The default behaviour (for application) is to consider the exit code 0 as successful execution and all the others as failure. In our case we use Maven and run Leiningen as a library with lein-maven-plugin (ingesolvoll).
Even though lein-kibit run is successful it returns exit code 1 to Maven plugin which is interpreted as plugin failure. This forces us to use -fn (never fail) flag in Maven, since it causes build errors. Tried other workarounds too with no success (eg. running with forced exit 0... kibit || true)
Could it be possible eg. to add a switch to kibit which would allow Check failures to exit with code 0 and show all failures in Clojure scripts ?
It would be nice to have failure output as xml / html files if needed, Jenkins plugin showing failures would be useful too.
This is the only plugin I could find for Clojure script static analysis. Awesome plugin. Keep up the good work :)