This is a pre-commit hook for Git that checks the code to be committed for Python PEP8 style compliance. The hook will prevent the commit in case style violations are detected. The script only checks for violations in the changes, not the file as a whole.
This code was forked from
- Install the requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Save pre-commit as your_project/.git/hooks/pre-commit
- Mark pre-commit executable:
$ chmod +x your_project/.git/hooks/pre-commit
In case you want to modify the list of codes to ignore, edit the
list in the pre-commit file.
If you want to select only specific codes to scan for, use the
Additional arguments to the pycodestyle program (e.g., --max-line-length=120
) can be added to the overrides
- The hook can be overridden:
$ git commit --no-verify
- If you want to modify the list of codes to ignore, edit the
list in the pre-commit file. - If you want to select only specific codes to scan for, use the
list. - Additional arguments to the pep8 program (e.g.,
) can be added to theoverrides