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25 labels
awaiting changes
awaiting changes
pull requests that need updates or corrections based on feedback
pull requests that are on hold due to dependencies, issues, or discussions that need to be resolved
breaking change
breaking change
pull requests that alter the project in a way that is not backward-compatible
contributions from the community or enhancements that support community engagement
discussion needed
discussion needed
pull requests that need community or team input before moving forward
enhancements to existing functionality or the addition of new features or content
first-time contributor
first-time contributor
pull requests made by new contributors to acknowledge and encourage their involvement
good first issue
good first issue
pull requests related to issues that are ideal for newcomers to start with
high priority
high priority
pull requests that should be reviewed and merged as a priority due to their importance
open science
open science
contributions that enhance transparency, reproducibility, or accessibility in line with Open Science
ready for review
ready for review
pull requests that are finished and awaiting review by the team or community