Scan GitHub Workflow logs for IOCs from the tj-actions/changed-files breach.
- This script should not be seen as a universal detector of compromise; rather, a single result likely indicates that other Workflow runs in the search window were also compromised
- If the script detects base64 content in a Workflow's run logs as well as consecutive empty lines (no secrets leaked from the compromised action), then only the base64 data will be returned
- This script will scan either an organization's or a repository's Workflow run logs for IOCs (double base64-encoded strings) and will attempt to decode them
- This script was adapated from a mess of Python code that was built to scan the entirety of GitHub so there may be quirks or bugs
- Since Workflows may no longer use the Action, this script just lists all Workflows and searches the logs during the period of time when the Action was compromised
- This script is intended to be run using a short-lived GitHub Token from
- chainctl installed to handle ephemeral authentication
The ID required for the trust policy can be retrieved with:
$ chainctl auth status -o json | jq .identity | tr -d '"'
The policy file will look something like this:
# Use ONE of subject or subject_pattern
subject: <ID from above>
subject_pattern: (<ID from above>)
email: ".*"
actions: read
contents: read
-cache string
Path to JSON cache file (default "cache.json")
Reset the findings cache
-csv string
Path to final CSV output file
-end string
End time for workflow run filtering (RFC3339) (default "2025-03-16T00:00:00Z")
-ioc-content string
Comma-separated string(s) to search for in logs
-ioc-name string
IOC Logs to scan for (e.g. tj-actions/changed-files (default "tj-actions/changed-files")
-ioc-pattern string
Regex pattern to search logs with
-json string
Path to final JSON output file
-start string
Start time for workflow run filtering (RFC3339) (default "2025-03-14T00:00:00Z")
-target string
Organization name or owner/repository (e.g. octocat/Hello-World)
-token string
GitHub Personal Access Token
For example:
$ chainctl auth octo-sts --scope chainguard-dev/tj-scan --identity ephemerality -- go run cmd/tj-scan/main.go -target owner/repo -json="final.json" -csv="final.csv"
2025/03/18 11:27:59 INFO Found 1 repositories to scan
2025/03/18 11:27:59 INFO No existing cache found at cache.json, starting fresh
Custom IOC configuration can be provided with the flags documented above or added to config.yaml
name: "custom-ioc-name"
content: "0e58ed8671d6b60d0890c21b07f8835ace038e67,example-string,example-string2"
pattern: "(?:^|\\s+)([A-Za-z0-9+/]{40,}={0,3})"
is a reference to the IOC
is the string or strings to search for in the Workflow logs
is an optional regex pattern to search for in the Workflow logs
Results will be saved in the results/