In order to Import and Export boards you have two options:
+Để nhập và xuất bảng, bạn có hai tùy chọn:
* Sử dụng bảng tập tin gốc Cboard.
-* Use OpenBoard formatted files. [Learn more about Open Board Format](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
+* Sử dụng các tệp được định dạng OpenBoard. [Tìm hiểu thêm về Định dạng bảng mở](https://www.openboardformat.org/)
## Khả năng hiển thị
### Tôi có thể thay đổi gì trên màn hình?
-Display settings can be edited in SETTINGS, within the SYSTEM category. The Display option is below Export and Import. Once you select DISPLAY, you can change the User Interface (UI) size as well as the app Font size by selecting the size you want. The red dot should be under the size you want to choose.
+Cài đặt hiển thị có thể được chỉnh sửa trong CÀI ĐẶT, trong danh mục HỆ THỐNG. Tùy chọn Hiển thị bên dưới Xuất và Nhập. Khi bạn chọn HIỂN THỊ, bạn có thể thay đổi kích thước Giao diện người dùng (UI) cũng như kích thước Phông chữ của ứng dụng bằng cách chọn kích thước bạn muốn. Dấu chấm màu đỏ nên có kích thước bạn muốn chọn.
### Tôi có thể thay đổi kích thước các nút trên Cboard không?
-Yes! You can resize Tiles or Buttons in SETTINGS. In the category SYSTEM, select DISPLAY and you will be given 3 options for size: Standard, Large, Extra Large. See figure below:
+Đúng! Bạn có thể thay đổi kích thước Gạch hoặc Nút trong CÀI ĐẶT. Trong danh mục HỆ THỐNG, chọn HIỂN THỊ và bạn sẽ được cung cấp 3 tùy chọn cho kích thước: Tiêu chuẩn, Lớn, Cực lớn. Xem hình dưới đây:
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+
## Quét
### Tôi có thể sử dụng các kỹ thuật quét để truy cập các biểu tượng không?
-Scanning is where the items in the selection set are presented sequentially over time and the user makes a selection indirectly, usually by switch access. SCANNING on Cboard works within SETTINGS and the SYSTEM category. There are different settings for scanning. You should first enable the scanning setting by selecting ENABLE. You can then choose the time delay, as well as the method (either automatic or manual). Please be aware that when using a tablet or smartphone, it may also have its own built-in scanning option.
+Quét là nơi các mục trong bộ lựa chọn được trình bày liên tục theo thời gian và người dùng thực hiện lựa chọn gián tiếp, thường là bằng cách truy cập chuyển đổi. KẾ HOẠCH trên Cboard hoạt động trong CÀI ĐẶT và danh mục HỆ THỐNG. Có các cài đặt khác nhau để quét. Trước tiên, bạn nên bật cài đặt quét bằng cách chọn ENABLE. Sau đó, bạn có thể chọn thời gian trễ, cũng như phương thức (tự động hoặc thủ công). Xin lưu ý rằng khi sử dụng máy tính bảng hoặc điện thoại thông minh, nó cũng có thể có tùy chọn quét tích hợp riêng.
-## Communicator builder
+## Xây dựng giao tiếp
-### What is the communicator builder?
+### Các nhà xây dựng truyền thông là gì?
-The communicator builder is a feature that allows you to handle boards in order to copy, delete, publish, add and remove them. In order to access to the functionality you need to unlock settings and click on 'Build' buttton. You will see a new page structured on three different tabs: boards, public boards, all my boards. See figure below:
+Trình xây dựng giao tiếp là một tính năng cho phép bạn xử lý các bảng để sao chép, xóa, xuất bản, thêm và xóa chúng. Để truy cập vào chức năng, bạn cần mở khóa cài đặt và nhấp vào 'Build' mông. Bạn sẽ thấy một trang mới được cấu trúc trên ba tab khác nhau: bảng, bảng công khai, tất cả các bảng của tôi. Xem hình dưới đây:
-
+
-### Communicator boards
+### Ban truyền thông
-The default tab you will see in communicator builder is the communicator boards tab, that will display all boards included into your communicator. You can make changes in your communicator from following action buttons:
+Tab mặc định bạn sẽ thấy trong trình tạo trình truyền thông là tab bảng giao tiếp, sẽ hiển thị tất cả các bảng được bao gồm trong trình truyền thông của bạn. Bạn có thể thay đổi thiết bị liên lạc của mình từ các nút hành động sau:
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available under 'All my boards' tab.
+* Xóa bảng khỏi bộ truyền thông: cái mông này sẽ thoát bảng khỏi bộ truyền thông nhưng S NOT KHÔNG xóa bảng khỏi cơ sở dữ liệu và nó vẫn có sẵn trong tab 'Tất cả các bảng của tôi'.
-* Set board as root: this buttton will define the board as the first board to be displayed every time you login to Cboard.
+* Đặt bảng là root: cái mông này sẽ xác định bảng là bảng đầu tiên được hiển thị mỗi khi bạn đăng nhập vào Cboard.
-
+
-### Public boards
+### Bảng công khai
-* Copy board: this buttton will create a copy of the board and it will add it into your communicator. As this is a copy of the public board, you can edit this board as you want without affecting the original public board.
+* Bảng sao chép: cái mông này sẽ tạo một bản sao của bảng và nó sẽ thêm nó vào thiết bị liên lạc của bạn. Vì đây là bản sao của bảng công khai, bạn có thể chỉnh sửa bảng này theo ý muốn mà không ảnh hưởng đến bảng công khai ban đầu.
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+
-### All my boards
+### Tất cả các bảng của tôi
-Please note that JUST registered users can access to this tab functionality.
+Xin lưu ý rằng người dùng đã đăng ký JUST có thể truy cập vào chức năng tab này.
-* Remove board from communicator: this buttton will quit the board from communicator but WILL NOT delete the board from the database and it is still available.
+* Xóa bảng khỏi bộ truyền thông: cái mông này sẽ thoát bảng khỏi bộ truyền thông nhưng S NOT KHÔNG xóa bảng khỏi cơ sở dữ liệu và nó vẫn có sẵn.
-* Add board to the communicator: this buttton will include the board to the communicator.
+* Thêm bảng vào bộ truyền thông: bộ mông này sẽ bao gồm bảng cho bộ giao tiếp.
-* Publish board: This action will make public the board and it will be displayed under the public boards tab. Everybody can see your board.
+* Ban xuất bản: Hành động này sẽ công khai bảng và nó sẽ được hiển thị dưới tab bảng công khai. Mọi người đều có thể nhìn thấy bảng của bạn.
- * Unpublish board: This action will make the board private and it won't be displayed under the public boards tab. Nobody can see your board.
+ * Bảng không công bố: Hành động này sẽ làm cho bảng ở chế độ riêng tư và bảng sẽ không được hiển thị dưới tab bảng công khai. Không ai có thể nhìn thấy bảng của bạn.
- * Delete board: This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. The board will be removed from the database.
+ * Xóa bảng: Hành động này sẽ xóa bảng và nó không thể được phục hồi. Bảng sẽ bị xóa khỏi cơ sở dữ liệu.
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+++ b/src/translations/hi-IN.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "सेटिंग्स",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "रंग",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "चयन साफ़ करें",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "रंग प्रणाली",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "पूर्ण स्क्रीन",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "पूर्ण स्क्रीन से बाहर निकलें",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "खोज प्रतीक लाइब्रेरी",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "टाइल्स की संख्या",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "बोर्ड की आईडी",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "अंतिम बार संपादित किया गया",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "विवरण",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "बोर्ड सफलतापूर्वक प्रकाशित! हर कोई अब आपके बोर्ड को देख सकता है।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "बोर्ड अप्रकाशित था! अब कोई भी आपके बोर्ड को नहीं देख सकता है।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "बोर्ड को स्थायी रूप से हटा दिया गया था।",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "यह क्रिया सार्वजनिक बोर्ड की एक प्रति बनाएगी और इसे आपके संचारक में जोड़ेगी। क्या आप आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "बोर्ड को हटा दें",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "यह कार्रवाई बोर्ड को हटा देगी और इसे पुनर्प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता है। क्या आप आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "बोर्ड विवरण",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "कृपया बोर्ड की सामग्री के बारे में एक संक्षिप्त विवरण प्रदान करें और बोर्ड का उद्देश्य क्या है।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "स्वीकार करना",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "बोर्ड छवि संपादित करें",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "आप या तो अपलोड कर सकते हैं या पुस्तकालयों से प्रतीकों की तलाश कर सकते हैं।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "प्रतीकों की खोज करें",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "बोर्ड का नाम और विवरण संपादित करें",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "फ़ोल्डर मुखर सक्षम करें",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "जब क्लिक किया जाता है तो फ़ोल्डर ज़ोर से पढ़ता है",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "निर्यात",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "एकल बोर्ड निर्यात करें",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "यह विकल्प आपके द्वारा बोर्ड की एक सूची से एकल बोर्ड का निर्यात करेगा। आप {cboardLink}, {link} या पीडीएफ प्रारूप चुन सकते हैं।",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "सभी बोर्डों का निर्यात करें",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "यदि आप {cboardLink} प्रारूप या {link} प्रारूप चुनते हैं तो यह विकल्प आपके पास मौजूद सभी बोर्डों को निर्यात करेगा। यदि आप पीडीएफ प्रारूप चुनते हैं तो यह वर्तमान बोर्ड को निर्यात करेगा।",
diff --git a/src/translations/hr-HR.json b/src/translations/hr-HR.json
index 34e79b977..b8d6876f8 100644
--- a/src/translations/hr-HR.json
+++ b/src/translations/hr-HR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Postavke",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Boja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Izbriši odabir",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Shema boja",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Puni zaslon",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Izlaz iz cijelog zaslona",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Pretraži galeriju simbola",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Broj pločica",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID ploče",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Zadnja izmjena",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Opis",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Ploča je uspješno objavljena! Sada svi mogu vidjeti vašu ploču.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Ploča više nije objavljena! Sada nitko ne može vidjeti vašu ploču.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Ploča je trajno izbrisana.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ova radnja će stvoriti kopiju javne ploče i dodati je u vaš komunikator. Želiš li nastaviti?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Izbriši ploču",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ova će akcija izbrisati ploču i nije je moguće vratiti. Želiš li nastaviti?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Opis ploče",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Unesite kratki opis sadržaja i koliko je ploča namijenjena.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Prihvati",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Uređivanje slike odbora",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Možete učitati ili pretražiti simbole iz knjižnica simbola.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Potražite simbole",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Uređivanje naziva i opisa ploče",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Omogući izgovor mape",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Čitaju se nazivi mapa naglas kad se kliknu",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Izvezi",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Izvezite jednu ploču",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ova će opcija izvesti jednu ploču koju imate na popisu ploča. Možete odabrati {cboardLink}, {link} ili PDF format.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Izvezi sve ploče",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ova će opcija izvesti SVE ploče koje imate ako odaberete format {cboardLink} ili {link} format. Ako odaberete PDF format, ono će izvoziti SAMO trenutnu ploču.",
diff --git a/src/translations/hu-HU.json b/src/translations/hu-HU.json
index bcefbdd95..36982c8d3 100644
--- a/src/translations/hu-HU.json
+++ b/src/translations/hu-HU.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Beállítások",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Szín",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Törölje a kiválasztást",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Színösszeállítás",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Teljes képernyő",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Kilépés a teljes képernyőről",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Keresés a szimbólumkönyvtárban",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Csempék száma",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Igazgatósági azonosító",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Utoljára szerkesztette",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Leírás",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "A fórum sikeresen megjelent! Most mindenki láthatja a fórumot.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "A fórumot nem tették közzé! Most senki nem láthatja a fórumot.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "A fórumot véglegesen törölték.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ez a művelet létrehozza a nyilvános fórum másolatát, és hozzáadja azt a kommunikátorhoz. Akarod folytatni?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Fórum törlése",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ez a művelet törli a táblát, és azt nem lehet helyreállítani. Akarod folytatni?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Fórum leírása",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Kérjük, írja le röviden a tábla tartalmát és mi a táblát szánták.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Elfogad",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Tábla kép szerkesztése",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Feltöltheti vagy kereshet szimbólumokat a könyvtárakból.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Szimbólumok keresése",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Szerkessze a fórum nevét és leírását",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "A mappa vokalizálásának engedélyezése",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "A mappák nevét hangosan kiolvassa, amikor rákattintanak",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Egyetlen tábla exportálása",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ez az opció egyetlen táblát exportál a táblák listájából. Választhat {cboardLink}, {link} vagy PDF formátumot.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportálja az összes táblát",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ez az opció MINDEN táblát exportál, ha {cboardLink} vagy {link} formátumot választ. Ha a PDF formátumot választja, akkor csak az aktuális táblát exportálja.",
diff --git a/src/translations/id-ID.json b/src/translations/id-ID.json
index 169dd79f0..ca6441e2e 100644
--- a/src/translations/id-ID.json
+++ b/src/translations/id-ID.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Pengaturan",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Warna",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Hapus seleksi",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Skema warna",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Layar penuh",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Keluar dari layar penuh",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Cari pustaka simbol",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Jumlah ubin",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID Dewan",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Terakhir diedit",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Deskripsi",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Papan berhasil diterbitkan! Semua orang dapat melihat papan Anda sekarang.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Papan tidak diterbitkan! Tidak ada yang bisa melihat papan Anda sekarang.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Papan dihapus secara permanen.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Tindakan ini akan membuat salinan dewan publik dan akan menambahkannya ke komunikator Anda. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Hapus Papan",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Tindakan ini akan menghapus papan dan itu tidak dapat dipulihkan. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Deskripsi Papan",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Harap berikan deskripsi singkat tentang konten papan dan tujuan papan itu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Menerima",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Gambar Papan",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Anda dapat mengunggah atau mencari simbol dari perpustakaan.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Cari simbol",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edit nama dan deskripsi papan",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Aktifkan vokalisasi folder",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Membaca nama folder dengan keras ketika diklik",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Ekspor",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Ekspor satu papan",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Opsi ini akan mengekspor satu papan yang Anda miliki dari daftar papan. Anda dapat memilih format {cboardLink}, {link} atau PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Ekspor Semua Papan",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Opsi ini akan mengekspor SEMUA papan yang Anda miliki jika Anda memilih {cboardLink} format atau {link} format. Ini akan mengekspor HANYA papan saat ini jika Anda memilih format PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/it-IT.json b/src/translations/it-IT.json
index d0857e4df..688680684 100644
--- a/src/translations/it-IT.json
+++ b/src/translations/it-IT.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "impostazioni",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Colore",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Cancella selezione",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Combinazione di colori",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "A schermo intero",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Esci dalla modalità schermo intero",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Cerca nella libreria dei simboli",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Numero di piastrelle",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID della scheda",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Ultima modifica",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Descrizione",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Scheda pubblicata con successo! Tutti possono vedere la tua tavola ora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "La scheda non è stata pubblicata! Nessuno può vedere la tua scheda ora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "La scheda è stata eliminata in modo permanente.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Questa azione creerà una copia della scheda pubblica e la aggiungerà al tuo comunicatore. Vuoi procedere?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Elimina scheda",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Questa azione eliminerà la scheda e non potrà essere recuperata. Vuoi procedere?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Descrizione della scheda",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Fornisci una breve descrizione del contenuto della bacheca e a cosa è destinata.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accettare",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Modifica immagine lavagna",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Puoi caricare o cercare simboli dalle librerie.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Cerca simboli",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Modifica il nome e la descrizione della scheda",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Abilita la vocalizzazione delle cartelle",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Legge ad alta voce il nome delle cartelle quando si fa clic",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Esportare",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Esporta una singola scheda",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Questa opzione esporterà una singola scheda che hai da un elenco di schede. Puoi scegliere i formati {cboardLink}, {link} o PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Esporta tutte le schede",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Questa opzione esporterà TUTTE le schede che hai se scegli {cboardLink} formato o {link} formato. Esporterà SOLO la scheda corrente se scegli il formato PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/ja-JP.json b/src/translations/ja-JP.json
index c073b7d88..4faf48508 100644
--- a/src/translations/ja-JP.json
+++ b/src/translations/ja-JP.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "設定",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "色",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "選択を解除",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "カラースキーム",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "全画面表示",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "全画面モード終了",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "シンボルライブラリの検索",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "タイル数",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ボードID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "最終編集",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "説明文",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "ボードが正常に公開されました!誰でもあなたのボードを見ることができます。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "ボードは未公開です!誰もあなたのボードを見ることができません。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "ボードは完全に削除されました。",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "このアクションにより、公開掲示板のコピーが作成され、コミュニケーターに追加されます。続行しますか?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "ボードを削除",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "このアクションはボードを削除し、回復できません。続行しますか?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "ボードの説明",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "ボードの内容とボードの目的について簡単に説明してください。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "受け入れる",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "ボード画像を編集",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "ライブラリからシンボルをアップロードまたは検索できます。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "記号を検索する",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "ボードの名前と説明を編集する",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "フォルダーの発声を有効にする",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "クリックするとフォルダ名を読み上げます",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "輸出する",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "単一のボードをエクスポートする",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "このオプションでは、ボードのリストから1つのボードをエクスポートします。あなたは選ぶことができます {cboardLink}、 {link} またはPDF形式を。",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "すべてのボードをエクスポート",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "このオプションでは、 {cboardLink} フォーマットまたは {link} フォーマットを選択した場合、すべてのボードがエクスポートされます。 PDF形式を選択すると、現在のボードだけがエクスポートされます。",
diff --git a/src/translations/km-KH.json b/src/translations/km-KH.json
index 67a97b674..bbced3812 100644
--- a/src/translations/km-KH.json
+++ b/src/translations/km-KH.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "ការកំណត់",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "ពណ៌",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "ជម្រះការជ្រើសរើស",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "ពណ៌ចម្រុះ",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "ពេញអេក្រង់",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "ចេញពីអេក្រង់ពេញ",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "ស្វែងរកបណ្ណាល័យនិមិត្តសញ្ញា",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "ចំនួនក្រឡា",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "លេខសម្គាល់ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "បានកែសម្រួលចុងក្រោយ",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "ការពិពណ៌នា",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលបានផ្សព្វផ្សាយដោយជោគជ័យ! អ្នករាល់គ្នាអាចមើលឃើញក្តាររបស់អ្នកឥឡូវនេះ។",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលមិនបានផ្សព្វផ្សាយ! គ្មាននរណាម្នាក់អាចមើលឃើញក្តាររបស់អ្នកឥឡូវនេះបានទេ។",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលត្រូវបានលុបចោលជាអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍។",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "សកម្មភាពនេះនឹងបង្កើតច្បាប់ចម្លងនៃក្តារសាធារណៈហើយនឹងបន្ថែមវាទៅក្នុងអ្នកទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នក។ តើអ្នកចង់បន្តទេ?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "លុបក្តារ",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "សកម្មភាពនេះនឹងលុបក្តារហើយវាមិនអាចរកឃើញវិញទេ។ តើអ្នកចង់បន្តទេ?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "ការពិពណ៌នាអំពីក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "សូមផ្តល់ការពិពណ៌នាខ្លីអំពីខ្លឹមសារនៃក្តារនិងអ្វីដែលក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលមានគោលបំណង។",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "ព្រមទទួល",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "កែរូបភាពក្តារ",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "អ្នកអាចផ្ទុកឡើងឬរកមើលនិមិត្តសញ្ញាពីបណ្ណាល័យ។",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "ស្វែងរកនិមិត្តសញ្ញា",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "កែសម្រួលឈ្មោះក្តារនិងការពិពណ៌នា",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "បើកដំណើរការសំលេងថតឯកសារ",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "អានឈ្មោះថតឯកសារឱ្យ out ៗ ពេលចុច",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "នាំចេញ",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "នាំចេញក្តារតែមួយ",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "ជម្រើសនេះនឹងនាំចេញក្តារតែមួយដែលអ្នកមានពីបញ្ជីក្តារ។ អ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសទ្រង់ទ្រាយ {cboardLink}, {link} ឬ PDF ។",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "នាំចេញក្តារទាំងអស់",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "ជម្រើសនេះនឹងនាំចេញក្តារទាំងអស់ដែលអ្នកមានប្រសិនបើអ្នកជ្រើសរើសទ្រង់ទ្រាយ {cboardLink} រឺទំរង់ {link} ។ វានឹងនាំចេញក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលបច្ចុប្បន្នប្រសិនបើអ្នកជ្រើសរើសទ្រង់ទ្រាយ PDF ។",
diff --git a/src/translations/ko-KR.json b/src/translations/ko-KR.json
index a7c301369..b372a8a3f 100644
--- a/src/translations/ko-KR.json
+++ b/src/translations/ko-KR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "설정",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "색깔",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "명확한 선택",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "색 구성표",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "전체 화면",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "전체 화면 종료",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "기호 라이브러리 검색",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "타일 개수",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "게시판 ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "마지막 편집",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "기술",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "보드가 성공적으로 게시되었습니다! 이제 누구나 보드를 볼 수 있습니다.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "보드가 게시되지 않았습니다! 아무도 보드를 볼 수 없습니다.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "보드가 영구적으로 삭제되었습니다.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "이 조치는 공개 게시판의 사본을 작성하여 커뮤니케이터에 추가합니다. 진행 하시겠습니까?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "보드 삭제",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "이 조치는 보드를 삭제하며 복구 할 수 없습니다. 진행 하시겠습니까?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "보드 설명",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "보드의 내용과 보드의 용도에 대한 간단한 설명을 제공하십시오.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "동의하기",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "게시판 이미지 수정",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "라이브러리에서 심볼을 업로드하거나 찾을 수 있습니다.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "기호 검색",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "보드 이름 및 설명 편집",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "폴더 발성 사용",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "클릭하면 폴더 이름을 크게 읽습니다.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "수출",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "단일 보드 내보내기",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "이 옵션은 보드 목록에서 가지고있는 단일 보드를 내 보냅니다. {cboardLink}, {link} 또는 PDF 형식을 선택할 수 있습니다.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "모든 보드 내보내기",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "이 옵션은 {cboardLink} 형식 또는 {link} 형식을 선택하면 보유한 모든 보드를 내 보냅니다. PDF 형식을 선택하면 현재 보드 만 내보내집니다.",
diff --git a/src/translations/me-ME.json b/src/translations/me-ME.json
index 394440e30..e542919f6 100644
--- a/src/translations/me-ME.json
+++ b/src/translations/me-ME.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "podešavanja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "boja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Jasni izbor",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Cio ekran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Izađi iz cijelog ekrana",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Pronađi u biblioteci simbola",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Broj polja",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "identifikacija table",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "posljednja izmjena",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "prihvatiti",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Možete ili otpremiti ili potražiti simbole iz biblioteka.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "potraži simbole",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Uredi naziv i opis table",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Omogući vokalizaciju fascikli",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Na glas čita ime fascikle kad se klikne.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "izvoz",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ova će opcija izvesti jednu tablu koju imate s liste tabeli. Možete odabrati {cboardLink}, {link} ili PDF format.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Izvezi sve table",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ova opcija će izvesti SVE table koje imate ako odaberete {cboardLink} format ili {link} format. Ako odaberete format PDF, on će prikazivati jedino trenutnu tablu.",
diff --git a/src/translations/ne-NP.json b/src/translations/ne-NP.json
index 8b2d2e635..98899c61d 100644
--- a/src/translations/ne-NP.json
+++ b/src/translations/ne-NP.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "सेटिङ्हरू",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "रंग",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "चयन खाली गर्नुहोस्",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "रंग योजना",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "पूर्ण स्क्रिन",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "पूर्ण स्क्रिनबाट निस्कनुहोस्",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "प्रतीक लाइब्रेरी खोज्नुहोस्",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "टाइलहरूको संख्या",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "बोर्ड आईडी",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "अन्तिम सम्पादन गरिएको",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "वर्णन",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "बोर्ड सफलतापूर्वक प्रकाशित भयो! सबैजनाले तपाइँको बोर्ड अब देख्न सक्दछन्।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "बोर्ड अप्रकाशित थियो! अब कसैले तपाइँको बोर्ड देख्न सक्दैन।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "बोर्ड स्थायी रूपमा हटाइएको थियो।",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "यो कार्यले सार्वजनिक बोर्डको एक प्रतिलिपि सिर्जना गर्दछ र यसलाई तपाइँको सञ्चारकमा थप गर्दछ। के तपाई अगाडि बढ्न चाहानुहुन्छ?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "बोर्ड हटाउनुहोस्",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "यो कार्यले बोर्ड हटाउनेछ र यसलाई पुन: प्राप्त गर्न सकिदैन। के तपाई अगाडि बढ्न चाहानुहुन्छ?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "बोर्ड विवरण",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "कृपया बोर्डको सामग्री र बोर्डको उद्देश्यको बारेमा एक छोटो विवरण प्रदान गर्नुहोस्।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "स्वीकार्नुहोस्",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "बोर्ड छवि सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "तपाईं या त अपलोड गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ वा पुस्तकालयबाट प्रतीकहरू हेर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "प्रतीकहरूको लागि खोजी गर्नुहोस्",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "बोर्ड नाम र वर्णन सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "फोल्डर भोकलाइजेसन सक्षम गर्नुहोस्",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "क्लिक गर्दा फोल्डरहरूको नाम ठूलो स्वरले पढ्छ",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "निर्यात गर्नुहोस्",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "एकल बोर्ड निर्यात गर्नुहोस्",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "यो विकल्पले बोर्डहरूको सूचीबाट तपाईंसँग भएको एकल बोर्ड निर्यात गर्दछ। तपाईं {cboardLink}, {link} वा PDF ढाँचा छान्न सक्नुहुन्छ।",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "सबै बोर्डहरू निर्यात गर्नुहोस्",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "यो विकल्पले तपाईंसँग भएका सबै बोर्डहरू निर्यात गर्दछ यदि तपाईं {cboardLink} ढाँचा वा {link} ढाँचा छनौट गर्नुहुन्छ भने। यसले JUST हालको बोर्डलाई निर्यात गर्दछ यदि तपाईं PDF ढाँचा चयन गर्नुहुन्छ।",
diff --git a/src/translations/nl-NL.json b/src/translations/nl-NL.json
index 483b801ec..4edb7fdfc 100644
--- a/src/translations/nl-NL.json
+++ b/src/translations/nl-NL.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "instellingen",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Kleur",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Duidelijke selectie",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Kleurenschema",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Volledig scherm",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Verlaat volledig scherm",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Symboolbibliotheek zoeken",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Aantal tegels",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Laatst bewerkt",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Omschrijving",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board succesvol gepubliceerd! Iedereen kan je board nu zien.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Bord was niet gepubliceerd! Niemand kan je board nu zien.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Bord is permanent verwijderd.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Met deze actie maakt u een kopie van het openbare bord en voegt u dit toe aan uw communicator. Wil je doorgaan?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Bord verwijderen",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Met deze actie wordt het bord verwijderd en kan het niet worden hersteld. Wil je doorgaan?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Beschrijving",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Geef een korte omschrijving van de inhoud van het bord en waarvoor het bord bedoeld is.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Aanvaarden",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Bordafbeelding bewerken",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "U kunt uploaden of zoeken naar symbolen uit bibliotheken.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Zoeken naar symbolen",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Bewerk de naam en beschrijving van het bord",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Activeer de vocalisatie van mappen",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Leest de mapnaam hardop voor wanneer erop wordt geklikt",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Exporteren",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exporteer een enkel bord",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Deze optie exporteert een enkel bord dat je hebt uit een lijst met borden. U kunt kiezen uit {cboardLink}, {link} of PDF-formaten.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exporteer alle boards",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Deze optie exporteert ALLE boards die je hebt als je kiest voor {cboardLink} formaat of {link} formaat. Het exporteert ALLEEN het huidige bord als u kiest voor PDF-formaat.",
diff --git a/src/translations/no-NO.json b/src/translations/no-NO.json
index aa9737626..3d62f2398 100644
--- a/src/translations/no-NO.json
+++ b/src/translations/no-NO.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "innstillinger",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Farge",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Klart valg",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Fargevalg",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Full skjerm",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Avslutt full skjerm",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Søk symbolbibliotek",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Antall fliser",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Styrets ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Sist redigert",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Beskrivelse",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Styret er vellykket publisert! Alle kan se styret ditt nå.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Styret ble upublisert! Ingen kan se styret ditt nå.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Styret ble slettet permanent.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Denne handlingen vil lage en kopi av det offentlige styret og legge det til i kommunikatoren din. Vil du fortsette?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Slett styre",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Denne handlingen vil slette brettet, og det kan ikke gjenopprettes. Vil du fortsette?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Tavlebeskrivelse",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Gi en kort beskrivelse av innholdet i styret og hva styret er beregnet på.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Aksepterer",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Rediger tavlebilde",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Du kan enten laste opp eller se etter symboler fra biblioteker.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Søk etter symboler",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Rediger tavlenavn og beskrivelse",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Aktiver mappevokalisering",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Leser mapper navn høyt når du klikker",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Eksport",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Eksporter et enkelt brett",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Dette alternativet vil eksportere et enkelt brett du har fra en liste over tavler. Du kan velge {cboardLink}, {link} eller PDF-formater.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Eksporter alle styrer",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Dette alternativet vil eksportere ALLE brettene du har hvis du velger {cboardLink} format eller {link} format. Det vil eksportere JUST det nåværende brettet hvis du velger PDF-format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/pl-PL.json b/src/translations/pl-PL.json
index 56f7e8ebc..4d861bada 100644
--- a/src/translations/pl-PL.json
+++ b/src/translations/pl-PL.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Ustawienia",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Kolor",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Wyczyść wybór",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Schemat kolorów",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Pełny ekran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Wyłączyć tryb pełnoekranowy",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Wyszukaj bibliotekę symboli",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Liczba płytek",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Identyfikator zarządu",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Ostatnio edytowane",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Opis",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Zarząd pomyślnie opublikowany! Wszyscy mogą teraz zobaczyć Twoją tablicę.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Tablica nie została opublikowana! Teraz nikt nie widzi Twojej tablicy.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Tablica została trwale usunięta.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ta czynność utworzy kopię tablicy publicznej i doda ją do komunikatora. Czy chcesz kontynuować?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Usuń tablicę",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ta czynność usunie tablicę i nie będzie można jej odzyskać. Czy chcesz kontynuować?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Opis płyty",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Prosimy o krótki opis zawartości tablicy i jej przeznaczenia.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Zaakceptować",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edytuj obraz tablicy",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Możesz przesłać lub wyszukać symbole z bibliotek.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Szukaj symboli",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edytuj nazwę i opis forum",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Włącz wokalizację folderów",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Po kliknięciu odczytuje głośno nazwę folderów",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Eksport",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Wyeksportuj pojedynczą płytkę",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ta opcja spowoduje wyeksportowanie pojedynczej planszy z listy plansz. Możesz wybrać formaty {cboardLink}, {link} lub PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Eksportuj wszystkie tablice",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ta opcja spowoduje wyeksportowanie WSZYSTKICH płyt, które masz, jeśli wybierzesz format {cboardLink} lub {link} format. Jeśli wybierzesz format PDF, wyeksportuje TYLKO bieżącą płytę.",
diff --git a/src/translations/pt-BR.json b/src/translations/pt-BR.json
index 2038b52c2..94facf2cb 100644
--- a/src/translations/pt-BR.json
+++ b/src/translations/pt-BR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Definições",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Cor",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Seleção clara",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Esquema de cores",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Tela cheia",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Sair da tela cheia",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Biblioteca de símbolos de pesquisa",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Número de telhas",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID da placa",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Última edição",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Descrição",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Placa publicada com sucesso! Todo mundo pode ver seu quadro agora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Conselho não foi publicado! Ninguém pode ver seu quadro agora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "A placa foi excluída permanentemente.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Essa ação criará uma cópia do quadro público e a adicionará ao seu comunicador. Você quer prosseguir?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Excluir painel",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Esta ação excluirá o painel e não poderá ser recuperada. Você quer prosseguir?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Descrição do Quadro",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Forneça uma breve descrição sobre o conteúdo do fórum e a finalidade do fórum.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Aceitar",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Editar imagem do tabuleiro",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Você pode fazer o upload ou procurar símbolos nas bibliotecas.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Procure por símbolos",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Editar nome e descrição do quadro",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Ativar vocalização de pastas",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Lê o nome das pastas em voz alta quando clicado",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Exportar",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exportar uma única placa",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Esta opção exportará uma única placa que você possui de uma lista de placas. Você pode escolher os formatos {cboardLink}, {link} ou PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportar todas as placas",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Esta opção exportará TODAS as placas que você possui, se você escolher o formato {cboardLink} ou {link} . Exportará APENAS a placa atual se você escolher o formato PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/pt-PT.json b/src/translations/pt-PT.json
index 8035e4c85..ac6c84786 100644
--- a/src/translations/pt-PT.json
+++ b/src/translations/pt-PT.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Configurações",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Cor",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Seleção clara",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Esquema de cores",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Tela cheia",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Sair da tela cheia",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Biblioteca de símbolos de pesquisa",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Número de telhas",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID da placa",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Última edição",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Descrição",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Placa publicada com sucesso! Todo mundo pode ver seu quadro agora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Conselho não foi publicado! Ninguém pode ver seu quadro agora.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "A placa foi excluída permanentemente.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Essa ação criará uma cópia do quadro público e a adicionará ao seu comunicador. Você quer prosseguir?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Excluir painel",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Esta ação excluirá o painel e não poderá ser recuperada. Você quer prosseguir?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Descrição do Quadro",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Forneça uma breve descrição sobre o conteúdo do fórum e a finalidade do fórum.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Aceitar",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Editar imagem do tabuleiro",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Você pode fazer o upload ou procurar símbolos nas bibliotecas.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Procure por símbolos",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Editar nome e descrição do quadro",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Ativar vocalização de pastas",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Lê o nome das pastas em voz alta quando clicado",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Exportar",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exportar uma única placa",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Esta opção exportará uma única placa que você possui de uma lista de placas. Você pode escolher os formatos {cboardLink}, {link} ou PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportar todas as placas",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Esta opção exportará TODAS as placas que você possui, se você escolher o formato {cboardLink} ou {link} . Exportará APENAS a placa atual se você escolher o formato PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/ro-RO.json b/src/translations/ro-RO.json
index 753359407..9978ae52b 100644
--- a/src/translations/ro-RO.json
+++ b/src/translations/ro-RO.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Setări",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Culoare",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Selecție clară",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Schema de culori",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Ecran complet",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Ieșiți pe ecranul complet",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Căutare bibliotecă de simboluri",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Numărul de plăci",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID-ul bordului",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Ultima modificare",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Descriere",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Consiliul a fost publicat cu succes! Toată lumea vă poate vedea consiliul acum.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Boardul a fost nepublicat! Nimeni nu vă poate vedea consiliul acum.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Consiliul a fost șters definitiv.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Această acțiune va crea o copie a consiliului public și o va adăuga în comunicatorul dvs. Doriți să continuați?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Ștergeți Consiliul",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Această acțiune va șterge placa și nu poate fi recuperată. Doriți să continuați?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Descrierea bordului",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Vă rugăm să furnizați o scurtă descriere despre conținutul plăcii și la ce este destinată placa.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accept",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Editează imaginea plăcii",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Puteți încărca sau căuta simboluri din biblioteci.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Căutați simboluri",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Editați numele și descrierea plăcii",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Activați vocalizarea folderului",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Citește numele folderelor cu voce tare atunci când faceți clic pe",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exportați o singură placă",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Această opțiune va exporta o singură placă pe care o aveți dintr-o listă de plăci. Puteți alege formatele {cboardLink}, {link} sau PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportați toate plăcile",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Această opțiune va exporta TOATE plăcile pe care le aveți dacă alegeți formatul {cboardLink} sau {link} format. Va exporta JUST placa curentă dacă alegeți formatul PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/ru-MD.json b/src/translations/ru-MD.json
index c2ea92ba6..0e79baa8d 100644
--- a/src/translations/ru-MD.json
+++ b/src/translations/ru-MD.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Settings",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Color",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Clear selection",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Full screen",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Search symbol library",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Number of tiles",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Last edited",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accept",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "You can either upload or look for symbols from libraries.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Search for symbols",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edit board name and description",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Enable folder vocalization",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Reads folders name out loud when clicked",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "This option will export a single board you have from a list of boards. You can choose {cboardLink}, {link} or PDF formats.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Export All Boards",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "This option will export ALL the boards you have if you choose {cboardLink} format or {link} format. It will export JUST the current board if you choose PDF format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/ru-RU.json b/src/translations/ru-RU.json
index 2ee3e35b0..5d748b769 100644
--- a/src/translations/ru-RU.json
+++ b/src/translations/ru-RU.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "настройки",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "цвет",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Очистить выбор",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Цветовая схема",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Полноэкранный",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Выход из полноэкранного режима",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Библиотека символов поиска",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Количество плиток",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID платы",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Последний раз редактировалось",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Описание",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Доска успешно опубликована! Теперь каждый может видеть вашу доску.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Доска не была опубликована! Никто не может видеть вашу доску сейчас.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Доска была окончательно удалена.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Это действие создаст копию публичной доски и добавит ее в ваш коммуникатор. Вы хотите продолжить?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Удалить доску",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Это действие удалит доску и не может быть восстановлено. Вы хотите продолжить?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Описание платы",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Кратко опишите содержание доски и ее назначение.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "принимать",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Изменить изображение доски",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Вы можете загружать или искать символы из библиотек.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Поиск символов",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Изменить название доски и описание",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Включить папку вокализации",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Читает имя папки вслух при нажатии",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "экспорт",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Экспорт отдельной платы",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Эта опция экспортирует вашу единственную доску из списка досок. Вы можете выбрать {cboardLink}, {link} или PDF форматы.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Экспортировать все доски",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Эта опция экспортирует ВСЕ доски, которые у вас есть, если вы выберете формат {cboardLink} или {link} . Он будет экспортировать только текущую доску, если вы выберете формат PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sh-HR.json b/src/translations/sh-HR.json
index c2ea92ba6..0e79baa8d 100644
--- a/src/translations/sh-HR.json
+++ b/src/translations/sh-HR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Settings",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Color",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Clear selection",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Full screen",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Search symbol library",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Number of tiles",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Last edited",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accept",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "You can either upload or look for symbols from libraries.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Search for symbols",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edit board name and description",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Enable folder vocalization",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Reads folders name out loud when clicked",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "This option will export a single board you have from a list of boards. You can choose {cboardLink}, {link} or PDF formats.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Export All Boards",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "This option will export ALL the boards you have if you choose {cboardLink} format or {link} format. It will export JUST the current board if you choose PDF format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/si-LK.json b/src/translations/si-LK.json
index 406a310e1..245f806fe 100644
--- a/src/translations/si-LK.json
+++ b/src/translations/si-LK.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "සැකසුම්",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "වර්ණ",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "පැහැදිලි තේරීම",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "වර්ණ පරාසය",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "පුන් තිරය",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "සම්පූර්ණ තිරයෙන් පිටවන්න",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "සංකේත පුස්තකාලය සොයන්න",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "උළු ප්රමාණය",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "මණ්ඩල හැඳුනුම්පත",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "අවසන් වරට සංස්කරණය කරන ලදි",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "විස්තර",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "මණ්ඩලය සාර්ථකව ප්රකාශයට පත් කරන ලදි! සෑම කෙනෙකුටම දැන් ඔබේ පුවරුව දැකිය හැකිය.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "මණ්ඩලය ප්රකාශයට පත් නොකෙරුණි! ඔබේ පුවරුව දැන් කිසිවෙකුට දැකිය නොහැක.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "මණ්ඩලය ස්ථිරවම මකා දමන ලදි.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "මෙම ක්රියාව මහජන මණ්ඩලයේ පිටපතක් නිර්මාණය කරන අතර එය ඔබේ සන්නිවේදකයාට එකතු කරනු ඇත. ඔබට ඉදිරියට යාමට අවශ්යද?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "මණ්ඩලය මකන්න",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "මෙම ක්රියාව මඟින් මණ්ඩලය මකා දැමිය හැකි අතර එය නැවත ලබා ගත නොහැක. ඔබට ඉදිරියට යාමට අවශ්යද?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "පුවරු විස්තරය",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "කරුණාකර මණ්ඩලයේ අන්තර්ගතය සහ මණ්ඩලය අදහස් කරන්නේ කුමක්ද යන්න පිළිබඳ කෙටි විස්තරයක් සපයන්න.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "පිළිගන්න",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "පුවරු රූපය සංස්කරණය කරන්න",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "ඔබට පුස්තකාල වලින් සංකේත උඩුගත කිරීමට හෝ සෙවීමට හැකිය.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "සංකේත සොයන්න",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "පුවරුවේ නම සහ විස්තරය සංස්කරණය කරන්න",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "ෆෝල්ඩර හ al සක්රීය කරන්න",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "ක්ලික් කළ විට ෆෝල්ඩරවල ශබ්දය ශබ්ද නඟා කියවයි",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "අපනයන",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "තනි පුවරුවක් අපනයනය කරන්න",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "මෙම විකල්පය මඟින් පුවරු ලැයිස්තුවකින් ඔබ සතුව ඇති තනි පුවරුවක් අපනයනය කරනු ඇත. ඔබට {cboardLink}, {link} හෝ PDF ආකෘති තෝරා ගත හැකිය.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "සියලුම පුවරු අපනයනය කරන්න",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "ඔබ {cboardLink} ආකෘතිය හෝ {link} ආකෘතිය තෝරා ගන්නේ නම් මෙම විකල්පය ඔබ සතුව ඇති සියලුම පුවරු අපනයනය කරයි. ඔබ PDF ආකෘතිය තෝරා ගන්නේ නම් එය වත්මන් මණ්ඩලය පමණක් අපනයනය කරයි.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sk-SK.json b/src/translations/sk-SK.json
index 7311d4fd7..975cbb6b1 100644
--- a/src/translations/sk-SK.json
+++ b/src/translations/sk-SK.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "nastavenie",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "farba",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Čistý výber",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Farebná schéma",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Celá obrazovka",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Ukončite celú obrazovku",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Vyhľadajte knižnicu symbolov",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Počet dlaždíc",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID rady",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Naposledy upravené",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "popis",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Rada bola úspešne publikovaná! Každý teraz môže vidieť vašu dosku.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Doska bola neuverejnená! Nikto teraz nemôže vidieť vašu dosku.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Doska bola natrvalo odstránená.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Táto akcia vytvorí kópiu verejnej tabule a pridá ju do vášho komunikátora. Chcete pokračovať?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Odstrániť tabuľku",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Táto akcia zruší tabuľku a nebude ju možné obnoviť. Chcete pokračovať?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Popis dosky",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Uveďte, prosím, krátky popis obsahu tabule a na čo je táto tabuľa určená.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "súhlasiť",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Upraviť obrázok dosky",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Môžete nahrať alebo vyhľadať symboly z knižníc.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Vyhľadajte symboly",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Upravte názov a popis tabuľky",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Povoliť vokalizáciu priečinka",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Po kliknutí nahlas prečíta názvy priečinkov",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export jednej dosky",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Táto možnosť vyexportuje jednu dosku zo zoznamu dosiek. Môžete si vybrať formát {cboardLink}, {link} alebo PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportovať všetky dosky",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Táto možnosť exportuje VŠETKY dosky, ktoré máte, ak vyberiete formát {cboardLink} alebo {link} . Ak zvolíte formát PDF, bude exportovať JUST aktuálnu dosku.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sr-CS.json b/src/translations/sr-CS.json
index 0647110fb..0b8d1485f 100644
--- a/src/translations/sr-CS.json
+++ b/src/translations/sr-CS.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Podešavanje",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Boja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Obriši odabrano",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Ceo ekran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Izađi iz celog ekrana",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Pretraga biblioteke simbola.",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Broj pločica",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID table",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Poslednja izmena",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Tabla je uspešno objavljena! Sada svi mogu videti vašu tablu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Tabla više nije objavljena! Sada niko ne može da vidi vašu tablu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Tabla je trajno izbrisana.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ova radnja će stvoriti kopiju javne table i dodati je u vaš komunikator. Želite li da nastavite?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Izbriši tablu",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ova akcija će izbrisati tablu i nećete je moći vratiti. Želite li da nastavite?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Prihvati",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Možete ili otpremiti ili potražiti simbole iz galerije.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Potražite simbole",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Uređivanje naziva i opisa table",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Omogući vokalizaciju fascikli",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Čita ime fascikle glasno kad se klikne",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Izvoz",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ova opcija će izvesti jednu tablu koju imate na popisu tabli. Možete odabrati {cboardLink}, {link} ili PDF format.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Izvezi sve table",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ova opcija će da izveze SVE table koje imate ako odaberete format {cboardLink} ili {link} format. Ako odaberete PDF format, biće izvezena SAMO trenutna tabla.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sr-ME.json b/src/translations/sr-ME.json
index 394440e30..e542919f6 100644
--- a/src/translations/sr-ME.json
+++ b/src/translations/sr-ME.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "podešavanja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "boja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Jasni izbor",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Cio ekran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Izađi iz cijelog ekrana",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Pronađi u biblioteci simbola",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Broj polja",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "identifikacija table",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "posljednja izmjena",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "prihvatiti",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Možete ili otpremiti ili potražiti simbole iz biblioteka.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "potraži simbole",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Uredi naziv i opis table",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Omogući vokalizaciju fascikli",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Na glas čita ime fascikle kad se klikne.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "izvoz",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ova će opcija izvesti jednu tablu koju imate s liste tabeli. Možete odabrati {cboardLink}, {link} ili PDF format.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Izvezi sve table",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ova opcija će izvesti SVE table koje imate ako odaberete {cboardLink} format ili {link} format. Ako odaberete format PDF, on će prikazivati jedino trenutnu tablu.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sr-RS.json b/src/translations/sr-RS.json
index 0647110fb..0b8d1485f 100644
--- a/src/translations/sr-RS.json
+++ b/src/translations/sr-RS.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Podešavanje",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Boja",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Obriši odabrano",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Ceo ekran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Izađi iz celog ekrana",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Pretraga biblioteke simbola.",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Broj pločica",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID table",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Poslednja izmena",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Tabla je uspešno objavljena! Sada svi mogu videti vašu tablu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Tabla više nije objavljena! Sada niko ne može da vidi vašu tablu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Tabla je trajno izbrisana.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ova radnja će stvoriti kopiju javne table i dodati je u vaš komunikator. Želite li da nastavite?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Izbriši tablu",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ova akcija će izbrisati tablu i nećete je moći vratiti. Želite li da nastavite?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Prihvati",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Možete ili otpremiti ili potražiti simbole iz galerije.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Potražite simbole",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Uređivanje naziva i opisa table",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Omogući vokalizaciju fascikli",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Čita ime fascikle glasno kad se klikne",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Izvoz",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ova opcija će izvesti jednu tablu koju imate na popisu tabli. Možete odabrati {cboardLink}, {link} ili PDF format.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Izvezi sve table",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ova opcija će da izveze SVE table koje imate ako odaberete format {cboardLink} ili {link} format. Ako odaberete PDF format, biće izvezena SAMO trenutna tabla.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sr-SP.json b/src/translations/sr-SP.json
index b4269c882..aa969e039 100644
--- a/src/translations/sr-SP.json
+++ b/src/translations/sr-SP.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Подешавања",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Боја",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Избриши одабрано",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Шема боја",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Цео екран",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Изађи из целог екрана",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Претражите галерију симбола",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Број плочица",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ИД табле",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Последња измена",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Опис",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Табла је успешно објављена! Сви сада могу да виде вашу таблу.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Табла више није објављена! Сада нико не може да види вашу таблу.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Табла је трајно избрисана.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ова акција ће направити копију јавне табле и додати је у ваш комуникатор. Да ли желите да наставите?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Избриши таблу",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ова акција ће обрисати таблу и нећете је моћи вратити. Да ли желите да наставите?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Опис плоче",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Наведите кратак опис садржаја одбора и чему је та плоча намијењена.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Прихвати",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Уређивање слике одбора",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Можете или отпремити или потражити симболе у галерији.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Потражите симболе",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Уредите назив и опис табле",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Омогући вокализацију фасцикли",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Чита име фасцикле гласно кад се кликне",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Извоз",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Извезите једну плочу",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ова опција ће извести једну таблу коју имате са листе табли. Можете одабрати {cboardLink}, {link} или ПДФ формат.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Извези све табле",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ова опција ће извести СВЕ табле које имате ако одаберете {cboardLink} формат или {link} формат. Ако одаберете ПДФ формат, биће извезена САМО тренутна табла.",
diff --git a/src/translations/sv-SE.json b/src/translations/sv-SE.json
index c5bb0483a..8164c48bd 100644
--- a/src/translations/sv-SE.json
+++ b/src/translations/sv-SE.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "inställningar",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Färg",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Rensa urvalet",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Färgschema",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Fullskärm",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Avsluta hela skärmen",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Sök symbolbibliotek",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Antal kakel",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Styrelsens ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Senast redigerad",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Beskrivning",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Styrelsen publiceras framgångsrikt! Alla kan se ditt styrelse nu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Styrelsen var opublicerad! Ingen kan se ditt styrelse nu.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Styrelsen raderades permanent.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Den här åtgärden skapar en kopia av allmänna styrelsen och lägger till den i din kommunikatör. Vill du fortsätta?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Radera styrelsen",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Den här åtgärden raderar kortet och det kan inte återställas. Vill du fortsätta?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Kortbeskrivning",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Ange en kort beskrivning om styrelsens innehåll och vad styrelsen är avsedd för.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Acceptera",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Redigera styrelsebild",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Du kan antingen ladda upp eller leta efter symboler från bibliotek.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Sök efter symboler",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Redigera kortets namn och beskrivning",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Aktivera mappvokalisering",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Läser mapparnas namn högt när du klickar på det",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Exportera",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Exportera ett enda bräde",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Det här alternativet exporterar ett enda kort som du har från en lista med kort. Du kan välja {cboardLink}, {link} eller PDF-format.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Exportera alla styrelser",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Det här alternativet exporterar ALLA kort du har om du väljer {cboardLink} format eller {link} format. Det exporterar bara det nuvarande kortet om du väljer PDF-format.",
diff --git a/src/translations/th-TH.json b/src/translations/th-TH.json
index 5f87e1579..13b94dca6 100644
--- a/src/translations/th-TH.json
+++ b/src/translations/th-TH.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "การตั้งค่า",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "สี",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "ล้างการเลือก",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "โครงการสี",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "เต็มจอ",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "ออกจากหน้าจอเต็ม",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "ค้นหาไลบรารีสัญลักษณ์",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "จำนวนไพ่",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID บอร์ด",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "แก้ไขล่าสุด",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "ลักษณะ",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "คณะกรรมการเผยแพร่เรียบร้อยแล้ว! ทุกคนสามารถเห็นบอร์ดของคุณได้แล้ว",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "บอร์ดไม่ถูกเผยแพร่! ไม่มีใครเห็นบอร์ดของคุณได้เลย",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "ลบกระดานอย่างถาวร",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "การกระทำนี้จะสร้างสำเนาของบอร์ดสาธารณะและจะเพิ่มเข้าไปในเครื่องมือสื่อสารของคุณ คุณต้องการดำเนินการต่อหรือไม่",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "ลบบอร์ด",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "การกระทำนี้จะลบบอร์ดและไม่สามารถกู้คืนได้ คุณต้องการดำเนินการต่อหรือไม่",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "คำอธิบายคณะกรรมการ",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "โปรดระบุคำอธิบายสั้น ๆ เกี่ยวกับเนื้อหาของบอร์ดและสิ่งที่บอร์ดนี้มีไว้สำหรับ",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "ยอมรับ",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "แก้ไขภาพบอร์ด",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "คุณสามารถอัปโหลดหรือค้นหาสัญลักษณ์จากไลบรารี",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "ค้นหาสัญลักษณ์",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "แก้ไขชื่อบอร์ดและรายละเอียด",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "เปิดใช้งานการเปล่งเสียงของโฟลเดอร์",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "อ่านชื่อโฟลเดอร์ดัง ๆ เมื่อคลิก",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "ส่งออก",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "ส่งออกบอร์ดเดียว",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "ตัวเลือกนี้จะส่งออกบอร์ดเดียวที่คุณมีจากรายการบอร์ด คุณสามารถเลือกรูปแบบ {cboardLink}, {link} หรือ PDF",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "ส่งออกบอร์ดทั้งหมด",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "ตัวเลือกนี้จะส่งออกกระดานทั้งหมดที่คุณมีหากคุณเลือกรูปแบบ {cboardLink} หรือ {link} รูปแบบ มันจะส่งออกเพียงบอร์ดปัจจุบันถ้าคุณเลือกรูปแบบ PDF",
diff --git a/src/translations/tr-TR.json b/src/translations/tr-TR.json
index ec0ed1aee..88681b6b9 100644
--- a/src/translations/tr-TR.json
+++ b/src/translations/tr-TR.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Ayarlar",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Renk",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Seçimi temizle",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Renk uyumu",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Tam ekran",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Tam ekrandan çık",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Arama kütüphanesi",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Fayans sayısı",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Kurul kimliği",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Son düzenleme",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Açıklama",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Yönetim Kurulu başarıyla yayınlandı! Artık herkes tahtanızı görebilir.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Kurul yayınlanmadı! Artık kimse tahtanızı göremiyor.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Yönetim kurulu kalıcı olarak silindi.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Bu eylem, kamu kurulunun bir kopyasını oluşturur ve bunu Communicator'ınıza ekler. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Panoyu Sil",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Bu eylem kartın silinmesine neden olur ve kurtarılamaz. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Kart Açıklaması",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Lütfen panonun içeriği ve panonun amacı hakkında kısa bir açıklama yapın.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Kabul etmek",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Pano Resmini Düzenle",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Kütüphanelerden semboller yükleyebilir veya sembollerden arama yapabilirsiniz.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Sembol ara",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Pano adını ve açıklamasını düzenleme",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Klasör seslendirmesini etkinleştir",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Tıklandığında klasörlerin adını yüksek sesle okur",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "İhracat",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Tek bir panoyu dışa aktar",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Bu seçenek, pano listesinden sahip olduğunuz tek bir kartı dışa aktarır. {cboardLink}, {link} veya PDF formatlarını seçebilirsiniz.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Tüm Panoları Dışa Aktar",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Bu seçenek, {cboardLink} biçimini veya {link} biçimini seçerseniz sahip olduğunuz TÜM panoları dışa aktarır. PDF formatını seçerseniz, SADECE mevcut kartı dışa aktarır.",
diff --git a/src/translations/tu-TI.json b/src/translations/tu-TI.json
index e1136ba9b..84e935d28 100644
--- a/src/translations/tu-TI.json
+++ b/src/translations/tu-TI.json
@@ -8,134 +8,135 @@
"cboard.components.WelcomeScreenInformation.text": "Cboard sei ajuda ita hotu ho linguajen no linguajen comprometimento hodi komunika ho símbolo no text-to-speech",
"cboard.components.AuthScreenInformation.heading": "Cboard",
"cboard.components.AuthScreenInformation.text": "rejistu hodi halo hanesan ita nia configuração",
- "cboard.components.Login.loginToCboard": "Login to Cboard",
+ "cboard.components.Login.loginToCboard": "Tama ba Cboard",
"cboard.components.Login.login": "Login",
"cboard.components.Login.email": "Email",
"cboard.components.Login.password": "Password",
"cboard.components.Login.cancel": "Cancel",
"cboard.components.Login.forgotPassword": "Haluha password?",
- "cboard.components.SignUp.signUp": "Sign Up",
+ "cboard.components.SignUp.signUp": "Rejistu",
"cboard.components.SignUp.name": "naran",
"cboard.components.SignUp.email": "Email",
"cboard.components.SignUp.createYourPassword": "Kria ita nia password",
- "cboard.components.SignUp.confirmYourPassword": "Confirm your password",
+ "cboard.components.SignUp.confirmYourPassword": "Konfirma ita nia Password",
"cboard.components.SignUp.cancel": "Kansela",
- "cboard.components.SignUp.signMeUp": "Sign me up",
- "cboard.components.ChangePassword.password": "New Password",
- "cboard.components.ChangePassword.passwordRepeat": "Repeat New Password",
+ "cboard.components.SignUp.signMeUp": "Rejistu hau ba",
+ "cboard.components.ChangePassword.password": "Password Foun",
+ "cboard.components.ChangePassword.passwordRepeat": "Repete fila fali Password",
"cboard.components.ChangePassword.send": "Haruka/manda",
- "cboard.components.ChangePassword.changePassword": "Save ita nia password foun.",
+ "cboard.components.ChangePassword.changePassword": "rai tiha ita nia password foun.",
"cboard.components.ChangePassword.changePasswordText": "Hatama ita nia password foun dala rua atu asesu Cboard.",
"cboard.components.ChangePassword.changePasswordSuccess": "Sucessu!! Ita nia password update tiha ona.",
- "cboard.components.ChangePassword.redirect": "Redirecting you to the login page...",
+ "cboard.components.ChangePassword.redirect": "Lori ita fila fali ba pajina hodi kontinua",
"cboard.components.ResetPassword.email": "Email",
"cboard.components.ResetPassword.cancel": "Kansela",
- "cboard.components.ResetPassword.send": "Send",
- "cboard.components.ResetPassword.resetPassword": "Reset Your Password",
- "cboard.components.ResetPassword.resetPasswordText": "Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.",
- "cboard.components.ResetPassword.resetPasswordSuccess": "Success!! Check your mail to reset your password.",
- "cboard.components.SelectedCounter.items": "items",
- "cboard.components.App.save": "Save",
- "cboard.components.App.newContentAvailable": "New content is available; please refresh.",
- "cboard.components.App.contentIsCached": "Content is cached for offline use.",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.analytics": "Analytics",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.mostUsedBoards": "Most Used Boards",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.topUsedButtons": "Top Used Buttons",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.symbolSources": "Symbol Sources",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.tenDaysUsage": "Ten Days Usage",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.twentyDaysUsage": "Twenty Days Usage",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.thirtyDaysUsage": "Thirty Days Usage",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.sixtyDaysUsage": "Sixty Days Usage",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.close": "Close",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.loadingError": "There was an error loading your data. Please refresh.",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.totalWords": "Total Words",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.totalPhrases": "Total phrases",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.boardsUsed": "Boards used",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.tilesEdited": "Tiles edited",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.editingEvents": "Editing Events",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.speechEvents": "Speech Events",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.navigationEvents": "Navigation Events",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.name": "Name",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.timesClicked": "Times Clicked",
- "cboard.components.Analytics.action": "Action",
- "cboard.components.Board.tilesCreated": "Tiles created",
- "cboard.components.Board.tilesDeleted": "Tiles deleted",
+ "cboard.components.ResetPassword.send": "Haruka/Manda",
+ "cboard.components.ResetPassword.resetPassword": "Hafoun ita nia Password",
+ "cboard.components.ResetPassword.resetPasswordText": "Hatama ita nia email address no ami sei haruka link hodi hafoun ita nia password.",
+ "cboard.components.ResetPassword.resetPasswordSuccess": "Sucessu!! Verifika ita nia mail hodi hafoun password.",
+ "cboard.components.SelectedCounter.items": "sasán sira",
+ "cboard.components.App.save": "Rai tiha",
+ "cboard.components.App.newContentAvailable": "Konteudu foun disponivel ona; favor atualiza.",
+ "cboard.components.App.contentIsCached": "konteúdu sira ne'e sei usa wainhira offline",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.analytics": "Analiza.",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.mostUsedBoards": "Tabuada nebe usa barak liu",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.topUsedButtons": "Botaun nebe ita usa hela deit",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.symbolSources": "Fonte simbolu.",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.tenDaysUsage": "Uza loron sanulu.",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.twentyDaysUsage": "Uza loron ruanulu.",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.thirtyDaysUsage": "Uza loron tolunulu.",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.sixtyDaysUsage": "Uza loron neennulu.",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.close": "Taka",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.loadingError": "Iha problema ruma wainhira prosesu ita nia data. favor hili opsaun refreska",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.totalWords": "Totál liafuan",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.totalPhrases": "Kabas",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.boardsUsed": "Tabuada Usadu",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.tilesEdited": "Risku nebe bele modifika",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.editingEvents": "Eventu nebe ita bele modifika",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.speechEvents": "Eventu Koalia",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.navigationEvents": "Eventu navegasaun",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.name": "Naran",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.timesClicked": "Tempu klik",
+ "cboard.components.Analytics.action": "Asaun",
+ "cboard.components.Board.tilesCreated": "azulejos nebe kria tiha ona",
+ "cboard.components.Board.tilesDeleted": "azulejos nebe hasai tiha ona",
"cboard.components.Board.rootBoardNotDeleted": "Root Board cannot be deleted",
- "cboard.components.Board.clicksToUnlock": "clicks to unlock",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardIsEmpty": "This board is empty",
- "cboard.components.Board.scannerHowToDeactivate": "Press Escape 4 times to deactivate Scanner.",
- "cboard.components.Board.scannerManualStrategy": "Scanner advances with space bar key, press enter to select an item.",
+ "cboard.components.Board.clicksToUnlock": "Klik hodi loke xavi",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardIsEmpty": "Kuadru ne’e mamuk",
+ "cboard.components.Board.scannerHowToDeactivate": "buti escape dala 4 hodi hamate scanner",
+ "cboard.components.Board.scannerManualStrategy": "scanner avansadu ho barra de espaço. buti enter hodi hili sasan",
"cboard.components.Board.scannerAutomaticStrategy": "Scanner will iterate over elements, press any key to select them.",
- "cboard.components.Board.editTitle": "Edit Board Title",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardTitle": "Board Title",
+ "cboard.components.Board.editTitle": "Edit titulu forum",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardTitle": "Titulu forum",
"cboard.components.Board.boardSavedNotification": "Board changes were saved",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.select": "Select",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.cancel": "Cancel",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.deleteTiles": "Delete selected tiles",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.editTiles": "Edit selected tiles",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.createTiles": "Create tiles",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.saveBoard": "Save Board",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.editTilesButton": "Edit",
- "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.addTileButton": "Add Tile",
- "cboard.components.Board.share": "Share",
- "cboard.components.Board.copyMessage": "Copied to clipboard!",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardMissed": "We are sorry but we have missed this folder / board. We recommend you to create it again.",
- "cboard.components.Board.copyPublicBoardTitle": "Do you want to copy a public board?",
- "cboard.components.Board.copyPublicBoardDesc": "You are trying to open a public shared board. In order to use and edit this board you have to copy it into your communicator boards.",
- "cboard.components.Board.blockedPrivateBoardTitle": "Private board!",
- "cboard.components.Board.blockedPrivateBoardDesc": "You are trying to open a private board. In order to use and edit this board you have to ask author to publish the board.",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardCopyCancel": "Cancel",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardCopyAccept": "Accept",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardCopiedSuccessfully": "Board successfully added to your Communicator",
- "cboard.components.Board.emptyVoiceAlert": "WARNING: we did not detect an available Text to Speech voice! Cboard cannot work properly.",
- "cboard.components.LockToggle.lock": "Lock",
- "cboard.components.LockToggle.unlock": "Unlock",
- "cboard.components.BackButton.back": "Go back",
- "cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Settings",
- "cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Color",
- "cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Clear selection",
- "cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Full screen",
- "cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Exit full screen",
- "cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Search symbol library",
- "cboard.components.InputImage.uploadImage": "Upload image",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.voiceRecorder": "Voice recorder",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.createTile": "Create tile",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.editTile": "Edit Tile",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.boardName": "Board Name",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.board": "Empty Board",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.button": "Button",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.select": "Hili",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.cancel": "Kansela",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.deleteTiles": "Apaga tiha azulejos nebe marka tiha ona",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.editTiles": "Edita Azulejos nebe hili tiha ona",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.createTiles": "Kria azulejos",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.saveBoard": "Salva tabuada",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.editTilesButton": "Edita",
+ "cboard.components.Board.EditToolbar.addTileButton": "aumenta tile",
+ "cboard.components.Board.share": "Fahe",
+ "cboard.components.Board.copyMessage": "Kopia ba clipboard",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardMissed": "Ami husu desculpa tanba ami haluha tiha tabuada ida ne'e. ami rekomenda ba ita atu kria fila fali",
+ "cboard.components.Board.copyPublicBoardTitle": "Ita hakrak halo kopia ba tabuada publiku ka lae?",
+ "cboard.components.Board.copyPublicBoardDesc": "Ita tenta hela atu loke tabuada nebe'e publiku bele hetan asesu. wainhira atu usa no edita tabuada ida ne'e, ita presija halo kopia lai ba ita nia tabuada komunikador",
+ "cboard.components.Board.blockedPrivateBoardTitle": "Tabuada Privadu!",
+ "cboard.components.Board.blockedPrivateBoardDesc": "Ita tenta hela atu loke tabuada privadu. se karik atu usa no edita tabuada ne'e ita presija husu autora hodi bele publika ba tabuada",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardCopyCancel": "Kansela",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardCopyAccept": "Aseita",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardCopiedSuccessfully": "Board ho susesu aumenta ba ita nia Komunikador",
+ "cboard.components.Board.emptyVoiceAlert": "Aviso:",
+ "cboard.components.LockToggle.lock": "Xave",
+ "cboard.components.LockToggle.unlock": "Loke Xave",
+ "cboard.components.BackButton.back": "Fila fali",
+ "cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "configuração",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "kór",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Hamoos selesaun",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Color Scheme",
+ "cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Halo imajen nakonu iha Quadro",
+ "cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Halo kiík imajen",
+ "cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Buka Simblu husi biblioteka",
+ "cboard.components.InputImage.uploadImage": "Hatama imajen",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.voiceRecorder": "Grava lian",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.createTile": "Kria azulejo",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.editTile": "Edita azulejo",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.boardName": "Tabuada nia naran",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.board": "Hamamuk tabuada",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.button": "Botaun",
"cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.folder": "Folder",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.label": "Label",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.vocalization": "Vocalization",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.type": "Type",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.back": "Back",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.next": "Next",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.symbolSearch": "Symbol search",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.existingBoards": "Link to an existing board",
- "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.none": "None",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardEditTitleCancel": "Cancel",
- "cboard.components.Board.boardEditTitleAccept": "Accept",
- "cboard.components.Board.userProfileLocked": "User Profile is locked, please unlock settings to see your user profile.",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.title": "Share on Cboard",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.close": "Close",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.publishBoard": "Publish Board",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.shareALink": "Share a Link",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.copyLink": "Copy Link",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.label": "Marka",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.vocalization": "Vocalização",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.type": "Tipu",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.back": "Fila fali",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.next": "Ba oin",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.symbolSearch": "Buka símbolu",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.existingBoards": "liga ba tabuada nebe iha tiha ona",
+ "cboard.components.Board.TileEditor.none": "Laiha ",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardEditTitleCancel": "Kansela",
+ "cboard.components.Board.boardEditTitleAccept": "Aseita",
+ "cboard.components.Board.userProfileLocked": "Utilizador nia perfil xave tiha, favor loke lai configuração hodi bele hare ita nia utilizador nia perfil",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.title": "Fahe iha Cboard",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.close": "Taka",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.publishBoard": "Publika iha tabuada",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.shareALink": "Fahe Link",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.copyLink": "Kopia Link",
"cboard.components.BoardShare.facebook": "Facebook",
"cboard.components.BoardShare.twitter": "Twitter",
"cboard.components.BoardShare.email": "Email",
"cboard.components.BoardShare.whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
"cboard.components.BoardShare.reddit": "Reddit",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.subject": "Check out this board from Cboard!",
- "cboard.components.BoardShare.body": "Hello! I want to share a communication board from the Cboard tool. Please find it at: {url}",
- "cboard.components.About.resources": "Resources",
- "cboard.components.About.about": "About Cboard",
- "cboard.components.About.intro": "Cboard is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) web application, allowing people with speech and language impairments to communicate by symbols and text-to-speech.",
- "cboard.components.About.contributors": "Contributors",
- "cboard.components.About.license": "License",
- "cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printBoard": "Print Board",
- "cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printBoardSecondary": "Print current board (it can take a while).",
- "cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printCurrentBoard": "Current Board",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.subject": "hare lai tabuada ne husi Cboard!",
+ "cboard.components.BoardShare.body": "Ola! Hau hakarak fahe tabuada komunikasaun husi Cboard App. Favor bele hare husi: {url}",
+ "cboard.components.About.resources": "Rekursu",
+ "cboard.components.About.about": "Kona ba Cboard",
+ "cboard.components.About.intro": "Cboard mak komunikasaun aumentativo no alternativo husi web aplikasaun (AAC), nebe bele aujda ema ho defisiensia atu koalia hodi komunika usa simbolu no text-to-speech.",
+ "cboard.components.About.contributors": "Contribuidores",
+ "cboard.components.About.license": "Lisensa",
+ "cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printBoard": "Print Tabuada",
+ "cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printBoardSecondary": "Print Tabuada ida nee (karik sei haan tempu ituan)",
+ "cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printCurrentBoard": "Tabuada ida nee",
"cboard.components.PrintBoardButton.printFullBoardSet": "Full Board Set",
"cboard.components.FormDialog.save": "Save",
"cboard.components.FormDialog.cancel": "Cancel",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Number of tiles",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Board ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Last edited",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Description",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Board successfully published! Everybody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Board was unpublished! Nobody can see your board now.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Board was permanently deleted.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "This action will create a copy of the public board and will add it into your communicator. Do you want to proceed?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Delete Board",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "This action will delete the board and it cannot be recovered. Do you want to proceed?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Board Description",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Please provide a short description about the content of the board and what is the board intended for.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Accept",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Edit Board Image",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "You can either upload or look for symbols from libraries.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Search for symbols",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Edit board name and description",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Enable folder vocalization",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Reads folders name out loud when clicked",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Export",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Export a single board",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "This option will export a single board you have from a list of boards. You can choose {cboardLink}, {link} or PDF formats.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Export All Boards",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "This option will export ALL the boards you have if you choose {cboardLink} format or {link} format. It will export JUST the current board if you choose PDF format.",
@@ -3399,14 +3405,14 @@
"symbol.transportRoad.van": "van",
"symbol.toolsWorkshop.varnish": "varnish",
"symbol.buildingContents.vase": "vase",
- "symbol.foodVegetablesAndSalads.vegetables": "vegetables",
- "symbol.foodMealsAndSnacks.vegetableSoup": "vegetable soup",
+ "symbol.foodVegetablesAndSalads.vegetables": "modo tahan",
+ "symbol.foodMealsAndSnacks.vegetableSoup": "soupa ho modo tahan",
"symbol.scienceAstronomy.venus": "venus",
"symbol.peopleActions.verbsCollective": "verbs collective",
"symbol.buildingContents.verticalBlinds": "vertical blinds",
"symbol.descriptiveShape.verticalLine": "vertical line",
"symbol.clothesGeneral.vest": "vest",
- "symbol.toolsWorkshop.vice": "vice",
+ "symbol.toolsWorkshop.vice": "vise",
"symbol.electricalMedia.videoCamera": "video camera",
"symbol.electricalMedia.videoPlayer": "video player",
"symbol.electricalMedia.videoTape": "video tape",
@@ -3449,20 +3455,20 @@
"symbol.buildingContents.washingPowder": "washing powder",
"symbol.buildingContents.washingUpBowl": "washing up bowl",
"symbol.buildingContents.washingUpLiquid": "washing up liquid",
- "symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWashClothes": "to wash clothes",
- "symbol.healthcareGroomingActivities.toWashFace": "to wash face",
- "symbol.healthcareGroomingActivities.toWashHands": "to wash hands",
- "symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWashUp": "to wash up",
- "symbol.foodKitchenActions.toWashVegetables": "to wash vegetables",
- "symbol.animalSpidersAndInsects.wasp": "wasp",
+ "symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWashClothes": "hodi fase roupa",
+ "symbol.healthcareGroomingActivities.toWashFace": "hodi fase oin",
+ "symbol.healthcareGroomingActivities.toWashHands": "hodi fase liman",
+ "symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWashUp": "hodi fase",
+ "symbol.foodKitchenActions.toWashVegetables": "hodi fase modo",
+ "symbol.animalSpidersAndInsects.wasp": "banin",
"symbol.buildingContents.wastePaperBin": "waste paper bin",
"symbol.clothesJewellery.watch": "watch",
- "symbol.peopleActions.toWatch": "to watch",
- "symbol.drinkType.water": "water",
- "symbol.toolsGarden.wateringCan": "watering can",
- "symbol.foodFruit.watermelon": "watermelon",
+ "symbol.peopleActions.toWatch": "hodi hare filme",
+ "symbol.drinkType.water": "bee",
+ "symbol.toolsGarden.wateringCan": "lata regador",
+ "symbol.foodFruit.watermelon": "pateka",
"symbol.science.waterproof": "waterproof",
- "symbol.animalActivityFeeding.waterBowl": "water bowl",
+ "symbol.animalActivityFeeding.waterBowl": "nono bee",
"symbol.leisureToys.waterPistol": "water pistol",
"symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWaterPlants": "to water plants",
"symbol.leisureToys.waterTable": "water table",
@@ -3471,98 +3477,98 @@
"symbol.peopleActions.toWearHelmet": "to wear helmet",
"symbol.animalFeatures.webbedFoot": "webbed foot",
"symbol.electricalComputer.webcam": "webcam",
- "symbol.computerIcon.webAddress": "web address",
+ "symbol.computerIcon.webAddress": "enderesu sitiu",
"symbol.plantsAndTrees.weeds": "weeds",
- "symbol.descriptiveTime.week": "week",
- "symbol.descriptiveTime.weekend": "weekend",
+ "symbol.descriptiveTime.week": "semana",
+ "symbol.descriptiveTime.weekend": " semana ",
"symbol.descriptiveQuantity.toWeigh": "to weigh",
"symbol.peopleActions.toWeighFood": "to weigh food",
"symbol.healthcareGroomingActivities.toWeighPerson": "to weigh person",
"symbol.clothesGeneral.wellingtonBoots": "wellington boots",
- "symbol.descriptiveDirection.west": "west",
- "symbol.descriptiveState.wet": "wet",
- "symbol.question.what": "what",
+ "symbol.descriptiveDirection.west": "oeste",
+ "symbol.descriptiveState.wet": "bokon",
+ "symbol.question.what": "saida?",
"symbol.toolsGarden.wheelbarrow": "wheelbarrow",
- "symbol.transportRoad.wheelchair": "wheelchair",
+ "symbol.transportRoad.wheelchair": "kadeira roda",
"symbol.communicationAid.wheelchairAndSwitchMount": "wheelchair and switch mount",
"symbol.communicationAid.wheelchairCommunicationAid": "wheelchair communication aid",
"symbol.buildingContents.wheelieBin": "wheelie bin",
- "symbol.question.when": "when",
- "symbol.question.where": "where",
- "symbol.question.which": "which",
+ "symbol.question.when": "wainhira?",
+ "symbol.question.where": "iha ne'ebé?",
+ "symbol.question.which": "ida ne'ebé ?",
"symbol.foodKitchenItems.whisk": "whisk",
"symbol.animalFeatures.whiskers": "whiskers",
"symbol.foodKitchenActions.toWhisk": "to whisk",
- "symbol.peopleActions.toWhisper": "to whisper",
- "symbol.artColour.white": "white",
- "symbol.buildingEquipmentAndDevices.whiteboard": "whiteboard",
- "symbol.foodIngredients.sugarWhite": "sugar white",
- "symbol.question.who": "who",
- "symbol.descriptiveQuantity.whole": "whole",
- "symbol.question.why": "why",
- "symbol.peopleRelationship.wife": "wife",
+ "symbol.peopleActions.toWhisper": "hodi bis-bisu",
+ "symbol.artColour.white": "mutin",
+ "symbol.buildingEquipmentAndDevices.whiteboard": "kuadru mutin",
+ "symbol.foodIngredients.sugarWhite": "masin midar mutin",
+ "symbol.question.who": "sé ?",
+ "symbol.descriptiveQuantity.whole": "tomak",
+ "symbol.question.why": "tanba sa?",
+ "symbol.peopleRelationship.wife": "fen",
"symbol.peopleActions.toWiggle": "to wiggle",
- "symbol.healthcareGroomingItems.wig": "wig",
+ "symbol.healthcareGroomingItems.wig": "fu'uk falsu",
"symbol.electricalMedia.wii": "wii",
"symbol.electricalMedia.wiiFit": "wii fit",
- "symbol.buildingStructure.window": "window",
- "symbol.healthcareBodyParts.windpipe": "windpipe",
- "symbol.drinkType.wine": "wine",
- "symbol.animalFeatures.wing": "wing",
- "symbol.buildingFurniture.chairWingBack": "chair wing back",
- "symbol.sport.winner": "winner",
- "symbol.descriptiveTime.winter": "winter",
- "symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWipeTable": "to wipe table",
- "symbol.electricalGeneral.wireBreak": "wire break",
+ "symbol.buildingStructure.window": "janela",
+ "symbol.healthcareBodyParts.windpipe": "traqueia",
+ "symbol.drinkType.wine": "tua",
+ "symbol.animalFeatures.wing": "liras",
+ "symbol.buildingFurniture.chairWingBack": "kadeira ho liman",
+ "symbol.sport.winner": "manan na'in",
+ "symbol.descriptiveTime.winter": "tempu malirin",
+ "symbol.buildingHouseholdTasks.toWipeTable": "hamaran meza leten",
+ "symbol.electricalGeneral.wireBreak": "fiu kotu",
"symbol.foodPoultry.wishbone": "wishbone",
"symbol.celebrationItem.witch": "witch",
- "symbol.celebrationItem.witchesHat": "witches hat",
- "symbol.animalMammal.wolf": "wolf",
- "symbol.toolsWorkshop.wood": "wood",
- "symbol.foodKitchenItems.woodenSpoon": "wooden spoon",
+ "symbol.celebrationItem.witchesHat": "S",
+ "symbol.animalMammal.wolf": "asu fuik",
+ "symbol.toolsWorkshop.wood": "ai",
+ "symbol.foodKitchenItems.woodenSpoon": "kanuru ai",
"symbol.toolsWorkshop.woodstain": "woodstain",
"symbol.toolsWorkshop.woodLathe": "wood lathe",
- "symbol.buildingContents.wool": "wool",
+ "symbol.buildingContents.wool": "kabas",
"symbol.workAndSchoolEducation.worksheet": "worksheet",
- "symbol.toolsActions.toWork": "to work",
- "symbol.peopleActions.toWork": "to work",
- "symbol.workAndSchoolEducation.workBook": "work book",
- "symbol.scienceAstronomy.world": "world",
- "symbol.peopleFeelings.worriedLady": "worried lady",
- "symbol.peopleFeelings.worriedMan": "worried man",
- "symbol.celebrationItem.wrappingPaper": "wrapping paper",
- "symbol.celebrationEvent.toWrap": "to wrap",
- "symbol.toolsWorkshop.wrench": "wrench",
- "symbol.sport.toWrestle": "to wrestle",
- "symbol.peopleDescriptive.wrinkled": "wrinkled",
- "symbol.healthcareBodyParts.wrist": "wrist",
- "symbol.communicationConversation.toWrite": "to write",
- "symbol.peopleActions.toWriteCheque": "to write cheque",
- "symbol.communicationConversation.toWriteLetter": "to write letter",
- "symbol.peopleDescriptive.wrongThought": "wrong thought",
+ "symbol.toolsActions.toWork": "hodi servisu",
+ "symbol.peopleActions.toWork": "hodi servisu",
+ "symbol.workAndSchoolEducation.workBook": "kadernu servisu nian",
+ "symbol.scienceAstronomy.world": "mundu",
+ "symbol.peopleFeelings.worriedLady": "feto ne’ebé taridu",
+ "symbol.peopleFeelings.worriedMan": "mane ne’ebé taridu ",
+ "symbol.celebrationItem.wrappingPaper": "surat tahan falun",
+ "symbol.celebrationEvent.toWrap": "hodi falun",
+ "symbol.toolsWorkshop.wrench": "xavi English",
+ "symbol.sport.toWrestle": "baku malu",
+ "symbol.peopleDescriptive.wrinkled": "namkurut",
+ "symbol.healthcareBodyParts.wrist": "liman reloju fatin",
+ "symbol.communicationConversation.toWrite": "hodi hakerek ",
+ "symbol.peopleActions.toWriteCheque": "hodi hakerek cheque",
+ "symbol.communicationConversation.toWriteLetter": "hodi hakerek karta",
+ "symbol.peopleDescriptive.wrongThought": "hanoin sala",
"symbol.alphabet.w-LowerCase": "w",
"symbol.alphabet.w-UpperCase": "W",
"symbol.healthcareMedicalItems.xray": "xray",
- "symbol.musicInstrument.xylophone": "xylophone",
+ "symbol.musicInstrument.xylophone": "xilofone",
"symbol.alphabet.x-LowerCase": "x",
"symbol.alphabet.x-UpperCase": "X",
"symbol.peopleActions.toYawn": "to yawn",
- "symbol.artColour.yellow": "yellow",
- "symbol.descriptiveTime.yesterday": "yesterday",
+ "symbol.artColour.yellow": "kinur",
+ "symbol.descriptiveTime.yesterday": "horseik",
"symbol.leisureToys.yo-Yo": "yo-yo",
"symbol.foodDairy.yogurt": "yogurt",
"symbol.foodBreadsAndBaking.yorkshirePudding": "yorkshire pudding",
- "symbol.peopleDescriptive.young": "young",
+ "symbol.peopleDescriptive.young": "nurak",
"symbol.foodFeedingAndEating.yucky": "yucky",
"symbol.celebrationItem.yuleLog": "yule log",
- "symbol.foodFeedingAndEating.yummy": "yummy",
+ "symbol.foodFeedingAndEating.yummy": "gostu",
"symbol.alphabet.y-LowerCase": "y",
"symbol.alphabet.y-UpperCase": "Y",
"symbol.animalMammal.zebra": "zebra",
- "symbol.transportRoad.zebraCrossing": "zebra crossing",
+ "symbol.transportRoad.zebraCrossing": "Dalan ema la'o ain nian",
"symbol.number.zero": "zero",
"symbol.clothesAccessories.zip": "zip",
- "symbol.computerIcon.toZoom": "to zoom",
+ "symbol.computerIcon.toZoom": "Halo boot",
"symbol.alphabet.z-LowerCase": "z",
"symbol.alphabet.z-UpperCase": "Z"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/translations/uk-UA.json b/src/translations/uk-UA.json
index 8326c7e0d..0cc86b9fd 100644
--- a/src/translations/uk-UA.json
+++ b/src/translations/uk-UA.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Налаштування",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Колір",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Очистити вибір",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Кольорова схема",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Повноекранний",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Вийти з повного екрана",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Бібліотека символів пошуку",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Кількість плиток",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "Ідентифікатор ради",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Останнє редагування",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Опис",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Рада успішно опублікована! Усі можуть бачити вашу дошку зараз.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Рада не була опублікована! Зараз ніхто не може побачити вашу дошку.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Правління назавжди видалено.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Ця дія створить копію загальнодоступної дошки та додасть її у ваш комунікатор. Ви хочете продовжити?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Видалити дошку",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Ця дія видалить плату, і її неможливо відновити. Ви хочете продовжити?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Опис дошки",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Будь ласка, надайте короткий опис вмісту дошки та для чого призначена рада.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Прийміть",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Редагувати зображення дошки",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Можна або завантажити або шукати символи з бібліотек.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Пошук символів",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Відредагуйте назву та опис дошки",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Увімкнути вокалізацію папок",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Читає папки вголос при натисканні",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Експорт",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Експорт однієї дошки",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Ця опція експортує одну дошку, яку ви маєте, зі списку дощок. Ви можете вибрати формати {cboardLink}, {link} або PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Експортуйте всі дошки",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Ця опція експортує ВСІ ваші дошки, якщо ви вибрали формат {cboardLink} або {link} формат. Якщо ви виберете формат PDF, він буде експортований ПОВЕРНЕНО поточну плату.",
diff --git a/src/translations/ur-PK.json b/src/translations/ur-PK.json
index 62b17e106..8caaac240 100644
--- a/src/translations/ur-PK.json
+++ b/src/translations/ur-PK.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "ترتیبات",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "رنگ",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "انتخاب صاف کریں",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "رنگین اسکیم",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "مکمل اسکرین یا بڑی اسکرین",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "پوری سکرین سے باہر نکلیں",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "تلاش علامت لائبریری",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "ٹائل کی تعداد",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "بورڈ کی شناخت",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "آخری بار ترمیم کی",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "تفصیل",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "بورڈ کامیابی کے ساتھ شائع! اب ہر شخص آپ کا بورڈ دیکھ سکتا ہے۔",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "بورڈ غیر مطبوعہ تھا! اب کوئی آپ کا بورڈ نہیں دیکھ سکتا ہے۔",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "بورڈ کو مستقل طور پر حذف کردیا گیا تھا۔",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "یہ عمل عوامی بورڈ کی ایک کاپی تیار کرے گا اور اسے آپ کے مخاطب میں شامل کرے گا۔ کیا آپ آگے بڑھنا چاہتے ہیں؟",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "بورڈ کو حذف کریں",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "اس کارروائی سے بورڈ حذف ہوجائے گا اور اسے بازیافت نہیں کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ کیا آپ آگے بڑھنا چاہتے ہیں؟",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "بورڈ کی تفصیل",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "براہ کرم بورڈ کے مندرجات اور بورڈ کا مقصد کیا ہے اس کے بارے میں ایک مختصر وضاحت فراہم کریں۔",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "قبول کریں",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "بورڈ امیج میں ترمیم کریں",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "آپ یا تو لائبریریوں سے علامتوں کو اپ لوڈ یا تلاش کرسکتے ہیں۔",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "علامتوں کی تلاش",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "بورڈ کے نام اور تفصیل میں ترمیم کریں",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "فولڈر کی آواز کو فعال کریں",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "کلک کرنے پر فولڈروں کا نام اونچی آواز میں پڑھتا ہے",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "برآمد کریں",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "ایک ہی بورڈ برآمد کریں",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "یہ آپشن بورڈ کی فہرست سے ایک واحد بورڈ برآمد کرے گا۔ آپ {cboardLink}، {link} یا پی ڈی ایف فارمیٹ منتخب کرسکتے ہیں۔",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "تمام بورڈ برآمد کریں",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "اگر آپ {cboardLink} شکل یا {link} شکل منتخب کرتے ہیں تو یہ آپشن آپ کے تمام بورڈ برآمد کرے گا۔ اگر آپ پی ڈی ایف فارمیٹ کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں تو یہ موجودہ بورڈ کو صرف برآمد کرے گا۔",
diff --git a/src/translations/vi-VN.json b/src/translations/vi-VN.json
index 2fb4510fa..e55a46e91 100644
--- a/src/translations/vi-VN.json
+++ b/src/translations/vi-VN.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "Cài đặt",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "Màu",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "Xóa lựa chọn",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "Bảng màu",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "Toàn màn hình",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "Thoát toàn màn hình",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "Thư viện ký hiệu tìm kiếm",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "Số lượng gạch",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "ID hội đồng quản trị",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "Chỉnh sửa lần cuối",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "Sự miêu tả",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "Hội đồng quản trị xuất bản thành công! Mọi người có thể thấy bảng của bạn bây giờ.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "Hội đồng quản trị đã không được công bố! Không ai có thể nhìn thấy bảng của bạn bây giờ.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "Hội đồng quản trị đã bị xóa vĩnh viễn.",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "Hành động này sẽ tạo một bản sao của bảng công khai và sẽ thêm nó vào bộ truyền thông của bạn. Bạn có muốn tiếp tục?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "Xóa bảng",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "Hành động này sẽ xóa bảng và nó không thể được phục hồi. Bạn có muốn tiếp tục?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "Mô tả bảng",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "Vui lòng cung cấp một mô tả ngắn về nội dung của bảng và mục đích của bảng.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "Chấp nhận",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "Chỉnh sửa hình ảnh bảng",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "Bạn có thể tải lên hoặc tìm kiếm các biểu tượng từ các thư viện.",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "Tìm kiếm biểu tượng",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "Chỉnh sửa tên và mô tả bảng",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "Cho phép phát âm thư mục",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "Đọc to tên thư mục khi nhấp vào",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "Xuất khẩu",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "Xuất một bảng duy nhất",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "Tùy chọn này sẽ xuất một bảng duy nhất bạn có từ danh sách các bảng. Bạn có thể chọn các định dạng {cboardLink}, {link} hoặc PDF.",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "Xuất khẩu tất cả các bảng",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "Tùy chọn này sẽ xuất TẤT CẢ các bảng bạn có nếu bạn chọn định dạng {cboardLink} hoặc {link} định dạng. Nó sẽ xuất CHỈ bảng hiện tại nếu bạn chọn định dạng PDF.",
diff --git a/src/translations/zh-CN.json b/src/translations/zh-CN.json
index 197b739b8..7e5229f0d 100644
--- a/src/translations/zh-CN.json
+++ b/src/translations/zh-CN.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "设置",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "颜色",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "清空已选选项",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "配色方案",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "全屏",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "退出全屏",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "搜索符号库",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "瓷砖数量",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "董事会ID",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "最后编辑",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "描述",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "董事会成功发布!现在每个人都可以看到您的董事会。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "板未发布!现在没有人可以看到您的董事会。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "董事会被永久删除。",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "此操作将创建公共董事会的副本,并将其添加到您的沟通者中。您要继续吗?",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "删除板",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "此操作将删除板,并且无法恢复。您要继续吗?",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "董事会说明",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "请提供有关董事会内容以及董事会意图的简短说明。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "接受",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "编辑木板图像",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "您可以上传或从库中查找符号。",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "搜索符号",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "编辑板名称和描述",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "启用文件夹发声",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "单击时大声读出文件夹名称",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "导出",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "导出单板",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "此选项将从板列表中导出您拥有的单个板。您可以选择 {cboardLink}, {link} 或PDF格式。",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "导出所有板",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "如果选择 {cboardLink} 格式或 {link} 格式,此选项将导出您拥有的所有电路板。如果您选择PDF格式,它将仅导出当前板。",
diff --git a/src/translations/zu-ZA.json b/src/translations/zu-ZA.json
index ba84935f1..b0e25250e 100644
--- a/src/translations/zu-ZA.json
+++ b/src/translations/zu-ZA.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
"cboard.components.SettingsButton.settings": "crwdns50014:0crwdne50014:0",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.color": "crwdns50009:0crwdne50009:0",
"cboard.components.ColorSelect.clearSelection": "crwdns50010:0crwdne50010:0",
+ "cboard.components.ColorSelect.colorScheme": "crwdns54782:0crwdne54782:0",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.fullscreen": "crwdns49918:0crwdne49918:0",
"cboard.components.FullScreenButton.exitFullscreen": "crwdns49919:0crwdne49919:0",
"cboard.components.SymbolSearch.searchSymbolLibrary": "crwdns49921:0crwdne49921:0",
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoTiles": "crwdns50188:0crwdne50188:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoId": "crwdns50190:0crwdne50190:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardInfoDate": "crwdns52958:0crwdne52958:0",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDescription": "crwdns54784:0crwdne54784:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardPublished": "crwdns52841:0crwdne52841:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardUnpublished": "crwdns52843:0crwdne52843:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.boardDeleted": "crwdns52845:0crwdne52845:0",
@@ -185,7 +187,10 @@
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.copyBoardDescription": "crwdns52857:0crwdne52857:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoard": "crwdns52859:0crwdne52859:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.deleteBoardDescription": "crwdns52861:0crwdne52861:0",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoard": "crwdns54786:0crwdne54786:0",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.publishBoardDescription": "crwdns54788:0crwdne54788:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.accept": "crwdns52863:0crwdne52863:0",
+ "cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoard": "crwdns54790:0crwdne54790:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageBoardDescription": "crwdns52960:0crwdne52960:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.imageSearch": "crwdns52962:0crwdne52962:0",
"cboard.components.CommunicatorDialog.editBoardTitle": "crwdns52990:0crwdne52990:0",
@@ -263,6 +268,7 @@
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFolders": "crwdns53004:0crwdne53004:0",
"cboard.components.Settings.Navigation.vocalizeFoldersSecondary": "crwdns53006:0crwdne53006:0",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.export": "crwdns50004:0crwdne50004:0",
+ "cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingle": "crwdns54792:0crwdne54792:0",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportSingleSecondary": "crwdns52976:0{cboardLink}crwdnd52976:0{link}crwdne52976:0",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAll": "crwdns52978:0crwdne52978:0",
"cboard.components.Settings.Export.exportAllSecondary": "crwdns52980:0{cboardLink}crwdnd52980:0{link}crwdne52980:0",