Hi all,
Question here:
I am interested in using this pre-bump-hooks built-in commitizen feature to update my repository documentation before create the tag and push the commit, like it is said in the site:
Useful when you need to generate documentation based on the new version. During execution of the script, some environment variables are available
It works pretty well in a local machine using the installed commitizen version (pip install -U commitizen
) but, if I understood correctly, this action is a Docker Action, which means that it runs inside a pre-built docker image which does not contain the scripts that is referenced in my .cz.yaml configuration file, unless if I was able to mount a volume in this image containing my script, for instance (not sure if it is a regular approach in github actions - volume mount)
Is there any way to do it? Are you have some related issue in the roadmap?
Thanks in advance