The request to sheets redirects with a 307 to what looks like a cache server. That server responds with the spreadsheet content but does not set the access-control-allow-origin header, which fails the request due to CORS. This is a server side issue that we can't fix on the client. Downloading directly still works
Immediate-term we can include the csv in the site so the page loads, but we won't pull in new providers.
Long term options:
- We can use the Google Drive API to download the sheet. This may require authenticating as a user which would complicate things:
- Use a server to periodically download the CSV and upload it to firebase cloud storage, where the client can access it. Servers can be configured to disregard CORS.
- Use a server to proxy sheets access. This could be more responsive to spreadsheet updates. I don't think it makes sense as a solution for MSM since the spreadsheet hasn't actually been touched since launch...
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