- Nothing changed yet.
Bug fixes:
- Use plone.app.z3cform.widgets.OrderedSelect in Plone 6.1 [petschki]
- Fix order of indexed values [erral]
- Add fake former_dotted_names attribute to do not broke versioning when there are some taxonomies behaviors. [cekk]
- Fix collectionfilter modifier when index names ended with the same string. [petschki]
- Fix wrong rendered boolean attribute "multiple" in orderedselect widget [1letter]
- refactor JS resources and update README for better developer experience [petschki]
- Fix keywords comparison [mamico]
- Added Italian translation [mamico]
- Fix missing plone.app.contentmenu zcml dependency for plone_displayviews menu [laulaz]
- Update JS dependencies. [petschki]
- config with
. [petschki]
- Integrate taxonomies into Collection tabular view, display values are now resolved [MrTango]
- Restapi endpoints support [cekk, nileshgulia1]
- check for the field presence in TaxonomyIndexerWrapper more consistent. [mamico]
- export/import of field_prefix value. [eikichi18]
- Fix deprecated collections.Iterable in TaxonomyIndexerWrapper. This got removed since python 3.10. Importing collections.abc.Iterable now. [petschki]
- Add missing fetch_vocabulary record for IQueryField This was introduced in plone.app.querystring 1.5.0 [laulaz]
- more markup updates to Bootstrap 5. [petschki]
- Fix configlet icon for Plone 6 (#135) [laulaz]
- update markup in edittaxonomydata.js to Bootstrap 5 [petschki]
- Use new 'Manage taxonomies' permission for taxonomies configlet (#134) Permission is by default assigned to Manager and Site Administrator roles. [laulaz]
- Fixed 'Required' and 'Single select' option being compulsory [JeffersonBledsoe] (#131)
- Fix taxonomy data edition when using Gunicorn WSGI (#123) [laulaz]
- Implemented possibility to change the IDs. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Added constraints to not allow duplicate IDs. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Improved the editing interface. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Updated the documentation and tutorial. [Petchesi-Iulian] (#113)
- Refactor import of synchronized decorator [1letter] (#120)
- Wrap strings in list while indexing to correctly index single-select taxonomies. [adrianschulz] (#108)
- Plone 6 / pip install ready [avoinea] (#114)
- Fix GenericSetup export in python2 [gotcha]
- Integrate taxonomies into collective.collectionfilter [MrTango]
- Add a tutorial [rodfersou]
- Add Cypress test [rodfersou]
- Fix translating msgid when portal language is not found in taxonomy [petschki, rodfersou]
- Fix JavaScript in
which had python comments [petschki] - Add Transifex.net service integration to manage the translation process [macagua]
- Added Spanish translation [macagua]
- Updated the i18n support [macagua]
- Added license documentation of package [macagua]
- add uninstall handler to cleanup persistent utilities and generated behaviors [petschki]
- Fix GenericSetup import/export in python3 [erral]
- Use taxonomy default language for indexing if current language is not available [agitator]
- Make generated behaviors language independent [agitator]
- export selected taxonomies as zipped folder with XML files [petschki]
- Python 3 compatibility [petschki, agitator]
- Fix bug in cachekey generator [petschki]
- Fix controlpanel to show settings navigation [petschki]
- Memoize vocabulary lookup [tomgross, petschki]
- Fix #53 when editing taxonomy data the first time [petschki]
- Update german translations [petschki]
- Add uninstall profile [petschki]
- When using "delete" option on import, clear any previous ordering. [malthe]
- Add support for specifying behavior field prefix. [malthe]
- The getTermByToken method now accepts an optional argument tail_only which if set, returns a message object where the title translates to the last path segment (the "tail" node). [malthe]
- Added new method makeTree on taxonomy vocabulary class which returns a term tree. [malthe]
- Support "slash" character in term title (issue #34). [malthe]
- When uploading a taxonomy there is now an option to purge the existing entries prior to processing. [malthe]
- Taxonomies are now assigned a persistent order. Taxonomies imported from VDEX now preserve the ordering of the input document. [malthe]
- Add new method iterEntries on taxonomy vocabulary class that provides a safe way to iterate over the path to identifier mapping (in order). [malthe]
- Vocabulary is a IVocabularyTokenized implementer. [cedricmessiant]
- updateBehavior method can now modify other attributes (and not only field_title). [cedricmessiant]
- Add explicit dependency on plone.api >= 1.5 which the api.portal.get_current_language api was introduced. [vincentfretin]
- Add german translation [tomgross]
- Mention Plone 5.0 and 5.1 compatibility [tkimnguyen]
- Enable choosing what fieldset to use for the behavior fields. Fallback to categorization, keeping backwards compatibility. [sunew]
- Change to no longer register example Test-taxonomy on install [datakurre]
- Fix issue where taxonomy indexer adapter was not properly unregistered from the persistent local registry on taxonomy removal [datakurre]
- Fix issue where public ++taxonomy++short_name -traverser for returning generator of (key, label) tuples for given taxonomy was broken [datakurre]
- Fix taxonomy export that was broken since 1.4.0. [vincentfretin]
- Fix save action to work on Plone 5 (by reading portal url from body[data-portal-url] and adding X-CSRF-TOKEN for post requests [datakurre]
- Fix BehaviorRegistrationNotFound error with Plone 5.0.6 [tomgross]
- Use lxml instead of elementtree [tomgross]
- Rename fontello font to taxonomy to avoid clash with Plone 5 theme [vincentfretin]
- Fix save action in edit-taxonomy-data. This was a regression in 1.4.0, the get parameter should be taxonomy, not form.widgets.taxonomy. [cedricmessiant]
- Remove Save and Cancel buttons in controlpanel introduced 1.4.0. [vincentfretin]
- Add missing upgrade step to create records in registry. [vincentfretin]
- Getting language by acquisition, indeed some Dexterity content has no language or empty language. [bsuttor]
- Fix empty context.REQUEST.get('form.widgets.taxonomy'). It add it into POST form. [bsuttor]
- Plone 5 compatibility [tomgross]
- Use context language to find index. [bsuttor]
- Fix index when taxonomy is added as field. [bsuttor]
- Now uses a React/Redux app to edit taxonomy data. It is now possible to edit the data in multiple languages and to compare between languages. [cedricmessiant]
- Fix index when taxonomy is added as field. [bsuttor]
- Now uses a React/Redux app to edit taxonomy data. It is now possible to edit the data in multiple languages and to compare between languages. [cedricmessiant]
- Add PATH_SEPARATOR constant to be able to use '/' character in terms. [cedricmessiant]
- Add ++taxonomy++[shortname] -traverser to be usable with PloneFormGen dynamic field vocabulary overrides [datakurre]
- prevent taxonomy reset on reinstall if you've defined a vdex xml file in your profile [petschki]
- Plone 5 compatibility [tomgross]
- ConfigParser supports allow_no_value on Python 2.6, so we cannot allow empty values, only on 2.7 or newer. [bosim]
Bugfix release
- Fixed problem with registration of search criteria in collections, the previous registration broke export feature of plone.app.registry. Upgrade step has been added so please upgrade. [bosim]
Bugfix release, please upgrade
- Using Schema from plone.supermodel. Fixes issue #6 [bosim]
- Rewrote behavior creation routine. Fixes issue #5 [bosim]
- Add collective.js.jqueryui as dependency. Install it automatically. [maurits]
- i18n fixes, messages extraction script, french translation. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fixed error in vdex import. [thomasdesvenain]
- Avoid failure at export when no default language was selected. [thomasdesvenain]
- Remove dependency form plone.directives [thomasdesvenain]
- Added elementtree in dependencies [thomasdesvenain]
- Taxonomies can now be added without uploading a VDEX file. [bosim]
- Taxonomies can be exported/imported via GenericSetup again. [bosim]
- Single select fields are now possible again. [bosim]
- Initial release [bosim]