this is a transfer of podman-desktop/podman-desktop#5380 to this repository
issue was created by @rhwood
Bug description
In the Podman Desktop 1.6.3 menu bar item on macOS, the OpenShift Local menu differs between Intel and Arm versions of macOS. The Arm version (macOS Sonoma), contains:
- Start
- Stop
- Open developer terminal
- Delete
while the Intel version (macOS Monterey) contains:
- Start
- Stop
- Open developer terminal
- Open console
- Copy OC login command (admin)
- Copy OC login command (developer)
- Delete
Why the difference?
Operating system
macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 (Arm), macOS Monterey 12.7.2 (Intel)
Installation Method of Podman Desktop
Brew (macOS)
Steps to reproduce
Install Podman Desktop and OpenShift Local on both an Arm and Intel MacBook and observe the difference.
Relevant log output
No response
Additional context
No response