Dear all,
We received the notice below from Google Play. It is pretty opaque, we are not sure what the attachment means, and there is no way to ask for details. The notice says content rating is not accurate
but we tried several self-ratings and none was accepted.
To prevent the app from being removed, we took the extreme measure of removing all features that may show unsafe content to users.
Once we are not at risk of being removed anymore, we will look into ways we can add these useful features back. Your ideas are very welcome.
Meanwhile, if these features are important to you, please install the latest APK from F-Droid (and more generally, consider getting your apps and updates from F-Droid).
The good news is that the Upload and Nearby feature are still in the app, they might be buggy since we had to release in a rush, so please continue filing bug reports as usual. Normal development (including GSoC) will continue on the main branch, with occasional merges into branch google_play_safe when/if needed.