Describe the bug
In a fresh chat (and after hard refreshing the browser) we get the following issue:
The error message seems to be indicating that the Github Copilot extension is asking for insufficient permissions when being installed. here are the permissions requested when installing the application:

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Install buildwithlayer (You will receive a 40X error because we just use this app to test and intercept requests).
- Delete all existing chats, and start a new one with
as the participant
Expected behavior
No error or warning. Also, we do not actually receive the content. Here is an example payload that we receive at our route with all these permissions enabled:
As you can tell, the repo context is still redacted.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- Tested in, on multiple browsers (arc, chrome)
- Tested on mac (but unlikely to be the issue)
Additional context
This is is installed at both the personal and organizational level. My account is owned by an organization that has the same "all read permissions granted"