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File metadata and controls

73 lines (50 loc) · 3.27 KB


Corefile-tool is a command line tool which helps you to evaluate and migrate your CoreDNS Corefile Configuration. It uses the CoreDNS migration tool library.


Use the following syntax to run the corefile-tool command:

    corefile-tool default --corefile <path> [--k8sversion <k8s-ver>]
    corefile-tool deprecated --from <coredns-ver> --to <coredns-ver> --corefile <path>
    corefile-tool migrate --from <coredns-ver> --to <coredns-ver> --corefile <path> [--deprecations <true|false>]
    corefile-tool downgrade --from <coredns-ver> --to <coredns-ver> --corefile <path>
    corefile-tool released --dockerImageId <id>
    corefile-tool unsupported --from <coredns-ver> --to <coredns-ver> --corefile <path>
    corefile-tool validversions


The following operations are supported:

  • default: returns true if the Corefile is the default for the given version of Kubernetes. If --k8sversion is not specified, then this will return true if the Corefile is the default for any version of Kubernetes supported by the tool.

  • deprecated: returns a list of plugins/options in the Corefile that have been deprecated, removed, ignored or is a new default plugin/option.

  • migrate: updates your CoreDNS corefile to be compatible with the -to version. Setting the --deprecations flag to true will migrate plugins/options as soon as they are announced as deprecated. Setting the --deprecations flag to false will migrate plugins/options only once they are removed (or made a no-op). The default is false.

  • downgrade : downgrades your CoreDNS corefile to be compatible with the -to version. It will not restore plugins/options that might have been removed or altered during an upward migration.

  • released: determines if the --dockerImageID was an official CoreDNS release or not. Only official releases of CoreDNS are supported by the tool.

  • unsupported: returns a list of plugins/options in the Corefile that are not supported by the migration tool (but may still be valid in CoreDNS).

  • validversions: Shows the list of CoreDNS versions supported by the this tool.


The following examples will help you understand the basic usage of the migration tool.

# See if the Corefile is the default in CoreDNS v1.4.0. 
corefile-tool default --k8sversion 1.4.0 --corefile /path/to/Corefile
# See deprecated plugins CoreDNS from v1.4.0 to v1.5.0. 
corefile-tool deprecated --from 1.4.0 --to 1.5.0 --corefile /path/to/Corefile
# See unsupported plugins CoreDNS from v1.4.0 to v1.5.0. 
corefile-tool unsupported --from 1.4.0 --to 1.5.0 --corefile /path/to/Corefile
# Migrate CoreDNS from v1.4.0 to v1.5.0 and also migrate all the deprecations 
# that are present in the current Corefile. 
corefile-tool migrate --from 1.4.0 --to 1.5.0 --corefile /path/to/Corefile  --deprecations true

# Migrate CoreDNS from v1.2.2 to v1.3.1 and do not also migrate all the deprecations 
# that are present in the current Corefile.
corefile-tool migrate --from 1.2.2 --to 1.3.1 --corefile /path/to/Corefile  --deprecations false
# Downgrade CoreDNS from v1.5.0 to v1.4.0
corefile-tool downgrade --from 1.5.0 --to 1.4.0 --corefile /path/to/Corefile