Direct Sparse Odometry. [pdf] [code] [web]
ORB-SLAM2: an Open-Source SLAM System for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras. [pdf] [code] [code v2] [web]
CPA-SLAM: Consistent Plane-Model Alignment for Direct RGB-D SLAM. [pdf]
Pop-up SLAM: Semantic Monocular Plane SLAM for Low-texture Environments. [pdf] [web]
ElasticFusion: Dense SLAM Without A Pose Graph. [pdf] [code] [web]
LSD-SLAM: Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM. [pdf] [code] [web]
SVO: Fast Semi-Direct Monocular Visual Odometry. [pdf] [code] [web]
Kintinuous: Spatially Extended KinectFusion. [pdf] [code] [web]
DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time. [pdf] [code] [web]
Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces. [pdf] [code] [web]
Real-Time Monocular SLAM: Why Filter? [pdf] [code] [web]
cnslam [link]