I am having a little trouble using the default registry and instrumenting functions with it. At first I thought it was solely due to the fact that I use component and refresh/reload of all namespaces a lot so i defonce
:ed the definition of the registry and made sure to do fn/initialize
only once.
Like so:
(defonce registry (let [registry iapetos.registry/default]
(-> registry
(catch IllegalArgumentException e
Still, this is what happens when I try to call an instrumented function
user> (require '[iapetos.core :as prometheus]
'[iapetos.collector.fn :as fn])
user> (defn my-fun-1 [] "EHLO")
user> (fn/instrument! prometheus/default-registry #'my-fun-1)
#object[iapetos.registry.IapetosRegistry 0x78aa7886 "iapetos.registry.IapetosRegistry@78aa7886"]
user> (my-fun-1)
IllegalArgumentException No implementation of method: :increment* of protocol: #'iapetos.operations/IncrementableCollector found for class: nil clojure.core/-cache-protocol-fn (core_deftype.clj:583)
I have checked that the fn_...
metrics are registered in the export from the default registry, but I cannot seem to get instrumentation to work. Somehow it seems that I am caught between some protocol redefinition or cached reference in iapetos and what the Prometheus default registry thinks is already registered.
The above code works fine in a fresh project, void of any dependencies or code except for iapetos itself.
How would you suggest I go about using the default registry?
I would prefer not having to use it, but most other integrations (like, for example the logback appender) insist on using Prometheus CollectorRegistry/defaultRegistry