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Releases: census-instrumentation/opencensus-node

@opencensus/[email protected]

11 Jun 17:32
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This is the first release of the @opencensus/core module.


bc7d181 doc: update files and add examples (#29)
b2fd95d fix: unref ExporterBuffer flush timer (#25)
6f5c697 feat: add onStartSpan method to OnEndSpanEventListener interface and rename it to SpanEventListener (#20)
5cdb893 refactor: rename moduleExporters to moduleExports in BasePlugin class and Plugin interface
eb3ac2c feat: add propagation to config and tracer
a430e08 feat: add propagation interface
818ba2e chore: start testing on circleci (#6)
edd8845 fix: nodejs 6 async_hook issue (#9)
cbce142 refactor: fix some dependencies, file copyright and typos (#5)
29c9f04 chore: update AUTHORS (#4)
4707152 refactor: rework according to review follow up
b90d44c refactor: changes after PR review
618b9d6 doc: update tracer jsdoc for wrap and wraEmitter
20fef5c doc: remove doc files unrelated to core
72a97c2 refactor: rename class SpanBaseModel to SpanBase and file span-base-model to span-base
e7036c8 style: update Copyright notice
7dca176 refactor: update and standardize use of types module namespace
d01e0f4 refactor: remove Impl classes suffixes and use module namespace for types
81f9dfb fix: export logger to others packages
39e6fea refactor: add index-types.ts
d12e7b3 fix: make buffer queue public
74c614a refactor: rework after review
05cee77 fix: minor tslint issues
e94e0c4 test: add sampler test
f40be38 test: created testes for pluginloader
2fe4fe4 test: add unit tests for consolelog-exporter
eba9b69 refactor: add logger to ather classes
5095782 docs: add jsdoc to consolelogger
14e8854 test: add unit test to consolelogger.ts
1831409 feat: update console log
517eff0 feat: Add console logger
6fdca25 test: created tests for spanbasemodel
4a9731a refactor: add jsdoc to core package
fc92980 test: created new tests for trace
34a7744 doc: added files
1d0bafe fix: some tests and tslint issues
19b9bce test: adding unit test to buffer.ts
89db611 feat: more general config interface
84623b0 feat: added spans optional parameters
7837f51 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to util.ts
0e9774d test: created rootspan test
4a3d279 fix: fixed typescript code style
2201ed6 refactor: update buffer and exporters
6b05124 fix: fixed gts issues
d543d2b test: added GTS scripts
4adaa33 fix: fixed span tests
b5a0635 refactor: modify sampler config to use optionsTracing
fccd268 refactor: type, classes overall refactoring
f7a6019 refactor: update interface types
3d59c94 refactor: create interfaces for model classes
7ccff25 refactor: create new module structure
702b0d0 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to stackdriver.ts file5
c4e1162 chord: merge commit
baf1b76 chord: merge commit
76ef198 chord: merge commit
f3e1a11 chord: merge commit
177a198 chord: merge commit
7f0beec refactor: apply code guidelines rules to clock.ts file
5c8776b chord: merge commit
81081e6 chord: merge commit
a38a897 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to span.ts
6f76275 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to rootspan.ts file
3f161dd refactor: apply code guidelines rules to test-span.ts file
1ea07bc refactor: apply code guidelines rules to test-rootspan.ts file
221ff15 docs: document interface todo
014afa6 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to stackdriver.ts file
cc12672 chord: merge commit
d966db5 refactor: modified variable traceId for private
86ae976 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to plugingtypes.ts file
efb59f5 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to buffer.ts file
314e7ab refactor: typescript doc rewrited
aa307a2 refactor: apply code guidelines rules to sampler.ts file
528be79 refactor: remove some unwanted dependencies from Tracer
fe5a6aa Change getContext to SpanBaseModel
5e4ef9b Enable propagation to work with non sampled spans
e409d69 chord: merge commit
71f70c6 Changes http span naming method
9d08c47 Remove unused variables
12e0b50 Propagate trace context over B3 format
a2d3345 chord: merge commit
2b12413 Refactor the Sampler class
32360cb Removing unnecessary import
7484de4 Fixed trace tests
8cd96cc Fix buffer and exporters local bugs
9e71d0f chord: merge commit
36421be Revert "Ajusted import sampler"
2aad56a Ajusted import sampler
f77b794 Move sampler.ts from model to config
1e2f049 Creates Traces with sent context
c1482fe chord: merge commit
f957357 Adapted tests for dev
088abb0 chord: merge commit
4a110af chord: merge commit
cd6cf28 chord: merge commit
4b78a1e Move sampler to options
6c6c036 Fixed zipkin url configuration
aeb0264 Add wrapEmitter to req and res, Improving debug mensages
24df9ce chord: merge commit
6cc8995 chord: merge commit
f3246b3 Sends Trace Context over http headers
f316a6b Change startRootSpan to deal with context
8cddf95 Add sampler
9bdb21f Buffer refactoring
3b00c70 Adds patching for http GET requests
bb26d68 Fix code style
fe5ece9 More refactorings, add endspan event listener, correct bug in zipkin exporter and others
de75000 Refactoring: rename class and file Trace to RootSpan, add TraceConfig interface, add TraceContext interface
d6930df finished zipkin basic implementation
50b920d added basic struct
1cff931 Add start methods for Stackdriver and Zipkin
abad01f Make spans in a trace private
0790f49 chord: merge commit
3b86c76 Fix code style.
a40f1d4 traceId logic update
072bfc4 Send real data to Stackdriver and create registerExporter method
bf33d9c Refactoring test classes to the new clases names
7af710f Changing class name TraceManger to Tracer, creating class Tracing. Moving class files Span.ts, Trace.ts and Tracer.ts to trace/model
3cf908a Changing class name TraceManger to Tracer, creating class Tracing. Moving class files Span.ts, Trace.ts and Tracer.ts to trace/model
bfed75d chord: merge commit
50d266d Add license on the unit tests
7161ccf Add interfaces
994b9bc Fix end trace
5c853bf finished interfaces creation
a221c63 added test-tracemanager
5126f58 Add initial Stackdriver exporter
3a1fd0d chord: merge commit
891202e finished test-tracemanager
38aea52 chord: merge commit
532819a Add unit tests for span.ts
8c9102d added new tests in test-trace
f482e37 finished test-trace
ce6d020 Added basic structure of tests
26c75a0 PoD(Proof Of Design) - v0

@opencensus/[email protected]

31 May 06:08
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This is the first release of the Stackdriver v1 trace context propagation module.


e3bb345 chore(propagation-stackdriver): add LICENSE and AUTHORS files (#15)
6db5496 feat: introduce opencensus-propagation-stackdriver (#12)