failed to pull cf-operator images from private docker registry #1286
Hi Team,
It is regarding pulling cf-operator images from private docker registry.
Currently we are using kubecf version 2.6.1 and its cf-operator.
We could able to modify kubecf values.yaml pointing to private docker registry through image_pull_secrets: [regcred]. It is successfully working.
But cf-operator is unable to pull the quark images from private docker registry.
k get pods -n cf-operator
cf-operator-86d5d5d746-hzqpk 1/1 Running 0 7m25s
cf-operator-quarks-job-b86dd6bd8-gbmq2 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 7m25s
cf-operator-quarks-secret-66557b48c4-kw8rf 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 7m25s
It says authentication required.
We have provided the required credentials in values.yaml file ‘global’ section.
repository that provides the operator docker image.
repository: cf-operator
org that provides the operator docker image.
org: myregistry/cfcontainerization
tag of the operator docker image
tag: v6.1.17-0.gec409fd7
Context Timeout for each K8's API request in seconds.
contextTimeout: 300
MeltdownDuration is the duration (in seconds) of the meltdown period, in which we
postpone further reconciles for the same resource
meltdownDuration: 60
MeltdownRequeueAfter is the duration (in seconds) for which we delay the requeuing of the reconcile
meltdownRequeueAfter: 30
# pullPolicy defines the policy used for pulling docker images.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# credentials is used for pulling docker images.
username: “xxxxxxxxxx”
password: “xxxxxxxxxx”
servername: "myregistry"
Updated registry in charts/quarks-job/values.yaml
org: myregistry/cfcontainerization
repository: quarks-job
tag: v1.0.206
Update registry n charts/quarks-secret/values.yaml
org: myregistry/cfcontainerization
repository: quarks-secret
tag: v1.0.744
**cf-operator-86d5d5d746-hzqpk ** pod describe
Able to pull the image from registry
Type Reason Age From Message
Normal Scheduled 37s default-scheduler Successfully assigned cf-operator/cf-operator-86d5d5d746-hzqpk to k8s-worker-1-kubecf288
Normal Pulling 36s kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Pulling image "myregistry/cfcontainerization/cf-operator:v6.1.17-0.gec409fd7"
Normal Pulled 22s kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Successfully pulled image "myregistry/cfcontainerization/cf-operator:v6.1.17-0.gec409fd7"
Normal Created 22s kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Created container cf-operator
Normal Started 22s kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Started container cf-operator
cf-operator-quarks-job-b86dd6bd8-gbmq2 pod describe
Image pull failed
Type Reason Age From Message
Normal Scheduled 7m6s default-scheduler Successfully assigned cf-operator/cf-operator-quarks-job-b86dd6bd8-gbmq2 to k8s-worker-1-kubecf288
Normal SandboxChanged 7m4s kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
Warning Failed 6m24s (x3 over 7m5s) kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Failed to pull image “myregistry/cfcontainerization/quarks-job:v1.0.206": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Head https://myregistry/v2/cfcontainerization/quarks-job/manifests/v1.0.206: unknown: Authentication is required
Warning Failed 6m24s (x3 over 7m5s) kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Error: ErrImagePull
Warning Failed 5m48s (x7 over 7m3s) kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Error: ImagePullBackOff
Normal Pulling 5m37s (x4 over 7m5s) kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Pulling image “myregistry/cfcontainerization/quarks-job:v1.0.206"
Normal BackOff 2m2s (x23 over 7m3s) kubelet, k8s-worker-1-kubecf288 Back-off pulling image “myregistry/cfcontainerization/quarks-job:v1.0.206"
cf-operator-quarks-secret-66557b48c4-kw8rf pod describe
Image pull failed
Type Reason Age From Message
Normal Scheduled 10m default-scheduler Successfully assigned cf-operator/cf-operator-quarks-secret-66557b48c4-kw8rf to k8s-worker-2-kubecf288
Normal Pulling 8m40s (x4 over 10m) kubelet, k8s-worker-2-kubecf288 Pulling image “myregistrycfcontainerization/quarks-secret:v1.0.744"
Warning Failed 8m40s (x4 over 10m) kubelet, k8s-worker-2-kubecf288 Failed to pull image “myregistry/cfcontainerization/quarks-secret:v1.0.744": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Head https://myregistry/v2/cfcontainerization/quarks-secret/manifests/v1.0.744: unknown: Authentication is required
Warning Failed 8m40s (x4 over 10m) kubelet, k8s-worker-2-kubecf288 Error: ErrImagePull
Warning Failed 8m15s (x7 over 10m) kubelet, k8s-worker-2-kubecf288 Error: ImagePullBackOff
Normal BackOff 8s (x42 over 10m) kubelet, k8s-worker-2-kubecf288 Back-off pulling image “myregistry/cfcontainerization/quarks-secret:v1.0.744"
Suggestions/ help required to pull images from private docker registry.