I am running code coverage reporting for JavaScript with the lcov formatter by using Istanbuls nyc
CLI tool as is explained in the docs. While this works just great with the test reporter as it supports lcov, the test reporter is reporting the percentage of lines that were covered by running the tests.
However, some people (like me) would rather like to have the branch coverage reported as a percentage, in order to be even more thorough with their test coverage. To make this possible, it would be great to add an option to make the test reporter do just that.
As far as I understood by the geninfo
manpage for lcov, the branch data is in the file with the BRDA
and BRH
prefixes, which is already created by nyc.
That being said, I presume that the requirements to achieve this are already available and it would "only" have to be implemented in formatters/lcov/lcov.go.