It's great to see the voice input option in the description and caption elements. There is a possibility that there are no speech-to-text services available on the device. Right now we seem to show the speech-to-text icon even in that case. We should identify this case and avoid showing the icon.
Steps to reproduce
- Open the app on a device that does not have speech-to-text services (disabling the existing service should be sufficient)
- Initiate an upload
- Tap on the speech-to-text icon near the description / caption fields
Expected behaviour
We don't show the speech-to-text icon at all as the same is not available on the device.
Actual behaviour
We show the speech-to-text icon but tapping on the same has no effect.
Device name
OnePlus Nord
Android version
Android 12
Commons app version
Device logs
No response
No response
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