I have a code base that has a huge number of violations - and there isn't an appetite to resolve them upfront so I am wanting to add all of the current violations as fingerprint exclusions and then resolve any violations going forward.
in my .codeclimate.yml file I have the following config:
enabled: true
channel: "eslint-7"
- 76a4e9532a0359de7e912861355e8ba7
- a261e88ffbb7f840e60baf9ad3b32ff9
- ....
Now when I run codeclimate analyze
some of the fingerprints are being excluded but majority of them are being ignored and still appear as errors in the output.
I've done a bit of testing and some of the violations work and some don't - they all appear in the json output with valid fingerprints though.
I've also tried this in a couple of different projects to rule out my project playing up but it appears to have the same behaviour.
Has anybody experienced this before and is there a way to ensure that all of the excluded fingerprints are ignored?