Name of chapter inquiring about
Cloud Native Midtown Add Tiara Sykes
Tell us about yourself. List your name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if you need to be invited), and a required profile link on
Tiara Sykes, The New York Times,,, TSykesBuilds in CNCF Slack, ttps://
Tell us why you want to be added or removed from the chapter
Tiara Sykes would like to Join the group as Co-Organizer
Code of Conduct
- I agree to follow the CNCF Code of Conduct
Where organizer resides
- I confirm I am local to or live near the city of the above-proposed chapter (do not mark if not relevant to request)
Organizers companies/affiliations
- I come from xyz company which is differing from that of the current organizers (do not mark if not relevant to request)
- I agree. To assure this, I have recently completed the Inclusive Open Source Community Orientation (LFC102) course (do not mark if not relevant to request)
Vendor Neutral
- I have read what vendor-nuetrality means, and I agree the main content of our meetups will remain vendor-nuetral (do not mark if not relevant to request)
Remain an active chapter
- I understand the activity level standards of all CNCF chapters (do not mark if not relevant to request)
Collaboration with other chapters
- I acknowledge the CNCF right to approve additional chapters in my area based on this criteria (do not mark if not relevant to request)
Aim to have a diverse representation of speakers in your meetups
- I will do my best to host diverse speakers throughout the year (do not mark if not relevant to request)
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