Describe your environment. Describe any aspect of your environment relevant to the problem, including your Python version, platform, version numbers of installed dependencies, information about your cloud hosting provider, etc. If you're reporting a problem with a specific version of a library in this repo, please check whether the problem has been fixed on master.
I installed with pip
pip install --upgrade opencensus opencensus-ext-prometheus prometheus-client
pip list | grep opencensus
opencensus 0.11.2
opencensus-context 0.1.3
opencensus-ext-prometheus 0.2.1
opencensus-ext-prometheus still is using the old version 0.2.1, an error will be raised
opencensus/ext/prometheus/stats_exporter/", line 209, in to_metric
AttributeError: module 'opencensus.stats.aggregation_data' has no attribute 'SumAggregationDataFloat'
SumAggregationDataFloat should be SumAggregationData, I saw we already fixed this issue in '0.3.dev0'
Steps to reproduce.
Describe exactly how to reproduce the error. Include a code sample if applicable.
What is the expected behavior?
What did you expect to see?
What is the actual behavior?
What did you see instead?
Additional context.
Add any other context about the problem here.