City or location name for your CNCG
Cloud Native Ankara
What country do you want to start your community group in?
Tell us about yourself. List your name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if you need to be invited), and a required profile link on
Baransel SAGINDA
Senior Senior Container Solutions Engineer @ Simr
Need slack invite.
Tell us about your co-organizer. List their name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if they need to be invited), and a required profile link on
Kaya Emre ARIKAN
Senior Lead Cybersecurity Engineer @ Aselsan
Tell us about your co-organizer. List their name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if they need to be invited), and a required profile link on
No response
If you already run a meetup, please link it here
We already have small study group focusing primarily on CNCF technologies, with 30 members from different companies. We hold meetups every two months and have been coordinating effectively through IM groups so far, without needing a link. We aim to evolve this group into a new community.
What is your mission statement or objective for this new chapter?
Our goal is to establish a vibrant and inclusive chapter for the Turkish capital. We are committed to fostering a community-driven environment where everyone can learn and share knowledge about cloud-native and open-source technologies.
Code of Conduct
- I/We agree to follow the CNCF Code of Conduct
Where organizers reside
- I/We confirm I/we am/are local to or live near the city of the above-proposed chapter.
Organizers companies/affiliations
- I/We agree if there is more than one organizer now or onboarded in the future, the majority come from different companies
- I/We agree. To assure this, I/we have recently completed the Inclusive Open Source Community Orientation (LFC102) course
Vendor Neutral
- I/We have read what vendor-nuetrality means, and agree that the main content of our meetups will remain vendor-nuetral
Agree to use CNCG branding
- I/We agree to use the CNCG logo in my/our chapter and social branding
Registration through CNCF platforms
- I/We agree to host free registration in the main CNCF platform
Remain an active chapter
- I/We agree to have a meetup at least once every 90 days, or else communicate reasoning for upcoming inactivity.
Collaboration with other chapters
- I/We acknowledge the CNCF right to approve additional chapters in my area based on this criteria
Aim to have a diverse representation of speakers in your meetups
- I/We will do our best to host diverse speakers throughout the year