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Project overview

The CZ ID graphQL federation server runs on graphQL Mesh. The server federates responses from REST and graphQL queries to the CZ ID Rails application, to a graphQL schema based on our next generatation data model, and will eventually federate responses from graphQL queries to new services into that data model. This server is an integral piece of our transition to a system architecture and data model.

Development Environment setup

To run this service locally, run

make local-init

Note that set up CZ ID setup needs to be completed first, to have the docker network configuration in place. In the local development environment, CZ ID is run with a nginx reverse proxy that forwards graphql requests to the federation server.

The Yoga GraphiQL interface can be used to manually perform queries against graphQL Mesh.

  • to authenticate your graphiql requests you will need to include an authentication header
  • find your user's id by opening the rails console in the czid-web project and querying for your user (and set their role to admin)
    • make local-railsc
    • User.find_by(email: "{{your email}}")
    • User.find_by(email: "{{your email}}").update(role: 1)
  • start up the czid-web project locally and go to (http://localhost:3000/admin/settings)[http://localhost:3000/admin/settings]
    • use the Generate enriched user token section to generate an auth token for your user (this will put a header object onto your clipboard)
  • paste the header object into the header section of the Graphiql interface
    • edit the x-should-read-from-nextgen parameter to direct your requests either to czid-web or platformics

Configuration Philosophy

This project is built on top of the Graphql Mesh framework. This framework was selected due to the fact that it provides a fair bit of functionality from configuration alone. The configurations are defined in the .meshrc file and can handle fetching data from an API and simple transforms.

However, when the configuration based transforms are not sufficient, and custom code is required, it can be inlcuded in the resolver.ts file.

As a rule of thumb, the resolver.ts file should be avoided and all endpoints should be federated via the .meshrc file, to the extent possible.

Project tooling and workflows


This project uses the release-please action to automatically create release PRs for deploying to production. This action requires commits (including PR titles) to be written using Conventional Commit messages. The release-please repo has a brief overview of Conventional Commit. See the Production Deplyment section for more details about the deploy process.

In the CZI validation action, the types chore|feat|fix|revert|docs|style are allowed.

Code Generation

This project uses graphql-code-generator in order to generate types for graphql related entities (queries, mutations, types, etc) as well as the graphql schema in json format.

In order to generate the code simply run npm run codegen.

Adding new REST endpoints

A common task in this repo is to configure graphQL Mesh to federate an existing REST endpoint response from the CZID backend into a graphQL schema. This is the typical workflow for the task:

  1. Create a response schema file for the endpoint and save in the sample-responses directory. This file should contain a sample response received from the REST endpoint
  2. Run schema generator script to generate the json schema. For example for BulkDownloads, after having saved the response file in sample-responses, run python sample-responses/bulkDownloads.json json-schemas/bulkDownloads.json
  3. Update the meshrc.yml file add the new endpoint being federated. Use one of the existing types as a template

Obtaining REST API responses

There are a couple of ways you can obtain the sample REST API responses to use for federation.

  1. The easiest way is to open the browser developer tools and navigate to CZID production or staging site. REST API responses can viewed and copied from the request shown in the Network tab.
  2. Another option is to use an API client like Postman. Here you will have to include the Cookie that you can obtain from the frontend network tab in your browser and add the parameters you need.

Deploying to live environments

This project is configured with a sandbox, staging, and production environment. In each environment, the Yoga GraphiQL interface is accessible at https://[ENV] (as with the dev env, you will need to login to CZ ID first).

Sandbox deployment

There are two ways to trigger a deploy to the sandbox environment:

  1. Merge or push a branch to the sandbox branch.
  2. Manually trigger a branch to be deployed in Actions, by clicking Run workflow, and setting the Use workflow from option to the branch you wish to deploy to sandbox.

Staging deployment

Merging a release-please release PR creates a new release, which triggers the deploy-staging workflow. This Github workflow deploys the newly created release tag to the staging environment.

This workflow can also be manually triggered on the actions page, with a optional release version tag.

Production deployment

Production releases are triggered by manually running the deploy-prod workflow. The workflow accepts a optional release version tag to deploy, but is set up to deploy the newer release version tag by default.

During prod deployment, the image built in staging is promoted to the prod environment, with env vars updated.

Release / Hot fix

Since the staging and production deploys workflows can be triggered manually with a release tag, the workflows can be used to perform release / hot fixes.

Before doing a release / hot fix, it is strongly recommended to perform a rollback to the last good version, if that can be done safely (i.e. no downstream dependencies).

To perform a release / hot fix, perform the following steps

  1. Create and merge a pull request with the fix to the main branch.
  2. Check out the staging (for release fix) or production (for hot fix) release tag.
  3. Cherry-pick the fix PR commit to main onto the release tag.
  4. Bump the patch version of the release tag and create a tag i.e. git tag v1.1.2.
  5. Deploy the new tag onto staging (release fix) and/or production.
  6. If this was a hotfix, you will also need to repeat the process to update the staging release version with the fix.


In the future, we will probably want to run CZ ID E2E tests on every commit, and possibly before release PRs are merged. Those tests are currently under development, but once we have confidence in our E2E tests, we can move towards a continuous deployment model with the federation server.

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].

Reporting Security Issues

If you believe you have found a security issue, please responsibly disclose by contacting us at [email protected].