Releases: codecov/codecov-cli
Releases · codecov/codecov-cli
What's Changed
- add definition lines to js analyzer by @dana-yaish in #163
- Patch import errors (the return of by @giovanni-guidini in #172
- return statement lines details by @dana-yaish in #165
- Make sure CLI supports multiple Python versions by @giovanni-guidini in #150
Full Changelog: v0.1.12...v0.1.13
What's Changed
- fix: send post data as json by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #168
- Update by @eliatcodecov in #169
- Update by @eliatcodecov in #170
- add all types of JS functions to function_query_str by @dana-yaish in #160
- use --file option to let users set specific files to upload by @dana-yaish in #174
- Add unit tests for --file option by @dana-yaish in #176
- upgrade version to 0.1.12 by @dana-yaish in #177
New Contributors
- @thomasrockhu-codecov made their first contribution in #168
Full Changelog: v0.1.11...v0.1.12
v0.1.11: Merge pull request #167 from codecov/dana/0.1.11-release
make a new release
What's Changed
- Add config options to pycoverage plugin by @giovanni-guidini in #153
- Create plugin to compress ATS reports by @giovanni-guidini in #154
- Update by @giovanni-guidini in #157
Full Changelog: v0.1.9...v0.1.10
What's Changed
- Always feed pytest at least 1 label by @giovanni-guidini in #147
- Removed TypedDict by @giovanni-guidini in #148
- create empty-upload command by @dana-yaish in #146
- fix failing tests by @dana-yaish in #149
- Bump release number to v0.1.9 by @giovanni-guidini in #151
Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9
What's Changed
- Update by @eliatcodecov in #138
- Update release flow so it works on manual releases by @giovanni-guidini in #142
- Encode PUT data before sending POST request to Codecov by @giovanni-guidini in #144
- Improve logging by @giovanni-guidini in #143
- Bump version number by @giovanni-guidini in #145
Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.1.8
What's Changed
- Run pytest in a subprocess using multiprocessing by @giovanni-guidini in #139
- Don't post-process labels + show pytest output when running tests by @giovanni-guidini in #140
- Bump version number by @giovanni-guidini in #141
- Update by @eliatcodecov in #138
- Update release flow so it works on manual releases by @giovanni-guidini in #142
- Encode PUT data before sending POST request to Codecov by @giovanni-guidini in #144
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.8_rc
Release v0.1.6
Autogenerated release tag for codecov-cli
Release v0.1.5
Autogenerated release tag for codecov-cli
Release v0.1.4
Autogenerated release tag for codecov-cli