Issue Description
I have deployed a container to a kubernetes cluster (crc-admin namespace) via podman desktop. routes were created and works fine. After restarting the cluster and waiting for some time, now no kubernetes resources are visible. I need to switch the kube-context and back to get them to be visible in podman desktop again.
Related to: podman-desktop/podman-desktop#7760
General information
- PD: 1.12.0
- CRC-extension: 2.0.0
- OS: Windows 10
- Hypervisor: Hyper-V
- Running CRC on: Laptop
CRC version
CRC status
# Put `crc status --log-level debug` output here
all good here.
CRC config
# Put `crc config view` output here
# I assume openshift preset it used
"consent-telemetry": "no"
Steps to reproduce
- Create openshift cluster via PD (openshift preset)
- Start the cluster
- pull
image - Start a container from the image
- Deploy a container to a kubernetes (use crc-admin namespace)
- Assert: Everything is working as expected -> pod is deployed, routes are creates, app is available
- Restart Openshift cluster
- Assert: All resources are visible again
Actual result: resources are not visible -> no routes, pods, etc.
Workaround: change the kube-context and back