I have an application which uses librdkafka with c++. Currently, I build librdkafka from sources as a static library and everything works nicely. Now, I'd like to switch to using librdkafka as shared library installed from yum repo. I can build my application, link with librdkafka++, where are no errors during compilation or linking and it's running. I use only producer to produce message but when I try to flush - the function returns garbage numeric value which cannot be translated and does nothing, no messages are send to the broker. If I enable logs, I can see that when producer is created, it succesfully connects to broker but on flush - there are no logs and nothing happens. Interestingly enough, if I don't use flush from c++ library but rd_kafka_flush(producer->c_ptr(), timeout) - it flushes messages to the broker. Did I encounter some ABI inconsistency? But why other functions work and only flush does not? Also, the library should have been build with the same compiler, so I am puzzled.
Compiler: gcc8
Librdkafka version: 1.6.1