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Releases: census-instrumentation/opencensus-java
Releases · census-instrumentation/opencensus-java
v0.12.2 Release
- Fix bugs, fix warnings and update disruptor.
v0.12.1 Release
Do not use. Use v0.12.2 instead.
v0.12.0 Release
- Rename trace exporters that have inconsistent naming. Exporters with legacy names are deprecated.
- Fixed bug in CloudTraceFormat that made it impossible to use short span id's.
- Add since Javadoc tag to all APIs.
- Add a configuration class to create StackdriverTraceExporter.
- Add MessageEvent and deprecate NetworkEvent.
- Instana Trace Exporter.
- Prometheus Stats Exporter.
- Stats Zpages: RpcZ and StatsZ.
- Dependency updates.
v0.11.1 Release
- Fixed bug that made it impossible to use short span id's (#950).
v0.11.0 Release
- Add TextFormat API and two implementations (B3Format and CloudTraceFormat).
- Add helper class to configure and create StackdriverStatsExporter.
- Add helper methods in tracer to wrap Runnable and Callbacks and to run them.
- Increase trace exporting interval to 5s.
- Add helper class to register views.
- Make stackdriver stats exporter compatible with GAE Java7.
- Add SignalFX stats exporter.
- Add http propagation APIs.
- Dependency updates.
v0.10.0 Release
- Add NoopRunningSpanStore and NoopSampledSpanStore.
- Change the message event to include (un)compressed sizes for Tracez Zpage.
- Use AppEngine compatible way to create threads.
- Add new factory methods that support setting custom Stackdriver MonitoredResource for Stackdriver Stats Exporter.
- Dependency updates.
v0.9.1 Release
v0.9.0 Release
- Initial stats and tagging implementation for Java (impl) and Android (impl-lite). This implements all the stats and tagging APIs since v0.8.0.
- Deprecate Tags.setState and Stats.setState.
- Add a setStatus method in the Span.
- OpenCensus Stackdriver Stats Exporter.
- OpenCensus Stackdriver Trace Exporter is updated to use Stackdriver Trace V2 APIs.
- Dependency updates.
v0.8.0 Release
- Initial stats and tagging API. The API supports setting tags, and recording and querying stats. This release doesn't include an implementation, so the stats and tagging methods currently have no effect. The next release should include implementations for Java and Android.
- OpenCensus Zipkin Trace Exporter
- Dependency updates.
v0.7.0 Release
What is in this release?
Bug fixes.
Dependency updates.
Where are the tags/stats APIs?
- The tags/stats APIs are re-designed. They will be available in the next release.