Cloud Native Community Group logos can be found via the CNCF logo repository
- simply add "Cloud Native [YOUR CHAPTER NAME]" underneath it
- Or you can add your own local flare that represents your city. As long as you do not use the Kubernetes Helm or other logos without linking to the project site, or using them in an altered manner. Refer to the LF trademark guidelines here.
NOTE: For naming conventions, please use "Cloud Native CITY NAME" for your social media pages and other promotions. You may use a tagline that states your group is an official CNCF chapter, but please DO NOT use CNCF in the name. For example CNCF Hyderabad is not acceptable, as it may lead people to believe CNCF has offices in that city.
IMPORTANT: Using the above CNCG logo creates unity across all community groups supported by CNCF, and an offical brand/identity awareness for when organizers try to secure sponsorships.
If you need a formal presentation to show, or a PDF to share with a prospecting sponsor, we have create a professsional template that highlights common needs for meetups, and what sponsors can get in return.
Feel free to make a copy and edit this template in Canva. Make sure the packages match what your team can offer, and images to be based on your past meetups.
Do you need samples of promotional graphics? Here we have some templates in Canva that will at least help you with sizing and placement of key content:
Some chapters have stated it would be helpful to approach companies who do not know who CNCF is, with a presentation that explains who CNCF is. Well, look no further than the main CNCF repostitory of presentations where there is an overview slide deck in multiple languages.
CNCF is also happy to write letters of reccomendation for those who need help securing a venue, or simply need recognition of an official CNCF chapter. Just reach out to [email protected] with your request.