Describe the Bug
In cs2.x, we create a custom labelmap representation to render, we cannot configure to show only outlines, but it's worked in cs3d 1.x.
Steps to Reproduce
Here is code for testing with cs3d2.x:
export function createRandomRep() {
// primaryMprVolumeId is cached image volume of CT.
const refvol = cache.getVolume(primaryMprVolumeId);
const refmeta = cache.getVolume(primaryMprVolumeId)?.metadata;
const rows = 100;
const cols = 100;
const slices = 10;
const scalar = new Uint16Array(rows * cols * slices);
const xy = rows * cols;
// random scalar
for (let z = 0; z < slices; z++) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
const value = y % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
scalar[x + y * cols + z * xy] = value;
volumeLoader.createLocalVolume(volumeId, {
metadata: {
BitsAllocated: 16,
BitsStored: 16,
SamplesPerPixel: 1,
HighBit: 15,
PhotometricInterpretation: refmeta?.PhotometricInterpretation!,
PixelRepresentation: refmeta?.PixelRepresentation!,
Modality: "RTDOSE",
SeriesInstanceUID: "",
ImageOrientationPatient: refmeta?.ImageOrientationPatient!,
PixelSpacing: [3, 3],
FrameOfReferenceUID: refmeta?.FrameOfReferenceUID!,
Columns: cols,
Rows: rows,
voiLut: [
windowCenter: 0,
windowWidth: 0,
dimensions: [rows, cols, slices],
spacing: [3, 3, 3],
origin: refvol?.origin!,
direction: refvol?.direction!,
scalarData: scalar,
const colorTables: Types.Color[] = [];
const segments: {
[segmentIndex: number]: Partial<toolTypes.Segment>;
} = {};
// random colors
for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
colorTables.push([255, 255 - i, 128 + i, 255]);
for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
segments[i + 1] = {
segmentIndex: i + 1,
active: true,
label: `${i + 1}`,
locked: false,
const lutindex = 8888;
segmentation.config.color.addColorLUT(colorTables, lutindex);
segmentationId: volumeId,
representation: {
type: toolEnums.SegmentationRepresentations.Labelmap,
data: {
volumeId: volumeId,
// config: {
// segments: segments
// }
segmentation.addLabelmapRepresentationToViewport(axialPrimaryId, [
segmentationId: volumeId,
config: {
colorLUTOrIndex: lutindex,
viewportId: axialPrimaryId,
segmentationId: volumeId,
type: toolEnums.SegmentationRepresentations.Labelmap,
**// not worked!!! **
renderOutline: true,
renderOutlineInactive: true,
renderFill: true,
renderFillInactive: true,
fillAlpha: 0.1,
fillAlphaInactive: 0.1,
outlineWidth: 1,
outlineWidthInactive: 1,
outlineOpacity: 1,
outlineOpacityInactive: 1,
Here is code for testing with cs3d1.x,it's worked!
export async function createRandomRep() {
const refvol = cache.getVolume(primaryMprVolumeId);
const refmeta = cache.getVolume(primaryMprVolumeId)?.metadata;
const rows = 100;
const cols = 100;
const slices = 10;
const scalar = new Uint16Array(rows * cols * slices);
const xy = rows * cols;
for (let z = 0; z < slices; z++) {
for (let y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
const value = y % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
scalar[x + y * cols + z * xy] = value;
await volumeLoader.createLocalVolume({
metadata: {
BitsAllocated: 16,
BitsStored: 16,
SamplesPerPixel: 1,
HighBit: 15,
PhotometricInterpretation: refmeta?.PhotometricInterpretation!,
PixelRepresentation: refmeta?.PixelRepresentation!,
Modality: "RTDOSE",
SeriesInstanceUID: "",
ImageOrientationPatient: refmeta?.ImageOrientationPatient!,
PixelSpacing: [3, 3],
FrameOfReferenceUID: refmeta?.FrameOfReferenceUID!,
Columns: cols,
Rows: rows,
voiLut: [
windowCenter: 0,
windowWidth: 0,
dimensions: [rows, cols, slices],
spacing: [3, 3, 3],
origin: refvol?.origin!,
direction: refvol?.direction!,
scalarData: scalar,
}, volumeId);
const vv = cache.getVolume(volumeId);
const colorTables: Types.Color[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
colorTables.push([255, 255 - i, 128 + i, 255]);
const lutindex = 8888;
segmentation.config.color.addColorLUT(colorTables, lutindex);
segmentationId: volumeId,
representation: {
type: toolEnums.SegmentationRepresentations.Labelmap,
data: {
volumeId: volumeId,
segmentation.addSegmentationRepresentations(mprToolGroupId, [
segmentationId: volumeId,
type: toolEnums.SegmentationRepresentations.Labelmap,
options: {
segmentationRepresentationUID: volumeId,
colorLUTOrIndex: lutindex
renderOutline: true,
renderFill: false,
renderFillInactive: false,
outlineWidthActive: 2,
outlineWidthInactive: 2,
fillAlpha: 0.5,
fillAlphaInactive: 0.5,
The current behavior
The outline of labelmap is not displayed!
The expected behavior
The outline of labelmap is displayed!
Windows 10
Node version
Chrome 133.0.6943.127