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imagetest_harness_docker: export configurable variables to start container and run tests in the same network #176




This proposal aims to enrich the developer experience of imagetest_harness_docker module.


By extending the capabilities of imagetest_harness_docker to handle multiple variables, we eliminate the need to manually write docker container run <ARGS> in each test script. Additionally, running the tests within the same network removes the necessity to execute networking-related tests in a separate container, which currently requires passing --network container:"${CONTAINER_NAME}".

Current Flow

resource "imagetest_harness_docker" "docker" {
  name      = "test"
  inventory = data.imagetest_inventory.this

  mounts = [{
    source      = path.module
    destination = "/tests"

  envs = {
    IMAGE_NAME : var.digest

Then we need to run the container inside the test script first:

0. Add required tools
apk add curl jq nodejs npm

1. Run the container first
docker run \
  -d --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 9090:9090 \
  -e FOO=BAR \
  --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" \

2. If you need to access ports, you need to set network
curl() {
  docker run --network container:"${CONTAINER_NAME}" curl "$@"
  1. Run tests
curl http://localhost:8080/health | jq -e '.status == "UP"'
curl http://localhost:9090/health | jq -e '.status == "UP"'

docker run --network container:"${CONTAINER_NAME}" node  bash -c "/usr/local/bin/npm install -g tool && tool --address localhost:9090 status"

Proposed Flow

Expose some variables to pass docker container run:

resource "imagetest_harness_docker" "docker" {

  ports = [8080, 9090]
  read_only = true
  platform = ["linux/x86_64"]


In the test script:

  • Required testing tools are provided by default, so we don't need to apk add for common tools.
  • imagetest_harness_docker will run the container by exposing the ports, etc.
  • Wait until container to be running state
  • We can able to run network-related tests without needing to execute them inside a container using --network container:"${CONTAINER_NAME}".
resource "imagetest_feature" "docker" {
  name    = "camunda-zeebe-docker-test"
  harness = imagetest_harness_docker.docker

  steps = [{
    name = "Smoke test"
    cmd  = <<EOF
curl http://localhost:8080/health | jq -e '.status == "UP"'
curl http://localhost:9090/health | jq -e '.status == "UP"'
npm install -g tool && tool --address localhost:9090 status"

Current Behavior

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080 after 0 ms: Could not connect to server
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 9090 after 0 ms: Could not connect to server




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