Interface of Redis features is currently unstable
You can use wal-g as a tool for making encrypted, compressed Redis backups and push/fetch them to/from storage without saving it on your filesystem.
Command to create Redis backup, should return backup as single stream to STDOUT. Required for backup procedure.
Command to unpack Redis backup, should take backup (created by WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND
to STDIN. Required for restore procedure.
Username for 'redis-cli' command. Required for interacting with server if you have password.
Password for 'redis-cli' command. Required for backup archiving procedure if you have password.
WAL-G redis extension currently supports these commands:
Creates new backup and send it to storage.
to create backup.
wal-g backup-push
Lists currently available backups in storage.
wal-g backup-list
Fetches backup from storage and restores passes data to WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND
to restore backup.
User should specify the name of the backup to fetch.
wal-g backup-fetch example_backup
Deletes backups from storage, keeps N backups.
User should specify time or date to keep.
Dry-run remove retain all after specific date
wal-g delete --retain-after 2020-10-28T12:11:10+03:00
Dry-run keep 10 last backups
wal-g delete --retain-count 10
Dry-run keep at least 10 backups, and retain all after specific date
wal-g delete --retain-count 10 --retain-after 2020-10-28T12:11:10+03:00
Perform delete
wal-g delete --retain-count 10 --retain-after 2020-10-28T12:11:10+03:00 --confirm
Here's typical wal-g configuration for that case:
WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND: 'redis_cli --rdb /dev/stdout'
WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND: 'cat > /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb'
redis-cli fails with error when redis version >= 6.2, so we made this workaround
If you use redis >= 6.2, use and replace redis-cli in WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND