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2119 lines (1653 loc) · 50.1 KB

File metadata and controls

2119 lines (1653 loc) · 50.1 KB



Patch Changes


Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • d68ad1f: [BREAKING]: Fix issue where Next.js build might fail intermittently due to version mismatch between internal ts-morph and userland typescript.

    The current version of TS supported is 5.6.2

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Minor Changes

  • f00ff88: BREAKING: Remove emitPackage config option,

    tldr: use importMap instead for absolute paths (e.g can be used for component libraries)

    emitPackage is deprecated, it's known for causing several issues:

    • bundlers sometimes eagerly cache the node_modules, leading to panda codegen updates to the styled-system not visible in the browser
    • auto-imports are not suggested in your IDE.
    • in some IDE the typings are not always reflected properly

    As alternatives, you can use:

    • relative paths instead of absolute paths (e.g. ../styled-system/css instead of styled-system/css)
    • use package.json #imports and/or tsconfig path aliases (prefer package.json#imports when possible, TS 5.4 supports them by default) like #styled-system/css instead of styled-system/css
    • for a component library, use a dedicated workspace package (e.g. @acme/styled-system) and use importMap: "@acme/styled-system" so that Panda knows which entrypoint to extract, e.g. import { css } from '@acme/styled-system/css'

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Minor Changes

  • 2691f16: Add config.themes to easily define and apply a theme on multiple tokens at once, using data attributes and CSS variables.

    Can pre-generate multiple themes with token overrides as static CSS, but also dynamically import and inject a theme stylesheet at runtime (browser or server).


    // panda.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      // main theme
      theme: {
        extend: {
          tokens: {
            colors: {
              text: { value: 'blue' },
          semanticTokens: {
            colors: {
              body: {
                value: {
                  base: '{}',
                  _osDark: '{}',
      // alternative theme variants
      themes: {
        primary: {
          tokens: {
            colors: {
              text: { value: 'red' },
          semanticTokens: {
            colors: {
              muted: { value: '{}' },
              body: {
                value: {
                  base: '{}',
                  _osDark: '{}',
        secondary: {
          tokens: {
            colors: {
              text: { value: 'blue' },
          semanticTokens: {
            colors: {
              muted: { value: '{}' },
              body: {
                value: {
                  base: '{}',
                  _osDark: '{}',

    Pregenerating themes

    By default, no additional theme variant is generated, you need to specify the specific themes you want to generate in staticCss.themes to include them in the CSS output.

    // panda.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      staticCss: {
        themes: ['primary', 'secondary'],

    This will generate the following CSS:

    @layer tokens {
      :where(:root, :host) {
        --colors-text: blue;
        --colors-body: var(--colors-blue-600);
      [data-panda-theme='primary'] {
        --colors-text: red;
        --colors-muted: var(--colors-red-200);
        --colors-body: var(--colors-red-600);
      @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
        :where(:root, :host) {
          --colors-body: var(--colors-blue-400);
        [data-panda-theme='primary'] {
          --colors-body: var(--colors-red-400);

    An alternative way of applying a theme is by using the new styled-system/themes entrypoint where you can import the themes CSS variables and use them in your app.

    ℹ️ The styled-system/themes will always contain every themes (tree-shaken if not used), staticCss.themes only applies to the CSS output.

    Each theme has a corresponding JSON file with a similar structure:

      "name": "primary",
      "id": "panda-themes-primary",
      "dataAttr": "primary",
      "css": "[data-panda-theme=primary] { ... }"

    ℹ️ Note that for semantic tokens, you need to use inject the theme styles, see below

    Dynamically import a theme using its name:

    import { getTheme } from '../styled-system/themes'
    const theme = await getTheme('red')
    //    ^? {
    //     name: "red";
    //     id: string;
    //     css: string;
    // }

    Inject the theme styles into the DOM:

    import { injectTheme } from '../styled-system/themes'
    const theme = await getTheme('red')
    injectTheme(document.documentElement, theme) // this returns the injected style element

    SSR example with NextJS:

    // app/layout.tsx
    import { Inter } from 'next/font/google'
    import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
    import { ThemeName, getTheme } from '../../styled-system/themes'
    export default async function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
      const store = cookies()
      const themeName = store.get('theme')?.value as ThemeName
      const theme = themeName && (await getTheme(themeName))
      return (
        <html lang="en" data-panda-theme={themeName ? themeName : undefined}>
          {themeName && (
              <style type="text/css" id={} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: theme.css }} />
    // app/page.tsx
    import { getTheme, injectTheme } from '../../styled-system/themes'
    export default function Home() {
      return (
            onClick={async () => {
              const current = document.documentElement.dataset.pandaTheme
              const next = current === 'primary' ? 'secondary' : 'primary'
              const theme = await getTheme(next)
              setCookie('theme', next, 7)
              injectTheme(document.documentElement, theme)
            swap theme
    // Set a Cookie
    function setCookie(cName: string, cValue: any, expDays: number) {
      let date = new Date()
      date.setTime(date.getTime() + expDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
      const expires = 'expires=' + date.toUTCString()
      document.cookie = cName + '=' + cValue + '; ' + expires + '; path=/'

    Finally, you can create a theme contract to ensure that all themes have the same structure:

    import { defineThemeContract } from '@pandacss/dev'
    const defineTheme = defineThemeContract({
      tokens: {
        colors: {
          red: { value: '' }, // theme implementations must have a red color
      selector: '.theme-secondary',
      tokens: {
        colors: {
          // ^^^^   Property 'red' is missing in type '{}' but required in type '{ red: { value: string; }; }'
          // fixed with
          // red: { value: 'red' },

Patch Changes

  • 445c7b6: Fix merging issue when using a preset that has a token with a conflicting value with another (or the user's config)

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    const userConfig = defineConfig({
      presets: [
          theme: {
            extend: {
              tokens: {
                colors: {
                  black: { value: 'black' },
      theme: {
        tokens: {
          extend: {
            colors: {
              black: {
                0: { value: 'black' },
                10: { value: 'black/10' },
                20: { value: 'black/20' },
                30: { value: 'black/30' },

    When merged with the preset, the config would create nested tokens (black.10, black.20, black.30) inside of the initially flat black token.

    This would cause issues as the token engine stops diving deeper after encountering an object with a value property.

    To fix this, we now automatically replace the flat black token using the DEFAULT keyword when resolving the config so that the token engine can continue to dive deeper into the object:

      "theme": {
        "tokens": {
          "colors": {
            "black": {
              "0": {
                "value": "black",
              "10": {
                "value": "black/10",
              "20": {
                "value": "black/20",
              "30": {
                "value": "black/30",
    -          "value": "black",
    +          "DEFAULT": {
    +            "value": "black",
    +          },
  • 861a280: Introduce a new globalVars config option to define type-safe CSS variables and custom CSS @property.


    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      globalVars: {
        '--some-color': 'red',
        '--button-color': {
          syntax: '<color>',
          inherits: false,
          initialValue: 'blue',

    Note: Keys defined in globalVars will be available as a value for every utilities, as they're not bound to token categories.

    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
    const className = css({
      '--button-color': '',
      // ^^^^^^^^^^^^  will be suggested
      backgroundColor: 'var(--button-color)',
      //                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  will be suggested
  • Updated dependencies [861a280]

  • Updated dependencies [2691f16]

  • Updated dependencies [340f4f1]

  • Updated dependencies [fabdabe]


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Patch Changes

  • 58388de: Fix a false positive with the validation check that reported Missing token when using a color opacity modifier in config tokens or semanticTokens

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      validation: 'warn',
      conditions: {
        light: '.light &',
        dark: '.dark &',
      theme: {
        tokens: {
          colors: {
            blue: { 500: { value: 'blue' } },
            green: { 500: { value: 'green' } },
          opacity: {
            half: { value: 0.5 },
        semanticTokens: {
          colors: {
            secondary: {
              value: {
                base: 'red',
                _light: '{}',
                _dark: '{}',

    Would incorrectly report:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 1c63216: Add a config validation check to prevent using spaces in token keys, show better error logs when there's a CSS parsing error

  • 9f04427: Fix "missing token" warning when using DEFAULT in tokens path

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      validation: 'error',
      theme: {
        semanticTokens: {
          colors: {
            primary: {
              DEFAULT: { value: '#ff3333' },
              lighter: { value: '#ff6666' },
            background: { value: '{colors.primary}' }, // <-- ⚠️ wrong warning
            background2: { value: '{colors.primary.lighter}' }, // <-- no warning, correct

    Add a warning when using value twice

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      validation: 'error',
      theme: {
        tokens: {
          colors: {
            primary: { value: '#ff3333' },
        semanticTokens: {
          colors: {
            primary: {
              value: { value: '{colors.primary}' }, // <-- ⚠️ new warning for this
  • Updated dependencies [d1516c8]


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Patch Changes

  • a032375: Add a way to create config conditions with nested at-rules/selectors

    export default defaultConfig({
      conditions: {
        extend: {
          supportHover: ['@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine)', '&:hover'],
    import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
      _supportHover: {
        color: 'red',

    will generate the following CSS:

    @media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {
      &:hover {
        color: red;
  • 89ffb6b: Add missing config dependencies for some styled-system/types files

  • Updated dependencies [a032375]

  • Updated dependencies [89ffb6b]


Minor Changes

  • de4d9ef: Allow config.hooks to be shared in plugins

    For hooks that can transform Panda's internal state by returning something (like cssgen:done and codegen:prepare), each hook instance will be called sequentially and the return result (if any) of the previous hook call is passed to the next hook so that they can be chained together.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • f0296249: - Sort the longhand/shorthand atomic rules in a deterministic order to prevent property conflicts

    • Automatically merge the base object in the css root styles in the runtime
    • This may be a breaking change depending on how your styles are created


      padding: '1px',
      paddingTop: '3px',
      paddingBottom: '4px',

    Will now always generate the following css:

    @layer utilities {
      .p_1px {
        padding: 1px;
      .pt_3px {
        padding-top: 3px;
      .pb_4px {
        padding-bottom: 4px;

Patch Changes

  • e2ad0eed: - Fix issue in token validation logic where token with additional properties like description is considered invalid.
    • When validation is set to error, show all config errors at once instead of stopping at the first error.
  • 2d69b340: Fix styled factory nested composition with cva
  • ddeda8ac: Add missing log with the panda -w CLI, expose resolveConfig from @pandacss/config
  • Updated dependencies [8f36f9af]
  • Updated dependencies [f0296249]
  • Updated dependencies [a17fe387]
  • Updated dependencies [2d69b340]
  • Updated dependencies [40cb30b9]


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Minor Changes

  • 0dd45b6a: Fix issue where config changes could not be detected due to config bundling returning stale result sometimes.

Patch Changes

  • 74485ef1: Add utils functions in the config:resolved hook, making it easy to apply transformations after all presets have been merged.

    For example, this could be used if you want to use most of a preset but want to completely omit a few things, while keeping the rest. Let's say we want to remove the stack pattern from the built-in @pandacss/preset-base:

    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      hooks: {
        'config:resolved': ({ config, utils }) => {
          return utils.omit(config, ['patterns.stack'])
  • ab32d1d7: Fix issue where errors were thrown when semantic tokens are overriden in tokens.

  • d5977c24: - Add a --logfile flag to the panda, panda codegen, panda cssgen and panda debug commands.

    • Add a logfile option to the postcss plugin

    Logs will be streamed to the file specified by the --logfile flag or the logfile option. This is useful for debugging issues that occur during the build process.

    panda --logfile ./logs/panda.log
    module.exports = {
      plugins: {
        '@pandacss/dev/postcss': {
          logfile: './logs/panda.log',
  • Updated dependencies [74485ef1]

  • Updated dependencies [ab32d1d7]

  • Updated dependencies [49c760cd]

  • Updated dependencies [d5977c24]


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Minor Changes

  • a2fb5cc6: - Add support for explicitly specifying config related files that should trigger a context reload on change.

    We automatically track the config file and (transitive) files imported by the config file as much as possible, but sometimes we might miss some. You can use this option as a workaround for those edge cases.

    Set the dependencies option in panda.config.ts to a glob or list of files.

    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      dependencies: ['path/to/files/**.ts'],
    • Invoke config:change hook in more situations (when the --watch flag is passed to panda codegen, panda cssgen, panda ship)

    • Watch for more config options paths changes, so that the related artifacts will be regenerated a bit more reliably (ex: updating the config.hooks will now trigger a full regeneration of styled-system)

Patch Changes

  • ea3f5548: Add config validation:

    • Check for duplicate between token & semanticTokens names
    • Check for duplicate between recipes/patterns/slots names
    • Check for token / semanticTokens paths (must end/contain 'value')
    • Check for self/circular token references
    • Check for missing tokens references
    • Check for conditions selectors (must contain '&')
    • Check for breakpoints units (must be the same)

    You can set validate: 'warn' in your config to only warn about errors or set it to none to disable validation entirely.

  • Updated dependencies [5fcdeb75]

  • Updated dependencies [250b4d11]

  • Updated dependencies [f778d3e5]

  • Updated dependencies [a2fb5cc6]


Minor Changes

  • f58f6df2: Refactor config.hooks to be much more powerful, you can now:

    • Tweak the config after it has been resolved (after presets are loaded and merged), this could be used to dynamically load all recipes from a folder
    • Transform a source file's content before parsing it, this could be used to transform the file content to a tsx-friendly syntax so that Panda's parser can parse it.
    • Implement your own parser logic and add the extracted results to the classic Panda pipeline, this could be used to parse style usage from any template language
    • Tweak the CSS content for any @layer or even right before it's written to disk (if using the CLI) or injected through the postcss plugin, allowing all kinds of customizations like removing the unused CSS variables, etc.
    • React to any config change or after the codegen step (your outdir, the styled-system folder) have been generated

    See the list of available config.hooks here:

    export interface PandaHooks {
       * Called when the config is resolved, after all the presets are loaded and merged.
       * This is the first hook called, you can use it to tweak the config before the context is created.
      'config:resolved': (args: { conf: LoadConfigResult }) => MaybeAsyncReturn
       * Called when the Panda context has been created and the API is ready to be used.
      'context:created': (args: { ctx: ApiInterface; logger: LoggerInterface }) => void
       * Called when the config file or one of its dependencies (imports) has changed.
      'config:change': (args: { config: UserConfig }) => MaybeAsyncReturn
       * Called after reading the file content but before parsing it.
       * You can use this hook to transform the file content to a tsx-friendly syntax so that Panda's parser can parse it.
       * You can also use this hook to parse the file's content on your side using a custom parser, in this case you don't have to return anything.
      'parser:before': (args: { filePath: string; content: string }) => string | void
       * Called after the file styles are extracted and processed into the resulting ParserResult object.
       * You can also use this hook to add your own extraction results from your custom parser to the ParserResult object.
      'parser:after': (args: { filePath: string; result: ParserResultInterface | undefined }) => void
       * Called after the codegen is completed
      'codegen:done': () => MaybeAsyncReturn
       * Called right before adding the design-system CSS (global, static, preflight, tokens, keyframes) to the final CSS
       * Called right before writing/injecting the final CSS (styles.css) that contains the design-system CSS and the parser CSS
       * You can use it to tweak the CSS content before it's written to disk or injected through the postcss plugin.
      'cssgen:done': (args: {
        artifact: 'global' | 'static' | 'reset' | 'tokens' | 'keyframes' | 'styles.css'
        content: string
      }) => string | void

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Minor Changes

  • 84304901: Improve performance, mostly for the CSS generation by removing a lot of postcss usage (and plugins).

    Public changes:

    • Introduce a new config.lightningcss option to use lightningcss (currently disabled by default) instead of postcss.
    • Add a new config.browserslist option to configure the browserslist used by lightningcss.
    • Add a --lightningcss flag to the panda and panda cssgen command to use lightningcss instead of postcss for this run.

    Internal changes:

    • markImportant fn from JS instead of walking through postcss AST nodes
    • use a fork of stitches stringify function instead of postcss-css-in-js to write the CSS string from a JS object
    • only compute once TokenDictionary properties
    • refactor serializeStyle to use the same code path as the rest of the pipeline with StyleEncoder / StyleDecoder and rename it to transformStyles to better convey what it does

Patch Changes

  • c9195a4e: ## Change

    Change the config dependencies (files that are transitively imported) detection a bit more permissive to make it work by default in more scenarios.


    This helps when you're in a monorepo and you have a workspace package for your preset, and you want to see the HMR reflecting changes in your app.

    Currently, we only traverse files with the .ts extension, this change makes it traverse all files ending with .ts, meaning that it will also traverse .d.ts, .d.mts, .mts, etc.


    // apps/storybook/panda.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from '@pandacss/dev'
    import preset from '@acme/preset'
    export default defineConfig({
      // ...

    This would not work before, but now it does.

      "name": "@acme/preset",
      "types": "./dist/index.d.mts", // we only looked into `.ts` files, so we didnt check this
      "main": "./dist/index.js",
      "module": "./dist/index.mjs",


    This would have been fine before that change.

    // packages/preset/package.json
      "name": "@acme/preset",
      "types": "./src/index.ts", // this was fine
      "main": "./dist/index.js",
      "exports": {
        ".": {
          "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
          "import": "./dist/index.mjs",
          "require": "./dist/index.js",
        // ...
  • Updated dependencies [84304901]

  • Updated dependencies [bee3ec85]

  • Updated dependencies [74ac0d9d]


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Patch Changes

  • 1bd7fbb7: Fix an edge-case for when the config.outdir would not be set in the panda.config

    Internal details: The outdir would not have any value after a config change due to the fallback being set in the initial config resolving code path but not in context reloading code path, moving it inside the config loading function fixes this issue.

  • Updated dependencies [3f6b3662]

  • Updated dependencies [657ca5da]

  • Updated dependencies [b5cf6ee6]

  • Updated dependencies [58df7d74]


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Minor Changes

  • 904aec7b: - Add support for staticCss in presets allowing you create sharable, pre-generated styles

    • Add support for extending staticCss defined in presets
    const presetWithStaticCss = definePreset({
      staticCss: {
        recipes: {
          // generate all button styles and variants
          button: ['*'],
    export default defineConfig({
      presets: [presetWithStaticCss],
      staticCss: {
        extend: {
          recipes: {
            // extend and pre-generate all sizes for card
            card: [{ size: ['small', 'medium', 'large'] }],

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Patch Changes

  • 2645c2da: > Note: This is only relevant for users using more than 1 custom defined preset that overlap with each other.

    BREAKING CHANGE: Presets merging order felt wrong (left overriding right presets) and is now more intuitive (right overriding left presets)


    const firstConfig = definePreset({
      theme: {
        tokens: {
          colors: {
            'first-main': { value: 'override' },
        extend: {
          tokens: {
            colors: {
              orange: { value: 'orange' },
              gray: { value: 'from-first-config' },
    const secondConfig = definePreset({
      theme: {
        tokens: {
          colors: {
            pink: { value: 'pink' },
        extend: {
          tokens: {
            colors: {
              blue: { value: 'blue' },
              gray: { value: 'gray' },
    // Final config
    export default defineConfig({
      presets: [firstConfig, secondConfig],

    Here's the difference between the old and new behavior:

      "theme": {
        "tokens": {
          "colors": {
            "blue": {
              "value": "blue"
    -        "first-main": {
    -          "value": "override"
    -        },
            "gray": {
    -          "value": "from-first-config"
    +          "value": "gray"
            "orange": {
              "value": "orange"
    +        "pink": {
    +            "value": "pink",
    +        },
  • Updated dependencies [26a788c0]


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Patch Changes

  • 33198907: Create separate entrypoint for merge configs

    import { mergeConfigs } from '@pandacss/config/merge'
  • 1a2c0e2b: Fix file dependencies detection when using the builder (= with PostCSS or with the VSCode extension). It will now also properly resolve tsconfig path aliases.

  • Updated dependencies [8c670d60]

  • Updated dependencies [f9247e52]

  • Updated dependencies [1ed239cd]

  • Updated dependencies [78ed6ed4]


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Patch Changes

  • c308e8be: Allow asynchronous presets

  • fb40fff2: Initial release of all packages

    • Internal AST parser for TS and TSX
    • Support for defining presets in config
    • Support for design tokens (core and semantic)
    • Add outExtension key to config to allow file extension options for generated javascript. .js or .mjs
    • Add jsxElement option to patterns, to allow specifying the jsx element rendered by the patterns.
  • Updated dependencies [c308e8be]

  • Updated dependencies [fb40fff2]