General information
- OS: macOS
- Hypervisor: libkrun
- Did you run
crc setup
before starting it? no - Running CRC on: Laptop
CRC version
CRC version: 2.41.0+e6495f
OpenShift version: 4.16.7
MicroShift version: 4.16.7
CRC status
DEBU CRC version: 2.41.0+e6495f
DEBU OpenShift version: 4.16.7
DEBU MicroShift version: 4.16.7
DEBU Running 'crc status'
CRC VM: Running
MicroShift: Running (v4.16.7)
RAM Usage: 2.057GB of 3.762GB
Disk Usage: 5.781GB of 16.04GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Persistent Volume Usage: 0B of 15GB (Allocated)
Cache Usage: 35.34GB
Cache Directory: /Users/vladimirlazar/.crc/cache
CRC config
- consent-telemetry : no
- no-proxy : *.local;169.254/16
- preset : microshift
Host Operating System
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 14.6.1
BuildVersion: 23G93
Steps to reproduce
- Have no crc installed on the machine.
- Open Podman Desktop and install openshift local extension
- Go to dashboard and install openshift local with microshift
- Wait untill all the downloading and installation is done.
- Notice that at the end an error screen will be displayed.
- Go back to extension in PD
- Uninstall Openshift Local extension
- Reinstall Openshift local extension and make sure it's running
- Try to create a microshift environment now and it will work.
Microshift cluster up and running
Exception thrown.