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[DOC] Update README, add index and installation process (#408)
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Signed-off-by: Daniel Villanueva <[email protected]>
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danivilla9 authored Nov 15, 2024
1 parent 7e7eced commit bf1b8c6
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 68 deletions.
162 changes: 94 additions & 68 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,127 +1,153 @@
# Red Hat OpenShift Local extension

Integration for [Red Hat OpenShift Local][product page] clusters. It will help you install and set up the environment. and allows you to control the lifecycle and configuration from [Podman Desktop][podman-desktop].
Integration for [Red Hat OpenShift Local][product page] clusters. It will help you install and set up the environment, and allows you to control the lifecycle and configuration from [Podman Desktop][podman-desktop]. Some of the features available in the extension include:
* Start/Stop/Restart/Delete OpenShift Local clusters
* Change the OpenShift Local cluster preset
* Update the OpenShift Local version

## Index
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Extension installation](#extension-installation)
- [OpenShift Local installation](#openshift-local-installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Deployment to OpenShift Local](#deployment-to-openshift-local)

## Usage
## Installation

Once installed you can configure parameters used to create OpenShift Local Cluster in extension's settings page.
### Requirements

You need to have a working [Podman Desktop][podman-desktop] installation.
Each preset of OpenShift Local has their own requirements, please check the [documentation][documentation page] for more information.


To create new OpenShift Local Cluster switch to `Resources` Settings page and press `Create new ...` button.
#### Preset types
* **Microshift (experimental)**
Provides a lightweight and optimized environment with a limited set of services.
* **OpenShift**
Provides a single node OpenShift cluster with a fuller set of services, including a web console (requires more resources).


When new cluser has created there should be new connection visible in **OpenShift Local** section.
#### Pull-secret
To pull container images from the registry, a pull secret is necessary. You can get a pull secret by navigating to the dashboard and clicking the **Obtain pull-secret** or opening the [Red Hat OpenShift Local download page][download page] in your browser.

### Extension installation

There is also system tray menu for OpenShift Local where you can run cluster related commands.
1. Open Podman Desktop.
2. Go to the **Extensions** page:
![Extension's navbar button](
3. Now you have two options:
1. Switch to the **Catalog** tab and click on the `Install` icon in the `Red Hat OpenShift Local` extension item:
![Install extension from catalog](
2. Or click on the `Install custom...` button on the upper right corner, enter `` in the `OCI Image` field, and click on `Install`:

![Install extension from OCI image](

To deploy your first application to OpenShift Local pull `httpd-24` image from public Red Hat image registry using **Pull an Image** page. Open **Images** page using activity bar and press `Pull` button in upper right corner.
This second approach is useful to get older versions or development releases.

### OpenShift Local installation
If you don't have OpenShift Local installed in your system already, Podman Desktop can handle it for you.

Paste `` into `Image to pull` field and press `Pull Image` button.
Go to the `Dashboard` page, and in the `OpenShift Local` section you will find the `NOT-INSTALLED` label. Click on the `Install` button:

![Install OpenShift Local button](

After the image sucessfully pulled from the registry press `Done` button to navigate back to **Images** page.
A dialog will appear, click on the `Yes` button:

![Install OpenShift Local dialog](

Request context menu for `httpd-24` image you just pulled by clicking on right most button in the row. Then select `Push image to OpenShift Local cluster` menu item.
Follow the OpenShift Local installation wizard, picking the options that suit your needs:

![Install OpenShift Local wizard dialog](

Th progress for `Push` command it available in Podman Desktop **Tasks** View.
You can check the progress on the download of the binaries on the bottom of the interface:

![OpenShift Local download progress bar](

When `Push` command is done the image is ready to be deployed to OpenShift Local cluster. First start a local container from the image using `Run` button.
## Usage

Once installed, you can configure the default `Preset` parameter used to create the OpenShift Local Cluster in the extension's **Settings** page:

On **Run Image** form leave default values and press `Start Container` button.
![Preset option on Settings/Preferences page](

To create a new OpenShift Local cluster, you have three options:
1. Switch to the **Resources** tab on the **Settings** page and press the `Create new ...` button:

After local container is up and running it can be deployed to OpenShift Local cluster using `Deploy to Kubernetes` command in upper right corner
of **Container Details** page.
!['Create new...' option on Settings/Resources](

Then, in the newly opened dialog, configure the cluster to your needs and click on the `Create` button:
![Cluster configuration dialog](

On **Deploy to Kubernetes** form make sure the `Kubernetes Context` field is `crc-admin` and press `Deploy` button.
2. From the **Dashboard**, in the `OpenShift Local` section, click on the `Initialize and start` button:

!['Initialize and Start' option on the Dashboard page](

The bottom part of the page shows the status of deployment. When `Container statuses` contains `Ready (Running)` it means `httpd` server is running in
OpenShift Local cluster. There is also a link to open OpenShift Developer Console where you manage your local cluster.
3. From the **Dashboard**, in the `OpenShift Local` section, click on the dropdown button next to `Initialize and start` and select `Initialize OpenShift Local`:

!['Initialize' option on the Dashboard page part 1](

Clicking on the link below 'Container statuses` opens `httpd` server index page.
And then click on the `Initialize` button:
!['Initialize' option on the Dashboard page part 2](

When a new cluster has been created there should be a new connection visible in the **Resources** page, under the **OpenShift Local** section:

You have deployed your application to OpenShift!
![New connection in Settings/Resources](

## Requirements
## Deployment to OpenShift Local

You are required to have a working [Podman Desktop][podman-desktop] installation.
Each preset of OpenShift Local has their own requirements, please check the [documentation][documentation page] for more information.
To deploy your first application to OpenShift Local, pull the `httpd-24` image from the public Red Hat image registry using the **Pull an Image** page. To do so, open the **Images** page using the activity bar and press `Pull` button in upper right corner:

![Opening the Images page](

### Preset types
* Microshift (experimental)
provides a lightweight and optimized environment with a limited set of services.
* OpenShift
provides a single node OpenShift cluster with a fuller set of services, including a web console (requires more resources).
Paste `` into the `Image to pull` field and press the `Pull Image` button:

![Pulling an image dialog](

### Pull-secret
To pull container images from the registry, a pull secret is necessary. You can get a pull secret by navigating to the dashboard and clicking the "Obtain pull-secret" or opening the [Red Hat OpenShift Local download page][download page] in your browser.
After the image was sucessfully pulled from the registry press the `Done` button to navigate back to the **Images** page:

![Image successfully pulled](

## Installation
Request the context menu for the `httpd-24` image you just pulled by clicking on the right most button in the row. Then select the `Push image to OpenShift Local cluster`* menu item:

#### Prerequisites
![Pushing an image to the OpenShift Local cluster option](

* The extension is not already installed.
*Note: if the option does not appear on the context menu, try to restart Podman Desktop with `Exit On Close` preference enabled (this is a known issue).

#### Procedure
The progress for the `Push` command is available in the Podman Desktop **Tasks** View:

1. Open Podman Desktop dashboard.
1. Go to the **Extensions** page.
1. Swithch to **Catalog** tab and click on `Install` icon in `Red Hat OpenShift Local` extension item.
![Image pushing progress on Tasks view](

## Features
When the `Push` command is done, the image is ready to be deployed to the OpenShift Local cluster. First start a local container from the image using the `Run` button:

* Start/Stop/Delete OpenShift Local presets
* Change the OpenShift Local preset
* Change basic configuration
![Button to deploy an image to the OpenShift Local cluster](

On the **Run Image** form leave the default values and press `Start Container` button:

## Extension Settings
![Start Container button](

* Memory, in MiB
* CPUs, number of cores
* Preset, Microshift or OpenShift
* Disksize, in GiB
* Pull secret file, pull secret for OpenShift
After the local container is up and running, it can be deployed to OpenShift Local cluster using the `Deploy to Kubernetes` button in the upper right corner
of **Container Details** page:

![Button to open Deploy to Kubernetes dialog](

## Known limitation
Currently, we do not support the Podman preset of OpenShift Local. Please use preferences to change this:
On the **Deploy to Kubernetes** form make sure the `Kubernetes Context` field is `crc-admin` and press the `Deploy` button:

![Deploy to Kubernetes button](

The bottom part of the page shows the status of deployment. When **Container statuses** contains `Ready (Running)` it means the `httpd` server is running in the
OpenShift Local cluster. There is also a link to open the OpenShift Developer Console where you can manage your local cluster:

![Result of successful deployment](

Clicking on the link below **Container statuses** opens the `httpd` server index page:

![HTTPD server index page](

You have deployed your application to OpenShift!

Settings > Preferences > Red Hat OpenShift Local > Preset

[product page]:
[product page]:
[download page]:
[documentation page]:

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